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>Undead horrifically overpowered
>Instead of nerfing them, the devs buff paladins to compensate
>Now the only viable meta options are the Skullbearers and the Ivory Knights
Is it so much to ask that my druid figurines not be completely worthless?
Great job explicitly saying the 'Bersekr Rage' skill doesn't proc with axes, rules team. It's not like the **fucking viking faction** is modeled with lots of axes or anything!
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Being a Punk farmer main is nothing but pain, the devs have yet to release a proper vehicle that can at least be usable and our only ideal match-up, gothic taxi drivers got a huge buff.
>+8 charge
>+10 rush
>-3 fatal blow
>Utter Devastation
Can someone pls explain why the Gorefang are allowed on the table? Either nerf Utter Devastation, remove it, or just fucking remove the Gorefang entirely. Dogshit units run by dribbling retards, and no one likes manbearpig bullshit anyways
Buffing is always preferable to nerfing in any game ever.
Fuck you, OP. If I have to sit through yet another god damn fucking 10 hour game because of your Druidic Mystery minigame bullshit, I will shoot up my local game store.
Man I remember when this game used to be good. When the druidic nonskulls used to be more lore-accurate with their whole 'elf rape' mechanic. Now they blow flowers out of their tranny asses because of backlash from the woke "fans". Players need to grow a pair again so we can get back to the old lore with gnome child slavery and orec blipwatering (ye shall be missed). It's totally unfair that everything is +12 nowadays instead of the old +13, ruins games constantly for me. Thats why I don't support the game anymore. Though I do play every week and still spend at least 100$ a month on the new expansions.
Druids have always been garbage and you should feel bad for playing them.
I'm glad Benny is finally getting a new sculpt.
The old one would piss off modern PC audiences and explaining triple meta-backwards irony is hard as hell
When the FUCK are the Legions of Whitsun getting new models I can't believe I'm still playing with 1995 Terrorbird minis
Just kitbash from the Coocoo Condor and throw on some gears from a jewerly kits like everyone else
Rate my new Black Candle list /tg/. Trying to use extra combat phase Shadowguards as a counter to the new Undead spam lists. Yes, it's also a Master of Iron list but I have the goddamn mini and I'm going to use the goddamn mini.
>Black Candle
>Commander: The Master of Iron
>Commander (Caster) Spells: Delight of Death, Rosy Colours Leaping At The Wall, Distillation of Retribution, Unthinkable Hope, Blazing Strike, Stiletto
>Commander Strategem: No Retreat, Call No Man Happy Until He's Dead
>1x Mist Marsh Wolf with Reserve Commander side ability, Amulet of Seven Souls and Coat of Arms
>Mist Marsh Wolf spells: Nonexistent Block, Shadowleap, Shadowthorn, Dance of Daggers
>2x Shadowguard Elder with silver tailblade
>10x Shadowguard Zero with four chopper sword staves
>Shadowguard Zero spells: Nonexistent Block, Shadowleap
>15x Shadowguard Spear with indigo spear
>5x Shadowguard Silent Artillery with flaying missile launcher
>10x Nurtured Marsh Wolf (no equipment)
>10x Infection Bird (no equipment)
>10x Rocket Mine
Not to THIS degree. Did Undead really need a buff to their already widely agreed to be strong revival spells?
The list won't work without the Shadowguard Pelfers that are way to good to give up. I know they were released 22 years ago but if you look at ebay you might be able to get them for as cheap as 80$ for 1/3 of the unit. Otherwise the Master of Iron won't do much for you, but I know you already said you were going to run him since you had the model. You should run him with the Commander upgrade: gladius, which gives her the Commander Stratagem: Force of Habit. That should bring him closer in line with the rest of your list. Good luck against the Undead hordes.
To be fair those minis are really good. The birds look goddamn majestic.
what is this game? I see the drama and must know.
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>6 editions later
>still no Scream Wizard range refresh

Give me one reason not to commit an act of terrorism in minecraft right now
>Buy into game
>want to play Lizard faction because lizards are cool
>Lizards in this game are all depicted as upper class British with a steampunk vibe

Who the fuck made this decision? Everyone knows all Lizard races have to have an aztec and mayan vibe, thats just how it is. How can I take this shit seriously?
*insert generic rant about latest edition not being as good as past edition when commenter started playing the game here*
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>meet guys at FLGS for "casual match"
>he shows up with pork sorc + fat bastards meme list
>Turn 1, bastards charge up the field
>roll a 23 on their dedication test
>sorc casts time shift
>obviously rolls a 17
>fat bastards in combat with my champion of Lesbos
>they roll a 3 on blunder test
>finally a spot of luck
>nope, big boy is equipped with the cape of cringe
>game is basically over at that point
I don't want to hear another one of you faggots saying the pork sorc is not busted because he's too randoml
>be me
>setting up game at local store
>guy comes up with nothing but Undead Ratswarms in his army
>practically no hp, no armor, but on death they split into 1d6+2 Undead Rat(s) who are even shittier
>field my Immerheim Milita - just some Workshop Wagons and Otomoneer Squads and as flavor a Ancient Automaton equipped with a VioLance with Otomoknights for reinforcement
>even gonna out-spawn the guy if that is the plan
>game starts with 1/4 of the ratsswarms getting blasted
>they swarm and surrounded my wagons and otomoneers, of course they would
>can still spawn new Otomoneer Squads from the wagons because of the deployment range exactly for case like this- ...wait, were the bases for the single Undead Rats always that big?
>okay, so I can't spawn new squads
>rats and ratswarms slowly whittle away at the wagons (they have to literally crit to get through the armor btw)
>kill some swarms... more rats
>reinforcement time! now where do I... there is no space to deploy reinforcements
>after many more rounds the wagons finally explode, surely now I can get new squads at least
>aaannnd the explosions killed some ratswarms because they are that shit, filling the empty space the wagons left with rats before the deployment of the squads inside the wagons triggers
This is some bullshit, I lost to a bunch of rats. I thought he was going for some gimmick theme army, because you can reform the single rats into new Undead Ratswarms or Undead Ratkings, but the dude never did that, just some shitty meta strategy of clogging everything up and making the game take a million years. You know how many dice the guy threw each turn? He had to cup them in two hands by the end of it. Dice that he had of course, so this wasn't even the first time he did this. Undeadfags really are complete metashitters.
Blame the fourth edition shift and the decision to attract Mills and Ledroit fans.
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>Italian WW2 army is supposed to be a joke lorewise
>becomes utterly broken if you pick the Legacy of Caesar trait from the Anno Domini edition
>instead of fixing this, the devs suddenly treat Italy and Rome as two different factions, making both unplayable past 1300 AD
At least they didn't remove the French "cult of the offensive" + "heirs of Charlemagne" exploit, but watch them arbitrarily split pre- and post- revolution France into two separate factions soon.
lmao at all those shitters with no crowd control
I'm sick of this meme about mindlessly hating on Paul Bold. He's got some strong opinions on game design sure, and he doesn't care that much about balance, and he's not the most approachable guy but he's the best lore writer bar none and the rulesets he penned are all functional and intuitive. And no, he didn't fuck anyone's wife.
Just put the finishing touches on my last Lightbringer. Local meta is mostly Bone Drakes and Iron Legion so their about to be in for a rude awakening lol.
Look, we get it but 3rd edition was a long, long time ago, the rules were never supposed to work like that, and it was errata'd out in three months.

Diesel Queen to cause the Porc Sorc to cast with maluses and potentially triggering Engorged Frenzy which means no casting and a high likelihood of forced movement and potentially bringing him to melee. Bulldagger Guardians would negate the Any Hole is a Goal trait on the Fat Bastards in addition to being one of the better anti-flank/anti-ambush units in the game.
Berserkr's fight with their bare hands and madlad energy. If you aren't skull fucking enemy units, you're hardly zerking.
The Aztecs are Vampires. You're going to have a conniption when you see the Vikings.

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