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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Eowyn had negative chance against Arwen.
Which is which
yes and?
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I'd rather have the cool blonde tomboy fighting by my side any day. Faramir got the better girl.

Jackson actually gave Arwen things to do instead of making her deadweight and a prize waiting at the end of Aragorn's question and she was -still- boring.
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Poor taste.
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Don't you have a fire you should be in, Denethor?
Why would a queen need to cook? You have servants for that.
Which traditional game are you talking about?
Did Eowyn's actress ever show her tits? Saw Eowyn's and they're sad.
>judge women by their tits
This guy knows.
Eowyn has the better set, although they're on the flatter side.
I, for one, judge women by their personality.
Which is stored in their tits.
Personality is stored in the balls.
E-even for women?
Especially for women.
>describes a man
>describes a woman
>claims to find what a woman is "boring"
You're probably just gay anon.
eowyn all the time nigga. Both physically as in character
Human femcels can't compete against elf Stacies
Jackson could have included Galadriel destroying Dol Guldur in RotK if he wanted to show women doing something. But I think giving Glorfindel's role to Arwen in the first film was better than what Bakshi did (giving it to Legolas).
why did tolkien like to give similar names to similar characters?
>two woman characters?
>call them Eowen and Arwen
>two evil dudes?
>call them Sauron and Saruman
>surely this won't confuse anyone
don't even get me started on the dwarf names in the hobbit
but Arwen doesn't depreciate, there is no elven version of the wall

Objectivly correct

Faramir was the better girl. She didn't deserve him. And he deserved better than Aragorn anyhow.
>Confusing a 'woman' with his mute sexdoll
Stay virgin, /pol/cel
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True men have always craved the company of tomboys. Even sexist cultures like the Greeks told legends of Amazons and had warrior-goddesses like Athena.
Athena wasn't a tomboy you turbofaggot
I'd take Eowyn every time. Miranda Otto is hot as fuck, and Eowyn actually does shit to help save Middle Earth.
>hurr, she can't cook
Who gives a fuck? She fucming stabbed the Witch King in the God damn face. That's way more important to me. If shit goes down again I know she'll have my back.
nta but not only she was a goddess of warfare, but had sparring matches with other girls when she was a kid.
Yeah yeah she did have retarded women moments later on such as the apple shit or the knitting deal with Arachne, but she was absolutely a tomboy.
Not him, but I would argue the idealization of tomboys stems from the mass of severely mentally ill women that populate earth. Screaming at every chance they get, outright physical attacks against way bigger people, only to get put into their place with severe physical consequences for the women, illogical behaviour that leads to self-destruction and the destruction of their own families. if anyone doesn't believe, go watch some police bodycam footage on how clinically insane women can get.
a tomboy on the other hand is never depicted as sharing any of these mentally ill traits. tomboys are cheerful, friendly, a little insecure, only blame you in jest when something goes wrong, and are loving and caring.
men yearn for this happiness, but actual women only pretend to be like that, until their masks come off.
was the whole "no man can kill him" thing like a legal contract thing and he forgot to read the fine print?
It was just some random elf prophecy. He didn't die because Eowyn was a chick, he died because Merry stabbed him with a magical ghostblade which disabled his magical invulnerability, so Eowyn stabbing his face actually hurt him.

No - it was a classic example of prophecy. Glorfindel made the prophecy, that the Witch King "not by the hand of any man shall fall" or something to that effect, and Eowyn being a woman, and Merry being not-human brought him down, as was foretold.
I feel like Tolkien read Macbeth and was hugely disappointed in how the prophecy played out
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A bit of more esoteric Tolkien lore: in early versions of Silmarillion he had a warrior goddess figure among the Valar. Makar and Meássë were a brother/sister team equivalent in function to Mars and Bellona, they had an iron citadel in northern Valinor and lots of angry warrior elf followers fighting and feasting there. He removed them later because Valar resembled a pagan pantheon too much and he wanted them to be more like archangels.
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>he wants his wife to protect him from danger
>he doesn't care whether she can cook or not

I do feel like we're at a weird cultural crossroads with the worst aspects of traditionalism and egalitarianism. EG, women are competing with men in the workplace but a man still has to earn more than his girlfriend or wife.

>outright physical attacks against way bigger people

Always wondered if this was just unchecked mental illness or if it can be at least partially blamed on action/capeshit movies where a small woman can take down a 6 ft guy with a single punch. Society is really gender-confused now and I'd speculate girls assume guys are shopping in the same aisle they are and try to mirror stuff they find attractive on guys like tattoos and a cocky sense of humor so it stands to reason they'd start thinking they'd be good at fighting too.


>a tomboy on the other hand is never depicted as sharing any of these mentally ill traits. tomboys are cheerful, friendly, a little insecure,

Relatedly, I've argued for years that the "Manic Pixie" stock character is supposed to be a BPD girl but without the bad parts. Like she asks you out first and has a quirky personality but she doesn't have exes crawling out of the woodwork gunning for you or threaten to cut her wrists like a real BPD hoe does.

And I kinda find that hilarious. As romances for women get weirder and bring in BDSM billionaires, vampires, and time-travelling Scottish lairds, romances for men are still about a guy having an adventure with a cool tomboy or having a girlfriend/wife who is pleasant to be around.
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H.G Wells was onto good stuff in multiple ways.
>Society is really gender-confused now and I'd speculate girls assume guys are shopping in the same aisle they are and try to mirror stuff they find attractive on guys like tattoos and a cocky sense of humor so it stands to reason they'd start thinking they'd be good at fighting too.
It does feel like that nowadays a lot of women wish that men were attracted to same things in them as they are attracted to in men, a modern woman wants men to feel attracted to her degrees, career achievements and socio-economical status. Meanwhile men still have zero problems in just marrying down socio-economically when they just find someone who is pretty and fun to be around with without any more complex standards.
>Always wondered if this was just unchecked mental illness or if it can be at least partially blamed on action/capeshit movies
It's simpler than that, and has been around way longer. "They won't fight back."
Always found it a bit odd that the dunedain is so rarely ripped off in fantasy compared to elves and dwarves despite their whole schtick of being semi-super human long living heirs of a fallen kingdom being close to par in terms of interest with the other two.
It's not even "want", they're just retarded like Anon said, fell for the egalitarian babble and so genuinely believe that men do and should care about the same shit women do. Then they get mad when they learn that men are actually diametrally opposite to them.

Boromir wouldn't have chosen anyone; he was a combatsexual.


What really bothered me about that scene is that Jackson didn't give Arwen just Glorfindel's role, but Frodo's as well.
Well yeah
Arwen was a fucking ethereally beautiful elf maiden.
Eowyn was the human daughter of a King
She got mogged so hard it wasn't even a competition.
found the dwarf
The tard who made the pic and the bigger tard who posted it are underage faggots who think durr durr go back to the kitchen derp is somehow funny.
His name is almost sauronman. may as well call him badguyguy
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/tv/ is in the other room.
>underage faggots who think durr durr go back to the kitchen derp is somehow funny
To a man, a wife's natural purpose is to care for his household, which includes rearing his children, cooking, cleaning, and making herself sexually desirable and available to him.
A wife who isn't doing these things is no more of a wife than a husband who refuses to protect his wife from danger and financial hardship.
This is the norm for the supermajority of human societies we have historical records of, and is in line with the natural feelings of both sexes.
But you're a woman, so appealing to reason is pointless. Get pregnant, then you'll see.
tl;dr look how underage and retarded I am.
This guy's single
My knees are aching from youthful naivety, my ears are ringing from children's yells and my wallet is drained to pay for a wedding anniversary gift and food for a whole family.
Post wedding ring and timestamp before replying to me again.
Famously he hated that the woods didn't actually walk at the end of Macbeth and that's where the Last March of the Ents came from.
No one asked about you and your hand.

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