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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Which game systems are conducive to starting playing as wealthy adventurers? Not "I left everything I had and all my money just to get here". Think young nobles from powerful houses recently knighted and on their first crusade to the holy land, or a group of merchants who who have heard of great riches or power in a far off land or across the sea and decides to try his luck. People of means and wealth who start off with the ability to use it, but aren't necessarily high level yet.

Rogue Trader is one, but that's specific to 40k but hits the nail on the head. Or British nobles who decided they want to go on a dangerous safari to Africa or South America for excitement or to make a new discovery, rather than per say because they are mercenaries and need to make a living.
GURPS literally has wealth as a character stat you can buy, but then you're playing GURPS.

Alot of PbtA type games have an "abstract" sort of wealth or resources stat, though something tells me you're looking for more crunch than FATE.

Pretty sure Mutants and Masterminds let's you just play Batman as your hero if you want.
So you want a system where you don't have to think about the "how" of the logistical side, but just want to get what you need? Most 40k RPGs are like that, in OW you can have easier access to a lot of fancy stuff with the right combinations, and you can play as a regiment of blue blooded nobles as well. In several others you can pick being rich as an advantage, in cyberpunk 2020 you can have a decent life and more money the better you are at your job in chargen. In L5R you are playng as samurai, and you basically can get what you want, the few times money is relevant is for situations where you're travelling around and have to rely on your pocket change (which is still quite a good sum for day to day necessities), and even then you're not supposed to go around counting pennies as that is below your status.
Burning Wheel has you roll Resources instead of worrying about every specific little coin. Your lifepath influences your Resources roll so you can easily make a wealthy and influential nobleman.
Honor+Intrigue. You can literally start as the captain of a ship (with your own ship). Wealth may not avail you when making repairs on an island populated by cannibals, though.
Sort of. I don't mind resource management either, I actually do enjoy thinking on logistics and planning when playing or hosting 5e a lot, but I also find that it's not very popular there compared to the typical adventure of small group of common adventurers making a living. Can't think of a time I've heard of a party that wanted to all play the noble background and have significant purchasing power and retainers at the start, but the idea interests me. So I gather finding other systems and communities more likely to have players and GM's interested in that is for the best. Like the blueblood regiment for OW concept.
Any World of Darkness game, Resources is a Background merit you can buy that can significantly alter how your character approaches things in the world since it's the difference between living in a cardboard box as a homeless meth addict and being literally a fucking billionaire with a private jet and a haven that makes Epstein's island look like amateur hour.

You mentioned Rogue Trader so presumably you don't just want fantasy but Vampire Dark Ages is good if you don't want a modern urban fantasy approach but still want to play WoD. Or you could simply play something like Mage or Hunter or whatever but set in a specific time period
OW can work because 40k already gives you a loose leash if you want to do something that's not just saving private ryan in space. Due to some regimental background my players played in a regiment of former spaceport security PDF that got drafted, but still tended due to their background to be assigned for securing vital points or escorting VIPs, which would lead them to meet with the rogue trader involved in their campaign. We stopped playing but that could have meant them moving to work with, or for, the RT, so you would have a much more adventuring take on OW than what you would usually imagine. Not every conflict must be the Somme in space.
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Traveller? The party often stats the game owning a starship worth 50-100 million credits. If they do the trading right (and the Ref doesnt fuck them over with the common 'characters should be poor so I can manipulate them' trope) they can become billionaire Merchant Princes runnign a fleet of ships pretty quickly.

If you want fantasy, do a sea based version, or even a spelljammer campaign.
I GM'd a one on one Rogue Trader campaign run in GURPS with all of the finances and logistics worked out. That went pretty well.
(clears throat)

Carry on.
>'characters should be poor so I can manipulate them'
I really dislike that this is a thing and is seen as an unbreakable fact of fantasy adventures. Few of us are rich IRL. Is it that hard to envision that sometimes people might want to play PC's that are legitimately rich due to upbringing?
Exalted allows you to start as the ruler of a small state, the commander of a large army or a member of one of the absurdly wealthy Great Houses of the Realm, but wealth and political power are pretty abstract in the game.
>'characters should be poor so I can manipulate them'
It's just as easy to manipulate a wealthy character. If he's 1000x richer, just threaten 1000x the wealth. And unlike a poor character, it's pretty hard for a rich character to keep all of his wealth on him for personal protection, leading to more opportunities to have the PC run around fire brigading his problems.
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>but then you're playing GURPS
Which would be a good thing.

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