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Politically Correct "FUWARKING FURRIES" Edition


▶Official News:
Bloomburrow Prerelease Guide

Bloomburrow Commander Decklists (GOSH DANGIT ISN'T THIS A STANDARD SET??)

Where and How to Play Bloomburrow

▶Something that happened over a year ago that people still put in the OP for some reason(?):
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?


Do you want something similar to "outlaws" take off for other tribes?
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What if every land drop was a double Lava Spike?
I really think the ramp version of Golgari is going to become an actual thing this rotation.
That's so fucking retarded I hate the retards designing cards circa FIRE.
Seems like blue's a pretty free splash since you'll probably want deserts anyway and then you top it off with a Doppelgang.
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>found a female (female) pioneer player with gigantic tits
I have a sudden urge to build Quintorious
pics or fiction
I spent the past ten minutes trying to make a joke about a "card whale" and a "landwhale" (LOOK AT THOSE WRISTS LMAO) but I'm too stoned and drunk to come up with a solid punchline. Give me about a day, if I can remember this.
Eh, fat but plappable
low t
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I just like fat girls
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every day until you like it
Why is Rudy crying about nobody wanting to buy vintage magic? Did he think you could gouge newer players?
They're fucking hideous but I can at least appreciate them being relatively real Magic borders.
Bloomburrow has the worst card quality I have ever seen.
Hasbro's fucked up their mindset because of Commander, and thinks that NUMBER GO UP has to apply to every sanctioned format. The reality is that newer players should always start in Standard, then naturally rotate out into Pioneer. Once they get bored of Pioneer, they should move to Pauper/Modern. If they moved to Pauper, then they should move to Commander; if they moved to Modern, then they should move to Legacy. However, Hasbro and WotC are run by inhuman, soulless bug-people who advertise 4 Steps to Transition Your Gender, but not 4 Steps to Transition Your Format.
I'm always blown away that EDH, by far the most complex Magic format that isn't specifically designed to be complex like Tower, as the "intro" format for the game.
Truly psychotic stuff.
>4 Steps to Transition Your Gender
does everything have to turn into this with you people?
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You can literally see the imprint of the holo stamp on the back of the fucking cards.
Bloomburrow card quality is an atrocity.
I can understand why Commander is popular from a social standpoint, but from a mechanical standpoint, it's a dogshit way of balancing a game. Standard precons and signposts within each set to guide new players on how to think about constructing decks is the smartest way to approach the game; if you make each precon have a 1-of each card in it, you'd incentivize new players to get 4 starter precons to have a fat amount of lands, staples of a certain color within the set, and encourage them to start collecting.

It's genuinely a no-brainer.
>It's genuinely a no-brainer.
Unfortunately, WotC only hires people who somehow have less than no brains.
One day, I will become the MtG Autocrat and mechanically save this game. Until then, I'm going to keep printing out paper proxies and put them into penny sleeves and have fun without giving a dime to Hasbro.
So if Slickshot Show-off isn't good in standard right now according to some anon last thread or the thread before it or whenever I asked...
What the fuck are the all-star RDW cards?
Because if killing on turn 3 isn't good enough then what the fuck? Why make all the other cards they make? You know the ones, like a 6 CMC creature that's a 7/7 with a single ability.
>What the fuck are the all-star RDW cards?
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To keep it simple, one of the biggest differences between Standard and Modern RDW is that Modern has easy access to zero-cost or 1cmc non-creature spells, while Standard doesn't. Standard makes up for it, to be sure, but plotting Slickshot doesn't reap the benefit of Kumano Faces Kakkazan's II effect, which is a cornerstone of a good Standard R-aggro deck.
As for your second set of inquiries, aggro decks typically lose against midrange decks by putting down some big bastard that can block attacks and kill weenies, and having some form of control that causes aggro decks to burn out. In Standard right now, the typical midrange deck is Orzhov, which has Aclazotz and Virtue of Loyalty, which are high-cost cards that you're probably thinking of. These are usually "win-more" cards when played against aggro. A midrange deck nonetheless wants them to deal with control decks, where games aren't usually decided until about turn 6.
I like it.
My tests suggest that Cruelclaw's Heist is going to be far better than people think.
Unless there's more to make Black Scam worthwhile in Standard, it's only go to provide rogue wins, not consistent ones. I still like it, though. Back during the end of the Phyrexia block I was using Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion to steal opponents' Breach the Multiverse, and made so many enemies I had to leave my LGS for a hot minute to avoid getting shat upon by angry sweaties.
>Unless there's more to make Black Scam worthwhile in Standard, it's only go to provide rogue wins, not consistent ones. I still like it, though. Back during the end of the Phyrexia block I was using Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion to steal opponents' Breach the Multiverse, and made so many enemies I had to leave my LGS for a hot minute to avoid getting shat upon by angry sweaties.
Stop looking at it like a hand disruption spell and start thinking about it like a pseudo Demonic Tutor.
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>If X is 4, do all of the above.
>X is not 1, so you do nothing.
>X is not 2, so you do nothing.
>X is not 3, so you do nothing.
What did WotC mean by this/?
Tell me, did you actively endeavor to become willfully illiterate or did you happen upon such a malady by chance?
It says to do all of the above.
The above say to check the value of X for the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
X = 4, so none of the above do anything.

What are you failing to understand here?
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Turn 1: any of these one-drops for practically guaranteed turn-2 damage
Turn 2: Play 4 free geckos and still have 2 floating mana for, I dunno, maybe fireglass mentor to refill your hand?

I'm looking forward to rakdos lizards, is what I'm saying.
>Turn 1: any of these one-drops for practically guaranteed turn-2 damage
>Turn 2: Play 4 free geckos and still have 2 floating mana for, I dunno, maybe fireglass mentor to refill your hand?
>I'm looking forward to rakdos lizards, is what I'm saying.
Damn, it's Burning-Tree but less reliable! Wow!
>you may choose a player
>doesn't specify a player in your game
What did WotC mean by this?
Where on the card does it say "do all of the above as if X was 1, 2 and 3."?
Are you saying this wording works somehow?
How, exactly, can X be 1, 2 and 3 while it is 4?
This poster is an Indian or a woman because I've never met a white male coder who doesn't understand that "if" statements aren't supposed to check previous "if" statements when running "then" routines.
I mean yeah, plopping down 4 burning trees turn 2 was fun as fuck and I am excited to potentially relive that experience.
May you exoerience THE NUT at least once.
this is funny because indians are better programmers than whites
>what is the Crowdstrike debacle that happened last week
It's because it's the only format where you can go into a store and buy a functioning deck straight off the shelf for a reasonable price.
I am saying the wording does not work, in more ways than you said. Are you a bot? Did you read my post at all?
Oh historic gruul, how I miss you. Gallia discarding my last card and drawing embercleave for the win was better than sex.
Honestly one of my favorite cards ever. Extremely kino card advantage engine.
I bought the playmat because it was the only way to get a large print of her art and I don't regret it.
Commander precons are NOT functional decks, dingus. They're bigger scams than standard/modern precons. More importantly, they don't teach new players how the game works, and in a 4-person environment, it ruins the intimacy of learning the game and bombards newcomers with over-stimulation.
Moshi moshi?
Based department?
They are functional, and because it's a casual format, it's completely acceptable to say to a prospective playgroup "hey I'm new and my deck is shit do you mind playing something lower power?"
WotC could very easily make precons for Standard and Pioneer but because these are competitive formats if the decks blow ass nobody's going to buy them. Remember the "Phoenix" deck that had two Phoenixes in it when it was a full playset in every competitive version of the deck?
By "functional" I mean "fulfills the function of explaining the game to a new person," not "can be played with at least a 25% chance of success". I also don't think that precons should be used for competition, but specifically for helping new players get their lands (provided their LGS doesn't just dump them on them). I don't like that current precons offer multiples of cards and have mythic rares in them, and if I were in charge, they wouldn't do that. Players who want competition should be pushed towards sealed formats, not collecting what they want from precon purchases. Commander shouldn't be catered to at all, nor should Pioneer, Modern, or Legacy for that matter.
Thanks for posting the JOTC Twitter caps last thread, I was wondering what the story about Neheb was since I’m blocked by certain accounts for asking about the reprint policy.
>didn't specify what XU represents
I like it.
I'm lying so you stop posting it
I'm regaining interest in Magic recently but only have some new cards and old ones from a friend. My favorite format is modern and there is soon a tournament in the local shop. How much I will having fun with one deck I created in this list?
>once each turn
it's shit
>My favorite format is modern
Who's going to tell him?
Anon... I...
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We'll have some fun on your turns too, don't worry.
Sultai scapeshift gonna make a comeback? If this and other landfall payoffs are finally decent again the archetype could become a thing in pioneer
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Is forcing toughness of 1 a black mechanic?
No, it is a UW mechanic to change the base P/T of creatures to humility levels. The owl just does it to combo with the few contagion effects black has, after all it needs to combo or be easy to build in commander...
I cast birthing ritual targeting your sister
Indians are SHIT at programming. The amount of crutches and memory leaks in their code is astonishing. They are just dirt cheap, but eastern europeans code better and have comparable prices.
My sister is an obese communist, do what you must. Our clan has almost no chance of propogating itself otherwise.
>ceo of google
>ceo of microsoft
Oh yes, ceo, a position renowned for it's code quality.
>do not redeem the position, Sir
I have not kept up with the spoilers, going to the pre-release this weekend, what are the busted commons to look out for?
Don't kid yourself. The topper is still Atraxa.

t. Currently already playing the 'Golgari' ramp deck
Do fat packs tend to go up/down/stay the same after release?
Tell me
my lgs' pretty much never put them on sale, I have to assume sealed fat packs retain value although i don't really check the ebay/2ndary market for them
>twitter banner is a photo of >>93419723
yeah im thinking it's based
I remember when Barnes and Noble were fire selling their fat packs of Eldritch Moon and the cashier lady laughed at me when I showed up with an armful of like 8 fat packs
I shouldn't play the tournament?
does anybody have an archive of all the fat tiddy edits the guy usually posts in these threads
boobanon archives
how much were they?
>>93421611 but where though
Similarly i remember when borders was going out of business and selling things 80% off. Got a lot of cards during then but mostly chaotic
updated pic with foundations set symbol
Bot poster promoting AI collective.
The name of the secret lair is quite self-explanatory.
wtf is an arcavios
return to amonketh?
strixhaven's plane, it's probably going to focus on the plane itself rather than the school

set codenames are given before theme/identity/lore are decided, it likely won't have anything to its name
I want to believe in the space opera set because spaceships powered by magic have a special place in my heart...
Being a CEO means fucking nothing in regards to their ability to code, you absolute trog.
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>Eldrazi is a tier 1 deck in a meta with a tier 0 deck
Lets fucking goooooooooo
Holy fuck ban bloodmoon already, card has been aids since its inception
Black can make things 'easier to kill' though that's definitely not a way it's done it before.
Set codenames are just an alphabetical list from a theme, they have zero connection to the set itself (intentionally at least).
Give this guy a Nobel price
He's already a laureate, you goofball.
how retarded do you have to be to draw that conclusion from that data
>once Nadu summer is over, we'll be at eldrazi winter
based and blackpilled
I cannot wait for Boros Convoke to be gutted. Horrifically boring decks like that should never even be close to T1.
that chart is legacy, not modern
Do (you) play /mtg/ or just complain and own nothing?
Not everyone who plays Standard plays it on Arena, you fucking faggot. Nobody thinks you're cool or interesting because you spend so much time thinking about a fucking videogame that you can't even concieve of people playing the actual physical game that the thread is dedicated to. Your posts are pointless. Stop posting. You make every thread you're in worse.
correct, excuse my retardation
whatever it is, is making you angry so enjoy your boiling blood crybaby calling others faggots
rope yourself
>call me a naughty word? heh i must've made you so angry, god im so heckin cool
>me? im not angry at all about your response so why dont you FUCKING KILL YOURSELF I HATE YOU I HATE YOU DIE DIE DIE
State of you. Get off the internet. You need a long break to reset your brain.
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>Do you want something similar to "outlaws" take off for other tribes?
"Anime characters" for the inevitable flood of cheap anime collabs WotC will surely make
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But anon, it's fun to cast End Festivities and watch Boros Convoke flop and flail on the ground all mutilated and cucked.
Magic organizing a flood of cheap anime collabs pretty much guarantees that Nier Automata will be among them.

Super down for that, but I bet a lot of the art will be pretty bad.
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>can't beat a go wide weenie deck
Unironically git gud.
i recently sold about $5k of cards and replaced them with $100 worth of proxies. only decks i kept real are a couple of cheap modern decks (burn and elves). my legacy and cedh decks are full of proxies now and i have no regrets.
>paedophile reaction image
Kind of expecting a lot of MTG single prices to tank hard in the coming few years.
Nier Automata and any decent anime licensing is way too much for current WotC business model, you'll get cheap FOTM ISEKAI anime collabs instead.

what an absolutely uninspired design
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>anime image featuring a female character with clear post-pubescent features
cope and seethe, scrub.
I have seen a TON of gacha games collaborate with Nier Automata. I am pretty sure that it having a lower price is a big reason as to why.
Perfect for current mtg, amirite?
>another paedophile reaction image
LGS owner has been thinking about allowing proxies for modern for some time now, most people here are against it but I don't care all that much outside of 'custom arts' people may start using.
i dunno man, metazoo managed to get hello kitty and mtg has way more cachet. wotc could probably collab with any anime studio they wish.
>wotc could probably collab with any anime studio they wish.
Alright, list what anime you could speculate WotC might make a collab with:
totally not a WotC doing market research, no sir
Just use opaque sleeves, anon.
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They already collab'd with my favorite anime, it's just illegal for me to talk about it on 4chan.
machine translated your meme into human words, you're welcome
one of my lgss that hasn't had modern fire in years just announced that he's bringing it back with proxies allowed this week. what should i print up for maximum trollage?
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Bt X, pitch it you dirty intern.
It depends on your definition of "trollage". Jeskai Control if you mean being a total dick, Tron if you mean using cards that are in the sideboard, or Bant Nadu if you mean using objectively broken cards that have ruined the format.
4 c nadu for ez mode ragefarm, rakdos scam with fury art from mh3 for absolute clownery
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Which cards are you seeing in prerelease that will be 100% played from Bloomburrow anons? For me is pic related
the 2 mana counterspell with gift
Played in which format?
Any Magic format. EDH and UB formats are different.
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You should spend some time learning spanish, anon. Soon enough, your grandchildren will be speaking it.
>mono red prison top 5 deck
Ygra. Kitsa. Scrapshooter, but probably not in g devotion since you can't gift off of festival.
Is bloomburrow card quality worse than what we got in the last 2 years? Wtf
Was about to sign for a prerelease but I don't think I want it anymore.
>If they moved to Pauper, then they should move to Commander
>If they moved to the least rng heavy literally-made-for-grinders format...
>They should move to the most rng heavy, least competitive, most expensive format after vintage
What retarded moonlogic is this?
Why do you complain about the move from Pauper to Commander more than the move from Modern to Legacy? Oh, that's right, it's because you're a fake-outrage poster trying to look smart for free (You)s without understanding how the secondary market works. You're like a Youtuber who can't even draw a stick figure while recording a 15 minute video repeating the same line with inflections on different words each time to make the same sentence sound different, or, and I don't think you're smart enough for this, using a thesaurus to change the adjectives to make each repeat seem new.
let me play with it already
my grandchildren will speak english, latin, and japanese. i'll make sure of that.
cope, play more basics
>you play a multi colored deck so you automatically lose on turn 3
Surely there is a better way to incentivise mono colored decks
Welp, enjoy your granddaughter, along with your grandson, being gangraped by my chicano brethen the moment they step outside of your future bug pod in the 15 minute city you all will be forced to live in.
actually in legacy it's usually turn 1. cope and seethe :)
>0% * 1.2 = 0%
What did they mean by this
weird fantasy but keep dreaming carlos. you should write more fanfiction about fucking white girls since that's the closest you'll ever get to experiencing it
Perhaps the card was designed by a MLP fan.
I cope by only playing Pioneer. It works for me
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Does anyone else just not like the flavor of Bloomburrow? I don't know if I'm just an edgy faggot but an entire set with cute little forest animals doesn't really interest me, and it's odd that they give the names of established planeswalkers to animals too.
The tribal women were the one thing that almost got me into Gruul.
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Drawing two Prof Onyx really sucked against burn. In fact, it sucks in general. We also have four (4) tutors and plenty of filtering. If we need her to secure an endgame, we can find her. Morever, Elixir lets us recycle her if we play the single copy and she gets btfo'd by Bitter Triumph or something. Thus I have dropped one copy, and rejiggered a few things.

Even though we exile way too many bodies, Virtue of Persistence is still proving great. It's a strong backup wincon just like Onyx, even with only one or two creatures left to pick from. The Adventure side is good enough to warrant the slot. Random life gain is surprisingly good, turning otherwise lost games into wins by a razor's edge.

I've also brought in a 1-of Mazemind Tome. It's a very good card. We have nothing to crew Bankbuster so fuck that trash. Tome lets us dig even when we have to spend mana on interaction. And it gains is a respectable amount of life. It also exiles itself, cleaning our library up for future Elixir loops once it has done its job. Good card.

I like the deck. Thanks to that anon who suggested Prion Black. 'Tis a sick name.
Bloomburrow is lame and gay desu
Would be way cooler if all the creatures were like 0/1s to fit the flavor of small animals but nah I guess not
For some reason one of our swamps is a fan of sudoku.
That should be 13 Swamps.
I get you. I like the set in the sense that it's a step away from woke DEI garbage, but overall the franchise has been declining. Ideally, I wish we could return to the 2000's era magic.

Kindred is the proper terminology. Saying the t-word will offend the white people running WoTC who have never left their country.
>Kindred is the proper terminology
Can I just call her beautiful instead?
>Does anyone else just not like the flavor of Bloomburrow?
I despise it. It is extremely plain and shallow.. The setting is the size of a three blades of grass and all the characters were cardboard cutouts.
Even worse that it's so blatantly a top-down setting invented entirely by marketing executives, with zero creative input until well into the process.

They did a trash setting justice with good art though. Some of the cards are alright too. Honestly though overall I just really don't like the set. The whole "Blatant designed to be marketable" thing rubs me the wrong way. It's exploitative and dystopian.
Sorry, mate. Beauty is a social construct and subjective value judgments have no place in an equitable society.

Please base your opinions upon government instruction instead. Thank you very much for your understanding.
>I like the set in the sense that it's a step away from woke DEI garbage
See, you say that, but you can't forget that it's a step TOWARD top-down marketing schemes as the driving force of design. An expansion of the product placement of Clue: The Magic Set that was Markov Manor.
Talked like a true commie anon.
>Standard dominated by SSS
Yeah, I agree that Magic is headed in a bad direction. But honestly, a lot of the stuff I used to love is the same.

I like Bloomburrow in the sense that it's a breather and it evokes the feel of old magic moreso than most other recent sets. That said, I don't plan on buying any and I don't think any of the cards really grab my eye.
Monoblack is still king bros, and very few BLB cards truly playable.
Would it be too crazy to start considering some BLB cards? Cruelclaw's Heist may be just the thing the deck needs to win, just take their wincon and fuck them two ways.
>I like Bloomburrow in the sense that it's a breather and it evokes the feel of old magic moreso than most other recent sets.
All I'd say to that is, don't fall for the marketing ploy. It's not a return to old magic in the slightest, it's an engineered market ploy designed specifically to exploit those feelings.
A return to the old ways would be a shift in design focus toward just making an awesome game, shedding HR and marketing. That is not what Bloomburrow is. The comfort is artificial.
It's not a warm blanket, it's a dystopian VR chamber operated by psychopaths who scan your brain waves to design your perfect, most soulless and corporate blanket ever so you keep paying for their subscription service.

>That said, I don't plan on buying any
Aye. Same.
>Would it be too crazy to start considering some BLB cards?
Nope, already am.

>Cruelclaw's Heist may be just the thing the deck needs to win, just take their wincon and fuck them two ways.
Yes Cruelclaw's is an insane cards and I'll be testing it thoroughly. I think it has potential to be one of the best cards ever printed, but I don't want to be hyperbolic as it isn't battle tested yet. But, the potential power ceiling of a pseudo-tutor stapled to a Thoughtseize is very high in my estimation.
Maybe you have a starting cool factor N.
So it would be something like:
N+0% = your cool factor
repeat it into Euler number and you got the max cool factor.
N+99e%= max cool factor
Fully agree with everything you said.

Really, every mainstream franchise is corrupt nowadays. It's like all the talent and soul from the 90s and 2000's died off during the 2010s. I'm pretty sure that what has trangressed in the past decade was the culmination of societal corruption that has grown before.

I fully believe that nothing good is coming back, but I do still enjoy playing Magic in person.

I'm really curious what the new world order will actually be like and what will come after.
>Really, every mainstream franchise is corrupt nowadays.
Honestly? Nintendo is still going strong and power to them, happy to have at least one company still dedicated to just making awesome stuff around.

>I fully believe that nothing good is coming back, but I do still enjoy playing Magic in person.
>I'm really curious what the new world order will actually be like and what will come after.
The reality of culture is that it takes 1000 years to develop. What comes after the death of it, is a long dark silence. We've seen it before.
All I'd advocate is, if you can, be a last gasp of the culture. If you're lucky, you might just end upa s the last wire that keeps it alive.

And by that I mean, yeah, just go enjoy things that rock. Culture is the shared experience. There is no "New world order", nor was there an old one. It's all just the chaos of people having fun, and grumpy curmudgeons who hate them for it.
>Death Race
>things now are lame, not like when I was a kid and things were great
every human to ever live
death race, like Yugioh 5D's, would be a cool concept
death race, like mad max, is probably what they're going to do and i'm getting just as tired of that as i am with cyberpunk stuff
Return to Arcavios will have the rival school or will be something else? Because if yes i'm all for it specially if we get a new cycle of Potter Dragons.
death race, space opera and return to Lorwyn will save us.
We don't know what it's about beyond that it's a return to the plane. Probably at least a good amount of focus on Strixhaven, because they don't depart too much from the original thing on returns for the most part, but maybe expanding more on the rest of the world.
We know explicitly it's a race across three planes, and stated inspirations, among other things, are Fast and the Furious, Mad Max, Wacky Races, Speed Racer, etc.
censoring tribal, because nothing says respecting african culture like making its portrayal haram

wotc just can't help themselves
UB McDonalds might save us maybe.
>every human to ever live
(not true, btw)
(and that kind of thinking is poison for the soul)
I'm sure WW2 veterans were super fucking pissed to have their own houses in clean neighborhoods and a wife to fuck and beat and a loyal dog and the freedom to do whatever they wanted, rather than walking barefoot on dirt roads to the coal mine to do go-fer work to earn a nickel per day.
They objectively were and it is measurable with empirical means, you are simply too stupid.
They sure would have been if they were communists.
When your type becomes the rich old men in charge of WotC and tries to steer the ship back towards what you like, everyone who grew up with current culture will complain that you're ruining their game and when you try to insult them they'll just collectively laugh and spam the newest memes and call you senile old assholes that should be dead already
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>Up against Esper Goryo's
>Get Griefed multiple times
>Archon clock gets presented, alongside multiple beefy psychic frogs
>Already have Innkeeper/Wolf/Yawg out from pic related
>It gets me wolf too, and I just combo to draw cards until I can chord for apprentice and end the game
>They refuse to run it back for game 2 and ragequit
Yawgbros? Are we back?
So, one fun adventure.
I was originally concerned about Waste Not against us. I thought that stripping our hand felt like a good way to stop us securing games, They have a good variety of wincons and enablers that are difficult to tame with Extracts.

But then I finally played against it a few times, and I noticed something.
We have no creatures. That is... we have no creatures to discard. Best case scenario, Waste Not draws them cards, gets them mana, then does nothing. Everything I was worried about isn't a problem at all, as they will simply never get bodies to kill us with off of Waste Not. We actually have real threats to Brain, and can totally ignore braining Waste Not entirely.

Feels good to know a list I thought would be a bad matchup, turns out we crush. Can't believe I didn't even realize no creatures to discard = no zombies to kill us before. So go ahead, Waste Not bros, draw your cards. It only will bring you closer to oblivion.
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What's the point of this card.
In a deck like this. Like it has Season's Past in its name, but I don't see why.
Sure I guess when you mill with Wrenn you can fetch something what you need from the graveyard, but it's a one off.
Also mexican
>In a deck like this.
in a deck like what
Read seasons past like this: "4GG: Draw 4+ useful cards".
Sure, I get it. But people put Seasons Past in the deck name, as if it's some important part of the deck.
Nobody names a deck "Sultai Treasure Cruise Control".
it's a golgari control recursive deck
you remove as many thing as you can, eventually you run out of removal
seasons past lets you get all the removal back
>But people put Seasons Past in the deck name, as if it's some important part of the deck.
it's a holdover from the standard version of the deck, people used dark petition + seasons past as a grinding engine, you couldn't outvalue them since they would never deck themselves
Is there any point to all the studying for limited I've been doing for Bloomburrow? I'm doing a next day prerelease on Saturday. Bats feel strongest to me idk why. I want to build squirrel, mice, or rabbit though.
>Bats feel strongest to me idk why
You've gone batty from all that studying.
>Is there any point to all the studying for limited I've been doing for Bloomburrow?
Most recent Magic limited formats are "Open bombs or lose" so you don't have to know anything. Just crack packs with good mythics in them and you're golden.
Dominaria united was surprisingly amazing
Fair. 'Tis a rarity these days.
Isn't the only removal also black uncommon? There's fell and...?
Orzhov midrange is going to be top dog in Bloomburrow standard. Pest Control is going to the single most played sideboard card in the meta.
Nobody cares about standard bro.
There's the red spell that's like a diluted Brotherhood's End, 5 mana black exile, white has a "destroy target create with power or toughness >4" and Banishing Light too.
Yoshihiko Ikawa does.
>Isn't the only removal also black uncommon? There's fell and...?
Yeah its an extremly removal light set. Guess they needed more cute furries for marketing.
There is a lot of removal in the set at common / uncommon. It is a "go wide" set with lots of tokens, the offspring mechanic, fish gifts, etc. Without removal the games would bog down hard (they still will, expect the average game of BLB limited to be longer than other sets).
Ive gone to almost every set in the past several years and its been at best 50/50. I enjoy going regardless since i like the people at my lgs but holy shit why are most sets bad for sealed anymore
>I enjoy going regardless since i like the people at my lgs but holy shit why are most sets bad for sealed anymore
Bad designers.
It's closer to like 30/70 trash to acceptable in my experience but yeah. It's the people I know who are cool, not the game. Wish they played something else desu.
I can already foresee how fucking insufferable Bronco and the other stupid black cards with the White defense will be in upcoming Standard
What is any better than magic though? Honest question i want to play something better
>What is any better than magic though? Honest question i want to play something better
Duel Masters, Scythe, Force of Will, etc.
Scythe looks like a board game, Duel Masters is only in Japan, and Force of Will--
>loli commanders
>Scythe looks like a board game,
Get over it, it's good.
im only here because of sunk cost fallacy
get out while you can
Offspring is unironically the worst thing ever, why on gods green earth do 1 drops have so much value? Like now everything without trample is useless chaff
I meant a tcg
I would actually play duel masters but its not played here. Used to as a kid. I also hate the force of will art.
Because cards are designed with Commander solely in mind, and in Commander every card needs to be useful due to the highlander clause. This means FIRE develops effects and abilities that allow for self-recursion, ignoring that every formal format allows for four copies of a card.
20 mythic rares
5 are multicolour legendary creatures
6 are monocolour legendary creatures

That means 11/20 mythics are legendary creatures.
I get my Duel Masters fix by emulating DM de Asobo on my Switch. If you're able to YAR HAR safely and can read Japanese you should give that a shot. If not, Shadow of the Code for GBA would be your next best thing.
I like offspring. If you draw your low-mana cards late game you can still get use out of them by paying extra mana and spawning an extra one.

What sucks is having a one-drop that's nothing but a vanilla 2/2 or something and you draw it on turn 7
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Grizzly Bear has been so powercrept it's insane.
I will give a disclaimer that I haven't played it myself, but I've heard nothing but good things about Flesh and Blood. The guy who created it is an oldschool MTG player from the 90s and used to run a company that hosted TCG events in my city - Yugioh, Magic, WoW TCG - and helped me build my first Magic deck at the coldsnap prerelease, as well as some WoW decks because I was a retarded child. He also invited some people at my LGS who he knows from many years of Magic to test the game prior to its release, with one of them who plays both describing it as "Magic, but fixed".

$5 has been deposited into my bank account, etc
>What sucks is having a one-drop that's nothing but a vanilla 2/2 or something and you draw it on turn 7
That's supposed to be the downside of playing an aggressive deck you complete fucking retard. Do you think control lategame win conditions should all have a mode that lets you cast them early game?

You're not improving the game's design, you're just making everything be good always with no thought.
I had a friend comment about this. He said that he's mad that it takes fewer than 15 squirrels to kill Emrakul these days, and nothing feels threatening or scary to see drop anymore because everything is so good.
Within a year we'll see a vanilla GG 3/4
French Vanillas in BLB are fucking savage.
Flavor: Uses the sun's glare to disorient the opponent
Mechanics: First strike (makes perfect sense)
Also lifelink (actual what?)
Even in mono W it's powercreep.
This. Aggro should strive to win by T3, and struggle from T5 onwards. Similarly,
-Tempo and Ramp should be aiming for T4
-Midrange and fast* combos for T5
-Control and average combos for T6
-Prison and slow* combos for T7

That means there should be a "clock range" for each of the major decks that determines whether it is non-functional (takes too long to work) or game-breaking (goes too fast).

Aggro: T3-5. Winning on T1/2 is game-breaking, trying to win after T5 is non-functional.
Tempo/Ramp: T3-T6
Midrange/Fast Combo: T3-T7
Control/Combo: T4-T8
Prison/Slow Combo: T5-T9

*By "fast" and "slow" I mean specifically how many pieces are needed to make the combo go off. A "fast" combo deck would be something like Goryo's Vengeance (since it can dump 1 of many big creatures and there are multiple Reanimator spells), while a "slow" combo deck would be something like Living End (since it needs time to fill up the graveyard with more than 1 creature and relies on 1 spell to pop off)
I've said it many times in the past and will say it again: "strategy" in Magic is nothing more than the timing window your deck wants to win in. Combo is an outlier that shouldn't exist.
You know what? I'm in favor of power creep. Fuck all those old expensive ass impossible to get old cards that cause decks for old formats to cost thousands of dollars.

I would like nothing better than Magic Foundations to print, as baseline and forever legal, cards that are strictly better than anything ever printed before. Power creep Black Lotus I don't give a fuck. Then standard will be popular and cheap and everything else can go die in a fire.
I still don't get kithkin, it's a weird name and a weird race. Are they like hobbits or something? Why not just call them halflings?
The problem with powercreep is it makes the game more and more reliant on drawing a good opening hand, ie complete RNG.
I disagree that combo is an outlier that shouldn't exist. The faster a combo deck--the more redundancy it has--the less effective it is at disrupting an opponent, which means the game state is a rush to the finish, which is exciting. The slower a combo deck--the more disruption it has--means it becomes more vulnerable to disruption itself, since it has significantly less redundancy. For example, a White Weenie deck getting under Through the Breach is interesting to watch, and Surgical Extraction completely neutering a Living End deck feels like a "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE" kind of a play.
The fundamental issue with combo is that it's a silver bullet check. Didn't draw the silver bullet? You lose because of RNG and nothing more.
I would argue that kind of logic would also be applied to any deck type, not just combo. "Oops, you didn't get your Phlage, you lose." "Oops, you didn't get your Subtlety, you lose." "Oops, you didn't get your Soul Spike, you lose." And so on.
It doesn't work to just staple "of the game" onto Chancellor, WotC.
Ordinal numbers time-gating clauses in MTG syntax are still used to refer to counts across the full game you fucking retards. Stapling a time gate onto Chancellor ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING to fix this who the FUCK is your editor YOU FUCKING RETARDS.

Legally distinct Hobbits. The first kithkin was printed before WOTC owned DnD and therefore halflings.
This was back when Magic was trying to have its own unique flavor rather than trying to be pop fantasy pastiche. Kithkin, especially the Shadowmoor kind, are very different from Hobbits.
And in turn I'd argue that not having an answer to a threat played by a "fair" deck only costs you life, not the game. This is why powercreep is so awful; when cards are weaker not immediately having a response costs you less life thus the RNG involved is less likely to cost you the game. Minimising the effect of RNG should be the goal of game design but for some reason Magic players are happy to turn rock paper scissors game design to 11.
If you really think YuGarbageOh is better than MTG you must be insane or you literally never played nowadays
I feel like there's a bit of a bubbling hype to Bloomburrow that recent sets haven't had, which would make it a fun pre-release to attend. But I also think most of the cards are poopoo and won't see any play at all, even in Standard.

Tough decisions.
>$0.02 has been deposited in your PayPal.in account
Why would I be getting paid by WOTC to say the cards suck and make buying sealed product, even as part of a prerelease, unappealing?
I agree that powercreep is awful, and I agree that combo decks are unfair, and I would even go so far as to say that combo players are dickheads for trying to break the game. Yet, in spite of all that, I still believe combo needs to exist and is not that serious of an issue if, and only if, the pilot going against that combo deck knows each important combo in their format, and has cards able to kill the combo before it starts up.

So, if more powercreep comes out where cards can self-recur and turn combo decks everywhere into winmoar decks, with no proper way to get rid of them or their plussing, then I will be absolutely pissed. It's why I absolutely despise Scam in Modern, because flickering Grief is absolutely fucking insane, since control decks shouldn't be able to combo on T1 when actual combo decks can't go off later on. If we're getting in Bloomburrow a consistent landfall double Lava Spike, I'm going to be livid.
Because you couldn't resist talking about "poopoo", a sure sign of being a jeet.
Jesus mate, you need to see a doctor about this. Do you start screaming "JEET JEET JEET" into the toilet before you flush too?
There, i say it and i want to believe everyone thinks the same. If the fucking set was just reprint? Okay but they will 100% shoehorn a broken shit and that is horrible even if you like power creep
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If Foundations was a bunch of cards from GRN, I'd be happy. But it won't be.
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>If we're getting in Bloomburrow a consistent landfall double Lava Spike, I'm going to be livid.
You do know that Valakut was a standard legal, perfecly balanced, throughly praised, skill demanding and ultimately fun deck, right?
How would you convert BO1 Arena Standard players (the most numerous playerbase in Magic at the moment) into actual paper Standard BO3 players to revive the format?

I think a good start would be making dual lands no longer rares.
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If anyone owns this playmat in good condition, I'll pay you for a high resolution scan of it.
bloomburro suck ass.
Valakut isn't a 1 mana creature that could self-replicate itself multiple times.

It's impossible since Bo3 paper requires leaving one's bedroom. Unless there was some actual, tangible monetary reward for going to one's card shop and playing, no one's going to make the transition. It's like coercing employees who work from home to start going into the office.
>Valakut isn't a 1 mana creature that could self-replicate itself multiple times
Valakut is strong because Scapeshift can find both it and the mountains needed to trigger it. Attempting to compare the new creature to it in a positive way means you don't know what you're talking about.
Do you have an AI program that can upscale this?

I know what I'm talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about since you're comparing apples and oranges.
I keep thinking about it but art is important to me in a tcg. And magic still has great art now and then. Havent seen anything special from flesh and blood. Just a skill issue on my part
Thanks, I do have the original saved and can probably upscale it using Chainner but I'm specifically looking for the full width image without the top of the archway and the book being cut off. I don't live in the US so to buy the mat itself it will cost something like $75 USD shipped which isn't really practical for just rubber fabric and ink. If I have the image, I can just get it printed from China for $10.
>Valakut isn't a 1 mana creature that could self-replicate itself multiple times.
But the pattern that the deck may revolve around would be similar; think of Freestriders as this hypothetical deck's Oracle of Mul Daya.
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I'll keep looking, and if I find something better, I'll let you know. No promises, though.
That makes more sense, yeah. I'm thinking my biases around strong creatures is getting the better of me and making me more critical of what's possibly coming since I'm tired of this silliness.
I appreciate it but don't go to any effort, it's just in the event someone here happens to have it because I need it as a scan
>the pilot going against that combo deck knows each important combo in their format, and has cards able to kill the combo before it starts up.
A sufficiently powerful combo deck is the single biggest gatekeeper a format can have. Look at Legacy, even when combo is bad non-blue fair decks are unplayable because the format is built around one specific answer and beatdown can't race "turn 2 go for it." So no matter how many upgrades current year Maverick has over the glory days of turning Knight of the Reliquary sideways you're still playing with a handicap.
I agree, which is why I had the addendum that the pilot "has the cards able to kill the combo before it starts up". Legacy needs a full salting of the fields before anyone is going to seriously give it a second look. I don't care if I'm told to "git gud" but FoW, Brainstorm, Ponder, Daze, Psychic Frog, Reanimate, Grief (FUCK GRIEF), Khazad-dum, Entomb, and Wasteland all need to eat shit and die. Just straight up ban Reanimator.dek and be done with it.
D&T was good until it got powercrept my modern horizons raping all the x/1xs.
>"I think [new set] looks weak and won't see much play."
Said every set. Always wrong.
You are falling for marketing, it's that simple.
that anon was trolling, see
>won't see any play at all, even in Standard
also checked
I just like the art, anon.
Good format maintenance would mean that every format has a Tier 1 monocolored deck in every color.
Prove me wrong.
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I like it when combo decks exist as a coincidence like Oops all spells rather than decks like Storm where the way to build it is very obvious with rituals and 0 mana artifacts.

Wasteland is balanced because it punishes excessive multicolour greed - something you'll note that doesn't exist in modern - and lessens the play/draw gap. Reanimate and entomb are also fine outside of a tempo shell; there is plenty of counterplay between stax effects like Chalice, graveyard hate effects etc. I don't even mind Troll that much because it's relatively slow and offers no protection apart from ultra menace - Grief on the other hand protects itself before it's even reanimated.

Psychic frog however is a particularly pushed card that almost seems like an experiment to see how hard they would need to powercreep Psychatog to make it relevant in Legacy again. It doesn't need 3 abilities, and the other issue is that it firmly roots any tempo strategy in UB, because it's the best threat. There's now no point in playing RUG because frog is just better than Questing Druid, and even that was power crept on Quirion Dryad. The card is even being played as a 4-of in Vintage and is enough to make people port scam to Vintage, and exchange Oko for Lurrus and Frog in BUG.

The pace at which new cards, especially those from supplemental sets, are adopted into eternal formats is disheartening and it's truly sad to see Vintage just being Modern with a bunch of beta and restricted cards.
Kithkin are the not copyrighted equivalent of Hobbits/Halflings. They printed the first one back in Legends.

Halflings are the copyright free term for Hobbits, TSR invented the term to not get sued by Tolkien state (they did sue for using Hobbit)

Kithkins are the copyright free term for Halflings, WotC made the term by fear of being sued by TSR ( THEY SUE REGULARLY).
The Kithkins of Dominaria are just Halflings.

In Lorwyn the Kithkin became more irish and gained "emotion reading" abilities as well as access to a kind of hivemind thing. In Shadowmoor they became bug eyed and got their hivemind got full of paranoia and that influenced them to become full americans.
>The most retarded way of Magic
No thanks.
5c decks should only be late-game combo decks or prison decks, change my underwear.
you stab them and steal their berries
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This is the most I will ever spend on a single playset
but monocolor would mean we don't have to spend $300 on dual and fetch lands anymore
That just means the trick to a healthy format is non-rare multicoloured lands.
Remember when Magic was like

>turn 1 I play a creature
>turn 2 I play a slightly bigger creature
>turn 3 I play a creature with some great ability, or maybe cast a buff or removal spell or a draw spell
>turn 4 I play some tribal lord that pumps whatever's still on my board
>turn 5 I play some big ass dragon or something else that feels super good

That's the best and most loved way this game should work, and I know it's still that game in draft or sealed, and that's why those are my favorite formats, but damn I wish 60 card standard could be that too
Holy shit this goes so well in my sultai deserts deck with 4 freestriders
I'm going to fix Magic right now, yall ready?

You have two decks: your spells deck and your lands deck.

Every time you draw a card, you can choose which deck to draw from.

There, RNG based wins and losses are significantly reduced and it becomes infinitely more about deck construction, knowledge and skill.
Destroy your Minecraft server.
Meds. Now.
So I guess we're getting 2 hats sets per year. 2025 is the year of the racing helmet and space helmet.
Do you feel good when the game is decided because either you or your opponent got mana screwed or flooded? Personally even when I get free wins that way it feels like shit.
cool, ill cast mind funeral on your spells deck.
yeah, that would break so many cards.
if they put helmets on everybody how will they take advantage of all their marketable planeswalker IPs?
The game is Bo3 for a reason. If your opponent is a dingus who can't figure out how to build their deck with lands, then they don't deserve to win the game. The same goes for you. "24 lands" is a rule of thumb for a reason. Simple ass.
You can reject his idea without pretending flood and screw aren't a thing.
jump into whatever new card game that has an incremental resource system like mtg and you get to relive that experience. this is what i did what shadowverse evolve
Me and my kid play online he made a inf mana myr deck that is actually good for a person with less than 60 hours into the hobby, i let him build whatever format he wants, now he wont play anything other than his "mega deck".
When we play this weekend im springing this bad boy on him:

1 Ancient Tomb (exp)
2 Tree of Tales (mrd)
3 Great Furnace (c14)
4 Seat of the Synod (c16)
4 Vault of Whispers (mrd)
1 Black Lotus (vma)
1 Mox Opal (2xm)
1 Mox Ruby (vma)
1 Mox Emerald (vma)
1 Mox Pearl (vma)
1 Mox Sapphire (vma)
1 Mox Jet (vma)
1 Sol Ring (c17)
4 Ornithopter (m10)
4 Memnite (mgdc)
4 Etherium Sculptor (sld)
4 Master Transmuter (arc)
4 Metalworker (cus)
3 Mycosynth Golem (5dn)
3 Memnarch (arc)
3 Clock of Omens (5dn)
3 Mycosynth Lattice (ds)
3 Panoptic Mirror (ds)
3 Hurkyl's Recall (10e)
4 Stasis (sld)
Im gonna be honest, I didnt expect psychic frog to be this good
Its a Thieving Magpie (One of the best cards ever) for half the cost, that you can pitch to both Force and Grief.
Why would you expect anything else?
The fact it turns every card you don't need in any zone into a resource makes it absurd. I'm almost surprised it doesn't also Arc-Slogger its way through the library for even more utility.
You can talk about hats all you want but i really have hopes for the Space Opera set. Bloomburrow showed that if they have the material they can do something good.
Bats are cleaning up on the Early Access event.
Yeah people figured they would.. WotC can't balance for shit.
Bats? Have you seen those otter decks? Prowress and Izzet were a fucking mistake anon. Is disgusting.
Here’s your validation: You exist, something you did was noticed. Good job.

if x=1, do A
if x=2, do B
if x=3, do C
if x=4 or more, do A, B, and C.

not if x=4, solve for x
I wouldn't pay any heed to it then. Everyone's playing meme decks, so any halfway synergistic deck wipes the board with others.
Nah, bats are legit. Deep-Cavern was already a backbreaker in the last season and now it has a bunch of friends and payoffs for the lifelink.
Mono-colored decks should be allowed to do whatever they want.
2c decks shouldn't be able to play aggro.
3c decks shouldn't be able to aggro, tempo, or ramp.
4c decks shouldn't be able to aggro, tempo, ramp, midrange, or do easy combos.
5c decks shouldn't be able to aggro, tempo, ramp, midrange, do most combos, or play control.
Every color past the second should mean you start with one less card in your opening hand.
Me? I don't play against 4c 5c decks.
2c is the norm in Magic. Monocolor should rarely work because you need a second color to shore up your color's weaknesses.
>want to start playing more competitively
>the only format I'm interested in competitively is Standard
>it's dead
It's at least extant on arena
>Nhqopmatop n3 Iloa3emhoto Topona
>Illnnoh Banhoctpanbl
Ah yes, my favorite Cymectbos...
they're banned in Pioneer though
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Dinrova Horror
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I've jumped around to so many other card games to give them a try that the only ones I'm interested in much anymore are the ones I make myself. I'm working on a revamped pokemon tcg because the official one sucks ass. That "new hotness" feeling only lasts a few games. Nothing captures long-term interest for me. It's sad.
Thanks for reading my blog post
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Would you play Mark's Moodswing game?
The poll doesn't even apply to the question.
I would try it.
It's extremely telling of this person that they think "notoriety" and "dream-infiltrating" are supposed virtues. Anyways, to answer your question, NO, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY DO NOT WANT TO TRY MARO'S GAME.
Arena has many advantages over paper magic.

1) their starting hand algorithm means you almost never get mana screwed or flooded
2) can errata cards on the fly
3) always people to play with

the downsides are mostly that it's a money grubbing whore.
>Arena has many advantages over paper magic.
>1) their starting hand algorithm means you almost never get mana screwed or flooded
>2) can errata cards on the fly
>3) always people to play with
Anon you only listed downsides. What are the advantages?
Instant access to games 24/7 is kind of cool but also I have no self-control and will play until I'm burnt out. My favorite time playing Magic was when I had a good LGS that had regular Friday drafts. 4hr once a week activity with maybe some EDH on the side and I was always hype for more the next week because I hadn't overindulged between game nights.
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Post-combat main phase cards are to be determined.
Fuck Arena they only need to update MTGO with
>1) their starting hand algorithm means you almost never get mana screwed or flooded

and somehow unfuck the games code so I can generate more than 100 tokens in one turn without crashing the client with no survivors
Try out the new neopets battledome game might give you some inspiration or new ideas
man this is crazy, legacy is a pretty old format, I wonder if it has ever gotten this bad in the past
30 years old and i'm about to make a neopets account... but I'm willing to give it a shot. Thanks for the rec
I don't know if the battledome thing on their site is the same thing as the card game
here's the publisher site page before you go making an online pet doomed to die
You forgot the part where the game is rigged to force a 50% win ratio and rng that heavily favors paypiggies.
>game is rigged to force a 50% win ratio
Is this the meme where a good matchmaking system naturally resulting in a 50% win rate is considered "rigged" or is there something actually malicious happening
It's kind of hard to tell, results-wise, if the latter is true. Confirmation bias is a hell of a thing. We know unranked matches do have different ratings based on your deck and it tries to match you up against similarly rated decks, but ranked matches are just on their own thing.
modern horizons 3 is the worst set wizards has released since... well, honestly, probably murders at karlov manor, but i want to be dramatic so we'll say in years. who enjoys the cards from this set? who enjoys the awful limited format? who enjoys how it forced a rotation of modern? who enjoys paying a premium price for the exact same cardboard they use for standard sets? playing the midweek magic on arena has reminded me just how much i hate it and i have to believe others agree because the LGSes near me switched to doing chaos drafts instead of MH3 ones. The set sucks and wotc would feel bad for making it if it didn't print gold bullion directly into their ass.
>watching some guy play legacy
>loses two of the first matches
>every loss for every round is due to psychic frog
bro what the fuck is this card?
My favorite part of Legacy right now is that the only cards played in the entire format from pre-2020 are lands and Force.
untap. in
has many advantages over Arena/MTGO
>always someone to play against
>full library of cards
Don't be silly anon, there's lots of cards like uh... knight of the reliquary! And dismember.. and, uh.. daze?

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