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Previous: >>93408243

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: Are bouncelands still worth it in 2024?
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Any interesting ramp cards in Bloomburrow?
I don't care about the funny animal world but I do like my ramp.
Gay Bolas
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Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>Are bouncelands still worth it in 2024?
never were
neither was myriad landscape
>Are bouncelands still worth it in 2024?
I include bouncelands and myriad landscape in every deck I build and I have never been unhappy to see them in an opening hand or midgame.
>Are bouncelands still worth it in 2024?
simic combo says yet
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r8 my $80 of upgrades for Bello, Bard of the Brambles
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Gaea's Cradle that won't get everyone to hate you.
Is it weird I don't like 'Ender's on other cards but this one I like
Enter *
Yes, great with white's catch up ramp. It's basically a tap land that draws you a land, if you look at it hard enough. However, if you encounter some amount of land destruction (Strip Mine, for example), it can be a detriment. Beast Within/Generous gift on the land can be rough too.
>Are bouncelands worth?
If you're fully-optimizing, no.
They're untyped lands (can't be searched by a fetch) that always etb tapped.

However, if you're not running fetches, they can easily find a home in most slower decks and are probably the best lands that always enter tapped.
>if you encounter some amount of land destruction (Strip Mine, for example), it can be a detriment. Beast Within/Generous gift on the land can be rough too
People are holding land destruction for things that are an actual problem (cabal coffers etc.) and "destroy permanent" spells tend to get saved for actual problems (doubling season, exquisite blood, etc).

For me it's a prime target if I have a bunch of acidic slime triggers and no real threats, but it's such a dick move that I'd rather lose the game with an empty board and an acidic slime in hand than deal with everyone hating me for blowing up their lands.
Any landfall deck or "you may play an additional land" card basically turns bouncelands into pluses so yes
Recommend me a deck anons.

Things I like:
>mark tedin
>robots and skeletons
>big boss monsters
>fetch lands
>small text boxes
>playing while drunk

Things I hate:
>terese neilsen
>mana dorks
>burn-based removal
>complicated devotion
>woodland creatures and regular humans
>long textboxes
>having no removal
>Things I hate:
>terese neilsen

Leave please
>robots and skeletons
>fibonacci sequences!
>stained glass painterly style!
>help me Ron Spencer I'm going insane!

I mean that is a skeleton robot, but I dont know shit about 40k. How does the deck work?
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Tau, eldar, orkz and more decks when?
>terese neilsen
I recommend you fuck off forever and die an early death
Secret lair Terese Nielsen when
>How does the deck work?

Artifacts matter and self mill/graveyard stuff, just use this guy who's in the deck instead of the one on the front of the box as your commander because Szarekh is kind of weak

You don't really need to know shit about 40k to enjoy the deck, Necrons are zombie-themed murder robots it's not complicated
you missed out
Only if you're combing with them. I've noticed they are still a persistent noob trap. I still see people playing just them as lands on t2 far too often.
ah, a schizo tranny, we don't get types like you very often in the last few months
>checks 5 of your boxes
>6 if you're drunk
I mean, you have to do it now.
>building flubs deck
>ended up turning into a spell slinger/storm deck based around cheating out omniscience asap
>only storm combos right now are grapeshot, creating sharks, creating dragons, and prowess

I know guttersnipe is a must, any other recs? All my creatures are basically cost reducers and playing extra lands
Kill yourself
You need a way to protect yourself while going off
I'm building him as a lands matter deck, but if you go for the spellslinger gameplay, your best bet is abusing flashback cards
This is good, I was thinking of slotting in defense grid as well
>put an in an order through tcg player
>sure ill pick the direct optimization
>cancel it because I decided i didnt really need it
>19 new messages
>each fucking card came from a different company
>each individually sent me a message
>have to comb through all the messages to make sure everything was canceled
Idk why but every interaction ive had with tcg player has been fucked since like 2018.
Where do you guys get your cards?
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I meant to include a pic of the card I mentioned

I have some flashback cards and flashback enablers like nier as well as some recursion cards. I kinda half assed the lands matter part but I do run field of the dead and a some ways to play extra lands (Asuza, exploration, etc) but only as a redundancy to get the top decked lands out
Okay so I read that guy like ten times and I can only think of like two combos with him, but he is cool for a variety of reasons. I'll see if I can find a good list and tune it up a bit.

Fuck I may have fucked up. Just looking at it I know there are only going to be like 3 daleks, and it doesnt even get the good changelings. Be straight with me, does the deck actually do anything?
Outside of extreme tribal decks this is a shit land
you are bad at the game.
Did you even read the card? How often do you have 3+ of a single tribe out anon?
Here we go again... Using cabal coffers math the land is shit until you have 3 creatures out. Where it is better than coffers is that it makes colourless mana when it comes in and can make mana of any colour. Overall rating on a scale from temple of the false gods to tolarian academy, it gets a solid shittier nykthos/10.
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>so I read that guy like ten times and I can only think of like two combos with him
Not every deck needs to be a combo deck.
>Are bouncelands still worth it in 2024?
They’ve never been good in EDH. Their usefulness is niche, situational. If they entered untapped they would be great, but entering tapped makes them lousy.
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If they entered untapped you could tap them for mana in response to their own EtB
Man I didn't know Atraxa was a Phyrexian Tribal deck
Low IQ take. Even though they enter tapped they allow you to keep 2 land hands and still make plays t3. Until recently they were very good in pauper for this reason.
Yeah I mean you can say whatever dumb shit you want the facts are that outside of very heavily tribal decks this land will very rarely tap for more than 3
And you can kill the creatures in response to the cost to make it tap for less.
Yes, and? That would be a powerful effect.
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Yes because what every color needs is recursive city of traitors.
>Ummmm, they allow you to play badly so they’re actually quite good ok?
Wow, 3 mana on turn 3? Holy shit, bro, are you a pro player?
This fucking retard doesn't know creatures that share synergy with your strategy often share the same creature type
He must be a mono blue player who can't understand his Wizards would help him tap this land for more mana
It's a single land that taps for 2 mana. It already has a powerful effect anon.
this. combo fags are boring
Yes and it's very obvious you didn't use any critical thinking when you spewed that twitter tier take on the card
Post 3 decklists anon
Three mana colour fixed in potentially 3 colours on two lands is a great deal in a budget deck.

It's not great anon. Like a basic is probably better unless you're using it for a combo.
You’re being willfully retarded. It’s a land that taps for 2 colored mana at the cost of bouncing another land and entering tapped. It’s a net-neutral play that does not ramp you unless you have cards in play that allow you play additional lands or have things enter untapped.
Do most lands tap for 2 mana anon?
>a great deal in a budget deck.
Run proxies you dumb idiot
3 decklists
That would make it not a budget deck anon:)
Do most lands bounce your other lands?
incredibly often, even in non tribal decks.
Bruh I literally run a fully fleshed out cedh deck. I'm just telling you how powerful they are as someone who has used them in other formats.
Poat 3 deck lists
They’re not powerful. At all. They actively prevent you from ramping except in very specific, statistically unlikely scenarios.
>They actively prevent you from ramping
How so?
I can tell you're an edh only player. They're powerful because they fix for two colours at the same time, potentially three if you're bouncing a different coloured basic, while leaving you with an extra cars in hand. Ramping matters a lot less the more colours you run and the lower your curve. As a budget option they're unironically great.
Turn 1: play a land, maybe play a decent 1 drop
Turn 2: play a tapped bounce land and return your other lands to your hand, no turn 2 play
Turn 3: replay land from turn 1, getting you to 3 mana

There are great ramp options at 2 mana that would be a MUCH better use of your turn and get you to 4 mana or more on turn 3. Bouncelands are only a good play on turn 2 if your turn 1 play was one of a small handful of 1-drop enchantments that let you play additional lands. Even beyond early turns, they’re pretty much always worse than playing ramp or combo pieces.
ah just what I need. A set of card art made by a stoner with a jar of bacon grease
I play EDH, Oathbreaker, Pauper, Standard from time to time, draft and pre-releases.
You do know you can tap the land for mana before you bounce it, right?
>Be straight with me, does the deck actually do anything?
Not everyone is rocking a $200 landbase. Very few lands provide two mana on turn 2 and no one is comparing bouncelands to those lands.
Bouncelands are a tapped dual that give you a land drop on your next turn. In that regard they're arguably better than most tapped duals and arguably worse than most untapped duals, but most untapped duals range from $5 to $20 and not everyone wants to spend that much or proxy.
And play what ramp or combo piece that you didn’t already play on turn 1?
Coffers taps for 0. This taps for mana. So it cannot be compared to coffers.
Is there a good precon I could get if I wanted to make an artifact deck? I'm still new to the format.
Ah yes the famous Turn 2 EDH kill, everyone should drop $500 on duals and fetchies right away!
Who cares. He makes a dalek every turn or forced sacs. He's his own engine. You can also lean into fun r/b artifact stuff like picrel, general stax stuff. Have fun with it.
If you can still find either of the Brothers War precons they're pretty good.
2 REGULAR LANDS GET YOU 2 MANA ON TURN 2. Any other 2 lands get you 2 mana to use on turn 2. This isn’t difficult math to grasp unless you’re Terrance Howard.
And play with proxies you dumb idiot
They're useful, but only you have to have a plan for them. Untaps, combos, or specific land destruction that leaves everyone with limited lands. I wouldn't jam them everywhere because:
>They're slow taplands
>They're high value targets if a player casts something that MUST destroy a land and is looking for a juicy one to kill
I run Karoo in my Hokori deck because it can tap for 2 mana, that's worth it in that deck. I wouldn't run it in something like my Jetmir deck which has tons of early game plays and no land untaps, all it does is choke my rollout.
Your printer ink must cost $75,000 a cartridge.
Yeah and I'm in three colors so color fixing is important and some lands come in tapped.
>play with proxies you dumb idiot
I'd love to but some people are huge faggots about it so I'd rather just play the tapped land than have people throw a fit.
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Pick one and explain your reasoning
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Oh you sweet summer child, that explains a lot. Historically the more colours your deck had, the cheaper the cards you ran, but at the cost of having more complicated colour requirements. In pauper there were a wide variety of control decks that used the bounce lands as card advantage and later lifegain tech with those... heal lands? Life lands? Whatever. You effectively have an 8 card hand with fixing when you have a bounceland in it, which makes your mulligans softer. Now that being said, they're definitely not competitive viable, but they are absolutely strong, at the cost of being slow.
>no legendary from the Monty Python stuff
Now I'll never get to run the Knights Who Say "Ni!" as my commander.
>all Islands 0 forests
Oh no if only I had a bounceland or some other color fixer since I didn't draw a Signet
Knowing nothing else about what you want to use it in I pick Silver Shroud Costume because it is instant speed and you don't need to pay for the equip the first time.
Both, because I dont give a fuck.
Left, because:
>Cheaper (instantly equips to anything)
>Flash, can be played in response to removal
>Gives shroud, which means your opponents can't get over it nearly as easily
The silver shroud is a more fun mission, so my vote is for the silver shroud.
Silver shroud. Free equip and flash.
SS costume is too good to pass up
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Who needs either when I have PSYCHIC PAPER?!
I'm very new.

Trying to build my first deck. I've got the Mothman & Caesar's decks on hand. I'm trying to build a red/black/green with lots of saprolings, zombies, radiation, and self-mill.

How's this baby-deck looking? How bad is it? I feel like Coram is very replaceable, but I want to keep Grist n Vraska.

Flash shroud is powerful enough but unblockable too?
In comparison you have to pay 2 to negate a spell targeting the creature
There's no better feeling than using a bounce land to get back a useful MDFC land to your hand.
It's still a mana ability, even though it involves a choice it doesn't target. You can't respond to it.
Bouncelands don’t get you 3 mana types any quicker or more efficiently. And the people across the table being cockguzzlers doesn’t make a bad card good.
You have the same of odds of drawing any of those cards, fuckwit. Why would I include a shitty card in my deck just in case I draw a shitty hand? Drawing a bad hand is what the free mulligan is for.
Does this work with cost reduction like goreclaw?
You need to focus the list down, you have too much going on. I'd probably cut the Saproling cards and the Toxic cards for starters, you don't have enough density of either mechanic to really be relevant.
Anyone got some fun stuff for this guy that isnt just cheating out super oppressive shit?
How should I up Toxic? I like it, as a mechanic.
>five mana and does nothing until the next turn
Yes. Cost reducers/increases do not chance the mana value of a spell. Note that a spell with X in its cost does not have X count as zero on the stack, and so for example casting a walking ballista with X=2 will trigger the first ability.
Just like your post anon ^.^
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>Bouncelands don’t get you 3 mana types any quicker or more efficiently
But they do guarantee an extra land drop so you can be certain to hit 3 mana on turn 3 even with a two land hand.
Fuck off Spike
Gee anon you don't like bouncelands because they're not "fast" enough but you use the mulligan? You're singing 2 different songs here
>"put a card onto the battlefield"
>hrm does anyone have any tech for this that isn't just putting things onto the battlefield?
What do you think?
I believe you but I don't understand what the difference is from a rules perspective between the cost being reduced or X being 0. If I cast a creature spell with a CMC of four, and the cost is reduced by two by goreclaw, the CMC of the spell has not changed?
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Any thoughts on something to swap in here instead of Victimize? Feels like it's a bit slow for what the deck is trying to do.
Yes anon, I know I can sheet out Avacyn and Eldrazi Titans. I am fully aware. Theres also a ton of janky ass creatures that have been printed in this games 30 years that I am missing outside of the regular EDH goodstuff slop
If you play with poison counters, you need to be willing to drop several hundred dollars for an optimized poison deck.
Poison is one of those things where any time you drop a card with infect or toxic, every player at the table is going to be seeing red and you will be killed within two turns. If you like the mechanic, that's great, but you will not like the feeling of being unfairly focused down and killed by turn 4.

Everyone is going to assume you have a triumph of the hordes in your hand. The only way to win with poison is if you actually do.
Are you autistic or retarded?
They are playable in gay kings
Anyone that sees "cheat creature onto the battlefield" is going to assume you're dropping a blightsteel colossus followed by a craterhoof behemoth and old gnawbone.
What exactly do you want me to suggest? Use a sapphire dragon because you can use him as a counterspell if you want or cheat him onto the field if you don't, I guess. Is that what you're looking for?
Thats just not true, returning lands to hand can be very powerful
Dont be like that, anon
>dipshit with bad tastes
>gets rec'd UBshit
>probably a tranny
That tracks.
Are you?
Thank fuck
Correct. The difference is that mana value is a property of an object, and X has special rules for being on the stack. The actual cost you pay (say you cast the spell for free off omniscience, or paid an extra amount due to an opponent's Chancellor of the Annex) doesn't impact the mana value, only the actual mana value or the declared value for X spells.

"202.3. The mana value of an object is a number equal to the total amount of mana in its mana cost, regardless of color."

"202.3e When calculating the mana value of an object with an {X} in its mana cost, X is treated as 0 while the object is not on the stack, and X is treated as the number chosen for it while the object is on the stack."
Thanks anon, that description made sense to me
Jesus H. They shall be cut, then, I'll rethink things.
You really need to build around toxic/infect if you want it to be remotely effective. Consider looking up the green/white/black precon from Phyrexia as a starting point.
Post cages now you faggots lmao
Guess I'll just need to run TIM as my pauper commander
So because Helga is worded "mana value 4 or greater" the cost reducers work, but if she was worded like "whenever you spend 4 or more mana to cast a spell" it would be different correct?
I see no selesnya in those cards?
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Correct. Something like expend wouldn't trigger from you casting a spell with mana value 4 if you only paid two mana for it due to Goreclaw.
Yeah, it's unlucky. The mechanic has such a bad reputation because of a few problem cards that the entire strategy is basically unviable.
Poison was never even that good in commander, but it feels extremely bad to get taken out by it so anyone whose played against it has a grudge against it.
Poison players are really good at bullying one player off the table (which feels bad) but poison players are really bad at actually killing the other two, unless they have triumph of the hordes.
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Bounces are good because if an enemy tries to play Blood Moon you can let them enter untapped without bouncing anything, then blow up Blood Moon for free ramp
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That's retarded you fucking idiot.
Wait a minute.
That's genius.
>that one anon who really REALLY likes terese neilsen
Some people have different tastes, not everyone has to like what you like
Liking the lesbian stoner isn't about taste. It's a political statement.
The fuck it isn't about taste.
looks like the poster you'd see in some pretentious hipster chicks college dorm in 04.
stop trying to pretend you have any idea what could be in a girls room
desu her art is 8/10 and there's at least 10 artists in the game better than her, but I hype her up to make terminally online people seethe
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Her art good tho
And new art is pretty dookie so hers looks even better by comparison
Sorry, let me mindlessly love your shit artist because "DUH TRANNIES"
I'm thinking of making a Marrow-Gnawer deck, but concerned that the rat colony spam will make it boring. Does anybody play Marrow-Gnawer and have fun with him?
>my subjective statement is fact!
No it isn't. Now what?
I think life would be better for you if you didn't ride or die on the hill of some dyke washed up artist.
I'm seriously considering it as I run more and more MDFC lands and NEO channel lands.
I could care less if you acquired taste or not, but everyone letting you know you're wrong could help you get your shit in order. Also the tranny thing was a guess.
I cast White Elemental Blast whenever I see his art so yes
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Format warping…
There's a bunch of rats you can play instead of rat colony/relentless. The real problem is he's a slower krenko, so you'll generally make a lot of rats and watch someone board wipe a turn later.
So I haven't played MTG in ages, I assume their are land cards that have a good affect that only happens when you play them making this card better?
Anon the first bouncelands are from 1996
Can you cast spells with morph/disguise from your graveyard with lurrus? I assume you can't because it doesn't specify from hand.
>I assume you can't because it doesn't specify from hand.
Assume you can't? I don't know why you wouldn't be able to, morph/disguise doesn't specify from hand
I won a game where I did that under my own bloodmoon so when it got bounced by the animar player I had mana for swords and pyroblast. I won because i played sun titan, got the moon back, then bounced a prossh with aethermembrane for the stax win.
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Of course you don't have to like her, everyone has preferences, but if you're going to counter signal her for no reason you WILL be called a faggot.
*assume you can
You've evolved beyond Chad and achieved the title of Big Chad.
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She's goated
Nice clock. You're still a faggot almost assuredly obsessed with her due to politics.
I've had fun playing Nemata as my Golgari commander, especially with cards like Fecundity and Bringer of the Last Gift, but looking for a change. Ultimately the deck can can't do too much when he's not on board and more damningly is pretty on-rails and lacking in variety when winning (even if liquifying opponents' creatures into Mushrooms is always satisfying).

So... fun Golgari commander suggestions? I'm open to anything but ideally not anything too focused on self-mill (I have two other decks doing that already) and especially not grace pacty stuff.
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Try out Skullbriar if you're just looking to punch people in the fucking face, and if you run decent shitty recursion spells even if he dies you can just revive him on the cheap. 3 mana or less revival is usually much cheaper like Call of the Death-Dweller or stuff like that.

On another note, I keep running into this problem with deckbuilding recently where I wanna find a deck that's decently high power but fundamentally different from my other decks to build. I think of an idea, think about how to execute it, and then I make my pile of all the weird shit I wanna use and lots of staples, etc but by the time I've whittled it down to the last 20-30 cuts I get bored and feel like it's not gonna play nearly as fun as I want it to. Like, I've been working on Ob Nixilis for like 4 days and I'm probably gonna toss it out and either try again or just leave it gone since I just can't decide how I want to do it.
Reyhan + Slurrk +1/+1 counters, sacrifice w/ power matters
Give 'em the big bonk.
Her art just isnt my taste. It's technically competent but boring and safe. It's not the style I like, it's not the theming I'd like, and it's not the content I like in my fantasy games. Like are there worse artists in mtg? Absolutely, but there is no one who has the same meme clout who paints the aspects of fantasy that I like the least. Terese really phoned it in the last few years she was active. It's a lot of superficial surrealism that never does anything daring or interesting, and I'm playing a pulpy wizard battling game where the my death touch zombie is murdering someone's goblin. If she stuck with the art style on the original force of will I'd complain a lot less, but as it stands I'd rather 10,000 hideous faithless lootings because at least then they're immediately obvious as garbage so I wont pay attention.
How do
>If a creature would die, exile it instead
effects interact with Indestructible? If the creature would die, are they exiled, or does indestructible say they wouldn't have died so they wouldn't get exiled?
They could die by -×/-× effects, which would then exile it. The creature just cant die by damage or murder effects.
Question for this guy: say I have spirit of the labyrinth out and his ability provs when I attack and my opponent has more cards than me; do I get the free creature because I was unable to draw the card from the first half of the effect?
Yes, technically. Neat.
Cool, I thought so but sometimes I miss tiny details. Trying to brew a stax build and figure out how best to manipulate how large my hand is vs my opponents and not lock myself out of the game.
I really liked Baba Lysaga, fun build around and you draw a ton so it's easy to have whatever fun wincon you feel like including in the deck as you will likely draw into it. I've been looking at Greta personally since she will be getting a ton of support. My dream golgari deck though is a perfectly tuned Ishkanah deck. I have a list for it right now but it still needs work. Janky shit involving getting his etb off multiple times and then his activated ability or rotwidow packs
There's a new frog that on ETB gets the topmost land to the field from your deck. Land polymorphing, except you don't destroy a land.
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>baby lasagna
Not bad. Better than Poison Dart Frog, you think?
I've got two Golgari decks, but one is Slimefoot and you've already got that covered with Nemata. The other is Hapatra, which is a hell of a lot of fun. Snakes everywhere, and passing out -1/-1 counters like candy.

>Play Abundance
>attack, opponent has 3 more cards in hand, replace all three draws with Abuncance and get 3 nonlands, then you put a creature from your hand to play
I keep trying to make golgari self-mill decks because i enjoy the archetype, but they always just feel so akward and not good enough. I've tried to build Sidisi, Mycotyrant, Jared from subway, but it just never clicks
I'll still vouch for snek goddess. Don't fall for the mono-enchantment meme, just stick with the good constellation creatures and work towards graveyard shifting (reanimation, return to hand, using mana dorks in yard as snakes) while fucking other graveyard strats. Hell I use Nemata in my Pharika deck because she denies graveyards.
Have you tried dredge frog?
Well, I prefer land ramp over dorks. This one also doesn't count as searching, so it's unaffected by Opp Agent and other search related things. But it does cost one more mana.
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Try Coram. You don't need to lean hard on self-mill, but a little helps.
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Hyped for Duskmourn.
No, it is impossible that someone doesn't like what I like, he must be a disgusting aberration of nature
Try Mimeoplasm. Shits fun. Also basalt monolith and mesmeric orb mills your whole deck.
I'm not the Quandrix girl is there and it gives the vibes of 2016 ghostbusters
Besides that it's just "ooo demons and horrors for the 1000th time" instead of Scarecrows for Reaper King support
The reason this cycle of lands is good is that they produce two mana instead of one. This means that although you have to return a land to your hand, you don't fall behind on mana. Tapping for two mana has extra synergy with effects that untap lands, and because you have a land in hand that lets you hit your land drop next turn so you've "drawn" a card in a sense because you have three mana from two lands.

They're slow, clunky, and can cause a deck to stumble if you have too many of them (on top of being terrible if they're the only land in your hand) but they offer a lot of utility to make up for it.
>instead of Scarecrows for Reaper King support
Spooky scarecrows would be too obvious for them to miss.
Agreed that the set so far just looks like dumb references with little handwaves to explain why they're in Magic (they're not tvs they're *magical portals to the spooky dimension*) but at least we might get some horror-themed stuff for our actual decks.

Fingers crossed for a spooky dinosaur or a spooky dragon.
>(on top of being terrible if they're the only land in your hand)
You're not keeping a hand whose only land is a bounceland, and if you're mulliganing down to one and end up with a bounceland then that's on you.
>but armageddon
There have been single-digit numbers of games where someone is playing armageddon at a table where people are still using bouncelands.
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This dude seems like a cool commander for blink, i often find blink decks to be kind of durdly in the way they keep just blinking stuff to draw cards and then do nothing but with this guy you can quickly create an army and buff it. Also, blinking him would reset the tokens you can make that turn, right?
He seems cool and yes, blinking him resets the ability
How does the gift rule work exactly?
What does it mean "promised"?
Do I just say to a guy, hey I promise you a token or something like that?
"I'm giving you X" and then they get X.
It's just a gay way of saying "Kicker: Target opponent draws a card"
isn't this like the 5th deck you've given up on in-thread?
This. It's funny watching retards say the dumbest shit about it like >>93419942 though.
I'd rather say "I promise you X" since some cheating faggots would say "ackthually you didn't promise it to me!"
Don't play with faggots. Just say whatever makes you feel least embarrassed.
I hate to say I like the gift cards because they have pretty strong effects and I don't mind handing out a card here and there.
It just means that when spell starts to resolve, the first thing that happens is that the opponent you chose to give a gift gets that and then you get the improved spell.
God this is going to be so expensive. Damn.
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So in terms of picrel, I can either just make blue bird tokens or adittionaly gift a turn for the better effect, yes?
If someone wants to angleshoot over semantics for the sake of being a prick, they'll find a way to do it regardless of which cards or used or how. Just play a 3v1 until they leave, or better yet ignore them entirely and just act as if they had conceded so you can move on without them.
It'll never drop under 30.
Yep, an easy thirty at least. Probably even go higher as more and more time passes and the set starts being phased out by future sets. Can't imagine when they'd reprint such a card either.
Don't worry, it'll get reprinted in 2029 as part of Universes Beyond: My Little Pony
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This one's going into any white deck that can benefit from a flicker, right?
Hopefully it's not too expensive.
Is new MLP popular? Because by 2029 "MLP" that people here think of will be 19 years old.
This already happened and she's my favourite group hug / pillow fort commander.
We have an Assassin's Creed set being sold as we speak and that series hasn't been relevant in 15 years
You joke, but considering how Transformers started as joke cards but eventually became actually legally playable there's a good chance MLP will one day get legal cards too.
Silver border though. I thought about picking up bluefast but her art wasn't very good and I'm not a fan of secret lairs in general.
yeah but it has been even if you dislike ac. never played the series but i'm not going to pretend my friends didn't jizz over black flag, which wasn't 15 years ago.
So the WUBRG ability basically reads "The game is a draw"?
No one is ever letting you use that commander again if you ever activate that
It's a silver-border commander that requires you to run several other silver-border cards with effects that are annoying as fuck to resolve, and yes, the payoff is a draw, so I wouldn't rule 0 it. I would rather rule 0 Richard Garfield or Spike with a full sideboard because at-least those don't waste my time and immediately create an infinite when they resolve.
My group just says activating it wins you the game. Don't bring her to tables that are rule sticklers.
>h-how dare he not like thing I like!
Go back to your basement you smelly freak
Sorry rules-let, the Ravnica bounce lands will still enter tapped (although you will not have to bounce)
Can't wait to put it in my group hug deck
They don't as of og ixalan. Same with creatures, if there exists a Humility on board, you don't get to apply Clone's replacement effect, and it dies as a SBA when Humility leaves the board, because it's a 0/0.
how did you get those paintings?
I've been wanting to decorate my house with some good ass magic art, but I dunno where to actually get those.
For most magic prints you're at the mercy of the individual artist, and particularly their contracts surrounding their rights to sell prints of the pieces. Wizards clamped down on the ability for most artists to use the art on their own in the past 20 years, so oftentimes you're out of luck.
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Alright I have to ask, just what’s up with this conspiracy about Bird lords being so high cmc? That one azorious flying (bird) commander from Lord of the rings was also like 8.
Is there some super hidden tech that makes birds so OP that Wizards constantly makes them all high mana to cast or something? It just feels weird when chatterfang is in the same set for 3.
any new instants that came out that i can put into my rebound Ojer pakpatiq deck?
No, ded gaem
Joking aside
>Everyone is going to assume you have a triumph of the hordes in your hand. The only way to win with poison is if you actually do.
Ironically, I find Triumph to not be very good in a poison deck. It's better as a surprise finisher in a more traditional aggro deck where you can throw a bunch of big creatures at opponents and use it to make them swing for lethal at 10 damage. In your typical poison deck most your creatures are little 1/1 shits that probably already have infect, so it doesn't really do anything. Sure, you might have some bigger creatures with toxic, like Vishgraz or Tyrranax Rex, but in that case Tainted Strike is better because it only costs 1 mana and you can cast it at instant speed. Sure, it won't let you kill 3 people at once, but realistically you weren't doing that with Triumph either since aside from that 1 fatty your board probably consists of one 4/4 and a handful of 1/1s that will only kill people if they're already one or two proliferates from dying.
If anything the last time I won with my poison deck I dropped a simple all-poison spell, mitigated the threat with “it’s just 1/10” and then proceeded to turbo proliferate on my next turn.
Why? Looks bad
Magic doesn't care about original printed names, right? So if you had her out and managed to make multiple copies of Psychic Paper equipped to five other creatures all declaring one of the five names you'd be able to use her effect, right?
>wahh why do I have to spend five mana for a repeating effect that lets me put three to six +1/+1 counters on every evasive flyer on my board?
Proliferate is almost always the way I've managed to win with poison, or at least get in a position where I had a real chance of winning (with 4 players it isn't rare that you are in a situation where you will win if the game continues to your next turn but someone gets there first). Usually it's pretty rare to proliferate more than twice a turn, but I've had some turns where stars align and I have Inexorable Tide on board and a bunch of 1- and 2-mana spells, some of which proliferate by themselves, in hand.
Tainted Strike is useful for taking out one big threat, but usually it's proliferate that wins games. I did win one game with poison through combat damage, but that was because one pillow fort player had been slowing the game down until I managed to pull the Vorinclex + Vraska combo on his ass and then whittled the two remaining players with a shitty boardstate down with infect creatures.
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Yes. This guy works too.
Also fun fact, because Twilight Sparkle doesn't actually check if you control Twilight Sparkle, you can change her name to any of the others.
If you're running one why not run them all?
It’s “one or more,” so it’s already neutered to shit. You only get one activation per single combat.
And evasive flying hasn’t been a thing for a while, half the time there’s enough blocks or stax around. Especially for just bird tribal.
>You only get one activation per single combat
per opponent, in the double strike color
What are you talking about? You get one activation per player
oh thanks dude
Alright I think I see where I’m being dumb. I basically have to make my strategy be go wide and hit all 3 other players instead of focus down one.
1 mana to remove a creature, or 3 mana to remove any permanent?
Both are good. I always run StP and Generous Gift/Beasts in any deck that can use them, but I don't always run Path (if I have the colors I will run Assassin's Trophy, though), since only hitting creatures is often restrictive (there's plenty of very powerful non-creature permanents that also should be removed on sight) and ramping an opponent is a pretty big drawback.
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Vraska removal into ramp or Glissa Sunslayer as a value engine
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achievable natty?
just look for blue instants, how hard can that be?
only if you are a neet and have time to minmax your training around the whole day or are insane and have strength to do the same but after waging
seems super lame, a attack trigger in non red on a 5cmc creature just to play catchup just aint it.
Ms. Bumbleflower is more interesting
If I want to change my precon to boros would it be better to get Family matters or Animated Army?
General value too I guess
still ass, man. i'd only just maybe run it if i can abuse the fuck out of those birds, i aint holding up 6 maners for that shit otherwise
What the fuck is the group hug here?
>Don't blow up my Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity and i'll suck you Penis
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>Changelings can't mutate because they are Human
I genuinely don't understand the why on excluding humans in mutate, so I guess it's probably because Ikoria was supposed to be humans vs monsters and can't have any ambiquity on humans being the actual monsters and the mutators just want their peaceful plane back.
Its flavor for ikoria
I hate this shit. Goofy is one thing but does it have to be so on the fucking nose?! A little restraint would go a long way.
Her website
I bought those before the twitter thing blew up. Afterwards I bought more.
I like the flavour text for once
bros pls help
I still can't get over how stupid Ikoria was.
>there are loads of monsters that will slaughter and eat all humans if allowed
>humans build a city to protect themselves from being slaughtered and eaten, because that's bad
>some bumfuck humans don't like the city because the monsters are really nice and natural and junk
>let the monsters in
>everyone gets slaughtered and eaten
>this is a good thing?
WotC's writers aren't exactly pulizer winner material. They're more like some tumblr fanfiction writer rejects.
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What are the chances of Foundations set featuring commander precons?
Also it was being marketed as having large monsters, which were basically nonexistent in the set.
100%. If WotC can make an assumption that they can squeeze more money, they will attempt to do so.
This sort of confirms WotC pushing new precons almost every single month unless they got something rushed for December.
I'm pretty surprised that there wasn't precons in Aftermath and Assassins Creed, but maybe the minisets are an exception to the rule.
The issues with Ikora’s story mainly derive from the fact that it uses the “man vs nature” archetype but mixes modern sensibilities with an ancient plot structure.
They're twin brothers, Anon. If their rivalry ever ended without one trying to lowkey murder the other, THAT would be gay.
>Spending t2 playing a tap land instead of ramping
They're murdering dragon offspring in the meditation realm in droves by covering Bolas's face with them or putting them in his posterior.
Why'd they do her so dirty?
>Things I hate:
>terese neilsen
Whatever deck you settle on, be sure to goldfish it in traffic.
Wotc Marketing is misleading.
Capenna was pitched as "a city run by demons" which was... Technically true but besides the 5 heads of families there were no demons
Duskmourn is pitched as being about 80's horror but so far looks to be about surreal horror with crt televisions.
Khan's of tarkir was supposed to be a world without dragons and we all know how that ended.
Baulders gate was pitched as "commander legends 2" but we all know it was not.
Modern horizons 3 was pitched as Modern horizons 3 but was actually commander legends 2
>play catchup
Please don't use words you don't understand
>precombat empty your hand
>connect and refill
>have a draw replacement effect out
>don't "draw" any cards still refill your hand and cheat shit into play
You're bad!
2 lands and a rock in hand, no lands in top 3
>land go
>land signet go
>no third land, 3 mana turn 3
>land go
>land, return land go
>land, 3 mana on turn 3
Casual edh isnt so fast that option 2 is bad enough to make the stink you are making
Ideologies are a mind virus
>captia S0 KKK
Poor guy wanted help and accidentally mentioned he had shit taste in MTG art and now just gets roasted the whole thread
from what I heard, it wasn't because terese despises trannies (like every sane person does), but because she was part of some anti-china panel or made anti-china comments somewhere.
great artist, hated out by corposhits and their subhuman loyalists.
Iirc she got cancelled cause she had wrong opinions and liked a tweet by Alex Jones.
What happened to Terese Nielsen is a great example of what happens when you let leftists invade your
Hobby and gaming spaces
The ceiling sounds very nice, but the floor of eating removal before attacking hurts a lot. Wish it had a ward effect that WoTC has been handing out like candy.

Not to mention that card quality can be pretty low if you expect to dump your hand early on.
It's what he wanted. No reason to mention it lol
Removal is not an argument against any card anon. That goes double when it's bant, the colour of protecting your shit
found the article. she was really cancelled by wokeshits because she likes right-wing tweets. holy fucking shit, I hate trannies even more now. vile, disgusting people.
WotC would gladly throw all of their best artists under the bus if it meant not having to pay them anymore
I remember when the 'un' sets were for the wordplay. Or maybe they always did it. I dunno.
they don't have to pay anyone they don't commission. making a scene out of not accepting work from a freelance artist anymore is common extremist behavior.
They always did it! You are a larping zoomie
I wasn't making an argument.

Please take your meds before you misunderstand more basic English.
Favorite deck/color to play against?
i am literally addicted to copying my sorceries and instants, there is nothing more satisfying to me than copying sorceries and instants
Oh yeah? Name 15 examples then
Monoblue control.
She also publicly supported a YouTube channel run by the falun gong lmao. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
>need to post opinions online as your real name
>your boss finds posts, doesn't want to be associated with them
>you get fired
this is every job bros. painting doesn't give you a free pass. stop being idiots online and this can not happen to you
Simic. Shitting on generic value piles is funny
>>need to post opinions online as your real name
>>your boss finds posts, doesn't want to be associated with them
>>you get fired
But that's enough talking about the tranny from Mr. Beast's channel.
I know that she sent some of her artworks to some youtube channel. What was the reason for that exactly, and what does it have to do with mentally ill leftoids screeching about her until she got cancelled?
>She also publicly supported a YouTube channel run by the falun gong
Oh no i bet that really made gay people really mad
You are actually lmao don't tell me to learn English when you don't even understand how communication in your language works
This is in fact NOT most jobs and until a few decades ago was never a thing outside of legitimate criminal behavior. You're a retarded underage nigger who has only known shit and thinks shit is the norm
Go vote for your old boomer god emperor and shut up.
>but my boos likes my insta!
I'm 41yo and you're ignorant
I'm not American, my little low IQ leftoid friend.
Post ID anon. If you were 41 you'd know this was unheard of when you were even just a teen.
>no u
>You are actually lmao
I am not laughing your ass off. The irony.
i'm not posting shit just cause you asked
>this was unheard of when 90% of people didn't even know how to use the internet
No shit, sherlock. The way things used to be is irrelevant
Imagine not being American and you still shill for old Boomer Republicans. I hope youre Mexican or Pajeet for extra lulz
this. most of it dates back to donlgegate
>roastie overhears two men making a joke about dongles
>gets them fired
>then gets fired herself
it demonstrates how denunciation culture is mostly perpetrated by women and effeminate men (leftoids).
sup dogshit human, if you wanna learn more about this sort of culture, I recommend the book "Child of the Revolution" by Wolfgang Leonhard. the best part is, it's highly valued among leftoid shits like you, and it gives you great insight about how leftoids operate a country and what the working class people are worth to them.
Please point to the post where I shilled for old Boomer Republicans, schizo clown.
>mentally ill leftoids screeching about her until she got cancelled?
You may as well be my retard grandpa. Cringe as fuck bra
You are angry about me telling the truth? Crazy, but expected from a little leftoid shit.
Such a classic leftoid move to assume that everyone you disagree with supports Trump and Hitler.
That's a Duel Masters design.
he thinks the right cares about the working class
that's fucking rich
i'm moderate (which ppl can't seem to understand anymore)
neither side cares about you. stop being an idiot
I never mentioned "the right" in any way. Do you ever notice that about yourself? That everyone attacking your disgusting culture is branded "right wing" by the sorts of you?
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Hey now, some Duel Masters designs can be fun.
Thanks I accept your concession.
Sorry shill, but you already got beat by the butthurt Republican OP. Maybe you two can get together and jack off while shouting shadigay or whining about trannies.
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>artists should be cancelled when they like tweets!
>btw I'm moderate guise
the eternal leftoid cannot help it
>hurr durr you must be a lefty
>i never said anything about right!
you're just making it worse
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>I support the cancellation of people who like right wing tweets
>I'm not leftoid btw, you are right wing
That lad has Flemish blood in him.
yalll are so far gone it's insane that you don't see the irony in it
>state how things are
it's all so tiring
Grammar and punctuation are crutches for weak minds anon. I will help you out.
>I state a card is good and why, this is a claim or an argument in its favour
>you deny this with provided reasoning, this is a claim, or an argument against it
You are clearly some retard who thinks arguments have to be some vitriolic shit spewing interaction but nope it's usually pretty simple! And the argument that a card is bad cause it will be removed is a very shitty one.
>heh that's just the way the world is bucko
>Okay so like of course it wasn't always that way it couldn't have been heh I'm still right
You're not posting shit cause you're larping. If I was asked to post ID I could prove my age in a moment because I'm not larping
I on average prefer DM art to basically anything Magic has managed to shit out in the last decade and half, even the incomprehensible metal cover designs are better than the garbage WotC has been serving us.
>stop voicing whatever opinions you have
>yes, these are old leftoid communist and stasi fear mongering methods, so what? just because I accept this, that doesn't mean I support it
what a sad and broken little man you are. revolting.
You being a lefty says literally nothing about him you're an idiot
Are you my grandpa? You write like his facebook. And you're not even American? Stunning and sad. Many such cases I guess
I never made an assertion. I am open to the possibility the ceiling overcoming the card's flaws.

Again, read >>93421770
Where do I say it's bad?
that's not how an accusation works. it's not on me to prove you wrong. and no, i don't care how autists do it in 4chan. and no, i'm not putting a sharpie anywhere for you, either
>get to work
>start spouting shit to your boss they don't like
>you get fired
the only difference now is that your boss can see all the retarded shit you post online as yourself
i'm really sorry that your boogieman made the world you don't want to live in. but you have no choice so it's a good idea to protect yourself.
closing tab now. cyas when the next furry set drops
nah i wore a rubber
denying how things are only hurts yourself. do better for your own sake
I said you made a shitty argument against the card anon. It's okay you heard dies to removal so many times in this thread your feeble brain started regurgitating it without thinking about it
God furries are such retarded spiteful mutants.
Too many words. I saw that you gave me a (you) but boomers need to write less. Republicans dont' know how to stop being boring.
I said that eating removal hurts a lot, not that it's a judgment about the card.

Take your own advice about spewing vitriolic shit. It's quite simple. I wasn't making a point.
I never denied how the world is lmao. YOU said that's how the world has always been when that's objectively false and you tried lying about your age to pretend it's real but anyone who is actually 35+ remembers it was never like that before
>so mad xe replied twice
notice how the disingenuous leftoid immediately went from
>guise, don't post your opinions online
>guise, don't spout shit to your boss at work

this is why it is futile to discuss anything with bootlickers. all you can do is let them talk and show everyone how they actually are.
>Anon prostrates himself after he is made out to be both unintelligent and low T in a desperate attempt to avoid further derision
Pathetic stand by your position at least
whoa man you debonked me! Fucking boring ass Republican poster.
>wow, you think I'm a leftoid retard for accepting leftoid denunciation methods? I'm leaving guise!
>*keeps replying*
hit a nerve, huh?
No clue what you're talkin about grnadpa. not goin anewhr tho. u givin mad
I never made a position. I could have followed up my post >>93421770 by saying either "the draw effect of the card outweighs the drawbacks" or "the drawbacks are serious enough to make the card bad". I made neither claim and I have been saying so since my first reply >>93421851

Your level of intellectual dishonesty is astounding.
you are literally talking to a deranged samefag
/pol/tards cannot help but invade threads to scream about "leftoids" it's like a pavlovian tick
>No clue what you're talkin about
yeah, that's the funniest part
the best part, all you have to do is call a bootlicking leftoid out, and he will immediately call everyone american, republican, right wing, or boomer; basically demonstrating that he is actually a leftoid.
It's okay anon you don't understand how communication works and think your feigned ignorance can shield you from criticism.
Sounds like you're the deranged samefag, lefty.
I like Wizard of Barge.
case in point
What do my politics have to do with my liking the fox card
>first reply
>nigger is so dishonest he doesn't even remember what his first reply was
>proving that he is an actual schizo
this gets better and better, keep going retard
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If one of Magar's animated spells connects and triggers will the copy trigger Parnesse?
>nigger is so dishonest he doesn't even remember what his first reply was
Yeah, you're confusing me for another anon. Take your meds and wash your fursuit.
you keep digging this hole deeper for yourself with every post
it really is pavlovian, fascinating you really can't help yourself can you?
Pretty sure there's just one leftist retard here making the stupid claims.
>more schizo rambling
great stuff honestly, more please
replying to yourself isn't a good look, replying to yourself after publicly humiliating yourself across multiple threads is worse
give it a rest
I also randomly interject halfway through conversations so I can do damage control on another anons behalf whilst using language to suggest that it is my post in question
At least you're honest to admit it, lefty.
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keep going
>no dei because animalfolk
>beautiful art
>theme reflects the god tier aesthetic of Beatrix Potter, Redwall, and cottage core

Disliking Bloomkino is a sign of true shit taste
It's a pretty good set. Everyone I hear from seems to like it a lot.
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allowing 3+ colors mana bases was a mistake. there is no 5 color strategy that is fun to play against prove me wrong.
chaos is not fun
Buddy I make hitler look moderate
Card games?
it is a metaphor for how white people destroy our connection to nature with their horrible inventions like comfortable bedding and not dying at 30
Yes, you and your mentally ill lefty friends do make Hitler look moderate.
Super excited for it the art overall is amazing the cards have good power and lots of flavor to them with lots of versatility. And I can open it with my gf and have some fun drafts with her.
remember when they would ban you for posting an official card, no text, for "trolling" LMAOO
NTA but yeah it's the first set in a long time that really caught my interest. I usually just do draft but it made me want to play constructed again.

I hope they go back to Bloomburrow and do more "animalshifted" MTG characters
I bought two boxes because I promised during a heated 4chan discussion lol
3 color is all right to build and 4/5 color is fine if you are building on a strict budget. I don't really care about how fun such decks are to play against because I mostly care about how much fun I'm having with my decks.


I feel like the set being all animals makes it immune to all the DEI bullshit. Like, I am not white, but I find a lot of the token minority characters WoTC has been adding to be unattractive and uninteresting.
Why do trannies feel the need to dictate everything I like in this world?
No, you aren't copying a spell, you're casting a copy.
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people are sleeping on this card no?
why are rightoids so obsessed with transfolk
because they want me to pay for it
Problems upstairs. The correlation has been well documented by scientific studies.

Luckily, my LGS has been good at filtering out a lot of crazy bullshit from both left and right wing extremists. I enjoy talking to a lot of the fellow players at the store, but for all I know anyone could be pretty fucked up behind closed doors.
transfolk doesn't exist. these are mentally ill men and woman who cannot accept their own healthy bodies, so they cut it up, preferably with tax payer money.
please get it right.
youtube grifters told them to
I traded for it early when it was released and it still feels bad to recall how much the card tanked.

The art's great. Wouldn't be surprised to see it spike, but I don't know what deck would make good use of it. None for Modern that I'm aware of, and it seems like Blue Farm (which I imagine would be first to play it) for EDH doesn't play it.
Reminder that the group that talks about trans people more than any other are conservatives and those further right. Even trans people only talk about trans stuff about like a fifth as much.
you're so retarded lmfao grow up, man
What an absurd terminally online claim lol
I have only once witnessed a gay trying to talk about politics in my LGS
>sit together just shuffling and talking before pauper tournament starts
>tiny manlet starts talking (about 5', really small guy, mid twenties)
>funny story guys
>last time, a guy asked if he could bring his proxy miniatures
>he was very timid but we allowed it
>when he opens his case, we saw that his stuff was painted mostly black, but they all had the iron cross painted on their arms
>so we all went 'uuuh, better not play those..."
>end of story
>not a single reaction, room painfully silent except for some slurping and shuffling noises
and that was pretty much it. people actively ignored this guy from here on out. and this LGS is located in the most leftist city in my country, with a ruling communist party.
>calling anyone else terminally online
anon. if your brain tells you that you should kill yourself if you aren't allowed to mutilate your own body, that means you need extreme therapy to a point where you should not allowed to walk among normal people because of the danger of hurting yourself or others with your delusions.
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today I learned Jordan Peele made a movie 2 years ago with a monster in it
it's literally just emrakul lmfao I did a legit double take when I saw this
How is that ironic anon?
A lot of left leaning women I know are definitely shifting against trans people. I have no inherent problems with trans people - do what you want with your own body - but at times it seems like the trans movement promotes degenerates making degenerate demands. Hence, some women push back against the perversion and are labelled as far-right terfs in response.
oh come on, Peele is a huge nerd there's no way this wasn't a deliberate reference instead of JUST a jellyfish
>a lot of [headcanon]
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just wait until you start reading the bible. its crazy how much they stole from mtg.

"Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”” Revelation 4:6-8 NIV
At first I thought your story was about a gay manlet who was bringing Nazi figurines and I was about to ask how that was supposed to work.

Then I read your post closer and found out it was effectively an IQPilled IQ test based off of recursion and stories.

Almost outed myself as a midwit haha.
Speaking personally I don't hate trans folk, I'm just racist against black people
A religion that calls me a sheep of God has me hoping that God is not actually like Emrakul and that I'm not for dinner.
The flavor text was always like that
>hes the unlife of the party
But as far as I know that was limited to flavor text as it should be
Any tips? My decks tend to suffer against simic
Yes. Blue farm has a good matchup against any Simic deck that's not Nadu.
>I'm not a heckin bootlicker! I just sit around, refuse to vote in my local elections, and voice my truth anonymously
victim talk. do something about if you care so much
>Yeah the best cedh deck is pretty good against simic heh
I have caused more property damage and in turn change, than your vote ever has you cuck lmao. Imagine actually believing in democracy still
5c ruination
Apes of Rath, Squee's Toy, Bearscape, Grave Consequences, Shock Troops, Spawnbroker, Bronze Bombshell, Goblin Offensive, Manakin, Immortal Coil, Grizzly Fate, Uninvited Geist, Nightmare, Grave Peril, Drill Bit...
There's MORE of it of late, but it's always been a thing.
Blue Farm is actually not the best cEDH deck anymore if you believed it was the best. It's Nadu now and it's not even close.
>Christianity was actually just a cult for evil, eldritch monsters this whole time
Lovecraft predicted this
You cant even mention a contrary opinion of them on youtube
I highly doubt it
Whats blue farm?
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>Been wanting a Rat Colony reprint
>Special Guests - Bloomburrow
>Relentless Rats is there too, because fuck you
>$4 for a rat colony
Damn son
It's a cEDH list that runs Tymna the Weaver and Kraum, Ludevic's Opus as the commanders.

It runs a lot of the best sans-green 4color cEDH staples, including Consult Thoracle, AdNaus, and Breach. The name comes from the deck's high amount of card draw.

It's pretty good because that combined with all its fast, efficient combos makes it able to play both all-in combo and as a midrange grinder.
That couldnt be less useful advice if you tried
You may as well told him to play a legacy deck
>Rat Colony released in Dominaria
>>>>>>>>>>>didn't get reprinted on Dominaria Remastered
They know what they're doing.
how come all the mh3 eldrazi cards tanked in price
did the dogshit retards who play finally realize eldrazi still suck?
So any non-cedh tips?
yes anon, people remembered spending 12 mana to steal one guy's creatures is worse than spending 7-8 mana to win the game on the spot
Too early to say whether Nadu is the best. We need to see how it holds up to genuine and intentional counterplay over time. You're being silly. Although I'd say it's very likely Nadu settles into a top 3 slot if not 1
>null elemental blast went from 5$ to $.12
>tfw been collecting relentless rats and that other rat for a long time since I was a teen just cause coop
>tfw thousands of dollars in rats
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>print all Compleated Planeswalkers
>except Tibalt for some reason
>next chance at a Tibalt Compleated Planeswalker is likely MH4 which is years away
Compleatly disrespectful
Both. And Whispersilk Cloak and Psychic Paper. If I need to get in badly enough to run either of those two then you may as well run more, just in case.
The conversion rates for Nadu are high enough that even accounting for standard deviation of sampling, Nadu is clearly the better deck.

cEDH players have been aware of Nadu for quite some time and have been discussing counterplay thoroughly. Nadu's performance shows how much it overpowers the strong tools that other decks such as Blue Farm have.
It's such a weird thing to be lacking. I think there was the implication that Tibalt was compleated the 'normal way' so he's not even a planeswalker when compleated, but still.
This is really cool. Feels like a goofy thing I'd see in Yu-Gi-Oh as well.
Best way to overpower casual to high-power casual Simic decks is to go for a more aggressive strategy.

Simic decks need setup to start overpowering opponents through sheer value and they tend to be lighter in creature removal than white or black would otherwise permit.

Ideally, you would play a low-curve, synergy based creature based kill against Simic, but there are a lot of other efficient commanders that can overpower the deck. Voja for example can be very amazing if they don't control you in time.
>I think there was the implication that Tibalt was compleated the 'normal way' so he's not even a planeswalker when compleated
I re-read the scenes with Compleated Tibalt and I don't really see anything that implies he was desparked via compleation
It's moreso that he was implied to be compleated shortly after the events of Kaldheim, which was before Jin made the first properly compleated planeswalker in Tamiyo. They might've just kept him around until they finished up Tamiyo, who knows.
>Americans wake up
>Thread becomes all about fags, mentally ill degenerates, politics and leftist scum

I just want to read discussions about cards.
don't worry, Yellowstone will soon make our threads comfy
For me its all the droplets of compleations that never got actual cards.
Kaldheim alone had Toski, Koma and Sarulf compleated and none of them got cards.
Cymede got compleated via flavour text when they could've played it up for drama with Anax.
Nassari and Shaile from Strixhaven got compleated too, with a cool as fuck sounding design for Shaile: "Where tongue and beak should be, there was instead a spreading web of metal filaments."
All this shit is just relegated to fodder for Modern Horizons sets (as thats the only place they could humanly go), only for MH3 to not give us any of them.
They could maybe put someone in Duskmorne as a representation of the fear and PTSD people have over the Phyrexian invasion but that would be an interesting idea and WotC don't like those
i have no idea how to actually win with eluge
blink him a bunch of times, get a bunch of flood counters, cast some big X draw spells, whilst controlling the board with counterspells/bounces is fine but
i dont know how to end the game.
>They could maybe put someone in Duskmorne
Pretty sure they could. Wizards may not like recycling ideas but they sure like recycling old, unused art.
Its one guy and hes been here posting bait for basically a decade
Also Nassari was sort of inexplicably uncompleated, which I attribute to just an outright miscommunication behind the scenes to further place some shittiness at Aftermath's feet.
Most we're likely to see in Duskmourn is, like, Nashi seeing Tamiyo as a Phyrexian or something. Nobody has that big of a fear of them of the present people there, though the idea of Phyrexian Tibalt showing up as a nightmare for Tyvar specifically COULD be something.
If you don't want to win through combo, you can kill players with commander damage since blue can easily grant evasion like flying and unblockable.

The other alternative off the top of my head is through outvaluing opponents through extra turns, card draw, and stealing all their permanents. Even if you can't get commander damage kills, stealing your opponents boards with Expropriate, Blatant Thievery, and a blinked Agent of Treachery can settle a game in your favor.
>how do I win with this massively scaling threat that can cast combat tricks and extra turn spells for free/heavily discounted
I disagree. Nadu has been out like a month and a half, that's nowhere near enough time for the cedh meta to adapt, and in particular I think it's a bad matchup for farm decks, which were celebrating a bit of a meme status as the meta's number one list. The deck relies so heavily on nadu itself and packs so little removal I think a reasonable counter is going to crop up over time. The main issue with the deck is that the dorks also provide value for the combo as well as ramp, and if nadu resolves then it's too late, which means counterplay needs to shift to being proactive rather than reactive, which a lot of cedh decks currently struggle with. Could a nadu list take wins off me and my admittedly slightly out of date list? Maybe, it doesnt fall into the same traps as the farm decks I was preying on, but it definitely would fold to two players of hate, and if it ascends to meme status, this is pretty much assured.
Eluge gets big enough that you can win through Commander damage
Anyone who willingly plays simic should be hung by their toes and beaten with bamboo sticks until they piss blood
I talked about this at length. The fish is not a combo deck, it was specifically designed not to be a combo enabler and there is little you can do to force it. Your only option is to use it as a value generator, which is meh, or swing with it in combat, which is also meh. It's inherently a low powered commander, for better or worse.
Swing with your huge as fuck fish. Make him unblockable (blue is best at this), give him doublestrike (you have 3 sources in your colors). RIP and TEAR with GAR!
>The same people that poo poo combo also don't know how to win with a 15/15 Whale in the color that can easily grant Islandwalk
Just build another mindless Blood Artist deck and fuck off then.
is it okay if i'm playing sea monster tribal? aesi is in the 99, not the commander.
>They could maybe put someone in Duskmorn
Reminds me of that theory someone had that Valgavoth is actually Yawgmoth
>super powerful magical being who was imprisoned by "ancient, powerful magic" (the Legacy Weapon)
>consumes the whole plane in his magic, much like Yawgmoth consuming Phyrexia as a big ol' cloud
>Valgavoth has the ability to access other planes, which is an ability Yawgmoth was trying to access for basically his whole life
>Valgavoth is the Devouring Father and Yawgmoth is the Father of Machines
>Valgavoth is a big moth demon and Yawgmoth has moth in his name
If it wasn't for the fact that the whole New Phyrexia invasion thing was as recent as it was I would've believed it
No. No exceptions
>just wait 7+ turns, surely you'll win with your big fish!
Is this the hot new meme?
>conversation rate
you're mentally retarded, he has a high "conversation rate" because he's easy to use, generic value engine. He is also new. So lots of people are using him
using "conversation rate" as a metric for commander strength tells me you haven't played this game in quite some time and have no idea how to actually judge power in cards.
Step back from this conversation, your judgements are premature and as time goes on you'll quickly realize that nadu isn't even close to being the best simic commander let alone the best commander in general
According to the particular nutritionist schizo I follow, poor metabolic health leads to aggression
And if theres any one single factor that all americans have in common its poor metabolic health
you're retarded, it takes standard 6 months and 2 sets before ot can settle into a meta and you think a big upset like mh3 will give you an accurate meta after one month?
Works on my machine
Are we getting into the stage of "YAWGMOTH CONFIRMED???" theorising now, like we did when everything that was unexplained was actually Eldrazi?
people have been tweaking to get God Yawgmoth for a while and this is just cope
This is bait btw
He's far to powerful to realistically be made into a card. Even his human form from MH1 is absurdly busted.
I'm sure a Nadu counter could appear in local metas, but I highly doubt so in tournaments. Packing hate specifically for Nadu seriously weakens decks against other matchups.

Flash Hulk was unbalanced to the point of cEDH asking the RC to ban Flash. Stax and other archetyps are not capable of countering decks at a certain threshold of speed and consistency.

The more you tune your decks against Nadu, the worse you will do with other established decks such as Blue Farm, which will skew the pods playing for higher placings to having less Nadu hate.

The anti Nadu strategy simply might not exist or be as effective as you're hoping.

Funny you mention that. I was sharing my first impressions, so it's kind of nice to see that my intuition isn't too off the mark.
Look man I'm sorry that you got btfo in the last thread but people want to build and talk about him, there's no need to be upset
This sounds fun and I've never built an enchantment deck
Flagbearers would fit nicely into a lot of cedh decks doubling as protection for your creature based lines and fucking over nadu. Honestly they are a soft stax piece against a lot of combos
They probably just forgot that he exists.
nadu is $6
even the people who play him know he's not worth buying this isn't a sheoldred situation people are just caught up in the new cool simic card but he's a fucking meme outside of modern
Which cards are you referring to?
You could do some goofy shit like forcing conversion to Phyrexians, then punishing those who don't.
So something like
>each upkeep the turn player can turn any of their things into Phyrexians, then give all non-Phyrexians -1/-1 counters
>you can't be attacked or blocked by Phyrexians
Gets the big stink cloud affecting everything vibe
Gets the whole "Phyrexians are subservient to Yawgmoth" thing
Gets the conversion to Phyrexian thing
All rolled into a nice neat package
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Flagbearers. I'm tooling with some selesnya lists that will answer everything
How is that relevant in a format that heavily supports the use of proxies?
I think that does nothing to stop Shuko combos unless you're donating it as well since the Nadu players don't control it.
you're really deluded if you think proxies use is widespread enough to effect card prices
Shuko is not the problem in nadu lol, it's the myriad of creatures that tap to untap or tap a creature
how would and actually useful skeleton commander work?
I'm talking about a commander that makes use of skeleton recursion, as well as regeneration.
something like "all skeletons on bf and gy share all active abilities" maybe?
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Yep she's dope
eluge will be nadu 2.0 when people realize free blue spells are good
There are only three such creatures in this list that it affects - Elvish Herder, Aphetto Alchemist, and Seeker of Skybreak.

Zero such creatures in this list.

Same three as the first in this.

Same three in this as well.

These are the 4 lists that placed first in tournaments. I guess that's more than a myriad since you get 2 copies in a four man pod.
Story power level and card power level doesn't really have to correlate. The current top dog of Modern is a random bird-man from Amonkhet.
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I personally imagine something akin to knight of the holy nimbus where unless your opponent does something, your skeletons always regenerate automatically.

Another idea is "whenever a skeleton you control regenerates, create a token that's a copy of it."
How about a Skeleton with Coat of Arms's ability so you can deal skeleTONS of damage to your opponents.
>All skeletons you control and all skeleton cards in your graveyard have all activated abilities of all creatures and all creature cards in all graveyards.
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When he was released it seemed like everyone on /edhg/ was building him
So all these years later who still has theirs, what does it look like and how does it do in your local meta?
Seems really boring to play.
Slightly better than the big fish.
The beauty of edh is that its on you to create the fun.
But yeah its one dimensional
>Fearing the spicy twinklet
>A guy he literally manhandled and promised to erase the memory of

It would be really funny if a demon took Tibalt's form so Tyvar could laugh and get another chance to kill him brutally. Maybe with a board with a nail in it.
Been finding myself gravitating towards generic value commanders lately.

I think that it's more fun to have a solid commander that enables unique card choices and interactive gameplay than to work with an offbeat commander that could leave you with nothing exciting to do in a game or that streamlines deckbuilding to the point of boredom.
I 100% agree
I mean he can spitefully hate Tibalt and still be somewhat scared of him. Bravery is acting despite fear and whatnot.
I enjoy Mazirek. There are hundreds of ways to trigger and abuse that ability especially after he got some love in MH3.
Hell, if it's not an actual threat can you even be brave about it?
That's because of inherently piss poor card design and Wizards being incompetent retards.
>where unless your opponent does something, your skeletons always regenerate automatically
that's a pretty cool idea actually. reminds me of Athreos, my first skeleton commander.
>whenever a skeleton you control regenerates, create a token that's a copy of it.
that's good too. I would probably just go with "whenever you activate a skeleton ability from anywhere, create a 1/1 skeleton token with regenerate". this could be easily enough to make a deck with regen+recursion skeletons viable.
I can see some shitty 1/2 3cmc skeleton commander with regen+recursion work.
>too lazy to do his own homework
Yes there are some surprising pieces of bird tech. No I will not elaborate.
in second thoughts, that might be too strong. maybe tax all skeleton abilities with {1} to create a skeleton token.
Its much more interactable than the original, but still pretty damn good. It will be a sleeper hit for sure, but MH3 prices have been fucking dumping as it seems people are really out there cracking packs.
Mr Bones
>3BB, Legendary Creature - Skeleton Lord
Enters with 5 +1/+1 counters.
Remove a +1/+1 counter: create a 0/1 black bone creature token with the ability "Sacrifice this creature: return target nonlegendary skeleton creature from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste. Sacrifice it at the end of turn."

>Sacrifice it at the end of turn.
You could say that the skeletons he reanimates are boned.
Originally I didnt have the nonlegendary part in the bone token, so in a way, Mr. Bones wild ride would never end, but I thought a 1 card quintuple infinite would be a little much.
I don't like "generic value" but I do like do things draw card
Okay but no one replied to my upgrades :(
>+1/+1 counters are basically bones
Neat. Bones would be just artifacts though.
I want to build a super cheap jank tribal deck. What do you guys very rarely see? What would you like to see more of?
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There's a reason Meren has been my favorite deck for a decade.
I dont know the rules of reanimation. Are all the bones alive? Do the bones only become alive when they're skeleton shaped? Personally I think it's funnier if they're all alive, but I do see your point.
Really been thinking about building her, but for a while I mistakenly assumed I would prefer building and playing jank commanders.

So, as a person who was born to a woman, I am wondering if I should buy the woman's day version of Meren. It's relatively expensive, but I figure the last thing I want to do is to give off the impression that I hate women by playing a regular copy of her.
Badger Tribal

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