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House Kurita edition

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no. we are celebrating the littlest mech that could. Kit Fox
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so, astrokazy is the most fun place to base your campaign on?
I'm convinced that the Hollander exists because of the Kit Fox. IS commanders saw a 30 tonner with a Gauss Rifle and were like fuuuuuuuuck.
Let's see. Dry, hot, sand everywhere, and you're ruled by a caliph. In full civil war since 3035 until at least 3057, as well as secret weapon and unit testing ground for everyone on that half of the IS. From then on raped by various local powers near and far, until 3145 the FWL finally takes control and gives the planet a semblance of peace and stability.

Depends on your campaign, I guess.
Welcome to the planetary militia, son.
Can I at least get my pick of three virgins once I'm in heaven?
They're assigned by lot, to maintain fairness. Say hi to Gary.
What book is that from? New Periphery maps are pretty different.
Are special munitions and alternate ammo considered standard rules and you just need to note it on the sheet, or do they require permission from your opponent?
If it's in Total Warfare, it's standard rules. If it's anything else, the rules level will be denoted. In either case, try not to be a dick.
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That's literally the lore. Lyrans saw the Kit Fox A, and came up with the Hollander.

Speaking of the Kit Fox, here's one I did recently, before going on holiday. Snow Raven Gamma Galaxy.
I just really like medium mechs with autocannons. Especially if they jump.
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The Periphery, FASA 1629.
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That’s clean. I’m doing a test run for Snow Raven Beta Galaxy right now. Really like how it’s coming along, I was the guy in the last couple of threads agonizing over how to strip paint/primer so I could try this guy again.
Where, in Blake's name, is Alphard?
nice. Beta has a neat scheme - I like teal, but I didn't have any white mechs yet, since my comstar packs are getting painted as SLDF, so I went with Gamma.
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Fuck if I know. It's a fun book, but the amount of errors in details is staggering.

But at least we now know that you can buy a well-trained, domesticated, submissive serving girl for less than 40k C-bills.
What is this bullshit? Port Krin is on Antallos, and that isn't a Canopian world. The MOC is the only Periphery state with legal slavery.
And you're expecting peripherats to follow the law?
I mean, if they're taking out adverts in public flyers talking about buying and selling slaves, yeah, kinda. Would you put out an advert in your local paper about running a dog fighting ring?
It's pretty clear that the lore changes a lot between the original Periphery book and later publications.
>female twins...exotic dancers and domesticated serving girls...records of floggings...but thoroughly amenable to discipline

That certainly tells a story.
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Bryan Young's schedule for GenCon 2024 was recently leaked. Very "interesting" topics.
That's a lot of work to do about someone you don't like. So you have a secret crush on him or something?
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>painted up a binary
>kinda want to do another 5 so i've got a trinary
oh god, it's begun now, hasn't it? i've got the painting virus.
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I’ve seen so many versions of beta that I absolutely hated, but eventually realized that almost everybody paints them turquoise instead of teal like their description says. That one change is enough to make the whole scheme just work in my opinion, so I figured I had to give it a shot.

I also painted my ComStar box in SLDF colors with a tiny bit of gold trim (just for fun). If I ever get around to painting anything in white I am not sure what it would be.
>MS Paint writte over
>"lot of work"
>also stolen from Dr. Banzai FB page

Are you extra retard anon, or you like to shill for CGL anon?
>Krin Kredit Kards
I see what you did there
Oh look someone who believes the 10,000 hours in mspaint meme.
Did you not notice the guy in the previous thread who admitted to stalking someone across multiple websites for years? Yeah, there's some really fucked up in the head losers that come to this place.
Antallos isn't part of any state, it's an independent planet. And the fact that slavery is common and legal there was repeated both in pic related (set in 3057) and in HTP: Antallos (set in 3067).
You're talking very much like when Bussy would bitch about other people having access to the archives as "stalking him"
My brother in Christ this >>93417810 is not someone just browsing the archives.
Stop using their fake gay words.
I love you Kit Fox Alternate Configuration C.
I'm not going to open a pdf for a single page sheet. Just upload it as a png
My brother in Blake, it is obvious you are new to the thread. Otherwise you'd know who I meant when I said Bussy. Besides, you're acting like a person can't notice troublesome people from places outside of the btg. There are other hobbies and websites out there for those hobbies and you'd be surprised how small the world truly is.
I thought I saw all your posts get deleted?
Why has no one made a rifleman that swaps the ac/5s for light AC/5S, switched the heatsinks to doubles, and used the 6 extra tons to add ammo and armor?
rlf 6d
Those are basic facts everyone who's been here for more than a few months knows. NiceDaemonette is prolific and used to make those very, very, very distinct posts with a name and tripcode until he got that name banned. He's been ban evading but not hiding his identity ever since.
Pattern recognition and reading evidence other people post isn't stalking.
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Took this out today. Preta was impossible to hit generating 4 tmm a turn. MAD was a beast up close but IS pulse lasers very short range. Malak was whatever but put out some decent damage and spotted (died eventually but damage was done at that point). Rifleman was fine, forgot he only had single heat sinks and no specialist ammo. archangel was a beast hitting on 4s most turns with C3, did 56 damage one turn and 46 or something the next.

Faced awesome 11m which seemed kinda weak
victor 10d which was fine but 7 on cluster roll
annihlator 3a which was slow and didn't do much damage and light ac2s had surpisingly short short range and battlemaster ml3 which was pretty good.

Lost the malak and took out awesome (fell on his head and took a medium laser and battlemaster (got blasted by archangel) And we called it as I was pretty healthy with a fresh archangel, preta had lost an arm (got hit in the rear with uac20 but luckily didn't hit ct or side torso), marauder had taken some damage but was doing pretty well, same with rifleman facing just the anniliator and victor who were mostly unharmed

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Ebon jag was the MAD
Catapult was the Archangel
Shadowhawk was the preta

Enemy has a 2/4 awesome, rest were 3/3, 3/4/ 3/4 (Gunnery piloting)
flea was the malak
rifleman was the rifleman
That drops the large lasers for 2 more LAC/s
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Aviary Squad took to field last weekend, defending a city against the Davion hordes in the Bombing Run Instant Action mission. Forces are as follows:

Aviary Squad:
Lu Wei Bing LN-4B "Versa"
Tian Zong TNZ-N3 "Visor"
Griffin GRF-4R "Quail"
STG-6R "Drain"
Myrmidon Type-2 "Dober 1"
Myrmidon Type-2 "Dober 2"

FedRat dogs
Devastator DVS-2
Scorpion SCP-10M
Ostsol OTL-8E
Firefly FFL-5A
>nobody plays anything past clan invas-AAACK
Lu wei bing looks great
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My opponent was using the simplified vehicle rules while I was not.

Aviary Squad deployed spread out with Quail and Dober 2 covering the east, Visor and Versa covering the middle (with Visor being airlifted onto a building) and Drain and Dober 1 covering the east. The Davions drove one Maxim up the center, then deployed everything on the east side. First round saw Quail jumping behind the Maxim and taking it out, while Drain and Dober 1 bought time for Versa and Dober 1 to reposition. They got savage for their trouble with poor Drain having to eject.

Is thjat the rate 6th McCarron? Or some warrior house?
good God, man, tell that guy to trim his nails
batchall if you must
Long nails are capellan
those are not long nails
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The Davions continued up the field cautiously, not wanting the bombs to detonate. Quail chose to be very brave by jumping into minimum range with the Devastator and just behind the Ostsol; he was able to kill the Behemoth but armor was starting to look pretty thin. Visor covered him by turning the Ostsol's pilot into a greasy smear with a well-placed headshot. Dober 2 got it's engine blown out and it's tracks destroyed, so the crew ditched the vehicle.

Next turn, the Firefly jumped into the water, Quail maneuvered behind the Devastator, Dober 2 got up the hill to have clear LOS and the Scorpion moved to cover the Firefly. Versa took some damage, but sent the Firefly to the bottom of the lake with a well placed LB20X shot. Quail managed to strip the armor off the Devastator's left rear torso, exposing the vulnerable XL engine.
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Thanks man, it's constantly overperformed for me, especially with careful use of cover.

Yup, it's my boys! Are they technically canon in the lore past 3040? No. Do I care? Also no.

Forgive him. The poor state of the Federated Suns means even the most well off member can no longer afford basic hygiene supplies. The Cappelan Confederation would never let that happen to their own citizens****

Turn 4, the Devastator trundle onwards for a showdown between Versa, Quail, and Dober 2 while the Scorpion dives into the lake and goes hull down. Versa gets rocked with a full alpha strike, but refuses to go down. Meanwhile, my opponent discovers that my second ammo type for my MMLs is not LRMs, but Inferno SRMs. My forces boil the pilot alive and shoot the Devastator to +15 heat while dealing a fair amount of damage in return.
Your spacing and use of ellipses is really telling. Also I only call manic manic, and then the mods delete all his posts because he's supposed to be permabanned and doesn't know how to stop being so obvious.
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Final turn now. The Scorpion gets out of the lake and drops off the bomb, gravely disappointing the Chancellor. With no way to deliver the final bomb in time, the Devastator consigned itself to taking out Versa. Ghost Targets and ambient heat forces him aim off and unfortunately for him, he rounded the corner. Visor takes his head clean off and the last bomb explodes harmlessly in the grass. A supreme victory for McCarron' Armored Cavalry!

So wrap up, the Merc rules makes slow tanks and battle armor too vulnerable in my opinion. I took out an assault tank on one turn with and undergunned medium and average rolls and a single PPC will reliability kill an entire Elemental point now. Conventional infantry seem appropriately vulnerable enough and hovers/VTOLs actually get better under those rules since all vehicles don't get movement penalties to accuracy, they keep most of their offensive firepower at equal or better ranges, they always get their full TMM if they move, they are cheaper, and their inherent vulnerability is now a non-issue since they die in a single hit anyways. Overall, not a fan of the new rules except for conventional infantry.

As for the mission, my opponent felt like he couldn't move more than four hexes at a time since the loss of even one mech would be devastating. It might need to be tweaked, but I understand the intent of not wanting Run 14+ or Jump 7+ units just trivializing the mission.
Mississippian here. Dog fights and cock fights are purely word of mouth, like a baited field during dove season. The cops will fuck your ass over that shit if you're too loose lipped about it.
would you consider the Wolfhound more of a Steiner mech or a Davion one?
Steiner 100%
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hey guys lam guy from last thread, I want to thank everyone for replying to my question about lam rules. I had an idea for a simplified set of rules after reading through the last thread and I wanted to get some input on them if they seem like a good idea or if I'm missing some glaring flaw in them.
for context the plan I had for the campaign was to use MechWarrior destiny for the out of mech interactions and using the Battle Mech manual for the mech scale combat, with sprinklings of advanced rules as extra pilot abilities, and for dealing with edge cases (non quad mech hull down, climbing, margin of error, Evasive movement and sprinting, ECT.)
>lams generally use the 3025 rules (triple jump MP, max 55 tons, 10% weight cost for conversion equipment ect.)
>a Pilot must have both Aerospace piloting skill and Battle Mech piloting skill to convert into Air mech mode or fighter mode
>Lams in air mech mode use Aerospace piloting instead of Battle Mech piloting skill
>Lams in fighter mode must use aerospace gunnery and piloting.
>Pilots can perform aerospace maneuvers in Air Mech mode only if they have the corresponding pilot ability.
>if a mech in Air Mech mode uses jump movement, the attackers get the bonuses for flak, anti-aircraft targeting, and any other applicable bonuses.
>lams suffer a penalty for repair cost and time due to nonstandard parts.
these were the broad strokes I had in mind, I don't want to bog the game too much or get my players too confused by constantly looking up WiGE and VTOL rules, and I feel as long as I explain these are simplified rules subject to change due to exploitation and or some oversight I made, I think it should work for the RPG.
That's some solid colors and I love the base.
I really don't care hick. No one does. Please go away.
Y'know if you remove the arms and the upper left missile launcher, that almost looks like a F9F Cougar with wings.
Post your city and match with someone here, then slog it out on the table.
KIT FOX S, yes or no? Seems to be the best variant.
The S is a good variety, perfect for urban combat. Id personally go with the H Variant. Love Heavy Laser.
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Unfortunately, theyre pretty much purely steiner and their pet mercs, kell hounds
Is that your wolfie? Sexy a f.

I unfortunately only have a lance of the sneaky tough buggers. The new mini is so fucking cool injust needed a whole bunch of 'em.
Cougar is another really fucking cool mech. It just looks so badass.
But a laser made of EXPLODIUM seems to defeat the whole point of lasers
No I meant the jet craft, the F9F Cougar. Look it up.
Partly the reason why I used the Ebon Jag for a Snow Raven scheme is that it fits right in with all the other “fighter jet with legs” designs that they have going on, what with the War Crow, Carrion Crow, and White Raven. I’ll have to do all of those eventually.
Is that the one that had the rocket pods in the wings? Like on the very very end of the wings. It was an early, early jet
do you have a reason to be in /btg/ or are you just here to shitpost?
Hang on, I'll find a picture.
I know right?
>Pattern recognition and reading evidence other people post isn't stalking.
And yet you're terrible at it.
>Also I only call manic manic
No you don't.
Not my posts. I don't know why you thought they were.
everyone recognizes who manic is except you
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This one.
you're probably thinking of a specific variant of the F-89
Inspired by this convo behold, the Cougar LAM.
you call everyone 'manic' if they tell you you are a fucking retarded faggot.
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look at this motherfucker. he is on his way to rape your IS heavy and LAUGH about it afterwards
he can dish it out but can he take it?
not really. only 5 1/2 t of armour. 19 t of pod space. its literally an 'all gun' design.
I once saw a cougar take on an atlas in a straight fight, and WIN.
clan large pulse lasers have the same range as LRMs dude
This fucker took on an Atlas, in the snow, circle staffing him. Blew off his arm. Collapsed a building into him. Then finished him with LRM fire.
yeah, all of its weapons outrange everything on an atlas except the LRM 20
it's not particularly impressive
I once saw a Cougar take a gauss round to the CT, triple engine crit.
>long range firepower
>Cougar has 2x LPL and 20 LRM tubes
>Atlas has 20 LRM tubes

The atlas can shoot back, sure, but the Cougar is going to be dealing 2-3x the damage most of the time, and with 10-point and 5-point groupings instead of just 5-point groupings. I can see the Cougar taking this with a bit of luck and good piloting.
Ah but see, this Cougar was within firing range of the Atlas! He circle straffed, ducked and weaved, it was insane.
yes, that was the point
it's not surprising that the cougar wins, it can ignore three quarters of an atlas' firepower, and the atlas will be totally defenseless if the fight goes on longer than 12 turns
I don't play against custom mechs but how do you feel about custom omni configurations? Just changing the weapons using podspace?
thanks. I shamelessly stole the base idea, can't remember from whom. And I thought about making it a bit more exoticthan my usual martian red/moon/dirt+grass, so went with purple - works rather nicely with the white.
I don't consider them any different for non-campaign games, really.

well it's half a ton of armor less than the adder, and slower at 5/8 vs 6/9, for 3 tons of extra space. All in all, I think I still like the adder better, but the cougar ain't bad - 2x LPL and 2x LRM10 is pretty brutal on a light mech. Imagine slapping an extra LRM on a valkyrie, and replacing the medium laser and jump jets with a pair of ppcs, but with better range, and a -2 to hit.
I love making them, but I seldom play them, except on rare occasions. It's fun taking my UAC20; 4x ERSL Kit Fox for a spin, though...
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You all have until the end of the thread to save my soul and make me a Falcon man. Otherwise I will fall into the obscurity of the Homeworlds, or the irrelevancy of a dead clan.
Bryan Young is the falcon guy.
Unless you like Mary Sue characters, clan whore caste members, and underaged polycules, i suggest to stear clear of BriBri Falcons...
>Aurigans are reddit tier
My obscure third faction still haven't made the board.
Also the marik symbol should be the actual FWL symbol and not that vidya nonsense.
Of course they are.
I like em though, and i don't like reddit.

How could they not be reddit tier when they're a video game only faction?
as someone stuck in most upper corner factions this seems mostly accurate
Aurigans are peak reddit tier, with pacific islander muslim gay BS...
>Pacific Islander Muslim Gay BS
I thought they were Polynesian\Hawaiian.
>Video Game Only Faction.
Aw. :<
There is literally nothing wrong with playing Homeworld clans.
Even Cloud Cobra?
Have you tried reading the actually good and foundational Thurston works? Freebirth I think is my favorite mostly stand-alone book in the entire franchise, neck and neck with Wolves on The Boarder for me.
You want to place a weirdo space religion that likes Egyptians? Go nuts

Cloud Cobra us one of the cooler homeworld clans, with a unique identity. What are you, an atheist?
Be a Scorpion Man instead. Because their museum belongs in YOUR museum, carramblyat!
I want to play CBT so fucking bad but I can only coax my friends into it like once every 4 months. I also run a MW2 campaign for my gf but she's too tired to play on most weekdays and on weekends we have other shit to do. FUCK

Did you used to be able to get those as free pdfs?
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i'm tempted to paint up another star so i've got a full trinary. any suggestions on what to pick? top list is the 10 mechs I have painted, bottom pile is all the other mechs I have that Coyote use.

I like the idea of having a pursuit star, battle star and a command one (or just a really fuckoff heavy one).
If you're going to get a Pursuit Star going up and running, I'd suggest the Kit Fox, Mist Lynx, the Incubus, and an Ice Ferret. The last one you could make a heavier mech.
looking at the fast mechs I already have, i was worried a 6/9 might be a bit too slow compared to it's starmates.
I paid for the ones I own; physical copies and PDFs. However, they're available as RTF's via the links in the OP.
The 6/9 may be a bit on the slow side, but its still fast enough to keep up with most of the mechs out there - couple that with the extended range of most Clan Mechs, and it should make up for any deficiencies in speed. The Ice Ferret and the Incubus especially could be some good long-range supports in that regard, with the ERPPC and the LPL.
>Green Bird
>Purple Bird
Center left? Right between grogs and /btg/?
Who is this smug girl in a pink suit?
Bryan Young is the author managing the Falcon remnants books. The guy is lefty and woke as fuck, and he have no issues in cluding his fetishes, like underages polycules.

He is also the same retard that said that Fotch was trans, and "joked (cof cof) about Clan Sea Fox managed brothels.
So as someone still learning the more advanced stuff, do you have any tips for using Battle Armour?

Like, when's the best time to drop them off your mech? should you always go in for swarm attacks, or just wait until an enemy falls over? Since when swarming it looks like you can't shoot without hitting the elementals.
wasn't the rampant child sex in sibkos always a thing?
Evangelion character who got introduced in some of the manga spinoffs and games and then showed up in the remake. Kind of a creepy character honestly.
Prior authors didn't act like it was a good thing.
Nein, Shinji and Asuka's daughter.
Elementals specifically or Battle Armor in general?
There are barely any pieces of advice that apply to every Battle Armor model. Hell, some of them can't even ride 'mechs to begin with.

If it's toads, treat them like land mines. Drop them where you would drop land mines and force the enemy to maneuver around them or get eaten. Swarm whenever you have good numbers and shoot something else, the unit getting swarmed will have bigger problems that engaging your 'mechs. Don't forget your leg attacks either, if a unit has weak or open leg armor, a leg attack will wreck it.

S is probably the best of the original variants - jump jets help with survival, and pulse lasers give it a serious bite.
Of the new ones, I like I - modular armor and supercharger - makes for a tough little nut, and ERPPC is never to be ignored.
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In consideration of the forces panty shots, they should've made that one an Agent Aika game instead of a Nier Automata remake.


Just imagine.
>Kinda Creepy
She radiates Vriska Smugness.

Thats some weird art.
And anon said that manic wasn't a real person
Alright, who is Manic? Is he like Banshee?
He is a uniquely annoying retard that almost exclusively posts reply walls and has been plaguing various forums with his insufferable presence for many years. He has been permanently banned from almost all of them, and relatively recently he has managed to get his posts flagged for deletion on sight here.
He has a very strange way of constructing posts and has a bunch of speaking habits that are either unique to him or far more frequent than any regular person that make his posts instantly recognizable.
He dislikes battletech, constantly treats setting discussion as if it is based on his insane headcanon, and his takes on IRL things are usually just as retarded.
His posts are also occasionally accompanied by pictures and discussions of his obnoxious and often disgusting fetishes.
You will notice that manic also denies none of the observations made of him. Check the archives for nicedaemonette and be astonished by how abhorrent he's been for such a long time.
Good batrep anon. and yes, the new simplified rules are awful, this much was fed back to CGL when we playtested, and they chose to ignore us so I dont know what to say. Apparently the idea is to force focus onto the Mechs and make other units simpler to run, personally, I utterly hated using them, if your playing Battletech then your playing for a good bit of rules depth and simulation, not some crappy AOS/modern "rules lite" knockoff crap in place of actual units. Wait till you see what they did to Artillery and ASF's, it gets worse.

Right, im going to explain it for you:
Manic has a well known post pattern, along with well known preferences he unfortunately has spammed here way too often. Out of boredom when ill with the coof and thus unable to work, one New year, about 2 years back now, I went onto Google and did some searching based on leads dropped here by anons. Manic can be traced back to the late 2000's on Brickwars where he went by the name WhiteEagle, and if you correlate the posting style and attitude towards effort of any kind with NiceDeamonette (check the archives) and Manic (check the archives again) then you can see they match up 1 to 1.
Hes also banned, and somehow reached Censure-on-sight status with the mods, which is why you see his posts deleted all the time, and for good reason. Unless you enjoy listening to a whining manchild telling you why Mechwarriors are overhyped nobility, the lore (which he has not read) is all wrong, 6 metre holes and 300 metre wide moats are the perfect anti mech defences with no downsides whatsoever, civilians would be willing to run into minefields to gather explosives for anti mech attacks, clan bovine cowgirls should be a thing, and obese transhuman slugwomen with "hot butterfaces" are a must have and should be added into the setting pronto. With attached images.
Oh, and he tried to kill his mother by dropping a cabinet on her and was sad that she lived.
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post your most recent jobbies. let us have some actual on topic posting. for once.
Oh, you mean -that- guy. Yeah, not a big fan eiter.
Odd art. Then again, everything about Evangelion is odd.
Oh I love that Black Knight. Good job mate.
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they're 'looks-great-at-playing-the-game-distances' unfortunately. thanks to my suckitude at painting. but I am happy with the results
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-that- guy is >>93425475 if you haven't already figured that out
Who is pathetic? Why? Did you respond to the right post?
Oh, I do now.
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ah. my ol nemesis, sucks-anon.

so again, i ask, DO YOU?
Anchor here, post your mechs. I wanna see them.
Thats one cool Rifleman. Thanks.
Paint something.
And I told you last time, no
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Haven't gotten around to anything in the last few days, so here's the last thing I did.
Oh, I actually cleaned up the lines a bit, but forgot to take another picture.
That's retarded.
Anon asked who manic is and I told him, looking through the archive for nicedaemonette is a pretty good way to see that manic's pretty horrible.
I don't know why anyone would come to /btg/ and start white knighting for manic of all people.
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don't care if they're older ones.
lets ignore the shitposters and their obsessions.
just post mechs instead.
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>post your most recent jobbies
still undecided on a colour for the cockpits, also too fucking scared of trying to paint them.
He's saying check the archives to see the post pattern as well as how weird the shit he posts. He's not trying to bring it into the thread
An orange wolverine, sick.
That is sick. If it were up to me, I'd paint them a solid orange or red, to add contrast.
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bright shiny metallic GOLD my dude. works great with blues (colour wheel ftw) AND does the cool NASA spaceman thing
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Repeat again of the 1st Genyosha. I swear ill take more photos at some point, when I get the time.

Green. And use a fine brush and have patience. They might look awful at first but if you keep trying they will improve.
Does that include your obsession to post the same photos all the time? Or your obsession to start arguments about mech variants and then gaslight everyone when it goes wrong?
how heavy are the woods, terrain/hills and waters on the real mapsheets people are using? because i'm testing with megamek generated maps and jesus if all maps are like these mechs that lacks jumpjets would be unusable
>they say as they constantly bring up "ree manic reee" in every. fucking. thread.
I had one map generate that was mostly level 4 and 5 except for these huge -5 level gaps in the center. I did have jump jets but it was weird had it generated that
I want those ASFs.
I'll put it like this manic
>posts about battletech; good
>posts about slug girls; bad
i don't see you posting mechs. i see you needling and trolling and being a cunt for no reason. as always.
If I want to paint something thats in soft reds and oranges, should I basepaint it in Red, White, or Black?
Post models
I mostly want to know to if you're going to spaz out again so I can leave the thread and return after you've spent yourself
wraithbone or any other cream or grey. the warmer you wnat them to be, the more yellow / bright you want that base coat.

if you want them darks, then black.
suuuure. fucktard.
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Old Donegal Guards picture. Got a few bits including a Fireball to add in to the next shot.

My Aussie (im assuming nuln here, not TMNT) cuntnigga, what I am explaining to you is how Manic has not only been identified here, but traced all the way back to an obscure messaging board in 2006, purely by his unique posting style, though Brikwars is as far back as you can easily go. I dont really want to go shit flinging, but you fervently deny the existence of Manic, so I, and others, are trying to make it easy for you to understand who he is, his history, how he is identified, and why hes disliked here.

Shilones, CGL's release from the Clan Invasion kickstarter and now only available from their website. You can find the metals easily from Ral Partha Europe, or on ebay, or just get some STL's. They are good heavy fighters.

Fuck off manic, your permabanned and censured on sight. IDK how you fucked up that bad, but the the hint and leave.

Post (painted and based) minis.
What models?
Well, are you going to spaz out? It looks like you are but I'd prefer if you gave a heads up first.
okay neverplays.
Silver Hawk Irregulars?
At least I'm not a tourist
Says the guy with no models
Which guy said he had no models?
Don't quite have a wraithbone or cream, but I may have a gray.
>ASF now available from the website.
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an entire lance of BA53D mechs. bright fucking gold with cool black glasses. we ZZTOP now.

>I should have their lore be that they have speaker systems all over the outside of the mech ala' rhonda's heavy metal, except instead of elvis, they constantly play ZZTOP instead

because every girl crazy for a sharp dressed man
yellow can work. it is white enough. and bright and liit enough, and will definitely give you the WARM you are going for of oranges and reds ATOP it.
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Don't get smarmy with me
Alright lets see... I have a "Daemonic Yellow", "Greedy Gold", "Barbarian Flesh", "Pure Red", and "Lava Orange" paints. Im thinking using the Daemonic Yellow would be a good idea.
you realise you HAVE to paint up that flashman AS flashman, right?

blue pants, red coat. gold sash and frogging, epaulettes
Model agnostic game. I don't have to paint anything
Cool box. You should paint them
If you have like some shitty sprue of something left over you can always test the idea by doing strips on the sprues
Ye. Shiloh specifically. I was working on Regulans before and tried a different way to do tan and it came out too bright so I pivoted.
How can I be a shill when I'm a "never games" with no models?
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paint doggo is watching you NOT paint your models. disappointment on her face.
I think I do, but I know I have some small canvases. I might test it on one of those.
Shills always try to weasel out of everything. I'm wise to your ways, that you're even trying it is insulting.
Weasel out of what?
This reminds me of when people were mocking those in MWO who chose to buy the gold skinned clan mechs.
okay fag
I think you should take your meds. You seem to not know what you want to call me
Can someone give me a link to some good powered armor infantry, or just standard infantry models, that are printed and I can use for this game?
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2 companies of fuck
except I didn't whale retardedly and pay 500 USD PER gold skin mech.
i'm more concerned about that ib-6 konig and the girl's arm drawn on it
Literally nothing wrong with supporting the franchise, naysayer.
No, but you did paint 4 identical Banshees for some reason.
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look at how sad you have made her. so forlorn.
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Yeah, how dare someone paint all their military vehicles the same....
you know what is better than ONE BNC-12S?
FOUR BNC-12S. and they're so fucking cool. I want ALL of them. I settled on four.
>The MOC is the only Periphery state with legal slavery.
Post a canon source showing this.
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pirates are done for now or until i decide they need vees and infantry
Sick man.
Of course you'd pick the mixed tech variant available in an era that's as far away from what's commonly played as possible
i think everyone in that unit HAS to talk in very, very early 90's and or 80's lingo.

'totally sick man. righteous!'
thanks they were alot more work than i thought they would be
that's a lot of expensive rare mechs for a pirate
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cry bout it faggot
bnc-12s is identical outwardly to bnc-3s. blame fucking cgl etc, not me for making the bnc-5s an identical loadout(upgraded) but totally screwed-up location wise.
That was on purpose. CGL made the RecGuide mechs almost perfectly identical to their Succ Wars counterparts so that they could sell the force packs as both 3025 and 3150 era packs
well its ilclan and they were lyrans first
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I'm looking to make a Russian themed force, as motivation for me to keep practicing my Russian.

But I'm having some trouble tracking which factions are actually "Russian" themed in lore.

There's Tikhonov, but it barely exists. Then it gets some unit that exist for a bit but with the Lyrans? And there's apparently Russians or Ukrainians in Donegal. Then there's of course the rest of the CC, but there's not much info there. So it gets more Chinese the closer you get to Sian, and more Russian the closer you get to Tikhonov? Like, Sarna seemed to be kinda Russian.

Then there's the Capellan March, which seems to be like, royalist Russian, what with the Hasek-Romanovs. But St. Ives also seems to have some Russian-ness with all the Cossack stuff.

And the Dracs seem to bizarrely have a ton of people and places with Russian names, especially in Dieron.

Then the clans are extra confusing, with Wolf seeming to have some Russian theming, and I think a Fire Mandrill kindraa actually speaking Russian.
Cultures tend to be very scattered and blended in Battletech. You can find almost any ethnic group anywhere. Just pick the closest thing you can find, there won't be a perfect match.
then i guess the question is what is the coolest option.
I don't play ASF and I'm the only one brave enough in my playgroup to routinely run artillery in lists, so I think I'm good for now.
Try working it backwards. Which mechs do you want to use? Then look at the Russian elements in the various factions. And then try to pick the Russian element of the faction most likely to use the mechs you want to deploy.
suppose cgr-1a5 is running toward me at full speed. how do i keep the distant, while still firing at it or other targets, assuming that i don't have jj? move diagonal?
Your welcome anon

Your goodish. Artillery and ASF have basically been reduced to "strikes" you buy and can use once. Or interceptors that have a chance to stop a bombing run or airstrike.

Pre-Xin Sheng Cappies are very much a blend of Russian and Chinese communist states, and the Vindicator is pretty much the T-34 of Battlemechs.

And im far too tired from work to really read every post or care. Either way, begone, pest.

Good question - problem is I'm basically evenly split on my love for Cappie and Davion machines. AC brawlers do it for me, like the Victor, Enforcer, some of those Cataphracts, or Cappie Charger, but I also like ECM and stealthy stuff. Basically if it is a nightmare in urban combat, I like it.
stone rhino lam is that you
Move diagonally at a good speed so that it can run passed you, allowng you to pound its ass. Aim for the legs.
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Mercenaries order arrived today. Now to figure out what to do with it.
Sounds like St Ives, but a little more Russian flavored is your pick then. Just focus less on the Allards, and more on whatever Russkie Randos happened to get caught on their side of the borders and didn't get to star in a book.

St. Ives had a lot of Russkie mercs out of Tikhonov, the Cossacks being the big one, but also Rubinsky Light Horse. If the Chinese in St. Ives are the Taiwanese to the Mandrins of the rest of the Confederation, the slavs are the Ukrainians to the Russians.
Unit command star

Archer c2
Archer (wolf)
Archer c
Black Knight


King Crab
Rifleman c3

Heavy Cav Lance


Roll Tide Star

Hunchback C
Blackjack C

Sneaker Lance

Phoenix Hawk

22 mech strong super company.. just shy of 2 companies.
I'm not reading your deranged ramblings.
what'd you get out the blind boxes? also which dice are those?
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Cavalry lance
There's no mercs in your little triangle. Means I made the right choice all along. Praise Blake in Texas Davionman, I've got my dudes.
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Hammer Lance
So it turns out that the creator of Evangelion was writing Shinji as his own personal author stand-in the whole time. So when he did a remake, he introduced her, who is an animated version of his wife, and had her be the reason Shinji is no longer depressed.
It would explain why Shinji was so poorly written in the remake-sequel. Oh boy were those bad.
is 'no duplicate mechs' (like, brining 2x awesome and 2x banshee) a hard rule or a gentlemen's agreement?
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Roll Tide Star
Why did Evangelion needed to be remade in the first place? It seemed so well done in the 1990s.
That's actually an impressive photoshop job to remove the bulge and balls.
what do you mean, eva remake ended with 2.0, rei being the best girl and anno dying, ending the series
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Sadly, they capped LAM's at 55 tons, so Behemoth LAM never ever. Though I do understand the reasons why having had some very good fun with them even after the great Herb rules nerf. Watching an opponent send 50% of his near company strength force to chase down a single Stinger LAM was exceedingly funny, especially as it largely did nothing the entire mini campaign, or in that battle. But having used 4 to kill a Clan Assault force (3 mechs at, IIRC, 10K BV), yes, they can be brutal if used correctly, something with 100 tons worth of firepower would be terrifying with that mobility.

If you contributed half as much as you slathered the thread in shit, you might be treated with a little more respect, and maybe avoid the mods censure.

>*masses of evidence from myself and multiple anons showing he does, in fact, exist*
kk. I would suggest medication for your disorder.

This is genuinely funny Banshee, nicely done, though you forgot to make it fat too.

eeeehhhhh, it depends. 3 Panthers or 3 dragons in a Drac force? Fine. Three Thunderhawks or Devastators? Now your taking the piss.
It's not a hard rule, but the majority of players prefer it because A: It's less boring, and B: it makes it easier to track unit damage and such. If you've got multiple identical units on the field, it makes it more difficult to tell who's who. And if you've got one of *those* guys, it also opens up sleight of hand cheating opportunities.
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Sneaker lance
>can't figure out the last one

blackjack. specifically the blackjack with the missile packs. letting it be the BJ 2? OR the far more OP BJ-C, a total clan build blackjack featuring 2clpl and 2cssrm4
>it also opens up sleight of hand cheating opportunities.
Nobody's ever caught me doing it, so it's fine. And if someone gets suspicious, I can always just say oops I marked the wrong sheet.
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Command Star
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mono lances or stars are for funsies!>>93426929
shame on you even considering such foul cunt behaviour!
Money. Why else?
I didn't like how I was sold on that it was just going to be a remake with some new animation and that halfway through it turns out its a bizarre sequel that threw any semblance of realism out the window.
Like an Eva was a big fucking deal in the original show. The amount of logistics that went into supporting one was astounding and repairs happened slowly. It helped keep the show grounded despite the attacks from skyscraper sized monsters. Then in the remake-sequel they just have these weird super flying ships and mass produced evas to the point where there's thousands of them and the Eva which used to be a ferocious monster now dies from a few gunshots from the creator's wife stand-in.
I had just taken a break from torrenting everything I watched and decided to take a chance and buy those discs blind. I regretted it so hard and immediately returned to just torrenting anything that interests me.
Bitch, you've accused me of being manic before and also want to insist you know who manic. The only manic one here is you.
Battletech is a gentleman's game you Waacfag. Get out and stay out.
The Vindicator is a hell of a lot better made than a T-34
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If you can't have fun with a lance of one mech you really, really, really fucking like without being a cheating whore fuck. you shouldn't be playing anything. or breathing.
From the salvage boxes:

Jenner IIC

The dice are Laser Effect - BattleTech Chevron
are you mechfrog? i saw your mechs in one of his vids.

Mercs would be impossible to place, since they're given the personality of their creator.
Instead of worrying about whether or not I have an acceptable variety of mechs in my games, I only play canonical units so no one has a right to complain. Time to bust out my Barber's Marauder IIs company again.
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Here's the BJ-C
Is there a way to edit the ammo count of a mech in mekhq?
i am not they explicitly ask people if they want their mechs featured and I said yes
Yeah, equip more tons of ammo.
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I recently finished this Shadow Hawk
I like the cell-shaded cockpit.
Spartan/10, anon. Not bad.
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>they're given the personality of their creator.
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Fuck it, just gonna post the pile that i'm working on basing.
those look great i hope you like them
No, I mean remove ammo so that the bins aren't full and can then be reloaded. I'm truing to use it to do the book keeping for a campaign but the games happen in person. Damage can be edited in but there's no way to edit ammo counts that I can find. .
>Tanks on squares
Terrible, tasteless.
I really like that Shadow Hawk.
Thanks, I'm really happy with how they've been turning out.
How would you fix LAMS? Given 3150s tech, we could feasibly argue that using weigh saving technology, LAM-Gear is only 5% of a 'mechs weight. We could have it so that the other pieces are armored, ensuring that you won't get caught out if you get hit with a lucky crit that makes you unable to change back.
Pretty anemic firepower for having XL/endo everything , it can't even force a PSR until it gets within 12 hexes and it will have to overheat to do so reliably, but firing both ERLL, and ERML makes 34 heat, you can sink 28, so that's 6 over. The LBX is another 1, that's 7 over, and if you run that's 9 which is what you want to overheat by for TSM. If you drop firing an ERML and Jump 5, you're also 9, which works out well. I don't know, it seems a bit schizo. It can't reliably keep TSM on outside of 12 hexes, and the weapon load isn't suited for brawling. Also it costs 21 million c-bills. If I was a merc looking for a mech for my unit, I wouldn't buy this.
I'm pretty ok with LAMs being a dead end technology. Partial wings with IJJs is attempting the same thing from another tech path, at least for ground combat.
You can't fix them. The problem with LAMs is baked into the core structure of the game. Their entire gimmick is being able to move very fast and be hard to hit. The dice curve only has so many spots on it, and anything that easily can generate +4 or more in movement modifiers breaks the dice curve. This is exactly what LAMs do.

The solution to make LAMs playable is to reboot Battletech entirely and use a 2d10 system like they should have done in the first place. A 2d10 curve allows for more room for modifiers without totally breaking the underlying probabilities.
They can use everything regular mechs can use, the weight restriction is removed, but the weight of LAM gear is changed from a flat number to a percentage based on chassis weight. I don't know, 20-30% of the mech's tonnage is dedicated to LAM gear.
They'll be specifically separate from old LAMs, they'll be "improved LAMs".
Me with HAGs, LBXs and Precision Ammo.
>How would you fix LAMS
By removing them entirely and retconning their existence. Anime weebshit doesn't belong in Battletech. This is a game about western giant fighting robots, and we don't owe the Nips a damn thing. Battletech is American, period.
Don't forget about the fact that LAMs can dictate any engagement at will. If they lose initiative, they can automatically break line of fire because of their speed, so it doesn't matter what special weapons or ammo you have, you can't hit them. If they win initiative, then they will automatically be shooting you in the back.

Even if LAMs only carried a single small laser, they would be one of the best units in the game, simply because of their speed and the fact that they totally ignore terrain. They are further proof that nothing in the game should be allowed to move more than 12 hexes in a single turm, no matter what.
Pick up a different dice size to roll on the crits chart you tard. This isn't 1975. Having 2 sizes of dice in the same game isn't an insurmountable obstacle for the player base anymore.
>How would you fix LAMS?
Like this:

>No technology of any kind beyond 3025, whether weapons or equipment or structural components
>Cannot fire any weapons at all in Airmech mode, or make any physical attacks, or complete any sort of scenario objective
>Airmechs are shot at like aerospace fighters; their only defensive bonus is their angle of attack and they don't add any sort of modifier for how fast they're going at all. This means that, if shooting at them from the back they have a TMM of +0.
>PSRs to avoid skidding have a modifier equal to the number of hexes moved so far in the turn
>Airmechs must make a PSR to avoid skidding to make any turns whatsoever, regardless of MP type spent
>Any damage suffered in Airmech mode bypasses armor and go straight to internal structure
>Similar to dropships, LAMs have a BV multiplier applied at the end of construction of x5. So if you calculate LAM BV of a Wasp LAM to be 1200, the actual BV cost before piloting still modifiers is 6000.
>Similar to dropships, LAMs have a cost multiplier (works like the BV modifier). Their mod was x30. It also applied to any LAM specific repair components.
>Any Technical work performed on an LAM has an inherent +5 penalty, and taking extra time cannot be used to reduce repair penalties.
>Having your LAM destroyed represents an automatic scenario loss inside of a campaign.

There. Now LAMs are fixed and set to the appropriate level of usefulness they merit.
LAMs are already percentage based.
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Does anyone know where I can get the full-size version of this piece? It's displayed here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cgl/battletech-mercenaries and it's by Benjamin Parker

The URL doesn't let me remove the "scale" argument
What's on the back of the Coin?
That's one sexy Warhammer
>incoming new rules for picking up loot in Megamek
>bumrushing the canopian warehouse with your marian raiderbros then doing a runner back to the dropships with armloads of gravure idol catgirl holovids
>fuck that just pick up the shipping container full of gravure idol catgirls
This is the dawn of an age too glorious to imagine.
I meant the picture I posted of the pilot about to get rekt
is going pilot 4 worth it? somehow while i fail like 60% of psr with pilot 4, the princess with 4/5 passes psr 90% of times, pounding on me with heavier mechs from saved bv
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4/5 pilots do fall over a lot, and though it's the standard, a lot of people play with 3/4 pilots to speed things up and not have such clumsy mechwarriors all the time
Despite knowing the risks I can't seem to stop myself trying to kick people with 4/5/ pilots. Even with it seeming like 50/50 they miss and fall over then get focus fired by every unit Princess has in range.
Statistically speaking, the jump from 4 to 5 is pretty significant, however, I wouldn't invest unless kicking is a major part of your game plan. For lights, where that's a significant portion of your utility, I find shift to a 4/4 or even a 4/3 a much better value proposition than going 3/5. I usually don't bother with the heavier mechs unless I am specifically playing Clans.

I know the Canopians take a lot of refugees, but what would you think would be the largest refugee populations? i.e. most likely to show up in the military.

We know they were founded by exFWLers, given their languages - essentially mixing all the FWL into one state. Some of the merc groups in the region indicate RWR refugees too.

But what would you say after that? Possibly big refugee points of origin would be Hogs, Capellans, Skye, Anduriens, Tamar Pact Lyrans. Which do you think would be the largest or least large?
so how many lrm/srm carriers can you make if you go all in with one Battle & Fire forcepack again? 4?
My rule of thumb is to never go higher then a 4 on my Pilot Skills.
>crypto-bills headed of the cliff
I should have expected it, but fug nonetheless.

Capellans and poor bastards from Periphery shitholes.
Do you play with 1 step rule? My group has been doing 2 step since I started playing with them. We also have been using "every 20 dmg over the initial 20 is an additional +1 malus to your PSR" so having good piloting tends to help a lot.
2 Steps. I try to push this that your pilot skills of all pilots have to be on average two steps away from each other.
As written it seem more like they collect individual political dissidents and fringe movements, not specific ethnic groups. Think various european anarchist/anti-monarchists or religious schismatics being shoved onto boats to america at various times.
What I mean by "2-step/1-step" is that a mechwarriors Gunnery and Piloting skill must be within 1 or 2 steps of eachother so something like a 2/6 isn't legal while a 3/4 or 2/4 is.
Yes, yes, we’ve all seen your bullshit a hundred times already you narcissist.
Yeah but we also utilize the experience pool as well.
As something I've not messed around with much, anyone have any info on Clan tank and vehicles? Ones that are particular standouts, and ones I should avoid?
The ones you see a lot are the mars, ares, athena and carnivore. I'm a fan of the Chalchiuhtotolin (try pronouncing that).

They also just use a lot of refitted IS stuff, most common IS tanks have clan variants
Ares is good
Kal chee-uh toe toll lin?
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Yes yes we KNOW you are a joyless psycho who hates fun.

Have an unkindness of ravens to go with your hot topic emo faggot edgy bullshit, you relentlessly negative fucktard
Pleides Lancers?
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Now THIS is more like it! I need to do more Snow Ravens, I am very happy with how this ultimately turned out.
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Another shot, posed next to the first mech I ever painted, also an Ebon Jag. I feel like I’ve improved my painting skills quite a bit in the past year.
Excellent colors my man. Airbrush or regular?
Is it better to be a lance of mercs with their own Leopard, or a company of no mercs who has to bum rides off people?
Thanks dude. It’s regular paint, the teal is a 50/50 mix of Citadel Sotek Green and Kabalite Green. The gray is some mixture of Corvus Black and Loren Forest to get that ‘dark olive grey’ in Beta Galaxy’s description, but I don’t know the exact ratio - might be 50/50 but I think I had to add a touch more black at some point.
Company, although at that point you're probably either bringing in enough money to buy a used Union or Trojan or something or you're spiraling and about to go bankrupt and fall apart or get grounded on a place like Antallos or Astrokaszy and slowly devolve into local banditry until someone stronger kills you all and takes whatever scrap heaps you have left.
These are cool as.
Good mixing of colors, I'll have to see if I can remake something like that. I've got mostly army paint.
Ebin kitty so cute.
Leopards actually really suck. They're the cheapest military grade dropship you'll ever get, but for long term operations they're almost uniquely bad.
I don't know where the no came from, but basically I started a merc campaign and with my starting funds I can either expand from the lance I have to a company, or I can start buying transport. After playing the first game of the campaign last night I'm leaning towards expanding up to a company, where previously I had been planning to pick up a leopard or something.
Or any operation. At all. They have almost zero capacity to carry the meat part of an operation. Anyone forced to live on a keopard for any ampunt of time is apparently in for an utterly miserable time.
A company for tatical and strategic flexibility.

Three lances with different capabilities suits a wider set of mission profiles. Tactical, check.

Three lances allows you to do the standard 2 up, 1 down or 1 up, 2 down deployment.
Strategic, check.
Yeah its the lack of reserves that are fucking me right now. Had one of my mechs get its arm blown off, and its gonna be like a month before I get the replacement part so I'm down to three mechs and sweating about how the fuck I'm supposed to finish my mission. I really did not think things through.
They're fine if they're being used in a star league scale blitz attack where your guys board like thirty Leopards right before you jump a whole fleet into a targeted system where you airdrop an entire regiment all across it using the Leopards and their ASF compliment to cover the assault. They're not built for long term anything. Not habitation, not repairs. Nevermind the fact that they don't even carry enough space to hold spare parts and ammo, you can't even get anything larger than a person from one bay to another. The door between the mech bay and the storage bay is person sized. If you stored a spare arm in there, you'd have to float it outside of the ship around to the other external door.
Oh, also it's aerodyne so it needs a runway. Hot insertions where you're not expecting a pickup anytime soon and providing air cover is all a Leopard is really good for.
The notion that any military dropship is not VTOL capable is very silly. There are enough reasons to have a space port, you don't need to portray all areodyne insertions as an insanely risky possibly one way trip.
not my banshee, just a funny banshee i saved
There's a reason most of the big invasion dropships are eggy boys. They can just plop straight down in any open field.
Aerodynes are fast and you don't need to stop to drop mechs. If they have jump jets, you don't even need any special equipment, they can just step out the back as you fly by.
All drop ships can do orbital insertions without stopping, they often prefer to land for large invasions because it eliminates a needless risk. Needing very specific terrain to extract your guys after they are done is the opposite of what you would want in a raiding platform.
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>The notion that any military dropship is not VTOL capable is very silly

It's because the whole "aerodynes have transit drives on their bellies" thing was retconned after it was pointed out that otherwise they'd been to be configurable for two different orientations.
Which is why it's only good for big star league invasions where your "raiders" are the equivalent of paratroopers. The plane ain't coming around to pick you up, you either fight your way back to the lines being drawn by the main force or you get killed.
This also applies to using mixed tech versions of IS mechs.
I think you'd need to manually pay for any kind of "dropship taxi" In Megamek. And I can't recall if it's an actual thing with rules for it or not but dropships making money off of transporting things other than cargo makes sense
You should probably actually read the landing and takeoff rules anon. You're complaining about nothing.
so pre-clan invasion dragoons never even talk about the wolverine? neither the animal nor the mech?
>sarge are we really not going to salvage that mech there?
What are you talking about? The goons are literally part of clan wolverine
It's easy to never talk about the animal, but they definitely have some. There's a member of the black widow battalion that had one shot out from under her and was issue a new one to replace it.
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Ghost Bear Alpha galaxy
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Thanks for taking a moment to admire and comment upon this product of m-m-muh 'tism, and thanks for noticing the heat profile being dialed in to activate TSM +1 to base movement.

This Marauder is designed to serve as the command unit for a light reconnaissance lance or company in long range patrols and guerilla operations far from resupply. It's also designed for high endurance solo covert operations far behind enemy lines, including espionage, hacking, sabotage, sniping, and smuggling (up to half a ton -- or a ton & a half if half the ammo is dumped -- worth of loot). Imagine dealing drugs out of this thing. That half ton worth of cargo space should be able to carry half a dozen commandos or special operators plus their gear. I suppose the leader of a pirate or mercenary company would keep half a ton of gold (worth about fifty million dollars today) in that cargo pod to pay wages and other expenses borne by commanding such a unit.
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You mean these rules? Three hexes wide and fifteen long.
>That half ton worth of cargo space should be able to carry half a dozen commandos or special operators plus their gear
I think you’ll find that Operators and their gear aren’t quite as densely packed by weight as ammo is. The space that carries 500kg of ammo is unlikely to carry more than 2 guys plus gear.
Very nice
Construction rules are very clear that you can fit 10 foot infantry into each ton of cargo space. How comfortable is that you ask? Don't worry about it.
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This thing smack your Atlas ass.

What do you do?
So. Damn. Blue.
What are those little fellers in the bottom right with the huuuuge shoulder gizmos? Some kind of protomechs?

Ghost Bear chad battle armor
Centaur protos, I’m guessing. Thanks TRO3060.
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Huh, I’ve only ever seen them in BTA3062 and they don’t look like that. They did remind me of a joke power armor from the HōL RPG though.
It'd depend on whether the Clan Wolf members of the Dragoons were important enough to have access to Kerenskys diaries that have the "real" history that was covered up. Although, it'd probably just be chalked up as another of their idiosyncrasies if they treated the Wolverine mechs differently to every other mech.
If that company was mostly lights and some mediums would that still be viable do you think?
“Yeah, I was with Stone in the camps. The thing about those places—
worse than the beatings or the malnutrition—the worst thing was that
they were always coming at you sideways. Playing slippery games with
reality—Your sister wasn’t named Megan, she was named Mary, see? Little
lies that added up.
“Know how Stone beat ’em? No? Well, let me tell you. Storytelling. Every
night we’d lie in our racks and tell the stories of our lives. And so when the
Robes bent our minds so we didn’t know which way was up, there’d be thirty
guys retelling us the story of our very own lives, reminding us what was real.
“It was brilliant. Stone kept us all sane, raised a hardscrabble army, right
in the middle of the Robes’ brainwashing hell.

—Testimony of former POW, Leutnant Alexander Dunston, 16 June 3073
this is a jab at 40k isn't it
>which one? the... conjurer mark 1-IS?
I hate Devlin Stone more than just about anyone in the lore.
It’s subtle but it’s there, yeah.
What is this?
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Mostly I'd be really confused how it got here.
another pleb filtered
Insane, borderline unplayble hand-written sci-fi RPG about a prison planet full of freaks in a dysfunctional future human galactic imperium ruled over by an Emperor whose cult is represented by “Church and Munch’, a religious fast-food chain.
That photo is from its supplement, Buttery Wholesomeness, which goes into creating characters from ‘Clown College’ (clowns being the elite spies and assassins of the Imperium).

It’s a fucking trip if you can find it.
Thank you my man, Ive gotten curious now.
if would have been funny if, along with the annihilator and such, one of the reasons that made them look suspicious was 'calling the wolverine the conjurer, even though we corrected them many times'
or if it extended to the animal, as an acceptable euphemism derived from the 'mechs
I always thought it would make more sense for mechs to have more than one name. When military vehicles are licensed out or copied wholesale, the copies usually have a new name even if they're barely even a different variant. Battletech briefly skirted the idea with the original Mackie clones, but we don't even know what those were called and it hasn't happened since. With so many different manufacturers and all the licensing and industrial espionage that spreads out mechs, it'd be nice if they changed the names for copies made to slightly different specs by a completely different company using a different supply chain.
Also the Wasp and Stinger, kinda. Jury's out forever on that one since the lawsuits ended in a nuclear blaze.
>he doesn't know
pretty much every clan invasion omni has two names

Also most IS mechs probably do have nicknames in different states, we just aren't familiar with them
Clan invasion omnis have two names because the IS didn't know what their actual names were, not because two different manufacturers had two different names for their licensed product.
it doesn't really make sense for say, the battle master to have 7 or 10 different names, that would just be confusing for players and people in universe. You would try and standardise naming so you know what you are talking about, if you need to be more specific on the variant you would use the code, Like BLR-1G
Look at things like the T/34. We call everything based on it a T/34, but their actual designations are things like T-100, Type-63, and the very descriptive "Heavy Tank Type A". If these things were in Battletech, we as the players would just be calling them T/34 with some letters and numbers and that's what would show up on the record sheet. All it would take is a half paragraph in the TRO saying that so and so calls Battlemasters made in their factory whatever they call it, while whatstheirface uses the star league name for brand recognition.
It doesn't really make sense in-universe that machines produced by different manufacturers have the exact same name. For a modern example, the K2 Black Panther (K-2 흑표) that's produced in Turkey with mostly domestic components is named "Altay". And that's a relatively modern tank with few variants. The Soviet T-54/T-55 frame? That's "Type 59" in China, "Ramses II" in Egypt, "Al Kafil 1" in Iraq, "Safir-86" in Iran, "Tiran" in Israel, "Al-Zarrar" in Pakistan, "Digna" in Sudan, ...
Half of those have the vehicle made longer, and/or the gun/turret was swapped out.

The Leopard 2 was made in or sold to multiple nations and had the same name.
>The Leopard 2 was made in or sold to multiple nations and had the same name.
The Leopard 2 is named "Strv 122" in Sweden and "Pz 87" in Switzerland.
Is the Hollander any good?
>and/or the gun/turret was swapped out.
Sure, and we've got mechs that increment a single model number and have a completely different chassis made from completely incompatible materials and every single weapon has been removed for a completely different loadout that's not even comparable to the previous one, and then the model after that reverts.
Anything with endo-steel and an XL engine might as well be a new mech, because nothing on it is compatible with the old version.
You can just use the Royal Sentinel, it's the best cheap gauss carrier around.
Yeah but if you were an alien you would just say earth has 500 t-54/55s
>1260 bv for a gaussm, ml and SL

No thanks, I'll pay 300 bv more for Kheper
But we're not those aliens. We are used to directly related, almost and sometimes exactly the same things being called different names due to political and branding reasons. We even have a name for the concept when applied to the commercial side of things: "white-label product". But it goes way beyond that; see the "differences" between what we call the Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin languages.
holy cow i'm not sure i'll be able to do this even i get paid
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>playing in the Dark Age
Better than using the retarded 'royal' units.
yeah not sure why homie living in the glass house here is throwing stones. Enjoying your star league snub nose ppcs that just were forgotten about because "they never caught on" despite being typically superior to the regular ppc
Wait, those things are hand-assembled? Motherfucker just ship me the parts, there's no reason to do this.
So what I'm getting out of this is that I should just take a hollander. Got it.
The royal Sentinel is better than the base Hollander but has the handicap that by the time you can field the Hollander the royal Sentinel is only fielded by the Clans
the hollander sucks, for the same price you can get a shrek pcc carrier or gauss rommel. and desu a single gauss is not super intimidating, only 15 damage and pretty hit or miss. For 300 more BV you can take a preta with a HPPC + a erml that can jump up to 6 hexes.

I don't like designs with only a gauss rifle as you have free heat capacity you aren't using. Gauss + 1 medium is already 25% more damage.
any of you guys recognize who's color scheme is this? not the SLDF, but one the Griffin is stepping on
It is SLDF.

Specifically the Third Regimental Combat Team AKA Eridani Light Horse.
learn to read

probably an amaris empire
You also need to learn to read
A snub nose PPC is a Large laser that does less damage and runs hotter unless you are shooting at stuff inside medium laser range.
wonder how they're going to retcon this 'ilclan, ilcan, and the (3rd) star league lasting until at least 3250' thing
Considering the 40th Anniversary is being touted as "Operation Reunification" it'll be a Periphery nation. Probably Taurian.

Lack of reading comprehension seems to be contagious
The funniest option which they will never do is that the star league that loremaster roshak serves is the 3250 equivalent of the von strang's world guys that insist they are the amarris empire during the succession wars.
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are all the stalker's left arm, bottom laser cover? like this? or is mine misshapen?
It has an extremely long short range, though, so in a lot of cases you're shooting with +0 when most weapons shoot with +2. That's really the biggest benefit from them.
>heh it only does 10 damage out to its short range!!!
>which is... 9... literally longer than the short range of lrms or CLAN ERLL
>playing with units from after the Age of War
You're both wrong and shit
Yesterday there were two batreps posted, one from jihad one from Ilclan, Grogs never post 3025 or clan ones, curious.
Well, I guess if you really want to play combined arms that badly it's a good era for it
Of course there's no 3025/3050 batreps. Grogs don't play anymore
If you are a star league procurement officer that does not know the rules of battletech, you will be much more enthusiastic about the ERPPC, which functions equally well at all ranges, rather than some silly thing that is worse than a regular PPC in many situations.
Wasn't the SNPPC developed right before the Star League fell? Kerensky's Orion was equipped with one and there's one Phoenix Hawk "special" variant that has it, but it seems like it never got into mass production before the Amaris coup.
>Wasn't the SNPPC developed right before the Star League fell?

Yeah. "weirdly" A lot of stuff was developed "right before the star league fell" with like 10 of them being made in prototypes. Running around with LPLs, MASC, ERPPCS

But you can still use them from then on to the Jihad if you play comstar!
you got a bad one I think. I think you can contact catalyst and they will send you a new one or something
All that stuff appears in the third ever TRO, you can't say it's a retcon for the star league to have it.
The technology did, but not the mechs. Those came six years later in the case of the thunderhawk.

Look at the rampage, apparently produced in 2767 with lb10x, LPL, Artamis lrms, streak srms, ams, MASC, endosteel, XL engine and double heat sinks. When did that first appear in publication??

This is a mech that apparently existed all the way back then but was first published IRL in 2008 in Jihad Conspiracies: Interstellar Players 2, two decades after tro 2750.
SNPPC was given rules at around the start of the Jihad, and backdated to a couple of Star League era units, so it's a different situation than stuff like ERPPC and pulse lasers, which were introduced in the original SLDF TRO and given rules when Star League tech was being recovered from the Helm memory core.
Though actually the very first mention of the SNPPC actually goes back to the very first sourcebook about the Star League, where it's mentioned in a single sentence listing various technological advances made during the Star League era. So it's not like they pulled it out of nowhere and retconned it into the SL era for no reason, it just didn't have rules until the Jihad era TROs.
This is why royals suck


here's another one

>Does it makes sense or is it bad form to have Com Guard units with Star League Royal Unit models of battlemech in the Clan Invasion era? I know things are usually fairly lose but I don't want to be cheesey showing up with shiny toys if it isn't at least plausible to have them. Thanks for the input! (The Rifleman II and Stalker 3fb are the ones I'm looking at)
I mean, I got a Royal Marauder playing in 3030 as mercs, because the Star League Cache mission in Against the Bot gave me one as a reward. Does earning one inside a campaign as a result of gameplay qualify as abusing availability or being Mary Sue?
You are being extremely autistic. At the level of abstraction the game is played at there is no difference between most royal mechs and a regular mech of the same chassis that has been refit with logical upgrades from late star league technology.
He literally just mentioned a rifleman II which is a 80 ton mech, not a refit
Personally I don't really have a problem with the Royal mechs. They were created because there really wasn't any pre-Helm versions of most of the 3025 mechs that used SL-era tech despite it making sense for such mechs to exist (because why wouldn't the SLDF, for example, put better weapon and heat sinks on a Marauder when they had the tech to do it and it was supposed to function as a commander's ride and therefore could be expected to use high-end equipment?). A lot of them were more optimized than the SLDF mechs statted earlier, but that is largely due to the developers having a better grasp of game balance and in-universe justified by being top of the line variants made for the most elite SLDF divisions.
What I do have a problem with is them retconning entirely new mech chassises that were never mentioned before which were also often flat-out better than the designs previously established as among the best mechs. Like the Atlas seems far less of a big deal when SLDF has had a double-gauss assault monster since the Reunification War.
The Royals help classic mechs live up to the reputation they already had in the lore, while the likes of Pillager and Nightstar supplant them.
>they will send you a new one
good luck with that if you're outside of US
It's worse than usual, but not bad enough that they're likely to replace it. Dip it in hot water, bend the doors back, then dip in ice water.
New thread? New thread!


i feel like that would be more likely to make it worse, not only are your jailers purposefully trying to gaslight you, now 20-30 guys are misremembering fuzzy details about your life and everyone else's lives

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