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you like pondering?
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What are you guys ponderin' rn?
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nuthin much. what chu ponderin?
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I'm pr0ndering if you catch my drift
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Scrying the only good thread on the board.
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Scrying for a funny joke
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My aetheric connection bill went up $30.
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scrying with mirrors or pools of water
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Using my powers the way god intended.
Fuck I love orbs
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Everybody wants my orb.
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/awg/ reporting in!
They're playing basketball. The wizard is trying to block the off-frame net behind him, from the off-frame, tiny except his hand guy in front of him.
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This nigger
Hoods are cooler, but pointy hats work well for kid wizards or small races.
Female wizards should instead wear veils or head scarves, but hoods can work too.
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What's scrying, my wiggas?
I'm alive
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Ya'll use crystal or glass orbs?
Glass looks better but i cannot fathom how much gold i've spent replacing them due to random earthquakes.
Now that is an orb hat...
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they say the sun is the biggest orb of all
What if our entire existence is a hyper-orb
Good, now post more.
>random earthquakes
"random" lol
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why are you insinuating they aren't
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Best thread on tg right now
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Here you go
coomers make everything worse
Where's the one where the orb is her futa ballsack
On your mom's harddrive

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