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I think avatar would make for a really cool skirmish game.
You got a cool setting, distinct asymmetric factions, interesting modeling and painting opportunities and potential to include rules simulating the very different ways of fighting between humans and na'vi. I think solid movement and environment interaction rules are essential to show that na'vi move much easier on pandora than humans

factions could include
>forest na'vi (hit and run with stealth. Bows, spears and bolas)
>plains na'vi (horse archers)
>reef na'vi (very quick in water, spears and crossbows)
>mountain na'vi (even more agile with more movement options, lots of icrans)
>Jake's guerrillas/TAP survivors (na'vis with guns)
>pandoran wildlife (various animals from small and fast to giant and almost unkillable)
>human sec-ops mercs (small and squishy but with heavy firepower and mechs)
>recoms (avatars with guns and good training and experience)
>whalers (unique amphibian mechs and harpoon guns)
What, you got money invested in blue pigment or something? That's a lot of Cameron elves to paint.
Cool exodites versus Imperial Guard
I was thinking there would only be a dozen or so na'vi in a standard "army". The scale should probably be around 15mm to keep things somewhat reasonably sized.
If there were actual na'vi minis I wouldn't mind painting a ton of them though
>Humans are 15mm
>Na'vi are 28mm
It's perfect
Here's what I wrote last time the idea was thrown around:
>I would make combat opposed rolls, like in Pulp Alley or Infinity, so that the sheer firepower of humans function as a de-facto armour, like we see in the movie.
>I especially like Pulp Alley's mechanism where the attacker can cancel the defender's combat success with his own (so you can either choose to play it safe and land much fewer hit, or go kamikaze and land more hits but also take hits in return).
>And make the combat bonus heavily vary depending on the circumstances (cover, surprise...). Therefore, to be able to attack humans, the Na'vi would need to either stack defence bonuses/ malus on the opponent's attack, or go all in on a suicide attack.
>That's pretty close to the kind of dynamic we see in the movie (the na'vi send in a giant creature/ group of giant creatures to create chaos among the ranks of the humans, at tremendous cost for the creature, then the warriors come in to make use of the chaos).
>Difference in mobility, I would represent in a simple way:
>Difficult terrain slows down troops and completely blocks vehicles, unless they roll for it.
>When humans fail their roll, they get damage.
>When na'vi fail their roll, they just move at normal slow speed. Their mobility roll are also easier.
>Each na'vi tribe gets a special action when crossing a difficult terrain from their home environment. For example: forest na'vi can jump from one giant tree to another with a successful mobility roll.
>Bonus ideas:
>Humans can destroy terrain features. It takes time though
>Successful movement rolls can give defence bonus to na'vi (using the water/trees for cover)
>Recon rolls can give attack bonus to humans
>The game needs to be a bit objective-driven (deactivate the tree-cutting machine; grab the cache of unobtainium...) rather that just be a death match, to ensure that both sides needs to circulate around the map instead of just camping in their strongest position.
>>I especially like Pulp Alley's mechanism where the attacker can cancel the defender's combat success with his own (so you can either choose to play it safe and land much fewer hit, or go kamikaze and land more hits but also take hits in return).
How does this work? Does the attacker get some kind of penalty on defense the next round and is gambling on destroying the target?
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>Difficult terrain slows down troops and completely blocks vehicles, unless they roll for it.
>When humans fail their roll, they get damage.
imagine walking. Couldn't be me.
Nah, it's very simple:
>Combat rolls are simultaneous
>Dice pools
>It's not unusual for both opponents to mark successes
>The attacker has the choice to use his own success to cancel his opponent's, or not
>Uncanceled successes are rolled against the health level of the character who suffered them. All of the ones who succeed again are hits.
I think I get it, there could be situations where the defender doesn't have any dice then (attacker outranges defender for example)?
>factions could include
With the Human factions I’d go even further and add rival megacorps, actual government forces and even militarised eco-groups. Hell you probably could add Weyland-Yutani as a rival faction to the the RDA.

Lordy that’s a big Xeno
I wonder if the other sequels will add different human factions, I'm leaning towards no but you never know.
Even so just the RDA has a lot of equipment and vehicles, especially since frontiers of pandora dropped with tons of different amp suit variants. The resource extraction outpost raids in that game is also an excellent blueprint for the kinds of maps a tabletop game should have
>I wonder if the other sequels will add different human factions, I'm leaning towards no but you never know.
From what I remember from “leaks” the next big bad are supposed to be a bunch of volcano worshipping cannibal heretic Na’vi that don’t like Ewa and especially don’t like orthodox Na’vi.
>since frontiers of pandora dropped
I completely forgot that game existed, how is it? And how many new RDA units are there?
Yeah, it often happens that only either of the opponents score successes.
It then just means that each success is a potential hit.
>Na'vi xenomorph
Comes to think of it, the game could expand to have xenomorphs, or the aliens from Abyss, to have an expanded Cameron cinematic universe
(I would even throw replicants in there, for good measure)
>Humans can destroy terrain features. It takes time though
That's pretty great. It could offer an alternative strategy for the humans, where they get much stronger late game (when most of the environment is destroyed) in exchange for not having much firepower to spare early game.
This would encourage the Na'vi to throw spearhead kamikaze attacks early.
It's both mechanically interesting and fitting thematically.
I like FoP, you sneak around RDA plants and outposts to sabotage them or do normal na'vi things like hunting and gathering.
They added armored amp suits (including super-armored ones), flamethower amp suits, grenade launcher amp suits, secops snipers, a smaller attack helicopter and a huge quad-rotor transport helicopter
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Apparently you can run Na'vi vs humans pretty much RAW in Xenos Rampant
>I think avatar would make for a really cool skirmish game.
Yeah sure, but correct Avatar
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I wonder how much you could mod the movement in the game to represent size differences and familiarity with the terrain. Worst case I could think of is the games just devolving into the really boring colonial historical wargames where one players entire strategy is just sending in waves of chaff to be killed by the other player who actually gets to have fun.
XR is supposed to be very customizable so I think it should probably be doable to mod it, but of course that would require playtesting and tweaking
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>correct Avatar
why not both?

>Anyone who runs is a earthbender! anyone who doesn't run is a well disciplined earthbender! Get some! Earthbender fucking shits!
I was just asking /awg/ how Carnival was handling parkour and it seems pretty straightforward:
>roll dex to move vertically faster
>if you fail, you take damage
So, kinda like the writeup there >>93421507 could be easy-ish to implement in Xeno Rampant. You just basically add verticality to the main rules.
The main thing missing, however, would be the whole "firepower as de-facto armor", which may need a deeper rewrite of the rules.
Damn... and now I really want to run an Avatar wargame.
Are there minis I could convert easily, for the Na'vi?
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Avatar (the blue one) is a shit setting, it's scale is an island and there is no logical reason the feds wouldn't have easily squashed the blue hippie elves for the mcguffin. Go back to your weed and think about your worldview.
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there are some STL files for avatar creatures and vehicles and I think there are 15mm alien (the movie series) marines looking minis, but the actual na'vi are nowhere to be found. The easiest way to play is probably to print card stands for the na'vi.
I wonder how much it would cost to commission someone to sculpt minis for printing
We know, you've been posting about it for ages. So when are you actually going get off your fat ass and write the game?

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