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I noticed there was no Mutants and Masterminds Thread so I figured why not.

Post things related to M&M or other super hero RPGs.
A character I created with the idea being he is an enchanter that makes magic devices as needed, but his main bread and butter being a pair of knives that he can teleport too or return to his hand.

Just wanted to see if this sheet is legal as I have written it or if there are areas for improvement that I'm not considering.
+20 to hit with knives that deal 7 to 11 Damage is way above Power Level 10, you'd have to knock either your to-hit mod or your Damage, maybe both. For example, a valid set up would be Damage 6, +14 to hit, or Damage 4, +16 to hit.
THe thought of a super heroes campaign always fascinated me, but how do I pick themes, enemies, factions and all that? The sheer amount of options ranging from fantasy to sci fi with all in between is much greater than what you usually deal with. You have a general idea of what to work with with fantasy, cyberpunk and some sci fi, but looking at source material for superheros shows that you can have anything from cold war spy movies to multiverse threats, magic, technology, magitech, mutants, vigilantes with baseball bats or kung fu using monks. Should I just embrace the kitchen sink and put any concept in?
>what setting
Well that's the problem, I usually have no issues with making my own for other systems, but in this case I'm struggling with putting down the basic ideas to work from.
M&M2e is one of my favorite systems.

I recommend not going kitchen sink.
Come up with a defining event that creates the first generation of supers

Wild Cards had a mutagenic virus that got released over NYC
Right, starting from step one looks to be the best move. In case of a quick&dirty job to rush a short campaign, I could have a more or less military/intelligence experiment gone wrong, specimens, humans and animals alike, escaping and then turning up to be characters, villains and monsters of the week. This would give me several factions already due to the background, with the various government agencies trying to either shut it all down, attempting to control the chaos or just covering it all, maybe even claiming that they don't know anything and now want to solve the problem. Then foreign powers trying to meddle in this affair and organized crime/evil organizations doing the same. Maybe with one of them even partially responsible for everything going downhill. I would still probably need to talk to my players in case they don't want pregens but would like to make their own characters.
Don't overthink it. Just create characters you think are cool and start small and simple. Build on their lore, characters, continuity, etc one game at a time. Keep notes.
Like this guy said: don't overthink it. Build a character to tell a story, not to "win" at the game. MnM is very easy to bust and derail things. The GM has all the same tools and more than you do as a player.
I occasionally see references to a skill challenge system. I can only remember in Emerald Knights. That might say “At PL10, the heroes need 5 successes before 3 failures”
But where is the actual rules for these located?
Thank you, I missed the part where the COMBINED total of Attack and damage cannot exceed double the PL of the series.
I'll lower the to hit and buy some more advantages.
Okay I've updated my magic knife thrower.
Can I build NPCs by reusing the templates from the Player Book and subbing out the powers for Power Profile abilities.
Enemies should be dark counterparts, or polar opposites of the heroes.
Literally one of the easiest ways to build a character.
Only thing to be mindful of is not all powers cost the same and not all Extras/Flaws are the same as well
i like mutants and masterminds
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This can work and opens up some interesting possibilities.
But I'm the GM in this case, I'm trying to put down some guidelines for chargen depending on setting and themes. I will have to have a little chat with my players to see what they're interested in.
Those are two components of a well- balanced rogues gallery, but you should never stop there.
don't forget crazy villains with extremely specific gimmicks
Devices are purchased with Power Points, not Equipment Points. I know that several characters in the DC Adventure books do it, but those stat blocks are completely wrong.
You'll also need to make the knives from scratch, not simply add on to standard daggers.
Indestructible isn't a flaw. It decreases the Device's cost reduction by 1. For example, if a Device would be worth 20 points and Removable would remove 4 points, it only removes 3 points instead. So a 20 point Device with Indestructible would be 17 points.
Without Indestructible it would be 16 points.
I'll be looking over it more, but that's what popped out immediately.
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I tried to keep it as close to what you originally wanted as I could and fixed some minor mistakes.
If the gloves are part of the power, I would strongly argue that they wouldn't be Easily Removable, just Removable.
As it stands, it's overbudget and you'll need to spend an extra point for Improved Critical 4, if you want the 16-20.
So the equipment advantage is for mundane equipment that don't have any power attached to them?
Yes. Equipment Points can be spent on basically everything that is covered in the chapter with the exception of Devices, which are treated as Powers. You don't get to customize equipment, but you get a massive discount on it.
While it's not immediately important, it should be noted that premade vehicles are half the price of building a custom vehicle.
What about stuff in the Gadget Guide?
That’s all rated for EP despite being fantastic.
Would that also include Headquarters?
I dont necessarily need obe for this character theyre just neat.
In the Gadgets and Gear chapter: general equipment, weapons, armor, vehicles, and headquarters are all covered by EP. Just not Devices, which are powers with the Removable flaw.
Your Mage Workshop costs 9 EP. One for the size and eight for the Features. So it's only 2 PP for Equipment 2.
Thank you so much for all the help.

I think this is the final draft minus fluff and readability cleanup
Is M&M 3E a good system to run Naruto, or am I shooting myself in the balls?
And if I am to run it, what PL do I set for fresh genin?
Naruto is a pretty high lethality setting. Doesn't seem like a good fit.
Is it tho? Very few important characters died, mainly vilains were the ones to kick the bucket
Tons of characters die (and some get resurrected). Most fights end after the first decent hit connects.
>Very few important characters died
That's because most of them got resurrected isn't it? They still died.
Powers should only be 17 PP total.
You forgot to subtract 3 for Removable.
Correction. For some reason, I was thinking the armor wasn't the premade standard, so it's 2 EP, not 2 PP. My bad.
So for Powers, you have
3pp for Knife Throwing
1pp for Knives as an Alternate Effect
15pp for Teleport
-3pp for Indestructible Removable
16pp total
You'll need Equipment 3 for the headquarters and armor.
You don't think fantasy has a lot of options? the genre where you can do literally anything?
holy shit what an awful system lol
He obviously isn't using fantasy as a synonym for speculative fiction, he's obviously talking about the fantasy genre, supers contains the fantasy genre and is bigger than the fantasy genre.
No, fantasy contains the supers genre, and the speculative fiction genre. It is any story which could not happen in reality. The definition of a word is not relative to a particular person.
Concession accepted.
I had to kick a player because he kept arguing that he was completely untouchable to anybody below speed 9 because he had speed 10 and quickness 10, but then argued somebody going faster than speed 10 shouldn't be untouchable to speed 10 because I don't remember he had some dumb argument about relativity and time dilation. Also I just generally hate Speed as a power above 8 or something. I hate it, get it away frome me.
I'm pretty sure somebody had made Stars and Stripes from MHA on Mutanta and Masterminds
Next time somebody at your table pulls this, whip her out as a villain "New Order, Super Speed Does not work within 1 mile of me"
You could’ve gone rain+impact, if you wanted to be an asshole.
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>Is M&M 3E a good system to run Naruto
Yes. It's versatile enough to allow players to make whatever bullshit jutsu they want.
>And if I am to run it, what PL do I set for fresh genin?
Naruto and Sasuke vs Zabuza round 1 is what you should be going for.
So basic fighting, weapons, and maybe ONE Jutsu
Guess you should be using a better system.
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What do you guys think of this character design? His name is Redline, and he's a speedster. Red is kind of obviously required, but I'm not sure about the purple. I'd go with yellow or gold, but that's too flashy (pun intended) for the character.
thanks, chief!
kinda hate the asymmetry
also, does he have to have a toaster on his head?
overall an okay design, but doesn't match the name
The asymmetry was actually my favorite part! The visor is meant to evoke the grille of a car, because he's Redline.
Oh don't get me wrong, fantasy does allow for a lot of different takes, but there's a number of genre conventions you can rely on to put down something quick and easily identifiable as "fantasy". I feel that the supers genre is broader in that regard because you can apply it to almost anything.
I see your point about fantasy being just "fantastical", but with that definition you don't usually think of stuff like sci fi or cyberpunk, even if they match the criteria anyway.
The name reminds me of the Takeshi Koike movie of the same name.
Have you considered giving him a pill that when taken increases his speed to absurd levels but leaves him debilitated when its done
in lore you could treat the visor as his super human reaction speed.
Like he can naturally run fast but without the computer he'd run into everything
I would say a minor movement array with Speed and Leaping, Chakra Control with wall running and maybe water walking, and Transformation with Morph are basic powers that they should all have.
No. Fantasy is anything that is fantastical. Buy a fucking dictionary.
>Red is kind of obviously required, but I'm not sure about the purple.
Randomly looking at Ferrari F1 cars, they're mostly red with black accents, some have blue accents instead. Try trading the purple for blue or black?
Yeah, your player was on some bullshit, Flash has Speed 20 and Quickness 20 and he can be tagged by people with no speed. Speedsters are the proof that superspeed doesn't make someone untouchable.
Calm your autism. You don't think of cyberpunk when you hear fantasy, that's what I'm saying. There are expectations and conventions that frame the immediateperception. Yes, napoleonic hussars riding dragons is fantasy, but that's not the first thing you think about. Of course any superpower is going to be fantastical, but you can put a super hero in any other genre and have it fit.
>>93449622 here, to quickly elaborate a bit more before going out. You have that stick so far up your ass that you're not even seeing I'm agreeing with you with the fantastical element, but you're not getting that never was the point. If my players asked me for a fantasy one shot I would immediately get their meaning, and prepare something accordingly. I wouldìt put the LOST plot in space with premade chars that look like batman, sekiro and nanoha, then smugly look at them and say "what? it's fantastical lmao". I fear you may just be here to argue for arguing's sake, I hope you get better. Have a nice weekend.

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