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If magic wands are not REQUIRED to cast spells to cast spells in your game, then your game is bad.
In my settings female casters require a wand, staff or scepter to aim spells, but male casters can use their penis (and get a bonus to hit if they do because as part of their own body it conducts magic more smoothly)
Nah, that's boring.

Each Caster has a unique set of options to pick from that (for some) might include wands, but aren't limited to them.
What is a "spell" in this context?
Why should I care where a fat fuck on 4chan thinks about my game?
If pointless furfag shitposting isnt a bannable offence your board is bad
I know and I plan for it to become much worse.
I mean they're probably the easiest of a number of focii arcane spellcasters use to eschew material components.
If a player isn't using a casting instrument, I ask them to demonstrate the hand motions needed to cast the spell. Breaks the monotony and also can be funny when the 300lb guy does some Naruto shit.
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Well you dont play games so theres that.
I want a game system to treat wizard tools with the same granularity as a fighters weapons. Wands for quick spellwork & concealability, staffs for larger grander spells, orbs for divination, basic powder circles for rugged travel, inlaid ritual circles for lab work, etc.
I wrote that before, over 100 pages of shit. Rules for staves, wands, rings, amulets, and orbs as basic foci. Different materials could influence what they were good or bad it; spheres were good at sustaining spells over time (or making permanent spells) but had to be made of metal or gemstone, which is inherently less "flexible" for magic then wood or bone. Adding a gemstone tip to a wand would also increase its power with a specific element or theme of magic, with a small ruleset for dueling between magicians and how magic wands have "loyalty" to their owners if they embody certain traits or based on their power levels. For example iron wands were the strongest at dueling, but had innate resistance to wanting to cast new spells preferring route formula, and were relatively loyal. Any wand with a dragon heartstring core would beat other wands since it gained a bonus to spellpower, but a unicorn hair wand core was extremely loyal and would permanently weaken and its personality would "die" if its owner died, they would never want to be used by anyone else. These are all direct rip offs of Harry Potter wandlore, just expanded to a greater fantasy milieu.

Lost it three computers ago when my HD died and didn't make any backups like a fool.
Wand makes casting magic easier, like a wheel can make easier/faster to transport shit around.

Required to cast spells? Nah that is dumb, the monsters will not use wands, that is retarded.
Why would I cast spells to cast spells?
If you can use a part of your body, everyone would just use their fingers.
Also, what if someone wants to use someone else's penis as a magic wand?
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My setting requires mastercrafted wands to be preloaded with precisely measured and formed magical runes which completed by simple crushing of a chemically treated primer forms an explosive reaction to propel kinetic projectiles.
Fingers bend and convulse as magic passes through them, no good for aiming. A penis has no joints
Using someone else's penis is just like using a wand made out of flesh, weird but I don't see why it shouldn't work. A mummified penis would probably make a quite potent focus for necromancy
I would fuck the mouse. I would get the mouse PREGNANT. Give me this mouse.
Anon no that creates Skaven
You are describing ars magica
Tell me more
Eh I'm boring and like when hand are involved with the spell. It feels more connected like the mage is weaving the magic themselves.
Wizards need instruments to manipulate energies & a source of energy to manipulate. Sorcerers ARE the instrument so they get by with a few hardwares or bolts from their eyes.

Also to add to my previous post >>93422475, stuff like a wizard staff with a crystal or an orb on the end is like a gun with an underbarrel grenade launcher

You can still cast from your hand with a conduit.
you can modulate bloodflow much easier with the penis.
breeding hips.
I was always under the impression that a wizard could do magic unarmed, but a staff or a wand is a 'force amplifier' for magic.

like sure, you could punch someone in the face, but you'll get better results if you use a club.
>Harry Potter shit
That's a cute mouse you got.
It would be a shame is something happened to it...
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Exactly. A focus just lets you do magic better, but you don't need one to do it in the first place. Hell, sometimes you just have them for a thematic look.
My dorf druid doesn't NEED to channel his magic through a diggeridoo, but it's a fun mental image, and I think hearing one deep underground would be fucking spooky.
Bitch that's a conductor's baton, you're not casting shit.
She's a bard.
We use magic rocks here. Your magic catalyst can be a staff, wand, orb, scepter, sword, gun, quill pen, riot shield, digital camera, smartphone, or whatever, as long as its got rocks. You can also stuff rocks into your body if you want finer or more intuitive control, want to leave your hands free, or don't like being without magic for even a moment. But that often comes with health complications unless you have it implanted by a professional and get regular check ups.
Never liked that idea, how are people supposed to discover magic if they need specially made wands to cast spells, especially since they'd need to 'know' that they need wands in order to make them, which they shouldn't know unless they've already discovered magic? It's a Catch-22. I prefer the idea that magic is possible without a wand or staff, but notably harder.
>how are people supposed to discover magic if they need specially made wands to cast spells
You could have magic taught to humans (or whatever are the major sapient races of your setting) by some ancient, mysterious, or otherworldly entity (or category of entities) who either invented the rules of magic, or are made of magic themselves. This has the caveat of making all of magic into one big world-scale warlock-style pact that traces back to the first human magical practitioner. Humans can still innovate upon all manner of magical formulae on their own without ever contacting the original pact entities (or even being aware of their existence), but they're all still confined by the rules of the original pact (that being the requirement for wands).
Of course, you might think that warlock pacts are the big ghey. In which case, fair enough.
People discovered fire even though they need fire to make more fire
People discovered electricity even though you need an electric generator before you can do anything with electricity
I agree, settings where magic is innate but you need an elaborate focus to use it make no sense. But settings where magic is artificial parallel real technological development just fine, settings whereagic is innate and you need a focus to cast any significant spell but you can still work weak magic without one are fine, and settings where even a crude focus will help are fine. It doesn't have to be a binary "magic on, magic off" thing
That hurts to hear in the same spot of when I think of the burning of great library of Alexandria.

(I should probably backup my stuff too.)
In olden times it was believed that a wizards put a spell onto a wand so they could cast the spell from the wand later on like how you would cast a fishing rod.
Harry Potter is for boring faggots. Sorry OP.
How did humans forge the first set of metal-working tongs?
A mystery for the ages
If I have a wand-shaped gun and I fire it, am I casting Lead Bullet?
What kind of materials are wands made out of in your setting, and are some better for some kinds of magic, like wand woods and cores in Harry Potter, or is there no real difference?
Harry potter is gay and has been a blight on fantasy fiction since it's inception.
In my setting magic spells are like mental math equations and wizards use modified versions of an abacus or any other pre-modern calculating tool to make their 'casting' easier. They come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes to accommodate the particular wizard's specialties.
I know we've had this thread before but I like it.
The answer is that mages should have an interesting array of tools that they can find and use just like fighters do, but what system actually does that? At most there's a distinct magic system and then implements are some stapled-on thing that gives +1 or +2 to everything. Ideally, magic implements would all do distinctly different things, the way that weapons do in some of the crunchier combat systems.

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