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Is it inspired by real world fashion or did you come up with it entirely by your self?
Do you remain faithful to any particular era or do you tolerate anachronisms?
How does the fashion differ between different cultures, races and social classes?
Don't care. I play games not dress up.
Gonna add here that if there is some relevant garment that indicates a faction or somethingbimportant, then it gets mentioned. Otherwise its pointless faffing.
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Here is what your average peasant in the main kingdom where everything takes place looks like
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Here's what a young peasant girl from the same kingdom looks like
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Here's a count from the kingdom
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Here's a duke from the same kingdom looks like
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Here's another duke from the same kingdom
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Here is the queen of the kingdom
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This girl is in a sorority at the kingdom's magical university
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Here is a woman from the tropical rainforest region of the same setting
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Here is the king of the kingdom at war with the main kingdom mentioned in this post
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Eh, it’s still fun to think about, at least as flavor. Like, the old Mystara Gazetteers had brief write ups on the clothing in the regions described. Not top priority, to be sure.
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Here is the princess and daughter of this king
Nobody cares about your AI generated slop. Delete your posts.
Why not just use your mod powers to delete the posts?
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The primary difference is that they wear trousers in the Empire’s north and don’t in the Empire’s south. Furthermore the western marches of the Empire are more Mediterranean in climate than the perpetually humid east (where clothing has to take into account monsoons n shit). Among the Senatorial class I’ve drawn inspiration from picrel.
So wait, if you find in the treasure pile of a downed enemy a, say, golden ring, you always sell it? You never wear it?
Of course not. Clothes are for sissies.
>Clothes are for sissies
Wow anon I didn’t realize you were a nudist
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real world stuff, 90% of the time. Thats just so I can practically larp; I don't want to sew my own outfits.
Oh it's you faggot. Please kill yourself already.
You realize armor follows fashion trends aswell right?
You character doesn't wear armor when you roleplay?
He do. Who cares what it looks like it's all imaginary? I'm not a little girl I don't care about dressing paper dolls.
>Who cares what it looks like it's all imaginary
'only numbers matter'-fags are a blight. Go back to optimizing your spreadsheet if thats your idea of fun.
>I'm not a little girl I don't care about dressing paper dolls.
The fact that you feel the need to let everyone know about this tells another story
If you're wearing more than a torq and woad
then your chances' less than a dried-up toad
If this thread were spammed daily, I'd say fbpb, but since this thread has a fairly rare topic, eat a dick for a minute, then in about 3 months one's you've sucked it down, come back and post this.

I cheat a lot, somewhere between made up and based off of real world, but I'm anachonistic to a point because I'm a scumbag.
As for how it differs between classes and cultures, I started it off as a joke, but borrowing from vidya games off all places, I thought that perhaps magical glowing trinkets would symbolize the class or culture of a society, so a sparkling suit shines brighter because of magic, or a musician's hair flows in the wind thanks to his earrings. Maybe a street performer's head and hair appear alight like a massive candle with a quiet blue aura.
I got carried away, and it ended up resulting in the most cringe shit imaginable.
Oh yes please tell me all about your plate mail looking like this instead of that it's soooooo interesting and I'm sure it will be relevant some day.
Technologically advanced fuedal scifi. Nobles barely wear clothing as starcraft are always environmentally controlled. Planetbound are considered lesser but run all kinds of fashions.
I require all players to be nobility, even if they are just in disguise or an upstart, it gives it a pulp feel which I like, on an side note the women players in my are super horny about it which I didn't expect.
There's no coherent style. Some of the costumes look kind of like 14th century, while others are more 16th century. Then there's that university whore looks like she's from the late 18th century but couldn't afford the whole dress
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Whatever this is called
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>What's the fashion in your homebrew?

Which most people normally think people back then were strutting around in animal skins and simple woven fabric attire, but even in 'final-era caveman and very early metal working times' people had already established a significant amount of material & fabric culture.
>I'm in a thread where people are trying to get a visual idea of how to picture medieval characters clothing
I agree! The heretics must burn for using technology!
You first cocksucker
I find most fantasy generally does a mix and match of styles from different eras of medieval and renaissance history.
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Mind sharing more, Anon?
Wait I got east and west mixed up. The west is hot and wet (getting hotter and wetter the closer to the equator you get), the east is drier and Mediterranean. The capital is in the far west, on the divider between the subtropics and the tropics.
This loser never once drew his character on his character sheet or is still seething from other people just being better artists than him out insecurity.
Is there even fantasy which is exclusively medieval?
Arthurian aesthetic is almost as far from being medieval as GoT
I'm actually looking for help on that. See, my setting is focused around the elements, a bit like in Avatar, but with a bit more focus on combinations of element in contrast to how in Avatar they usually stood apart, and with a greater variety than Avatar's more Eastern-dominated aesthetics, along with them being less monolithic and more spread out, allowing for more flexibility in the cultures. I'm trying to develop said elemental cultures, including the clothes, and I could use some more ideas due to that aforementioned variety. Sure, using Avatar's clothes as a basis works to a degree, but even without the varied elemental, and elemental combination, cultures, I don't want to just copy Avatar for everything, so if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them please.
Colorful silk sashes with garish patterns are a sign of status, Phrygian caps,riding boots opposed to sandals, even in women tho more exaggerated and less practical, in the youth sandals are still common.
All inspired by cultural dominance of the Horselords.
Phlerae originally a sign of rank in the south have become a fashion statement.
Cloth is ofthen layered because of the harsh weather and also painted garishly as (some) pigments are cheap but silk is not.
Colorful facepaint is common among men and women, in the north, blue lipstick is considered a warriors fashion, everywhere else it’s condo extremely gay,
In the reptilian south, colors represent emotions, red codpieces are the latest fad.
Hair are kept long and almost never cut, both men and women wear their manes down to their asses and decorate them with small braids and feathers.
For men bushy moustaches and long elaborate beards are common.
In the west, the plains men shave their heads, but the women leave a single lock intact.
Decorative helmets were common in the south until the armament ban, as were gaudy elaborate daggers and swords in the north. Now replaced with decorated drinking or signal horns.
The mountain men favor full body paint and wearing much less. In war, Full covering helmets are favored.
Gaudy oversized bows have had some resurgence as of late.
Would this kind of outfit be socially acceptable in your setting?
In full plate? That's 15th century renaissance at the earliest
I’ve extensively detailed a whole slew of elemental fashions. Not gonna share them with you in particular, though.
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>blue lipstick is considered a warriors fashion
You play pretend but not dress up?
Weird bar to draw the line at quite frankly.
>Joseph's multi-coloured coat was just a normal fashion item among coastal, non-jewish semites.
>his brothers fucked him over over the equivalent of a pair of new york skinny jeans.
Arthurian is very anachronistic
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I like this pic, so you found a bigger one.
Like this
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Swag should always come first. Unironically.
kek, excellent bait
Please stick to your containment thread, we're here to attempt to discuss things with meaning behind them, not look at meaningless slop that you had something else shit out for you to rub all over the thread
Idk describing an NPCs appearance adds depth
Within The Empire it's variations of tunics, dresses and robes with togas/stolas worn for state and religious events. Cloaks are worn over the top of this in cold and rainy weather.

Trousers and other such leg coverings are considered weird and unpleasant things worn by barbarians beyond the borders or the recently civilized out in the edge provinces. If you find someone up in the northern border country wearing leggings under their robes to keep the cold out it's polite not to mention it.

The latest fashion at the royal court is incorporating tartan into the togas due to the conquests up in the north and the subsequent cultural interests.

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