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>WmH is dead
>Both 40k and aos are dying
>X-wing and Armada are dead
>TC is already forgotten
Quar chums, it is our time! Unto the breach!
I bought the starter but I'm tentative on buying anything else he makes unless the models are getting full rules support, so far the new rules only cover the basic rifle squads, the officers and NCOs needed for running a platoon and snipers/light machinegunners. I really like the idea of making a historical autism force org type army in 28mm scale however.
I feel like you need to be British to enjoy this
When are they adding the tanks? I love those goofy things even if Easky ones are broken by all metrics
>40k and aos are dying
Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll start believing it.
you can only print them, probably wont be able to sell tanks for a while.
Have a box of Crusaders and Coftyrans showing up in the post today. Hell yeah. I wish they sold their tanks as more than STL files, though.
More and more of the 40k audience doesn't play because they cant afford whole armies or gave up after their force got QnAd to the point yhat they must consume more products to play competitively. Theres a reason why the skirmish games get played more and more now. Just like Fantasy before it died we are getting massive modelcount bloat with higher and higher prices. Most people I know who played in 2007 stopped or just buy a couple kits here and there. Its okay anon, you'll be in the bin with fantasycucks like me soon.
Quar is American though
>WW1 aesthetic but with horrid blob-shaped humanoids
Hard pass
Are Gwynt a separate faction, or a subfaction or something? I like their style.
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Anyone have the Songs of our Ancestors books? I'm interested in the setting, will likely drop money for the starter box. I really like the tank designs, I hope those get models for the 28mm games. Especially the Arnyaran Iron Houses.
You can run them on their own. Here's a bit of fluff and rules for their units.
With the new plastics, there's an STL upgrade kit for Coftyr models. They operate as Coftyrans, just with less access to heavier weaponry but their units are more skilled.
Is there a pronunciation guide? All the y's and w's throw me off.
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>blob-shaped humanoids
u fucking wot m8?
All pdfs seem free on their website, so I recommend you grab Western Iron to get you up to date with current fluff, Arnyarans are there too
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Off to the races, boys.
What is this
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Very nice, just started putting undercoats on mine
Always hated European art man
What's wrong with you niggers
Hell yeah, anon. If there ends up being a general, I'd love to see what you come up with. Maybe post them in WIP?
Quar is American, faggot.
I was planning to once I got the full build up to white on the undercoat actually. Still figuring out what skin colors I want but the uniform colors I'm going to base on the stereotypical ones.
Its a shame the pdf images for the squads are in low resolution, its quite soulful that they have a unique hand drawn image for each member of a 10 man squad and it looks nice in the physical version.
It's a wargame about race of dwarfish, anteater-like creatures that are mostly interested in farming, trade and just living their lives in their little hamlets in their little kingdoms. Yet despite that they could never quite help but be at war of some kind. Most recently that war is between progressive faction of quars which believe that to put an end to these forever wars, they need to intensify it and defeat or wear out the petty monarchies ruling the world and the factions oriented around said nobility.
It's been going on for some years now, but I seldom see it mentioned on here.
Looking forward to seeing them, man. Their skin looks like it'll be the most fun to paint, since they can be any color. I'm pleasantly surprised at how few mold lines I'm finding. Have a good day, anon.
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According to the creator, who is very active on Facebook and Discord, the current 28mm skirmish game "Rhyfler's Handbook" will be supporting for all/most of the other factions and infantry weapons (some of which already have playtest rules you can find) and there is a 28mm "mass battle" game that uses tanks and squad tactics that's in the works.
Nice to know then, I'll try to check on his accounts as well as the shop then.
I'm Australian. We are like Meth Desert British

One day it will be revealed Suggs or maybe Henry Cavill is making these threads
>Battle tech doesn’t exist I guess
Don't care for the grid based gameplay, and these guys have so much personality. With everything being so grimdark these days, Quar are a really nice change of pace.
I'm a retard, but what's the 15mm ruleset? I grabbed all the pdfs but I'm still reading the primer material and my group is looking for larger scale with smaller dudes.
>ded gaem ded gaem
you know you can start a thread about cool indie games without being a fuckwit
Looks like it's This Quar's War 2.0.
So how does the Crusade work? Each nation retains its borders and nominally has its own government? So the Crusade just takes over the military and directs the industry?
I really want to like Quar but it just does not click for me.
I like weird old things about strange creatures, I like the Great War, so why won't it gel?
Running theory is that I like The Great War too much, to the point where I'd rather make my own alternate world Great War game, which of course I won't get around to any time soon.
Big props to this guy for getting his stuff to this level it's cool to see.
There's lots of fluff on the site that explains the Crusaders, but to my understanding, they're convinced that the royal families are oppressive and propagate the wars. To that end, they aim to conquer as many territories as they can and liberate them, though that's another form of subjugation, forcing them to be 'free' by their definition. It's pretty dope, I recommend reading up on it.
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The fact that it's mistaken for European comic art is a positive to me. But the obvious influence is 70's hippie art like Bakshi/Bode and Jim Henson which I also like
>they're convinced that the royal families are oppressive and propagate the wars
The royalists are pretty elitist and have pretty much ritualized warfare like some share agreement. So they're assholes too, it's just that the Crusaders are also invaders and pretty much accelerationists and install their own regimes.
The point of the setting is that it's all the little guys, the guys on both sides, who have to carry the brunt of all the conflicts. The peasants who sympathize with the Crusaders, or the ones who side with royalists when their homeland is being invaded. In the end, they all really just wish they could be at home drinking.
It may as well not.
>Verification not required.
So, uh, how does it play? I've never seen anyone discuss the actual rules and gameplay.
The game uses a deck to determine how many action points you will have on your turn:
>3x three action point cards
>4x four action point cards
>5x five action point cards
The rules don’t use the term “action points” — the word “action” is used both for the currency of activation (I’m calling this “action points”) as well as things your Quar do in the game (I’m calling those “actions”).
Your opponent draws a card for you, without revealing it to you, at the start of your turn. You know you have at least three action points to spend on actions but you could have four or even five.
You can assign any Quar who is not OOA up to two actions; they need not be consecutive. Most actions only cost 1 action point but some (e.g., aimed fire, throwing a grenade) cost 2. If it turns out you don’t have the required action point for the Quar to the action you wanted, the action fails.
There is another resource in the game called Pluck that you can use to make minor adjustments (e.g., add 1 to a damage result) or make a charge action. Each player starts with 5 Pluck and can earn more during the game (e.g., on of your Quar takes an enemy one OOA).
Resolution is 3d6 looking for equal/under TN where TN is the Quar’s relevant Skill (almost always 12) +/- modifiers. Combat results are a bit too fiddly to easily summarize but suffice it to say there are both critical successes and failures. I stress, they’re too fiddly to summarize but not too fiddly for play.
OOA Quar remain on the battlefield and can be tended by comrades as an action. On a 5 or 6 on 1d6 they are dead but they are various degrees of wounded otherwise, including returning to action (starting prone) on 1 or 2.
>40k dying
>Every FOMO box sells out in 3 minutes.

Sure thing buddy.
I guess, a few more words on combat — specifically shooting:
Before a shot is resolved, the player whose Quar is getting shot decides whether that Quar will react by diving for cover, moving, or shooting back (at a snapshot penalty). Diving for cover makes them much harder to hit (-4 modifier stacking with any other penalties to hit) but could leave them prone, or even Gobsmacked (a kind of “stunned” status).
40k is always dying for the second-to-last wave of bandwagoneers
>5x five action point cards
apologies there are only 3x five action point cards
the mass battles game already exists (This Quar’s War)
Josh’s setting is the most anti-war war game setting I have come across.
The idea is, the overwhelming majority of people just want to enjoy a quiet life. But there are always a few assholes that stir shit with the result of war. Traditionally, those assholes are the political elite. And after centuries of this, some people get fed up with those assholes and decide to get rid of them. By stirring up shit on a whole new level, leading to the biggest war of all time.
As to why Quar, Josh made a great point of ciolence in media, You see a human die, or a whole squad or platoon of humans die in a war movie and you just shrug. But you see someone kick a dog and you lose your shit. And for a lot of people, Quar seem to elicit more of the dog-type reaction.
>40k and AoS notorious for scalpers trying to make money on limited stock is a sign of strength
>If scalpers didn't make money they wouldn't buy the FOMO sets

There's still someone buying that shit, and willing to buy it at inflated prices. Demand exceeds supply.
There are three takes on the mass battle game:
1) This Quar's War 1.0: this uses 28mm miniatures
2) This Quar's War 2.0: this uses 15mm miniatures and is a pretty dramatic departure from 1.0
3) Untitled upcoming game: this one is going to go back to the 28mm line and isn't meant to compete with This Quar's War 2.0. It's rules are going to represent a larger scale version of what we see in Rhyfler's Handbook.

They did make this confusing by calling a completely different game that uses different miniatutes "This Quar's War 2.0", especially since that's also the name on the new starter box, which doesn't actually include the rules for "This Quar's War", and instead has Rhyfler's Handbook in it.
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Sorry I responded to the wrong guy. The above post was meant for you. Cheers.
You know scalpers are still a thing in a dying music industry where most bands can't even fill out a small stadium anymore right?
>40k is dying
yeah righto bud
I guess I'm confused.

Is Rhyfler's Pocketbook, which I understand is the skirmish rules, going to be the norm? And can you not use the other factions in it? I can only seem to find stuff for Gwynt and Kryst for This Quar's War. Like the Gwynt download on their website has totally different stat lines to what's shown in Rhyfler's Pocketbook.
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The way they've done this whole thing is a bit confusing, but I think I've more or less translated it:
Rhyfler's pocketbook is the new norm for skirmish-level play. The other system, Songs of Our Ancestors, is being replaced because the Quar people didn't like that it used a licensed system. The Rhyfler's Pocketbook only has two factions in it but other factions, weapons, units etc are gradually being added as free .pdf files. I know this will sound annoying but right now most of these are playtest and you can get them off the Discord, but eventually they will all be on the website.

For mass battle games, This Quar's War 2.0 is the 15mm norm and the upcoming, as of yet untitled, mass battle game releasing this year will be the new 28mm norm.

TL;DR: Rhyfler's pocketbook is still getting free updates and is the new norm for 28mm skirmish and there will be soon another free ruleset for 28mm mass battle. Check out the Facebook, Discord, and myminifactory tribe for updates.
What are some factions besides blue monarchists and the green "we'll democratize you whether you like it or not" crowd? Do they play differently at all?
Good to know that Gwynt and Kryst will come to RPB. Those two interest me the most, so it'd be nice to use them. I'll check out the discord.

Much appreciated, good anon.
The game is more like a historical game in that there is very few differences in the factions outside of their guns and lore.
You can read about the other factions lore here:

In terms of what makes them different from a gameplay standpoint, I'm probably oversimplifying but I've garnered:

-Coftyr tends to like very regimented, gun-line systems using long rifles
-Gwynt generally uses the same weapons as Coftyr but has more elite stats
-Fidwog likes cavalry and attack dogs a lot
-Crusaders use a lot of machine guns and chaff
-Toulmare are like crusaders and also have a marine/nautical vibe that apparently involves using enemy weapons so also use a blend of liberated coftry rifles
-Aryarans are nomadic and drive around in metal bawkses and I think this translates to them using vehicles more.

The rest I'm not sure.
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So wait, every nation has been liberated by the Crusade except for Coftyr and Fidwog? I was reading the more neutral faction and it sounds like the Crusade has already taken over there, they're just less compliant.
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These things are so fun to paint, they're so goofy and cool.
>try to take this wall, Crusader scum
Crusade is the big bad shit in the current era of Quar, basically the role of Germans in any WW2 historical, except the politics are watered way the fuck down to the point its just mild Republicanism on steroids.
Dunno, first edition(?) map made it look like its just Coftyr and Fidwog that still remained, but upon reading Western Iron it seems like Sleveen, Naedio and Leitrom are still royalist if lazy as hell while Fidwog and maybe Upper Barro are the only royalists remaining in the east BECAUSE FUCKING ACHON REFUSES TO DO ANY CRUSADING
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Havent got color on any of mine yet but they already look great with undercoating, going to be fun coloring them in.
Badass, man. Hopefully you have better luck on this part than me; painting the belt straps on the back is tough with the backpack in the way. Think I'll leave it off to paint separately with the rest.
I saw those straps, so I made sure the backpack covers up the horizontal straps fully meaning I can just put some black wash or paint in there and it'll never be ever seen.
Organized competitions are the death of fun. Wargames should be played casually with friends and fellow hobby enthusiasts.
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Is this what charlie got up to as a homunculus?
Might give that a shot myself. I really need to tone down the autistic perfectionism.
you are literally wrong.
in every aspect.
I know this is a really weird thing to comment on, but I enjoy how unfuckable the artist made the Quar. Helps keep out Degenerates.
If you really think the Quar are unfuckable, you are incredibly naive. The only reason you haven't seen them with leaking lizard dicks yet is because of their relative obscurity.
Are there any good STLs for this game? I really want to try it with friends
It doesn't.
Easky seem to have pretty amazing tanks and are pioneering armored warfare
Think Kryst are hardcore guerilla fighters
Off to the racists, boys.
Grid based, overly designed, and no easy way to enter it. It's worse that 40k for content being distributed across too many books and for models being out-of-production. Battletech is a good idea but it's annoying as fuck to actually access.
absolutely wrong
you just get the Game of Armored Combat box or the Alpha Strike box and each gives you years of gameplay with no other purchase it’s super easy
you could just get the starter box for twenty bucks if you want an even more cheap and easy entry
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I welcome our Croftyn overlords
I don't know where you got this impression from, but it is just wrong. I field my entire Battletech collection which consists of mechs of various complexity, infantry, tanks, helicopters, and dropships from a single rulebook called Total Warfare. But even the starter box rulebook, A Game of Armoured Combat, comes with the rules to field literally hundreds of mechs. As for the models being out of production, you have your choice of either Ironwind Metals for retro or modern pewters or the currently expanding line of Catalyst Game Labs hard plastics. I don't think the models have ever been out of production but they are unironically cheaper and easier to get in large numbers than they probably ever have been with the release of the CGL plastics. If you find the mech-management rules too complicated, then play with the Alpha Strike boxed set and rules which uses a completely standalone ruleset and measuring tape to field large battles without being bogged down by rules or the grids you consider to be a bad thing for some reason. If mechs aren't for you then fair enough but there shouldn't be a single thing about Battletech that is hard to access. It has got to be one of the easiest miniatures games to hop into on a budget that has ever been made.

Pic related, it is one of the coolest starter sets ever.
Looking fantastic, anon.
That looks great, anon. Where did you get the barbed wire/how did you make it?
There are STL's for Crusaders, Coftyrans and a tank on Wargames atlantic site. There may be more on zombieforge, but I haven't looked.
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An Army Painter kiosk at my LGS is where I got the wire. All I did to create the effect was loop it a few times around my paintbrush handle, snip, then used a little superglue to place it.
If you're interested in 3D printing them at all, I'd recommend joining the quar myminifactory tribe so you get them as they are released.
Most of the .stl releases right now are meant to supplement an existing collection rather than print a whole army, so far. The starter box "A Clash of Rhyfles" is really good value to buy.
I did see a post suggesting that there were going to eventually be full factions as .stl releases but that's probably not any time soon so don't count on it if you're in a rush to print and play.
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Idk why that last one posted sideways, but this is the only other one I did with wire. It’s very difficult to resist putting it on every base lol
It happened again
Thought I'd share the link to be more useful.
Inb4 buy an ad.
I find he posts regularly enough that the tribe membership is much better value than buying outright.
4chan strips metadata so phone pics won't be rotated like they are on your phone, because the device doesn't know the camera was at 90 degrees. So only take pics in whatever orientation your phone cam thinks is up, or send em to paint and flip em there
I think the thing that makes people think 40k is dying is that the company itself is sucking every bit of soul and even crunch out of the game. Sure normoids will consume the slop but that doesn’t mean we have to.
Thats the thing, reminds me of early Disney Star Wars where the corporate slop got turned on initially. Same copes and excuses (muh prequels/muh bad prior editions) as well.
Thanks, I might just buy the box set. But what is the deal with joining a tribe? Do you get access to the stuff he posted previously? Or just the stuff going forward?
Basically a tribe is an .stl subscription to an individual creator. In the case of the Quar tribe, a monthly payment gives you access to anything he creates that month so you don't have to buy them individually. If you planned on buying a single item it isn't worth it but if you're someone who was going to buy everything anyway then it's a really good value. This month alone is a good deal because he put up a tank .stl that'll probably be more expensive individually than the monthly membership.
A better example would be The Simpsons. It's still aired, but when was the last time it had a proper, dedicated following? Modern Simpsons is called "Zombie Simpsons" for a reason.
>Grid based
Hex maps are love. No measurement argument bullshit.
>No easy way to get started
Are you fuxking blind? The Beginner's box is literally made for ease of dipping your toes in, and A Game of Armored Combat is easily one of the best starter sets in the entire fucking industry.

Get the fuck out of here with this weak bullshit.
It's very easy to get started playing battletech. The only problem is that the game you're playing is battletech so you're either playing a slow, clunky game with tons of book keeping that scales terribly and uses a hex map, or a much more playable game that doesn't really capture the fundamental flavor of the game.
Why did they do it, bros? Why did they not invade Fidwog when Alykinder needed them the most?
This is a real game? I thought I was having a fever dream of a /tg/ shitpost.
What are you talking about? Achon invades Fidwog every time they score a goal and vice versa.
Is 28mm or 15mm the primary scale of the game? What are the majority playing at?
15mm is the scale of the current mass battle game, This Quar's War.
28mm is the scale of both the current skirmish-level game, Rhyfler's Pocketbook, and the upcoming larger-scale battle game which doesn't yet have a formal release date or name. Seems like the vast majority of the community is invested in the 28mm miniatures for the skirmish-level conflicts and are waiting for the rulebook that will let them use bigger armies.
Games of Scrum don't count, dammit!
Nah, its actually quite old believe it or not, only recently garnering larger public attention
Question about Toulmore, do they just use the standard Crusader organization? 3 squads of 3 quars under a Yawdril?
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holy shit you drank a full mug of stupid before posting.
One Box
you need ONE sixty dolla box to play.
and half the mechs in there are really good mechs, too....
>The post that destroyed Battletroons
Is Songs of Our Ancestors worth buying if I'm just interested in the lore and art, or will everything from that be covered in all of the free rulebooks?
How over the top Quar is? Like is it just dude with guns or are there some magic bullshit in the game?
It’s just little dudes with guns fighting for their homes.
I'm fucking IN. Where do I start?
There's also going to be a bit of Pixar house style, because he worked there as a background artist for a few years.
Clash of the Rhyflers would be a good start, or either of the 24 miniature boxes for Crusaders or Coftyrans. You can find Quar models on wargames atlantic's site.
What are most common Quar names?
Can I get somewhere rulebook for free?
I have no group irl but I can rog something for online play.
id buy minis if they came with a preroll .
i dropped 40k to support my drug habits.
These are all of the rulebooks except for the oldest one. Quar names seem to just be on the silly side as far as I can tell. I mean, what the fuck kind of name is B'ppi?
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Anyone else paint their base rims different colors to keep track of who is who?
Very accurate assessment
No but I like using color variations in my projects to differentiate squads and roles. For example shotguns get brown pants and marksmen get red caps. stuff like that.
Unless you really want a physical copy, the pdf is going to drop in the new vola in a bit.
With their long snouts and tiny eyes these creatures just cannot see anywhere as well a humans do. Witnout external ears their hearing likely isn’t anything to write home about. They seem like nocturnal creatures who either use smell as the dominant sense or have some exotic aparatus like biological radar. No matter, they should be no good at shooting, why would they use rifles over swords?

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