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Armageddon Edition

>Codex: Imperial Agents Incoming

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What faction has the best models?
obviously its going to be something chaos related. Maybe GSC cab give the contender a run for its money.
Why, the last one to get updated of course. Because newer is better and newest must be best.
Thoughts on the new space marine 2 leaks? Normally hate space marines but this game looks pretty good so far.
Orks is best, because everyone's models are their models too.
I dont really care.
Looks great, it will be a banger. Nothing controversial about it.
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Post what you're working on.
I'm cleaning up the flash on these shitty material models.
And building some wraithguard.
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You know Dark Eldar must have some good models because literally no one wants to see them get updates. ;^)
Obviously Eldar and I'll prove it to you with facts and logic.

>Old good
>New bad
>Therefore whoever has the most oldest, still active, models therefore has a the best models
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New painter here, first time doing a Necron. Should I stick to Nuln Oil for shading or should I use something like Drakenhof Nightshade?
>Not caring about SPACE MARINES.
Then why are you here silly anon?
Black Templar
Video games are for nomodels secondaries
Looks cool. Saw some of it on bilibili, which is apparently the only place protected from dmca threats. Didn’t realize there was such a big following in China, but regardless, the game does seem to play pretty well. Story isn’t completely retarded either, though that’s only from the cutscenes I’ve watched. I’ll probably pick it up when it gets properly released.
Those old JD daemonettes were pretty dope. I feel like James really can't make anything semi-close to an attractive female face sculpt at all, so they went with a "nooo they're supposed to look like that" angle.
the tecchmarine could have used some more liberties. Also is Grimaldus a primaris muhrine now.
I’m starting to think something happened to GW designers within the last year or so, because 40k designs genuinely suck more often than not now. The Inquisitor is only the most recent in a long line of disappointments.

At this point, you better pray that an AoS designer takes care of warp spiders.
Nuln oil works well for grey and dark grey.
Man I sure wish GW did share the artists
damn i wanna collect black templar now, but i already collect Dkok, will people think im a nazi?
Do you want him to be bland? Or have an interesting blue hue?
Ben, samefag less.
Honestly they made the right call to hide that information. Too easy to start a witch hunt otherwise, although there’s a certain irony in doing so when it comes to the Coteaz model.
i don't who youre stupid fucking tripfags are you pathetic fuck
It's so hard to make black coloured minis look awesome at a tabletop level in normal room lighting unfortunately, it kind of turns me away from black even though they are so cool
Ben spotted
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I happened upon pieces of Pedro over the years and eventually got an arm to complete him
Yeah, but what the fuck do you care
I was leaning Drakenhof but I wasn't sure if it would muck it up. My intent is an arctic themed minor necron dynasty on a frozen shithole of a planet who have modified their weaponry to use magma and fire so that they don't freeze solid and can easily cut through the constantly reforming ice encasing the planet.
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>Artist behind well-loved malstrain sculpts proudly explains his thought process and shares concept art on instagram
>Radio silence on Coteaz
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being a guy who started around 2nd-3rd edition, I abhor special characters in regular sized games. Pedro gets a pass though because he's cooler than most the setting
Tbf it’s only been a day. Give it some time, I’m sure they’ll have an interview with the designer as filler content.
lol so are Rhinos just not in this game anymore?
Sistas are doing it for themselves
>faithful SOVLful recreations vs lazy cadslop smegmar soicast
They’re still around, what are you talking about? Granted, they insisted on giving it a primaris restriction, but it’s still got rules. Other factions still have their versions too, like SoB and GK.
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>Be no models secondary. Learn about hobby via youtube and internet forums like a complete stereotype.
>Play vidya related to 40k and fantasy for years spending a fraction of the cost to play conventional tabletop.
>Discover ma and pa gameshop in my rural town.
>Love the setting so much I cave and get a new army.
>Pay easily over 500 dollars for the models alone.
>Pay 50 bucks for an 8th edition codex and cards.
>Paint them in my favorite scheme.
>Play My first game. Get stomped by WAACfag with unpainted models
>Keep playing Keep getting stomped.
>Waacfags keep breathing down my neck telling me I need xyz in my army. Learn very quickly that the entire game is basically won before the game and the only strategy left is listbuilding that looks nothing like any of the art of the setting depicts.
>Gamestore starts charging me "dues" because even though I bought the products from the store, I still need to pay for playing too.
>Now just stick to the videogames and shitposting on 4chan commenting on what models look cool.

Technically have a fully painted army. What's it called when a secondary actually plays, but hates it and wants to return to his secondary status?
>yo dawg heard you like bases
kino. you are on the path, but obviously some little things could take your model a long way. look up videos on osl and edge highlighting and do an almost pure white on the blade of the halberd. I think even a novice could pull it off this color scheme is very forgiving. Also paint the eyes a really pure white to make them pop and give him a ghostly look. Welcome to the hobby anon I also started this year.
they are literally the most important piece for any chaos army.
For Space Marines? No.
For CSM, sisters, gray knights, agents of the imperium? Yes, they are S tier to A tier.
If my LGS started charging me to play after buying a whole army there I would piss on their counter.
anon bought the army 4 years ago. the rent needs to be paid.
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Finished my Neurolictor the other day, back to my remaining Leapers, then a Lictor and I'm done with sneaky bugs for now.
a lot of wargame and TCG players treat their LGSs like adult daycare and will stay for hours without spending a dime
businesses gotta pay their bills somehow
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Finally had a moment to put paint down. Hopefully it’ll keep me drawn into it for a bit. Felt a bit of fatigue after I finished my predator a while ago.
Yes, but I was assuming the fees occurred soon after he began playing. He probably was mooching and stealing wifi from them though so really who is the villain here.
Well, we ARE playing with tiny action figures.
What chapter are these bad boys?
What's the overall plot?
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Mine. But it’s easier to say salamanders. With a smidge of BT drip.
Sallymandias, King of Kings
bane of orange and teal slopmeisters the world round
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Nah they’re more technically proficient. I’m just a shitposter with a plastic canvas and more reach than grasp.
It was after my 4th or 5th game they started charging me.

My point is that there was very little keeping me playing the traditional tabletop to begin with. Th e expenses get too high. The reality is that 40k is a shit game, with shit prices, with a majority shit IRL players, with a really good setting.

Oh yes I spend money for paints and models and basically all my hobby needs on my lgs to support them, but if I DARE TO USE MY PHONE TO
THE PRECIOUS MB OF DATA to use the battlescribe app to play the game you sell me. I MUST BE PUNISHED! I AM A LOWLY LEACH!

I don't think they even had public wifi there lol. Im pretty sure I had to use data.

Something something tyranids something something space marines something something shoot shoot boom boob slash slash stab stab.
This little guy for necromunda.
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>armageddon edition

I'm updating the paintjobs on some old stormtroopers to stand in for scions. What are you all working on?
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Really trying to up my game with this GUO. Lots of layers of highlights and I keep finding tiny details (boils, pustules, tentacles) that I missed on my first few passes.
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Got dang it. Forgot the pic
Maybe do some gloss around the mouth to make it slimy?
Looks like a gingerbreadbug
I like how you schizos keep trying to incite hate between these two but they've only ever praised one another lmao
>Something something tyranids something something space marines something something shoot shoot boom boob slash slash stab stab.
You're forgetting TSons somewhere in there
Are you going to add that brighter red to the rest of the marines? I've always kept my mouth shut since they're not my guys, but I had been hoping you were going to brighten them up at some point.
I think that's just a multiplayer thing m8. I did see a rubric marine in there somewhere, but I don't know know if they're going to be in the main campaign.

Looking at it it reminds me of the old transformers cybertron titles. Now those were good games...
Yeah might do, not sure yet tho I usually don't like most effects like that.
they showed titus fighting a bunch of tzaangors and a lord of change in one of those choppy trailers
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That’s just mephiston red without a wash and some highlights. I tend to darken it a bit on smaller dudes with washes cus I like them grimier. But I’ve been trying to lighten stuff. I’m just shit at blending.
>Mephiston Red
Good choice, I prefer Khorne Red myself. Gives me a nice shade of Burgundy, and makes the gold trims stand out more
>What's it called when a secondary actually plays, but hates it and wants to return to his secondary status
Mental weakness
Question for the /yourdudes/ guys in the thread:
What program would you use to create a custom chapter logo? I was thinking of using something like Krita, then making a 3D-printable cutout of the logo so I can just paint and/or glue it onto the marines.
The highlights are looking good! I'd suggest adding some colour variation around blemishes boils etc like some pinkish/red tone over the green
Eh, I don't really do much in the way of blending myself, but I do red base -> wash black -> same red base to clean up while leaving "shaded" areas where a game engine would leave ambient occlusion lighting -> small amount of layer highlighting (you'd use evil sunz) that again would respect game engine ambient occlusion. The layer highlighting is just done with a little extra water in the mix; it'll look kinda crappy when you first apply it, but after a couple layers you'll see the highlight come out brighter and with minimal stepping.
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Working on a gun champion
Unironically photoshop and some patience.
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Think I've had my fan, gonna start mass painting my orks soon in goffs colours
>they'll say I play le Nazis!
Stop playing with faggots.
Never really thought about doing one, they're just another warband under the banner of the Death Guard in the end.
I do not care for chaos, it insists upon itself.
>Normally hate space marines
no you don't you lying cuck
>you better pray that an AoS designer takes care of warp spiders
AoS has the most disgusting elf models ever made, anon. Are you unwell?
Primaris are for gay ass losers anon
Fully agree, but primaris aren't space marines
Kill Team is literally made for you.
what are the next codexs god damn just tell me
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>but i already collect Dkok, will people think im a nazi?
If your friend group is going to accuse you of being a nazi based on what armies you like, then you need better friends
Beautiful blue ork, anon. Shame you're going for goffs now. Good luck on your painting regardless
True. My friend does call me a nazi when I fawn over the Arbites, but that's all in good fun.
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No 40k this week. I worked on these bad boys all of last week and I got some more ghouls to finish up. Won my first game of spearhead with them!
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If that's an inside joke, then fair enough.
But if they, or anyone else for that matter, start saying you like the funny 1930's german man because of what army you like, I would suggest going literally anywhere else.
Or bonk them over the head if leaving is not an option for whatver reason.
I used bing AI and then recreated that in clip studio and have a friend who's got a laser printer make me transfer sheets
post your firstborn armies
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Just finished building them, it's crazy to think when I built the first set I actually kind of struggled (it was 3-4 years ago) and now building is a breeze and I thank Tamiya extra thin cement.
The silver lining was the first set I used super glue, so I ripped their arms off because I want a wraithcannon block
I can't imagine buying a space marine character model and not just kitbashing one from the regular troops and some extra bits.
Auspex Tactics is shit
If I had the parts, I would take a PSM captain and start kitbashing him to be far more of a Knight Commander looking dude. Complete with helm and cape.

What can I say? I like Space Knights.
>tfw half your army selection is resin
How bad is resin really?
if it's not finecast or forgeworld it's fine, the only downside is plastic glue makes removing gaps much easier
Id play killteam if you could grab some random units and make a list with it rather than some pre selected composition.
Forge World resin is fine you're just retarded
Tbf I did have fun painting them but I think my heart is set on being a goffs man
Which army is half resin? Custodes?
>If I had the parts
I don't know what PSM is, but you should look into bits stores like Bitzbox or bitsandkits.
If you have a spare space marine body, you can easily get enough bits to make a convincing captain/lieutenant/whatever for like 2-3 extra pounds by buying some other kits cape, fancy helmet from some upgrade sprue and appropriate weapons
Space marines are very easy to kitbash due to pretty much all of their stuff being interchangeable
probably knights
if you don't actively seethe with resentment at your parents or your flag then you might as well play DKOK and black templars with some '40s symbols painted on anon

>t. I EXCLUSIVELY play World Eaters in Boarding Action btw
it isn't, it's brittle outdated dogshit and they never replace their molds so anything that isn't brand new is going to have smashed ruined details
not to mention they don't even turn on aliasing for the molds they use so you get stairstepping on fucking cast resin models
Your army is getting squatted next edition then.
Or the resin shit gets replaced. 50/50
Play killteam 1st edition (elites). I used to play it regularly it's pretty fun and what you described.
It was really good for kitbashing and making /yourdudes/
Current edition KT is more focused on competitive balance and being a distinct game from 40k
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Sculpting tubes for my assault veterans. The sculpts on those fire dragons are so good, I hope they dont fuck them up in the plastic transition.
Nah, knights only have a few resin kits.
One of them is 600 USD which is fucking ridiculous, but what can you do
you don't want to pay the price of 4 combat patrols for a bunch of warped shitty resin that you'll have to spend hours using a palm sander on before you can even assemble the model?
They've done pretty well with the other aspect warriors, we'll get a cool little shrine too.
I even like the dark reapers, I'm not going to lie
I just don't want cancer
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I do make an exception for and am a fan of the 'little' special characters.
When I see a game that's just ultramarine primaris porn I sleep. When I'm allowed to play multiple unique chapters like iron hands or world eaters and actually get some fucking variety my ears perk up.

Y'think so? I do have those acolyte campaing files just sitting in my hardrive..... maybe....

It's a pain in the ass to assemble and you might get some flaws in the model.
That's the Porphyrion, one of my buddies prints them off for the equivalent of $250 USD. I kind of want one for 30k but it's too absurdly large
That's the motherfucker that really makes me wonder about where the knights end and titans begin
Real question anon: Why do want a new codex?
>point values changed so your whole list needs a revamp
>shoots you $50.99 just to play current edition and invalidate the old $50 purchase.
>Best case scenario boosts some stats worst case scenario it nerfs them.
>You MUST use the most recent codex in tournament settings.

Shit dude I hated when a new codex was around the corner because now I had to basically start from scratch with my list building.
PSM is just Primaris Space Marines.
Oh, i thought it was like an acronym for woman's period, seemed weird in the context of being a captain.
My point still stands. Especially considering that how bland many primaris characters are, kitbashing them is easy and a lot lot cheaper than buying GW's single character for like 30 pounds
More like primaris gay marines amirite lmao
There should be primaris Eldar that are even bigger than regular Eldar
There have always been eldar custodes.
>advice animals meme from 2006
Isn't it past your expiry date grandpa
Def not the kabalite model those look perfect
>tiny action figures
Dolls, they're dolls anon
Modern Kill Team is even worse than modern 40k.
whats up with warhammer youtubers trying to sell lewd art as merch. Half of their audience base is composed of children.
keep saying it it'll be true eventually bro
Woman here. I got into 40k early this year. I've read 20 BL books so far. It's bad. I have a list of recommendations on how to make Warhammer good. Minimal explanation, think carefully enough and you will understand my superior intelligence.

1. Shift focus of books and narrarive from the walking trashcans to humans & xenos. Actually develop xenos properly.

2. No female astartes. No female custodes. No female primarchs. Wanting to put women in those groups is like wanting to put women in gay porn jfc

3. Make all primarchs twinks

4. Scrap the sitcom "everything resets itself" formula for all the recent books. Make them less T rated and more wet and filthy like the old stuff.

5. BL has gotten stagnant af, which is what happens when you only hire writers from a single metal pub in Nottingham. Nothing against that, but there are perfectly good metal pubs in other countries too. It's no coincidence that the two freshest voices in all of BL - ADB and Fehervari - are half-Polish and Hungarian respectively.

6. Release non-ugly models for once

7. Make Fulgrim into a Broadway musical
The nigger nurses in my retirement home beat me, poison my food, and keep me trapped, but I am smart and have the power of dementia on my side.

Well the origianl anon mentioned 1st edition so I was going to look into that. Not modern KT
>Woman here.
Post Nid army with timestamp. Also your breasts.
I dont care but you shouldnt get into 40k anymore than you already have.
Who do you think wants to buy lewd merch?
>ADB and Fehervari
They were both raised in the UK and are functionally bongs. Unless you are stating that eastern europeans contain some genetic element that makes them superior writers you are wrong about them. They're also generally inferior writers to guys like Dan Abnett or Robert Rath. You are dumb and horny and one year is way too short a period of time to evaluate something as huge and byzantine as 40k.
Dios mios, mucho texto autismo
Thos thing looks like ass compared to the real deal
I dont play orks but I see an amazing orky kitbash of this and I want to do it as a hobby project but I have actual battleline to paint.
>how to make Warhammer good
Stopped reading there, terrible idea
Abnett is a pulp writer and extremely unremarkable, not read any Rath. If you read serious books you'd know ADB and Fehervari are superior. And no it's cultural exposure via family rather than DNA that makes them more interesting.
How you holding up Guard bros?
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>If you read serious books you'd know ADB and Fehervari are superior.
Almost got me ngl.
>Woman here.
Tits or gtfo.
>Woman here.
>2. No female astartes. No female custodes. No female primarchs. Wanting to put women in those groups is like wanting to put women in gay porn jfc
>3. Make all primarchs twinks
>4. Scrap the sitcom "everything resets itself" formula for all the recent books. Make them less T rated and more wet and filthy like the old stuff.
>6. Release non-ugly models for once
>7. Make Fulgrim into a Broadway musical

Enough about this "ugh there are nazis in my hobby" or "ugh there are mysogynists in my hobby" When are we going to adress the real crisis of deviantart fujoshis in the hobby?
>eastern europeans contain some genetic element that makes them superior writers
Objectively correct
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>bought a 3rd party model a while ago
>it finally turns up today
>was meant to be a leader of a squad, but the model is far bigger than i expected and the base is 40 mm instead of 32

i could change the base out but it overhangs a fair bit and just looks awkward
Superior writing is caused by experiencing hardship. If a writer never struggled with some proper shit situations he's not gonna write anything insightful.
Considering how shit life is in Eastern Europe, I'm inclined to agree with anon.
>Considering how shit life is in Eastern Europe
am eastern european, can confirm.
I follow and read at least 1-2 books from the Booker & International Booker shortlists each year, what about you, anon
You don't need to tell us the world already knows whatever Slavic shithole you come from is garbage
at least we don't have random nigger refugees raping our women every day
The fact that even the poorest dumbest people in the world don't want to come to your countries is a red flag
Why would you pay money for 3rd party cadslop
Just flex your pecs at people who give you shit
Well, I read 3-4 books from the Booker & International Booker shortlists each year myself, and ADB is pure garbage. Never read Fehervari, so can't comment on his stuff.
They just don't want to go to Soviet bloc countries. The Balkans don't like them either, but it's friendlier there and they absolutely go there
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Finished up this little guy. I hate batch painting but it just makes so much sense when doing votann. Manlets rise up
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Anon, listen. If Games Workshop won't give me my Big Titty Sister of Battle GF, then I'll just find the based sonuvabitch who will.
This art is fucking awful. I sure hope you don't beat your meat to this shit
Where's the light blue?
Show me
>Abnett is a pulp writer
Yes, all BL is pulp. Pulp isn't even a slur term and hasn't been since Lovecraft or Howard. There is absolutely no correlation between good writing and familial connection to Eastern Europe. Get a grip.
You painted a miniature from a trans faction in pink and white, but forgot to use the last color of the trans pride flag.
I'm not sure if I wanna leave the underlining for just the big dudes and sgts just pink and purple for the regular guys I think. Help separate them
What the fuck are you talking about?
if you have to explain your brainrotted joke it wasn't funny in the first place
How cancer would it be if Astra Militarum got a detachment that was just "las weapons are now able to crack tanks like eggs"
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I hope your family is aware of your homosexual preferences, anon.
He's sexually obsessed with mtfs and needed to tell you about it
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forgor picrel, I'm a dumby.
Those edge highlights are heinous
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It would be cool and good.
pornrotted brain finding trashy bimboshit attractive is much more indicative of you being prison gay than anybody else
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Orks already have that model
I like fat tits as much as the next guy, I just have good taste and prefer that they don't look like they're drawn for a children's cartoon
Really aggressive responses to an innocent joke there, trooners.
I simply informed you your joke didn't land
Dude, we're all looking at a space dwarf and you jump in with "so trannies amirite fellow children?" and then you blame us for being weirdos? Fuck off you balloon animal.
Yea, I love those but this model is actually terrifying and awesome. Green stuff some orky teef on the mouth and I think I would pose the left arm that's grabbing the concrete in the air like hes going to throw a brick at you. I just love the proportions and running pose on this thing.
Consider punctuation
Every pissed off response you give him makes him look more and more correct in calling out a tranny.
Socializing retards is a necessary job in this society and not bullying these fags has done a real number on us these days. I'll take this one for the team
Shut up and pay your rent.
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Why arent drukhari more popular (outside of 9th edition)?
What is this from? Looks like it could be a cool Votann model
Aren't they really trash outside of 9th ed?
>dumb lore
>dragged down by being elves
>old ugly models
>half their list isn't even available for sale and if it is a lot of it is finecast
>until the index came out they were dogshit in 10th
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Its a necromunda model. Necromunda just has amazing models all round.
Inquisitor located. Fuck coteaz
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The new hellraiser movie was actually pretty good despite the mystery meat cast. Would love a Drukhari ship based on the Leviathan form.
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Give me a new road map, GW. Where the fuck are we going next?!
>dumb lore
You havent read their books? They have a lot more nuance than being rape elves
>Woman here
You aren't.
This is all just a thinly veiled xenofag post bitching over marines.
reminder that blood angels fucking suck and drag the setting down.
Awesome meme anon, wish this one sticks.
>They have a lot more nuance than being rape elves
DEldar being able to rape you in 500 different ways with one arm is not nuance.
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Someone's upset.
First three points are just wrong. But yeah, their old range keeps the fomo zoomers away from them
>4 letters in rent
>4 letters in free
>4 zeroes
What did he mean by this
didn't ask for your trash taste, hipster
>maybe people will think I'm right if I throw a bunch of random buzzwords in my statements
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Damn, that was a fast reply. Guess the fomo zoomer comment really hit a nerve
>awful pose
>jump pack characters MUST be in mid air
how's that newest book about your only characters being dykes doing
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This datasheet with army rules is going to be amazing. I wonder if Daemonhosts will be squatted, considering Inquisitors grant a 6++ now that nerfs the Daemonhost. If they move it to a 4++ this unit is going to be great. I cannot wait to see the full codex, this army looks so fun.

Also the henchmen kit is incredibly fun to paint and build and I wouldn't mind building 2 more.
Got best in faction at a tournament this past weekend, got a fancy little trophy thing too. First time I've ever won anything in my life so I was pretty excited.
I'm more tempted on the idea of building a full arbites army.
he said eldar, not custodes.
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It's because we actually punish them for their crimes instead of letting them go without even a slap on the wrist "because they don't know that rape is illegal"
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Would a be asked to leave a GW tournament if I showed up with an entire Custodes army thats harlequins models counts as. Auric Champions feels like it would fit a Harlequins army perfectly. Custodes even have Jetbikes.
>"What is this? A Bolt Gun for ants?"
Yeah, it's a genuinely terrible model.
You want a good looking CSM Jump Lord? Get a basic bitch Legionnaire, give him a Jump Pack from the warptalons and you're fucking done.
>retard newfag mistook eldar helmet for custodes
No idea, didn't read it.
uh oh samefag melty
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Clowns in the castle is well established
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Is this a deldar thing?
Sounds perfect for me.
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Bulk 'em up somehow?
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take your meds, schizo
I fucking love this thing and I don't even collect orks.
What gold do you use sallyman?
Custodes really are the worst models in 40k. Even worse than primaris or votann
That's cool bro, I'm proud of you.
>thinking screenshots prove anything
now who's the newfag lmao
they do look bad, because they're cosplaying as eldar
Screenshots prove everything always, definitively.
Why is he terrible
They prove you're a dumb fag, that's what they prove
Awful pose, stepping on tactical smoke.
Have fun accidentally snapping the smoke wisp.
Kitbash your space marines. It's cheaper and you end up with better looking and more importantly unique miniatures that nobody else has.
Was there ever an old jump lord?
I'm not even saying new bad, i'm saying overpriced character models that you can kitbash out of regular units are bad and you should just kitbash.
>Screenshots? Fuck off those can be faked.
>You know what can't be faked? My schizophrenic intuition and personal narrative!
cringe and zoomerpilled
based and hobbypilled
post your conversions :^)
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A lot of Eldar and other Xenos today
no you're right two people with zero capitalization or punctuation other than an errant comma both going HURR ACKSHUALLY DAS CUSTODES within a few minutes is very diegetic discussion
post your driver's license
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NTA, but i have a Techmarine here
I've attached the powerfist servo arm already but i haven't taken pictures of it yet
Just needs extra rivets on some of the armor plates and i think i'll call it done.
who the fuck uses proper capitalization and punctuation on 4chan?
genuine schizoposting, go take your meds
Very nice pirates, Anon
>no conversions
>not even any models
>just impotent seething
every time lmao
You should get it renewed, it expired a decade ago
its this guy. just got it as i thought it looked decent and needed a nob with a power klaw, little did i realise it was more an alternate model for the recently squatted zagstruk as stormboy warbosses dont exist. given that ive just put together a few stormboyz, this guy is closer to the ground and the size difference doesnt seem too extreme. never put a resin model together though, am i meant to do something like wash it in soapy water?


it shouldnt be an issue but if i use a 32 mm base the back foot overhangs a lot. i know people complain if you're playing a unit thats supposed to have bigger bases (boyz for example) but what do they think when the base is too big than usual?
Literally almost everybody in these threads, retard
ending your posts with lmao doesn't disguise how angry you are
>you're mad because I own no models
odd cope.
oh man, look at all these properly capitalized and punctuated posts!
>missed period
blood angels still suck.
I specifically shake up my punctuation, grammar, spelling and syntax so people can't see that I'm arguing with myself
eh, i agree
they suck dick as much as they suck blood
it pretty much exposes us as not being phoneposters as most people dont give a shit about punctuation, particularly on a cambodian tapestry posting wall
Look at how not mad I am btw
Pulpiness does become a problem when the book is so unremarkable you forget it as soon as you close the last page
>Eastern Europe
I'd like to see Chinese and South American Warhammer writing desu, Slavs are cool but I think Asians and Argentinians can contribute something really unique.

Kindergarten response, come up with an actual argument
Space Marines are weird because they're easy to paint to a basic degree but hard to paint to a high standard.
As much as I wish there was more rogue trader stuff, I agree. I remember one of the Eisenhorn books he takes like a small army of blanks against some cultists. I think the only thing that would stop me from building the henchmen would be if there were scion rules. a 16 man goonsquad surrounding inquisitors while DS scions and GK terminators would be nice.
I think that goes for nearly every Citadel model.
Anon, that's all models.
Nah you're right, it's the large smooth curved surfaces. They're a bitch to get a good gradient on with all of it going in the right direction.

Models with lots of topography are easier to shade and pick out detail on, you're able to break it down into its component shapes.
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>tfw seeing space marines painted with contrast / speedpaints
Yeah, they are the perfect example to not use contrast paints in flat surfaces.
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The black is one major drybrush, one highlight drybrush, then contrast black.
Du ma, get that shit renewed uncle
Can you mix edge highlights with volumetric ones or do i have to pick one?
What basing looks good with dark minis like dark angels and drukhari black heart?
I think the post at >>93420430 proves you can do both.
Just takes a lot of work.
Are you making a Kill team?
No manual highlights on the black at all?
Unironically GW's default brown basing scheme that is used for advertising most of the models on the Warhammer webstore.

Im painting a deldar raider and i cant figure out how to do volumetric shading on it. I also dont own an airbrush
He touches up a couple bits, but you can see it in progress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUM1ShfnrD0
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>10. Rim: Steel Legion Drab
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I mean no offence here. I think your time would be better spent asking in WIP.
I just searched "volumetric lighting miniatures" and all I got was what look like clickbait youtuber videos so I don't know how to help you there.
"I also dont own an airbrush."
I don't think it is necessary, but can save a lot of time.
This. Try WIP
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Are there any 40k novels about regret?
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Of course, they're both just techniques to reflect how light behaves on surfaces. Here's an example by Richard Gray.
when's the next fat chick thread?
Fabius bile manflayer

For fantasy any gotrek novel
You have to pick your light source. You can have multiple, with different tones and luminosity. Your volumetric shading has to be consistent with the direction and proximity of the light source.

Top down is popular because it's intuitive (higher = brighter, lower = darker) and hits the 360 of the model evenly. You could also do a strong primary light on the golden angle of the model, and then a softer secondary ambient light hitting the rest.

Airbrushes are useful for the diffusion but you can do it with blending, glaze or stipple method.
Have you ever tried sponges for stippling?
Why the FUCK does no one run covens? I see wych cults and kabal all the time
I've used them for weathering, I don't think you're going to get the control or precision you want compared to stipple blending with one of your more abusable brushes.
expensive to build and not much of a range
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>grotesque are finecast
>homoculous are perma sold out
>wracks need an update to their kit. The A1 body is used for the veteran, raider gunner, and raider driver so you cant make more than one
>urien rakarth isnt even sold
>only Talos/Chronos have a good kit
Ever play a nurgle army? Imagine buying 6 beast of nurgle
>>wracks need an update to their kit.
No, they don't
>wracks need an update to their kit. The A1 body is used for the veteran, raider gunner, and raider driver so you cant make more than one
I have no idea wtf this is supposed to mean
Yes they do
They need to be 5 monopose models
All the leader unit options need to be gone besides the hexrifle and curved blades
It needs a tactical rock for the walking wrack
And you need to buy two boxes to have all four special weapons
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You cant make the gunner and the driver with the same kit
They look old
Expensive how? Wracks are 40 bucks
Didn't even know it came with those bits. Kinda neat but retarded that they didn't add spares for this purpose.
Still, really don't think this justifies needing a new kit.
No, they don't.
40 bucks for 60 points isn't a very good ratio
grotesques aren't even available, you have to go for crypt horrors or recasters, which adds a layer that most people don't want to bother with
talos are like 60 for 80 points

it's an expensive army
Covens don't look like a subfaction because they don't have a centerpiece, cabals and cults have their vehicles, while the vehicles can be manned by wracks they don't look like they truly belong, which is why I believe the best way to update grotesques is to ramp up their size considerably, from ogre size to giant size, an ogre-sized thing can be kept in the form of a hero that isn't a homunculus
That's the purpose the talos serves already?
Talos are dreadnought analogues, dreadnought analogues are not centerpieces anymore in this day and age
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Just squat covens already. Whiny bitches.
Back when you paid points per model and not a full 10 man squad it was fine
>they dont have a center piece

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Is there a tutorial for this? Looks cool
They need a big ass abomination
Would be cool if they got a von ryan leaper type of unit
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>"Oh hey anon!"
>"I've seen you at the kinoplex shooting finger guns at me, but I never expected to see you here at the FLGS!"
How do you respond to finding out that Robert from the Kinoplex now works at your favourite game store?
Ask him if we have to pay to play at a table
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>reply to image instead
why isnt his shirt red
i'm making 2 chapters and I have a lore question after i give the elevator pitch for both
>Death Owls a Raven Guard successor chapter that are part of the Primaris Founding. The culture is a combination of their Terran slaving brutality and Hollywood ninjas. Made up of remnants of the space marines Corvus sent out of the galaxy in great ships in cryostasis failing only with opening of the great rift. Now a group of bitter angry Raven Guard who don't like that they aren't called raven guard try to avoid another civil war as they retake a sector on the dark side of the rift.

>unnamed Fallen Warband of 200 neophytes that came out of the warp with The battle barge has been crusading for 100 years not knowing shit about what is going on other than they've been marked renegade and have decided to naively try to prove their loyalty through ever greater acts of heroism and blood oaths sworn. Discovered by the Lion and made an official Chapter and given a great sword used to slay a great salamander. Name is WiP but maybe Dragon Slayers Red White highlights color scheme.

lore question: I know chapter can be created by edicts by the High Lords outside of a founding but can the Primarchs and the Custodes do so? I'm assuming yes for the primarchs.
40 bucks for FIVE, nigger
That's like elite prices for your basic trash troops
>those boxes
Theres enough bits to kitbash 7
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can necron players give me their opinions regarding these kits? which one did you find was better to work with? any pitfall or underrated feature?
>7. Make Fulgrim into a Broadway musical
this actually happens btw and Perterabo has to watch it.
also based except
>6. Release non-ugly models for once
no they're suppossed to be ugly it makes my autistic brain smile
the tail is from a necron canoptek wraith
Trust me..
Ugliest model ranges?
My personal taste I do not care for most of the Tau models.
But on a technical level it's got to be either Space Wolves or Chaos Demons just because they are oversaturated with derpy old sculpts.
>tfw never had one of those reeses in my life

are they any good? not a burger btw
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I like the details on the new one but I prefer the sleeker profile of the old one.
Drukhari. Especially covens. They should just squat them.
Votann because they look like theyre from Infinity
They have way too much sugar in them, but other than that they're just peanut butter and medium quality milk chocolate. If you've ever had the two together you probably know the taste
If i hit on robert, it is gonna jumpcut to a sex scene?
i prefer the sim crystal over the orb
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from the look of it the new monolith looks less 'monolithic', like it's got lots of empty spaces visible
is it actually difficult to assemble it properly, without that effect or without bent arches?
it's a problem that all big models have
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I love the army, but this entire picture is only ~750 points and it costs almost double what my entire warhammer fantasy chaos army costs, and I can play 2000 point games of whfb with models to spare.
That's why nobody plays the haemonculi covens. Also, I already have one (hell, 3) of everything I want and I can't even buy more of what I don't want.
Lovely models, though. Wish I could convince people in my area to give 5th a try, so I could actually use them.
awesome paint
The grotesque dont have more weapon options?
One knife, one gun. I didn't like how the guns looked.
>one pose
>meant to be taken in multiples
Truly awful kit
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Spraying and starting this once it warms up a bit outside. I need to track down a 2nd ed backpack with flag pole though, hopefully the local GW has one in the back.
No one knows what you’re talking about. You should ask questions more clearly if you want to talk to people and samefag less.
great idea to use the tentacles on the ship, with a slightly different sail configuration it could look like some kind of squid
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Printing my first army soon and can't decide between Black Templars or Blood Angels.
Anyone here have experience playing the armies? How do they fare in 10th?
The worst model from Infinity still looks better than 40k's best
I guess that's my dealbreaker then, thanks, maybe I'll grab the old one
Probably man. Also I need proof.
This is true of the entire Drukhari army honestly. They're remarkably expensive for how old they are. Not to mention they require a ton of out of print fine cast to play competitively, like the court and the beastmasters and until recently mandrakes. Their incredible combat patrol is the only thing that makes the army even slightly affordable. And as many models as it comes with it's still only 450 points.
You can use the other bodies with a bit of cutting. You'll have 3 wracks left over if you do that, so it's still a scam, but it makes your raiders look really cool and thematic so it's acceptable.
Space Marines simply because the amount of models made guarantees a good amount of failed executions of a concept.
I hate cadians, and more new cadians.
Followed by tau.
>They're remarkably expensive for how old they are.
Several price hikes since then but it wasn't that long ago that a box of wyches or warriors cost €23 while other infantry was getting in the €40 range.
Admechian Mechacus
>tfw I actually like that model
You list only shooty army models. Curious!
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>your face:
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>tfw I actually like that model
Give this mofo normal VTOL thrusters and it's fine
lol he doesn't know what tfw means
NTA, but "that feelin when", i assume?
What else could it mean?
You are also retarded "lol"
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For what? Apart from her goofy ass crossbowlter, her model looked fine i think
why? maybe you wanted to post draxus?
Yeah, but Wyches are 90 points while intercessors are 160. And their character model leader costs the same as a Space Marine character but is 45 points instead of 80.
Why do people complain about monoposing but also talk about metal models like they weren't the same thing?
I want orks. I'm torn on whether I should make them Deathskullz or Bad Moonz, and I was hoping someone could help me tiebreak them.
because a monopose plastic kit for a badic unit is more damning than a monopose single metal model for a hero
I think those are two different groups of people.
bad moons look best with less yellow and more black in the colour scheme
also some gold sometimes

deffskulls look like they're covered in bionicle bits
It happened again guys
>Forgefiend fires on neurotyrant and zoanthropes
>Fails dark pact
>Kill 1 zoanthropes
>Fail all three hazardous rolls
>Blows the fuck up
Me and my opponent lost our shit at it. What's your example of some insanely bad luck?
Metal models were easier to cast and therefore had more variations produced.
A monopose plastic kit is a complete waste of time and resources. The money spent making that mould could have gone towards any number of multi part, posable plastic kits.
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Almost done with this thing
Are the war for Armageddon books available in audiobook form?
I don't get much time to read and 40k books while working is comfy
Nid Vs nid showdown
My emissary camped the center objective the entire game, tanking a full OoE lead fex unit, a tyranofex with the cannon and a swarmlord.
His emissary died in a single fight round of my OoE and one bodyguard fex
a fresh bread!!

>Page 7
>382 post
Why the fuck does she have a better leadership value than Guilliman, Lion, Abaddon, Mortarion, Magnus and Angron?
Yes that is true and I find it humourous, but don't leave out people like you were not only shitting on monopose metal models but now are defending plastic models made with cutting edge plastic technology of the year 2024 being monopose.
genuine skill issue

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