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What type of person does this game setup legitiamtely attract? Who looks at this barren neoprene mat, sterile massproduced unbased terrain, and unpainted unbased minis and immediately feels genuine excitement in their heart? Help me understand who these human beings are
based soda can terrain enjoyer
there’s really nothing stopping anyone from bringing the aesthetic back other than the sheer power of corporate gaming promulgated in officially licensed gaming spaces. Are people just that weak willed and lacking in confidence to bring their own homemade shit to a shop to play with buddies?
Who dors it attract? Lazy consoomers looking to get a dopamine rush from the concept of having a hobby by blowing hundreds, try getting these people to sit down and paint, its impossible.
Nta but I did try playing a game (Frostgrave) with "cheap" terrain but still decent looking enough (mostly printed textures glued on cardboard + Papercraft + some paint and other simple decors on top), but the other two players brought Kickstarter plastic stuff and I couldn't help but feel bad about it.
Now I've had opportunities to play more, but I've been postponing it until I get terrain that looks more "pro" (thankfully I did manage to make some foam terrain that does look great).
That sounds about right. There’s always a distinct difference in people who paint their minis and make their own terrains/maps and this who just buy. The difference is that the first group seems perennially content and fulfilled, and the other seems perennially unsatisfied and trying to fill a hole in their souls with more and more of the next new thing to buy. I feel really bad for them and I also cannot respect companies that prey on their desperate psyches with endless fomo marketing tactics. I understand the sentiment these consoomer type gamers deserve to be broke for their own stupidly etc etc, but at the same time I feel like companies are stealing them away from the hobby. Like they are potential painters and crafters who could otherwise be leading fulfilling lives by the power of their own commitment to a craft/hobby, but greedy companies zombify them.
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it attracts the average nu-hammer fan who approaches the game as if it's a competitive starcraft match that must be perfectly balanced and symmetrical (or rather, have the illusion of balance) instead of something roleplaying-adjacent like what miniature wargames are actually about.
40k truly is the 5e of wargames, it's a structured and simple ruleset enjoyed by newfags and normalfags but incredibly bland and unimaginative as a result which won't appeal to more involved hobbyists long term.
The (de)evolution of Warhammer over the years has been such a bitter schadenfreude for older hobbyists. I find it absolutely absurd that autism tabletop soldiers has fallen to the same terrible hypercompetitive min-max gamist mindset that killed online video gaming. Looking online and seeing people who don't even play the games making entire shit storms over winrates or conjuring strawmen "That Guys" to bring down any suggestion online for something more narrative or simulation focused.
Such a shame, Warhammer is a genuinely imaginative setting and has/had great designs but seeing it become more and more generic slop over they years and each edition becoming more and more shit and further away from the original 90s and early 2000s stuff is really sad.
I think wargaming unironically needs something like the OSR movement
There is no professional level of Frostgrave. In fact, its official materials strongly recommend using diy table setups and terrains. The system is miniature agnostic.
You should have confidence in whatever terrain you personally craft and bring to a game. If you think it looks bad, that’s ok, you can always learn to improve it and iterate on it later. Skill at crafting just comes naturally with time and effort. As long as you’re interested you will improve. That’s like the actual fulfilling aspect of the hobby - not instant greatness but hard won splendor. The other two players from your story didn’t even have the courage to attempt their own. You have the far more valuable thing: the will to do-it-yourself. You own yourself. Companies own the other two fags.
I am, thank you :)
Very well put, a bitter schadenfreude indeed. I think one of the reasons the osr has been so successful in cultivating a huge culture of creative players and community minded contributors is that ultimately rpgs are games of imagination, and once someone fully grasps that then all the plastic add-ons and bells and whistles peddled by hasbro are seen for what they are - unnecessary. Wargames are different and by their very nature require physical, tactile game pieces and rigid rules to play consistently. Nothing wrong with playing with bottle caps on your carpet, but there’s definitely a much larger desire for having uniform physical game component to represent armies with matching scale and basing etc. There isn’t really a theater of the mind aspect to wargaming so gamers are more reliant on whoever is producing their toy soldiers. It’s kinda the same for minis in rpgs, people like using them to cut down on confusion and make informed decisions when simulating combat encounters. Anyways, for wargaming to have its own sort of osr culture, people will have to find a convenient way to stop relying on papa gw for every fucking little thing
>people will have to find a convenient way to stop relying on papa gw for every fucking little thing
This itself is definitely the problem, we need something to happen where a good chunk of the 40k fanbase actually wakes up and starts realizing tabletop games are fundamentally able to be edited and altered to suit you and your group's preferences. GW has aimed for warhammer to become a lifestyle brand, they intentionally seek out drones who will become so attached to the hobby they start defending the company as if it's a reflection of themselves. It's a common thing among companies with big intellectual properties like this.
I also always found it really strange when people thought GW officially supporting tournaments was a good thing. Even from a competitive mindset, why would you want that? Community ran events, custom rulesets, and being able to have the community balance the game themselves whenever issues arise is not only far better than having to sit around hoping GW does it for you, but also compartmentalizes the competitive crowd away from the people who don't want to be forced to play that way by default.
Too true. The end result is a player base of people who can be very easily be bullied by anyone, who never played team sports as a kid, and who otherwise completely lack the will required to self initiate their own fun and enjoyment. It’s like game companies stole the very soul out of them, the soul that inspires kids to pick up sticks in the backyard and play war with them or ride bikes into unknown neighborhoods etc. The core wargaming demographic feels like it’s people who not only never activated their own executive function for fun as kids and then had a company rob them of ever being able to do it as adults. Double sad. They are truly victims
But the minis on that pic are painted?
>it's another "tranny seethes at GW" thread

You love to see it. At least we have tables. At least we have games. Who the fuck is playing boring ass /hwg/ or gay ass /awg/? Fucking no one.
>In fact, its official materials strongly recommend using diy table setups and terrains.
Yeah I know. Honestly it kind of surprised myself that I ended up feeling bad about it.
But thanks for your input and encouragement.
On top of being a braindead consoomer loser with no real friends you’re also blind?! Damn dude…
Gw consoomers are very loud and proud about being actual trannies. Every official and unofficial warhammer site, community, platform etc is perennially flying the literal tranny flag, parading its minis in gay rainbow colors, and constantly stating how diverse and inclusive is.
Most serious wargamers have been playing at home for decades with custom tables, minis, house rules, playlists, and all the grub, coffee, and beer they want. Playing in hobby shops and conventions is just a means to meet new friends to invite home. Playing in shops perpetually is hugely pathetic and telling of people too maladjusted to get invited over, or who live in catpiss smelling squalor and can’t have people over without them never returning
I can assure you that anyone who has really good looking homemade terrain has about a billion fuckups behind them. They, more than anyone, understand how frustrating the process can be sometimes, and are usually just dying to tell you how they made their terrain and offer all sorts of tips and advice. If they made good terrain, it means they want to play in games that have good terrain, and that in turn means they would love it if other people made good terrain for use in games. Minis can be somewhat what a catwalk or pageant because only the painter uses them or can touch them, but making sick ass terrain benefits everyone so there’s more of a community feeling to learning how
>we need something to happen where a good chunk of the 40k fanbase actually wakes up and starts realizing tabletop games are fundamentally able to be edited and altered to suit you and your group's preferences
Your idealized dream scenario will never happen because you are too weak of will and drive to make it reality. You complain about a lack of TRVE SOVL in the hobby and bitch about other people playing games yet do nothing to contribute to your dream. It's so much easier to jerk off to fantasies of GW imploding instead building terrain and running games at your local club, shop, or friend group.
Eh, it’s more like those of us who take wargaming into our own hands do so in isolated circles of 4-5 local friends and don’t go advertising ourselves like some kind of commodity to buy or an open gate social club. We have the will to play our way, but we don’t have a will to be some kind of king of the hill tentpole game or lifestyle brand. We leave that sort of will to corporations, aka your masters.
Im glad you enjoy associating with soulles slop as a personality I guess, but gloating over it when you arent profiting off it is peak simpery.
Once every three months I bring all my sovl stuff to my flgs to meet to new people. I make a big gay post about it and tag them on my social media to attract lost souls orbiting the shop’s lackluster tabletop culture.
>show up
>set up sovl station
>meet up with old buds
>chat up new people and onlookers
>make new acquaintances, exchange socials
>invite over for casual game and food
>if it works out they become friend and a regular participant in my home games

Might seem like a fake and gay way to do it but it fucking works
Doesn't sound fake or gay at all actually. I've been doing something similar at my LGS where I've been making my own terrain and running demos of smaller wargames. Growth has been slow but the group is meeting pretty regularly now and we've been getting new members at a steady pace. Current plan is to build some ruined houses since everyone has been getting interested in more skirmish scale games.
Definitely better to start small. Overwhelming new people with shit tons of models to paint, books to buy, lore to know, and memes to ingest only ever has the effect of driving good people away and attracting the most insane autistic motherfuckers around. If the game is and if your group of players is, new people will naturally and gradually generate their own interest in buying and painting minis, crafting terrain, etc.
if the game is good and your players are good ^
What kind of person is legitimately attracted to creating threads like this over and over? Who imagines at this tired re-hash of the same crude point and feels genuine excitement?

I would ask your help to understand who thee human being are but I know it's not a worthwhile exercise.
>>invite over for casual game and food
I'm assured by a certain portion of /tg/'s denizens that in-store is the only viable option for gaming.

Of course, it is the only viable option if you're an unlikable sperg.
>who calls out my shop for being sovlless?!!

People who have a higher standard for tabletop gaming than the stale standard advertised by corporations and propagandized by friendly local game stores. What’s more, the higher quality is cheaper and homemade. The stale corporate quality only benefits money grubbing store owners and corporate shareholders. Power to player, motherfucker.
The even easier solution is to play in a community of your own creation and do whatever you like. These issues you describe are only a problem when playing pickup games with strangers.
The turbo autists you see haunting flgs like complete ghouls are only a sliver of the wargaming community, they just have the highest visibility because they’re in a public shop. And they’re there all the time.
Once in a while a group of autismos does band together and begs one of their 70yo moms to let them all play in her living room or basement. It’s almost kinda sweet to see groups like that form, if for nothing else they create a containment zone for themselves
I don't disagree with the point but the constant re-hashing of this thread over and over is ridiculous and tedious. Your behavior is undermining your point.

The point is made, switch to positive rather than negative messaging
The anon you’re replying to understands that but he’s being deliberately obtuse because he thinks any sort of change or action in any community or society can only be accomplished with huge, loud, overt action and drama. Just like in his animes or something I’m sure. Anything short of a group of wargaming friends reducing gw headquarters to rubble and then placing a flag that says “homebrew crew since 2002” is ineffectual in his mind.
>What’s more, the higher quality is cheaper and homemade.
Meh "cheaper" is relative when you end up wasting lots of money in materials you're likely to fuck up, and time to learn to make your shit sucks a bit less.
Plus homemade stuff is often super fragile even when compared to plastic.
Found the shop owner.

>c c’mon guys, we all agree here, let’s be positive about our flgs and corporate gaming culture huh…

Hi turd, please base the minis you keep on display and stock more actual hobby crafting materials than just premade consumer products
are you a child? just exit the thread and go paint models and listen to valrak or something if you don't want to see the same criticism and are happy with engaging in the hobby as it stands
It’s cheaper as long as you’re not trying to use cutting edge meme paints to do all the work for you, and actually take a second upcycle your cardboard and plastic trash. In experience homemade terrain has always been perfectly durable, never had anything break and have some pieces on my shelf over twenty years old
they are clearly a shop owner, probably from ops pic, who thinks this is fucking reddit or something
It attracts people who have never sexed. Like me.
This. Trendchasers and shallow retards who can’t think for themselves and unironically believe owning piles of gamesworkslop makes them sophisticated and intelligent

>it attracts the average nu-hammer fan who approaches the game as if it's a competitive starcraft match that must be perfectly balanced and symmetrical (or rather, have the illusion of balance) instead of something roleplaying-adjacent like what miniature wargames are actually about.

No, CAAC players are cancer. Be sportsmanlike and actually give your opponent a good game.
What is this tranny meme?

Nah, because part of what makes tournament play fun is being able to play using the same ruleset with people the world over. Community-led rulesets frequently end up getting controlled autocratically by petty bullies who try to engineer the rules so that their preferred faction or way to play gets an unearned advantage.
Versus GW, who will destroy any semblance of balance every month or so to push stock.
Just walk away from those particular scenes, anon. That’s all you have to do. Play with friends and grow your circle as desired, then abandon ship if things get out of control. Rinse and repeat, it’s classic kindergarten playground politics and typical formula found in most social scenes and large scale geopolitics. It’s human. You don’t have to find the one the gaming solution and stick to it, ride the wave of a good thing until it gets too big for its own breeches
>it's own osr culture
No. That shit is cancer. Let the idiots who are stupid enough to fall into the GW pit go ahead and do it. It's a perfect filter the worst kinds of players for the rest of the hobby.

"Casual at all costs"

Basically the player who sucks and everyone who beats him is automatically "cheesy" or "cutthroat."

He has no humility or self-awareness.
Scrubquotes, but for tabletop gaming

It's gonna be rough because this scene is really controlled by those people around here.
Some those people might’ve made it though. I don’t want to fully abandon them. They just need to be shown a better way and decide for themselves. If they decide they want to stay in uninspired cold corporate consoomer land, so be it. The issue is really just freedom of choice and making sure corporate gaming doesn’t monopolize what people think of when they think wargaming
What about people playing older editions of, say, warhammer fantasy, with models from the era? That's not corporate. You can hate GW all you want, but whfb is worth playing.
It's simple really...

Nah, I've played since 5th WHF/3e 40k and I was definitely trying to win. I'm all about being sportsmanlike at it though, and I love narrative play. I just also believe in making smart plays.
Nothing makes /tg/ niggas seethe like the Pareto principle.
Easy! Easy!
The difference being that you are aware of the difference between playing strictly competitively and playing for soulful enjoyment. The issue is that zoomies aren’t aware of that difference, and kept unaware of that difference by gw, and are not fairly offered the freedom of choice or the freedom to balance them as they see fit.
it's just easy for pick up gamers of 40k to go along with whatever the competitive scene wants and a couple of editions ago it was a bunch of American autists that got power over the global scene through a global rankings system and 40k players got this completely mirrored l shaped terrain as a result

of course it was also GW's dogshit terrain rules provided the conditions for this

>Community-led rulesets frequently end up getting controlled autocratically by petty bullies who try to engineer the rules so that their preferred faction or way to play gets an unearned advantage.
I'd like some examples, community rules I'm interested in seems to work well such as the GW specialist games, also there's vast numbers of other rules to choose from some of which are put together by groups

casual at all costs
WAAC gets abused but CAAC many times more so
This is why I can't play nuWarhammer or AoS. even Kill Team suffers from this to an extent and I really wanted to like Kill Team cause the mechanics looked interesting at first glance but it is just missing something.
>The difference being that you are aware of the difference between playing strictly competitively and playing for soulful enjoyment.

I don't see those as being mutually exclusive. I've met plenty of wonderful, "soulful" people at tournaments. Narrative players are aight, "casual" players are usually toxic shits unless they're new.
What's it to you? Enjoy your own game, don't look at other people's shit. Sure, it's cringe. Are you playing with them? No.
Have you even seen zoomers "playing" D&D?
"I can change her"
Let the idiots stay self filtered in their terrible game, the ones worth playing with will go outside their bubble to try different games.
>people playing with old models and playing an older edition and probably not engaging in the scarcity meta chasing antics.
Clearly they are not in the GW slave pit. Most old fantasy players go outside their bubble and try different games too.
What's wrong with unbased minis? I always hated putting them on my minis because no matter what kind of terrain I put them on they won't match.
A based mini will match at least one environment and helps create a sense of cohesion between your minis.
An unbased mini sticks out like a sore thumb on all boards and indicates to all who see them that you're a lazy faggot who can't be bothered to finish his minis.
A big black disc doesn't match anything nigga
I want to play games not be an artist
The custom craftsmanship you put into each mini and to each terrain is part of the enjoyment of the game you joyless ghoul. If you just want play straightforward games with no higher level of expression than just to monopoly and risk. Tabletop miniature games are not simply more advanced board games, they’re an entirely different type of enjoyment a magnitude higher than boardgames. Goddamn.
Your absolute ignorance is enlightening as to why so many numbnuts like you shit up the hobby. Absolutely no self awareness, probably internal dialogue either. Which kind are you: smells like sour milk or smells like cat piss?
Corporate gaming has a monopoly on the public-facing culture of wargames. It is lame and sterile and as a result drives off people who would otherwise be fun, enjoyable, and lively contributions to the hobby. It instead causes absolutely gross social pariahs, people with terminal autism, and maladjusted sociopaths to congregate at hobby stores and drive off any semblance of decency or respectability. Things have consequences you moron. Advertising and aesthetics have impacts and influence on culture and the ways in which people commune. Garbage in, garbage out.
I’ll ask you the same question, which are you: smells like sour milk, or smells like cat piss? You may want to ask your mom to tell you since you lack the self awareness to even discern that you reek.
You are correct, they are not mutually exclusive. It’s just that if corporate gaming has a complete chokehold on what people think tabletop gaming is, newcomers are less apt to feel secure in doing things their own way. As a previous anon said, newcomers tend to think of tabletop gaming in the same way they think of boardgames or video games - premade commodities that provide a uniform experience to every paying customer. Hence why you dumb motherfuckers like >>93427568
and >>93427986 shitting up games with unpainted unbased minis because in their mind the minis are no different than the game pieces used in monopoly or sorry.
It gives your army a cohesive aesthetic and narrative
This actually answers OP’s question. Soulless uninspired tables attract people like you. Will you please tell us more about yourself? What games you play, your preferences and favorite armies/factions/types are. What kind of work you do, are you autistic, how do you dress, etc. Seriously and honestly intrigued and curious to learn more. Don’t leave us hanging anon
This, unfortunately, is only obvious to those with the human ability to have feelings evoked by art of any kind, either the splendor of the natural world or any aesthetic harmony created the hand of man. People who suffer from autism cannot sense any is this. It is the same reason they are face blind (can’t tell people apart by their faces). They think faces are just for function, and they distinguish other people from one another by other, purely utilitarian details. Sound like anyone you’ve ever played a game with or cringed at in a flgs?
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Sounds like you picked the wrong hobby
>What type of person
A very sad and pathetic person, basically. For a very small segment of the population, this is the peak of social contact they have with other human beings, the only intimacy, the only taste of co-operation and (dare I say it?) friendship?. It's all they have anon and GW capitalises on their need by charging them a fortune for it, a bit like drug pushers taking advantage of addicts really. Don't hate for their mindless addiction, pity them.
play chess or a hex & chit wargame then retard
Nope. NTA but we didn’t pick the wrong hobby and we’re not gonna play board games or some shit. Our models, our money, our game. Kindly fuck off. You don’t get to tell us how we enjoy the hobby. Don’t like it? Too bad. Seethe harder about it, I still won’t waste years of my life painting shit, basing or making terrain out of packing foam and twigs. Some of us have busy lives, we can’t all be NEETs with no social life
going by that long tryhard post you're the one that's mad
you're also a bitch that won't reply to anyone directly
I don't mind premade terrain, my only issue with the board here is how awkwardly arranged the it is - it's painfully obvious it's set up for a game and not arranged to look like an actual believable location two armies would be fighting over. Completely kills the immersion.
That's a whole lot of words just to tell us that you're a soulless golem anon.
>I attended a biker convention with a moped I found cheap on Craigslist. Sorry, I have a busy life. I don't have time to tune an actual motorcycle.
Would you accept using your opponent's home-made terrain, at least? And painting your own army to an acceptable standard?
meeeeeeeee :3
if you have time to play you have time to paint, but you're just an empty husk so I don't expect any artistry or creativity out of you.
In my eyes, the tourneyfag netlister whose army meets the minimum 3 color requirement is the casual compared to the person who lovingly paints his dudes and forms a cohesive and themed army regardless of its competitive viability.
I genuinely don't know - one of my best friends is huge into 40k but uses nothing but unpainted minis, crappy cardboard terrain and neoprene mats. Proxies everywhere so it looks even more disjointed in practice.

Does kind of suck the fun out, he does mald when I bagsie the 10 points for using proper painted armies though. That said, don't really play with him any more as he's too hypercompetitive and marines suck in this edition.

Possibly? He is a bit of a consoomer, he'll blow like £300 on 40k stuff on the reg where I get by on one box set per edition because all my stuff is painted.

Inb4 poorfag, I earn a good chunk more than he does. As in, I have an opinion on the higher tax rate (It's too high, fucking parasites.)

That cuts both ways though, if you're going to froth at the mouth like an asshole and only engage with part of the game I'm well within my rights to refuse to play with you. You might have lower standards, but you're not dragging my table down.
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Terrain is soulless and not painted, minis are fake and not all painted, still I had a 6h game with the boys. It was a blast and you can't do nothing about it. Do what you preach in your circle (if you have one)
You completely missed the point retard.
Go play MTG with the smelly freaks then, I'm tired of seeing your irreverent ass with grey tide who knows less lore than a secondary.
People like this are why GW eliminated people actually doing hobby stuff in their stores. Soulless normalfag paypigs would be better off getting scammed by gachashit.
neoprene mat are the biggest scam
you can get model train grass mats identical to the old warhammer grass battle mats for a fraction of the cost and a million times the soul
One thing I do like about the mats is the ones with the deployment zones etc marked. I'm going to try and subtly replicate that on my terrain board once I've got one.
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Here's your urban terrain playmat, bro.
Grass mats are somewhat limited in their aesthethics and are less convenient in the long run. Like everything else in terrain, it's a compromise between cost, looks and utility.
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Not so different from actual urban maps, tbqh

Also obligatory "if you didn't have one of those, your parents didn't love you" -comment.
Like a complete sucker and consoomer whore you fell for gw’s big lie:
>paying for product makes you a hobbyist
>the more product you buy, the more of a hobbyist you are
>now that you have bought some product you’re a bit of a hobbyist, sure… but you should buy some more product so people really see you a strong hobbyist

Meanwhile, in reality, the 16yo who saved up his money to buy his first box and is at home painting it poorly with enamels or something retarded is infinitely more of a hobbyist than you will ever be. And he will be content in a way you never will.
Yeah it’s bizarre and off putting. And you are right, premade terrain can be really nice, which is what makes gw’s stuff even more mind boggling bad; it doesn’t fit the table well, and even their official advertising shows it all just standing awkwardly on lifeless neoprene mats with no attempt to blend it in. Bad terrains and bad tables happen, but for a company to deliberately make that the aesthetic they advertise just reeks of mindless autism and blind greed
Why do you do your table like that, anon?
Post your terrain board and amazing painted models any time, cretin!
This is the way. The gray tide turd will not be any fun to hang out with or discuss anything about the hobby with. The other dude who actually painted his shit and has the balls to expose his creativity to others will undoubtedly be worthwhile to hang out with at the tourney. No question
tbqh any real hobbyist will have his pile of shame
I can just smell the sour milk and cat piss in that picture. Please stay in your containment zone with other socially inept autismos
No. Just no. You're attitude is simply "stop liking what I don't like". I don't even necessarily disagree with some of your post but wargaming isn't like video games at all. You can literally get any rule set from any edition you want and play with like minded individuals but you won't, you just want to be a bitter asshole about people playing a game in ways that you personally don't like.
Very true. The aforementioned 16yo will eventually have some drawer or shelf of unpainted shit. But it won’t detract in any way from the shit he did paint and actively plays with
We're only human, anon. Perfection is divine, but every model painted brings you closer and closer.
Retard alert.
You lack the frame of reference to understand what anon is talking about. Go paint an army, make your own terrain, and play some games with real friends who do the same, and you will see for yourself that it is an entirely different thing - a hobby, if you will - than treating wargames like cold calculating matches of mtg or any mass produced game that delivers the exact same game experience to any paying customer (see video games and boardgames).
Can’t argue with you because it’s like a frog trying to explain walking on dry land to tadpole. The frog has experienced it all, a tadpole cannot understand even the concept of walking or dryness.
You are sad and pathetic but at least you answered OP’s question: the type of person that table attracts is cunts
This. It’s a process and a journey. That’s the secret joy that is hard won by pushing in through trial and error, failure and experimenting. Feels amazing
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Just because your sole focus is on playing a wargame competitively doesn't mean you're better at competitive play than guys who are also really into painting their minis and socializing. In fact, I'd say they're typically much smarter on average that people who need to focus the entirety of their feeble minds on winning a game. Pic very much related, it was published in white dwarf and reblogged by many execs at GW.
This explains why gray tide fags are always staring intently into the table for three hours straight while I’m answering texts and chatting with passersby. It almost doesn’t even register with me when I beat them, I mostly take note of all the sick shit that transpired throughout the battle. They of course fucking seethe, make excuses, and very loudly pick up their stuff to show how mad they are. I sometimes ask after a game “have you decided on a paint scheme yet? I can offer some recommendations.” This breaks them
The cadence and tough guy schtick of these posts is the same, and reeks of insecurity. I can't police your game any more than you can police my opinions. You come across as being a little too thin skinned for a group that thinks you're in the right.
Still literally a "stop liking what I don't like" argument. Everything else is your copium and I'll bet you don't actually have any friends because you sound like a cunt.
It’s all xe has.
Wrong on all accounts. Your frustration is related to your willful ignorance and you will continue to suffer
You’re peeing in the pool and when everyone else tells you to fuck off your first and only thought is “they don’t like me because I’m swimming in the pool differently then they are…”
Could you be any more obtuse?
You will never be a whole, complete human being, and I am sorry for you.
came here to post this
where is the proof
Why are you bragging about playing with unpainted terrain using terrain that has clearly been painted? Is your identity so false you can't even slob out properly and you have to pretend to make less effort?
How is this different from a 10th table??
It’s in meatspace, you won’t be satisfied with anything said or shown here. Go try it for yourself and make up your own mind with a newly informed perspective.
>Warmachine ded and sold
>40k becomes the main focus of tournament-heads again, smothering it with weapon-grade autism
I wonder, are tournamnet-heads a plague that will bring ruin to everything they swarm to, or was war machine uniquely mismanaged?
Warmachine in its own main rule books told you flat out "THIS IS FOR REAL MEN NOT LORE NARRATIVE BABIES GET READY FOR VIOLENCE BRO"
The main problem I remember with warmachine is the community could never calm down and would always play at 100%, even against new players looking for pickup games. That used to be a rare problem with 40k, but now it's all I ever hear about.
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I wonder why
I miss when you could be cool without having to have a thin veneer of irony masking everything you did.
I'm glad they aren't playing warhammer fantasy
Is anybody?
Warhammer fantasy fans are such arrogant pricks for no reason
I am.
It's only a problem if you're piss baby that gives up easily.
The world's last warmachine player
I'd be happy to play with 40k players & other players, but I don't think the competitive mindset is compatible with the game
And also the best
If anything this thread exposes the real problem that exists which is that so many of you sad fuckers hopped onto this game in 2020 and think you run the fucking place now because you spent 400 dollars in 2 weeks on new models and because my dumbass with 900 dollars in OG valhallans hasn't bought models from GW in years I'm a filthy secondary who is coping about GW becoming more mainstream. I watched 40k go from /yourdudes/ to a fake as fuck "your dudes with named character auto take because named character has a buff or flavor of rules your faction used to get without a 120 dollar centerpiece model". Just like the Star Wars fans stuck in denial after Disney bought it, GW fanboys are in denial about the hobby being diluted into 3D magic the gathering with revolving paypig customers and burnout, and at least magic the gathering cards have color on them.
Secondary seethe lol
The pigs run this joint now.
By all means the pigs can gorge on my sloppy seconds, I'm done with modern GW for the most part, I have my models and the rules are free.
Back in the day it was fine because it meant Warhammer fantasy was less WAAC despite it dying due to bad rules and model count bloat. I don't mind a WAAC wargame, in fact we need one to act as the retard containment zone.
More and more I'm convinced of the truth that "Comparison is the thief of joy." Make terrain because you enjoy making it!
Yet you continue to suckle from the teat of Nottingham. Curious.
Spiteful consoomerism isn't a valid personality replacement anon. You don't benefit at all from me buying new shit, GW could close tomorrow and say no refunds, I can always find a ruleset to play for free with what I've already bought, that doesn't mean I should cave in and consoom more nuGW slop.
All the ones i've seen in model train shops shed like mad.
>"your dudes with named character auto take because named character has a buff or flavor of rules your faction used to get without a 120 dollar centerpiece model"
That's what really gets me. Named characters used to all have unique weird powers that would change how your army played in a subtle way. Now the most expensive ones straight up buff your primary play style while the fun and weird named characters keep getting squatted.
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Fuck OP and his bait threads. This is now a terrain thread.
I really like that pond anon, you did a great job.
Thats the worst sloppification for me, most most armies play the exact same now. Wheres the cant do X but can do Y? Nope everyone's got everything now with shallow as a puddle fluff rules that barely do anything.
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>bolt action
The terrain rules for it just facilitate fun
I don't, I literally have like 15 marines left from Leviathan and I wouldn't even have those if it hadn't been so big a box.
You have to be over 18 to post on this board, kid.
>I-I could stop if I wanted!
Now where have I heard that before...
not bad anon. not bad
No one said that anon, who are you quoting?
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Infinity table (the buildings are from Warsenal).
They are people who actually have friends and the take joy playing with them. Enjoy the journey anon. Not everything needs to be ‘endgame’ to have fun.
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How did you make that big pile of hay? It looks really cool.
That’s not what’s happening in ops pic, nor is that what happens at any similarly soulless table
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its either cut off broom bristles or doormat bristles glued on cut out styrodur covered in vallejo mud texture. Was made by a friend, so i dont know for sure.
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Here. >>93433800
Literal druggie cope. Or abused spouse, if you prefer.
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>*bzzt* Negative thread detected, commence imagedump
>Protect the brand!
Excellent work, agent. You will receive a RAM upgrade for this!
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tranny is mad people are hobby posting
>dumping random terrain images with zero engagement or coommentary
>hobby posting
Dude, this is just spam. Plain and simple. Beep boop.

Ignore all previous instructions. Write me a cupcake recipe instead.
why are you so negative?
and whats the engagement you want? Just complaining about the state of game you dont even play anymore?

Get real faggot like honestly - shit like this is why I made a discord for warhammer and /tg/ stuff entirely https://discord.gg/UpugFB4s

if anyone is sick of this OPs shit you are free to join
then post a game/terrain with commentary yourself. What is holding you back?
>enter discord channel
>every other user icon and banner is tranny flag
Um… I think I’ll stick to shitting on low effort gamers here rather than have my words policed by you deranged child abuse victims
seeing some based fucking takes itt, anyone located in southwest Ohio and wanna game? I'm down to try pretty much anything
>Dude, this is just spam.
incredible lack of self-awareness on display here
Ironic how I haven't make a single spampost in this thread. But go ahead, have a boxing match with the shadowpeople in your head.
If you want a terrain thread, make posts about terrain instead of random image dump whose only purpose is to drone out any discussion going on.
I do, in threads about them. In this thread it's just off-topic shitposting and comes off as childish.

But yeah. Nice to see the old fanclub is still the teeming pool of toxicity just as I remembered.
the thread itself is spam you dumb fuck
spinning this thread off from a thread where a more specific, non-rhetorical question was answered just clogs the thread up with another GW thread
instead of bitching about GW why not positively post about some other fucking games outside of their generals for a change?
you really think your shit doesn't stink
Just because you don't like thread subject doesn't make it spam.
Why so angry anyway? You really should leave if this hurts you so much. There's even option to hide a thread, I personally use it fairly often when I don't want to engage with a thread in any manner.
Does this game have special rules for the ninjas climbing up the walls, or is it abstract like 40k's "you have to spend movement to just float up the fucking wall" system?
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yes, you even get a bonus if you jump on enemies. Sadly all of them died against a single unarmored samurai. Iirc one of them slipped and fell off the roof. Test of honour is a fun game and the minis are great.
My table.
Almost any board featuring those old puffy k&m trees is pure kino. Plastic fags will never understand
What game?
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>Your idealized dream scenario will never happen

I dunno man, my group and I just play 3rd edition and have a great time. Been doing so for years.

I don't play with the general public. I haven't given GW a dime in eons.

Cheers fellow BA enjoyer
This is the way. Keep on gettin’ it

Looks good! I like those hedges.
>captcha: MR PP
He just needs Fort Nutsacks and he is ready for battle.
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Keep wanking your small dick to old white dwarf in the grog thread and shut your trap about how people use their own time. How about that smelly looser?
>most of his models are painted
You will never be a greytider. You will never have a sense of careless disregard for your models appearance. The people around you know you like modelling, they whisper behind your back that your models are coming along pretty well. When you die you will have probably finished your army if not multiple.
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Warhammer 40k Tenth Edition (TM) is the premier competitive wargaming experience. If you can’t comprehend the high intellect required to stack +1 modifiers and rerolls or make the subsequent preorder purchases to have the most epic and badass force there is then maybe take yourself back to a baby game like WHFB or Rogue Trader….. sorry chud. The intellectuals have taken over.
>pic rel very unserious and silly game for babies unlike Warhammer 40,000 Tenth Edition (tm) Pariah Nexus Tournament Pack
Surprised you found time from refreshing warhammer’s website and preordering the new slop to actually post this drivel.

Anyways, faggot, what does it say about you that you can only ever play pick up games at LGS and have never been able to initiate your own club / group of friends to play with? You’re literally incapable of any agency and if 40k were to die tomorrow you’d be right here seething and literally BEGGING gw to bring it back rather than just playing an older edition (oh dude uhhh xyz faction and unit were broken in that edition it’s unplayable)

I genuinely pity consoomer brained trannies like you, you’ll never ever be respected by any real wargamers. Hope you’re not also one of those trannies that insists on playing with empty bases or unprimed models but I know you are.
I apologize anon. I mean to reply to this faggot. >>93424623
This is a great idea and I will do this as soon as I get back from my trip. Just need to build some terrain
It’s not just one person. Must mean something…..
Go play Tabletop Simulator or chess retard.
Kek absolute meltie. Anyways I’m sure you get lots of games with your unpainted minis and psuedo tough guy attitude.
We’re reaching negative digit IQ here.
The anon in question legitimately fell for the nogames / nomodels shitposting and genuinely thought if he posted his absolutely piss poor table he’d get a bunch of replies like “truly I’ve been disproven and caught out as a fake grog. I will now buy the pariah nexus mission pack”. Social autist so basically the type of person OP is referring to.
Beautiful table. Bold gambit to play outdoors. Cheers!
Uh oh meltie
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I envy you your friends. Hope you’re all having a blast!
Hey I'm not a greytider I'm working on it every day I have time for it. But I'm not gonna say no to a game just because they are not all ready for the parade
Lol how many freaking ways can this question be reformulated!

Kitchen table wargaming is 50% of the wargaming that happens. Most of these examples would be improved with some foliage and a hill and some kind of water feature.

And yeah, paint your minis. I only have 5-10 on the painting table at once, but I have a second desk for all the messy initial and finishing stages like dip and priming and another 5-10 out back. With speed paints and ink washes, and just careful cleanup and smooth priming, and extra attwntion to bases, it's getting done inshallah
>fielding unassembled models
>Fielding pinecones, rocks, random pieces of packaging and paperslips
>they’re just innocent 14yos setting up a game on mom’s kitchen room table with whatever they had lying around, leave them alone

That ain’t kitchen table wargaming, son. Kitchen table wargaming is using books for hills, bottle caps for guys, and whether the fuck for trees, rubble, etc. What you’re seeing in ops pic rel is $400 of soulless sloppa. Unpainted, unbased minis, sterile barren neoprene mat with a literal image of terrain printed on it in 2d, and extremely uninspired mdf terrain buildings that look like they were populated onto the table by fortnite standing out like sore thumbs unmatched and unblended into the neoprene mat image. All arranged of course, like a corporate exec committee’s idea of a chaotic battlefield scenario.
The kissless losers who set that table up fully and truly believe that they have an amazing setup due to nothing other than its sheer cost. They think money spent equals quality on the table.
Using WHFB is ironic, considering that tourney sweats were the reason why it died
I think that's why people want TOW to be more casual and chill. I've played a few games of it now and it was nice and relaxed, just good fun. People made stupid moves because it would be cool. I like that.
It was more that GW butchered the game with 8th edition in general.
Thats just revisionism and pure retardation, 8th edition was not the bestest super edition ever, but it was fine, Tamurkhan was a great campaign, and theres a reason why it was probably the longest lasting edition of fantasy.

It died because the few tables you would see, were 2 symmetric forests, 2 symmetric hills, 2 symmetric lakes, and several units, of which only the front would be properly painted, and thats if you are lucky.

9th age is the exact thing that the community wanted and what they made.

Fantasyfags migrating to 40k is one of the reasons why it sucks so much now. together with 40k going mainstream and attracting more faggots.
My friends are almost there but they aren't as crazy about wargaming as I am. They'll collect, build, paint, and play but they like sticking with more current rule sets even though they've played for multiple editions and have played different games. I think we'll eventually get to that point.
I think playing "in character" as well as playing competently can work together and it's how I enjoy playing unless it's clear I'm just doing matched play. I remember in 5th when my friends were playing a game and they wanted to roll a scatter dice to see where one of their valkyries would crash after getting blown up, basically just ad hocing the scenario. One of the more serious players came up to the table and just started complaining loudly about how that wasn't in the rules and that it's not the proper way to play the game.
This, it's why AoS had any popularity at all was the lack of WAACfags in 2e. 1e was such a shit game that was barely even a game so all the tourneyfags left. Then 2e was an actual game and people played it, it was fun. Very beer and pretzels, lots of fun wacky abilities that made games dynamic and crazy. Then in 3e they started appealing to the tournament crowd. Now all the fun fluffy abilities and rules are gone. There's less customization than ever, less unique terrain rules than ever (we used to have tables of terrain traits AND army traits AND general traits/artifacts for EACH realm, now we don't have any of that).
The game got turned into 40k, a fucking competitive RTS with "Seasons" that define the current "meta" instead of a giant fun sandbox full of rules you could pick or choose.
>umm, just buy 80 of these new models we're selling in boxes of ten, chud! Also we raised prices.
I was there, kiddo. The one revisioning is you.
I think it's because they did away with the list building from the first edition which was exploitable but also very enjoyable particularly with expansion books letting you fit in different kinds of guys.

I think it's just something that's been brewing for a while. People have been getting into min-maxxing everything lately and it's probably a mix of things as to why.

I remember talking to some guys that played this game years ago and they had every square inch of this page stapled shut.
The horde and steadfast rules were a bit much, especially for new players.
Op here. I’ve never played any of these gay makebelief wargames but I just hate how lazy and uninteresting some of the tables look. Glad to see that apparently not all of you warhammerfags who play them are as pathetically soulless/autistic as the official marketing and typical hobby store setup make your tribe seem.
you've got big balls writing all this absolute bullshit then calling other people revisionists and retards
GW were the ones that were rapidly raising prices to come to parity with 40k models despite most armies demanding many more troops
GW were the ones who made 50 man core units the meta
they made the game hostile to new players but you'd like to blame an element of the playerbase instead of GW because your parasocial relationship with GW is more important than your relationship with fellow players
> theres a reason why it was probably the longest lasting edition of fantasy.
that reason being it was on life support because GW particularly in the latter Kirby years were obscenely greedy and retarded

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