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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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I'm getting a laptop so I'll be detailing my glorious 32+ year campaign for you guys. It's mostly Forgotten Realms but they went Spelljamming and visited Krynnspace, the Greyhawk crystal sphere (rtttoee), got trapped in Ravenloft where the werebear transplanted the werewolf Dread Lord rather violently, and dabbled in Sigil quite a bit. I'm probably gonna try to convert it to 5e from 1e, 2e, 3.x and 4e editions (my players actually play 5e now). I believe in deeplore so I'm excited to show this to you guys, my favorite place on the whole Internet, /tg/. I expect to be called a tremendous faggot often but I'll take all your criticisms seriously because I'm old af. I would love to get published someday but my stuff is way too arcane for 5e. It's too Byzantine for the modern day sensibilities, I'm sure. I detail four magical languages, three dwarvish languages, three elvish, one gnomish and two orc languages. I'm working on a goblin language. Oh they also went through Council of Wyrms. I tried so hard to get them to play stuff like Mystara and Birthright but it was too out there, ig. I started with basic d&d in 1985. I read the AD&D books RELIGIOUSLY. I bet I read the phb at least seventy times and the DMG 100+. I prided myself in knowing every table in the DMG, though there was a player that I had who was better at that. We had party callers, mappers, leaders, et al. I can teach you how to play, too, if you're a newbie. Sorry got any syntax errors. I know it aggravates tf out of you guise.

I post a lot of the Dragon magazine covers threads because art is so important to me for an RPG. I like to whip out a picture and say this is what you see. It seems to really stimulate my player's almonds. I'll be posting some art I've used over the years, maybe with an regulating of what I used it for but I can't promise I remember all of them. I rely heavily on notes ofc. I'm decrepit at this point
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Why play in another man's playground for 3 decades? You've been playing games for my entire lifespan and you didn't make your own setting? Holy shit lmao
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Here's the succubus that seduced the bard to the dark side. I played her like the LoP, and ofc she doesn't really look like this. This was years before the horny bard trope. Next pic is sort of more what she really looked like
I mean, yes, I did, several times. An orc dominated planet, an elf dominated planet, etc. That's pretty standard for bored dm's, I thought. Goes without saying.
>32 year campaign
Hot damn that's impressive. Was it worth it?
I played a FR game from level 1 to level 30. It was fun.
Thank you for sharing, can’t wait to see more details! Who was your favorite player character within the campaign?

Try connecting your posts by replying to the previous one so the story is easier to follow once it’s all posted.
Here's what the succubus actually looked like, a maralith Paragon basically
Yes, absolutely. I made lifelong friends and learned things I might not have pursued otherwise.
Why is he speaking hebrew?
Sure. I guess it was the latest assassin that was in my game. My ex-gf, and I had given her some main character arcs because she definitely had MC energy. I was converting some module to 5e Spelljammer that was taking place in Baldur's Gate and she betrayed Asmodeus, which set off a mini-campaign that spanned levels 4 through 10 for the party and it was mostly OC and they really enjoyed it. I had two new players (13 and 16) and I actually managed to entertain them. I'll say it again, engage your players at every turn. That's probably the most important hard and fast rule you could have, honestly
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Oops forgot the pic
Haha, because they rule the world, don't you know
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I'm a bit younger than you(started with picrel as a tween in the mid 90's) but I enjoyed reading this. I'm jealous of the longeviety of your group. I've definitely lost a lot of players over the years(people having kids, moving away, etc).

>party callers

Did you find this necessary? I mean, it's annoying when people are shouting over each other but it also feels way less necessary once group initiative went away.

>Dragon magazine

Man, I miss getting stuff besides bills in the mail. I used to sit at our local library and read through stacks of the old issues.
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I dm'ed to a group of about 21 once in NW Tennessee. It was definitely necessary. Really should have co-dm'ed that.
I lost a lot of players too over the years but always be recruiting.
I have a ton of Dragon Magazines. I think I have four 2e books that would be worth about 2000 in mint condition, I do believe
>Implying any of this is real

It is real, ty
Hey this is awesome I am a zoomer who started playing 3.5 with his older brother and friends, then when I got older I played 5e with whoever I could find but went to 2e just because I love the artwork in the 2e revised phb book, as well as the text I read through that book so much times I can relate with you on that. So much of 2e felt like an actual game about average humans going out an slaying dragons and going on adventures the 3.5e phb artwork felt too modern, felt too sophisticated and felt like a tactics game more than a rpg. I ran two year long campaign set in and around the Dalelands and Zhentil keep. Talk some more about your rules, one thing Ive found with 2e (assuming thats what u r playing loll and ur not stuck on 1e lolll) is that heaps of DMS have completely changed the game with all their house rules to the point where I can imagine that no two ad&d 2e tables played the same.
Looking forward to reading more Anon :)
I always am interested to read about how it used to be played.
>OP is a god amongst mortals, and a better roleplayer than fully half the reprehensible reprobates that fill this blighted board

I salute you, OP. You have my utmost respect.
>fortunate enough to own classic TSR era boxed gold
>running any of it in 5e
does your group enjoy knowing that, unless you intervene as DM, they are essentially never in any real danger?
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also since you mentioned Birthright; i encourage you to actually use it and run a campaign with it. i have a copy but will likely never run or play it. it's seriously one of the most impressive products TSR ever published. if you can get a group sold on it, the possibilities are fascinating: players controlling individual nations as allies or enemies, or all working together in the leadership roles of one faction, or anything in between, including the possibilities of betrayal and turncoats. and the bloodline Highlander thing is just icing on the 4x empire simulation cake.
there's even a 3.x conversion doc out there somewhere, I remember printing out the whole thing back when I was naive and thought 3e was better.
i agree about visual aids, both as a player and a dm. a good key visual adds lot and helps all the following description pop more imo
fuck it, I'll read your game blog
hell I might archive it if I like it enough
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I really liked the art and the more grounded nature of the setting(a level 9 wizard being a big deal and even a +2 sword having a name).

>players controlling individual nations as allies or enemies

Kinda like the idea of the players as nobles(so they're blood scions with people working under them but can also conceivably just take off to go exploring, visit other nations, etc).

Giving everyone their own domain seems like a fun idea for a Discord type campaign if your players are scattered all over, busy, etc. Like a more modern version of old play-by-mail games.

>there's even a 3.x conversion doc out there somewhere, I remember printing out the whole thing back when I was naive and thought 3e was better.

I played that conversion back in the 00's. My group basically just made normal 3.X characters and ignored the new Birthright material. Defintely wish I could have just used 2E rules.
>He can't even read Sindarin & Quenya, thinks they're Hebrew.
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I'm still here, just reading your comments. Thank you for all the encouragement and positivity. I prize player agency and you can play a sentient hammer for all I care, I will accommodate you. We'll assign it stats, it starts a 1st level. I played an alaghi that was highly stupid and terribly clumsy. He thought falling on people was an actual tactical attack. At 350 lbs, you argue with him. Iirc, he had an int of 6 & Dec of 3.
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His fist was a foot across. Lol.
This is the pic I like of the Alaghi. I really like this artist. He did some really cool Dark Sun art

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