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Is it because too many weeaboos trying to live out their Shonen Jump fantasies?
Is it the anime art design that makes people skin crawl?
Is it the whole Western fantasy VS Eastern fantasy conflict?
If not, Then what is it that you abhor about it?
cause it's tasteless shit
imagine if somebody told you they want to run a game based on a marvel movie or peppa pig
the only reason you'd play it is to laugh at it
>Is it the whole Western fantasy VS Eastern fantasy conflict?
Yes. No-one hates nerds more than other nerds
>weebs living out fantases.
because sometimes, crazy stuff from the latest Shounen Jump line appeals to people, something beyond their reality, and thus attempt to emulate it... ...to varying degrees of success.

It's sortof an acquired taste if you will. Though, can say, whomever did the art on TSL, no offence to the artist but it looks downright DREADFULL

>West vs. East
Aesthetics, really. Sometimes you want a fantasy european esque story, then one may want a fantasy Japan or China story... ...or gods, a fantasy Africa story, but those havn't left the ground under fear of being labeled racist for not doing so, and then doing so.

You fan accept it, you can defy it, but there is no denying it. the Anime style has been in 4chan's culture since day 1.

'side from that, there's always wanting to cause issues, even with the most mundane of things.
That's the thing I've always was curious about it. Most western fantasy is arthurian fantasy or European in nature. While at the same time, eastern Fantasy falls under the journey of the west and cultivation wuxia fantasy. There's an entire world worth of folklore and mythology we could be pulling from. But we're stuck over arguing over two plots of land.
the issue with "anime rpg" is that it's always "shounen rpg" which a lot of people find eyerolling and dumb power fantasy
because if it's not shounen tropes, what about it would even make it "anime like" besides artstyle? you can have mecha, slice of life, magical girls, etc. in other artstyles and games already
what does making it "anime" do besides appeal to weebs?
The One Piece!
Good post. Anime is visual medium. TTRPGs are... not visual.
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>cultivation wuxia fantasy
Tell us what you think is good.
>and dumb power fantasy
You could say that about most campaigns being played, regardless of medium, system or artstyle involved.
I would gladly run a shōnen campaign if only there was at least one normal game on this topic in the world, and I wouldn’t have to do everything myself.
What do you mean by normal game?
Every time it has been tried nobody liked it.
When something sells itself as "anime" it usually means it's emulating surface level tropes and art. If that's all you want that's fine but the deeper levels of storytelling that usually attract people to non-garbage anime is pretty system agnostic and just needs a good GM.
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I just run regular RPGs and use anime-style character portraits.
What went wrong?
It's because western media has become pure trash while eastern media has always been based.
>imagine if somebody told you they want to run a game based on a marvel movie
That's just a Supers game though?
>peppa pig
I could see it. I mean there's a pastel horse and power ranger TTRPG now, that's not that much of a stretch.
Something that elegantly captures the feel of shōnen with its rules and content.
a) not a typical D&D-like system with character creation that looks like a tax-return and overwhelming combat options that make battles a slog fest. Then anime tag slapped on it.
b) not a glorified coffee table book from “professional game designer” where you need to invent the game by yourself. Then anime tag slapped on it.
did you even read the post you responded to?
They haven't tried MAID
Why do you care wgat other people like when you can play what you like at your own table. I'm happily in a Sword World game with other people who want to play Sword World, I don't need to tell people playing mudcore peasantfuck DnD they're "doing it wrong" and they don't have to onow what I'm playing
Maybe some of us are getting tired of seeing the same old sloppy being dolled out. Osr scene is literally a Hydra orgy. Buying a new idea that is said pbta, Blades in the dark, or a 5e clone is hard enough. Finding players and dm who aren't completely brain rotted at this point is exhausting.
Anime website
Fpbp but unironically.

You aren't supposed to run an "anime like" rpg. Anime is an art style, not a genre (fuck off MAL and Hollywood both with that shit, and to be fair the rest of the modern anime industry turning itself into a genre by sacrificing 17 year old kids to the desk kami who demands the 100 hour work week exhaustion as sustenance), and trying to run an "anime like" game results in a gag reel replay, or a forum bitchfight replay or a replay of the first 61 episodes of Naruto or Bleach interchangeably and not a game.

Just make anime portraits for NPCs or PCs, it's what my groups do. If you insist that anime PC portraits is enough to make any game an "anime like" game, then fucking any game could be an "anime like" game, so the thread is pointless and you've wasted everyone's time.

Doolong Tidn'tread; People are opposed to shitty game prompts. an "anime like" rpg is a shitty game prompt.
Because 'anime' game means nothing. It is like saying a 'comics' game. Sure, Shounen is anime but so are Shoujo and Seinen and Real robots are different from Fantasy Worlds and School Fantasy or Sentai. Better make a good game that focus on one of those tha just using a generic term.
In short, you aren't telling me about what the game is about but talking about some art style you want to use
yuri/bl game
>Maybe some of us are getting tired of seeing the same old sloppy being dolled out
Then quit buying the slop, retard.
Assuming you mean Thirsty Sword Lesbians, TSL is about as "anime" as High Guardian Spice. Or Lancer.
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Imagine making one art style your entire personality and wanting every aspect of your life to center around it. I've watched anime before you were born but I want other kinds of entertainment as well. Anime is a product just like anything else. It's not something special.
bluey>peppa pig
I'd like to point out what tropes do exist in Shonen aren't really things you can run easily in a trpg. Things like sudden mid fight power ups or secret techniques with specific weaknesses are hard to do mechanically without metagaming making it awkward. Beyond that Shonen as a genre tends to focus on one v one battles which isn't exactly conductive to group games.
Because they don't have tables, they're the dregs of the community who are so unlikable they've been kicked from every table possible and so now they come here, to whine and bitch and moan because they're nogames faggots with no friends.
>Verification not required
>wanting to play an anime style game = everything in your life revolves around anime
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I'm having fun with Valor personally, the "anime" aesthetic doesn't change the fact that I have a version of Mutants and Masterminds that has actually enjoyable combat.
>mid fight power ups
Like having skills/techniques with conditions and limited uses? Doesn't sound too hard. Other stuff can be handed out by the GM depending on the situation. There's no system that says the GM can't give you a +2 to all damage rolls for the rest of the fight.
>secret techniques with specific weaknesses
Admittedly harder unless there's some sort of convoluted rock-paper-scissors system for the powers involved, but even then, the meta gaming part is often enough done by the anime characters themselves, either by the one fighting or a support character analyzing the fight and coming up with a strategy. If it makes the fight funnier than just spamming the best attacks at each other you could work around the interactions between them. The obvious fire vs water comes to mind, you could have a situation like in Wo Long, you use a wall of ice to stop a fire attack as a reaction or something, and can't use that power during your turn as a result.
>one v one battles
It could still work if players are willing to roll with it, after all if you have 5 enemies for 5 characters and you all are into anime you can easily accept the premise. The alternative is having a sort of wrestling tag team situation, and that can be fun as well.
The only good "anime game" is Chuubo's.
>Is it because too many weeaboos trying to live out their Shonen Jump fantasies?
In part, saying that a game is inspired by a genre of anime is going to attract fans of that genre, naturally. And they will have genre conventions in mind while playing that clash hard with other people at the table, 99% of the time.
>Is it the anime art design that makes people skin crawl?
Not really, my table has been using anime character art for wholly western-genre games. Though I suppose you could find some people who are naturally repulsed by any hint of Ainu picture books.
>Is it the whole Western fantasy VS Eastern fantasy conflict?
Depends on what you mean by "eastern fantasy". If you mean oriental fantasy, no. People like that, even if they don't like anime. If you mean "JRPG fantasy", then yeah. People don't like their worlds being bureaucratic reflections of reality where 'adventuring' is a profession rather than an action, somehow.
>If not, Then what is it that you abhor about it?
Mostly the fact that JTTRPGs are usually the bastard child of D&D 4e and PTBA. I don't care for their mechanics, especially if they're made by weeaboos in the west that try and add mechanics to emulate the flow of anime stories.
I don't understand what middle space this leaves. You want something that elegantly captures the made-up rule-of-narrative power/combat system of shounen? How would that even work? What rule could possibly accommodate the bullshit asspulls of a shounen battle?

I would just say to use FATE but that probably fails your unpassable test.
> choice between two extremes
> unpassable
See, that is the problem. Two retarded extremes are a staple of the market full of grifters.

It could be some card-based game or diceless gamw, or even dexterity game-based sysem. There is a great field to experiment. I probably would figure it out with time, but I don't want to homebrew everything I want to play in an instant.
I can think of some shouneny mechanics.
>emotion based statistics (eg Masks)
>stronger moves/abilities unlock as tension or damage increases
>something like fate points to unlock stronger moves at critical moments
>flashback mechanics ala BitD

And I'm sure a professional game designer could do better. You just have to accept running a more narrative game if you want a more narrative experience, or somewhat compromising on the narrative experience if not.
>Mostly the fact that JTTRPGs are usually the bastard child of D&D 4e and PTBA.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Exactly what I said, they're usually halfway to wargame systems but not quite there yet (D&D 4e) with ass-backwards social systems (PBTA).
I'm curious what JTTRPGs you've actually played to come to that conclusion, because it sounds nothing like any I've played
did they ever make a conan or elric anime
'cause I'd watch it if they did, and I read Japanese comics and stuff, but most of it isn't really suitable for a role playing game. Lodoss War and Ubel Blatt & that kind of thing would work, but thats not really most anime/manga
I hear the Japanese got something called sword world though, it sounds kinda cool
I haven't played any, because I read their rules before jumping into any hasty decisions that would have me and my players waste my time. I think that the last one was some kickstarter scam that my friend fell for and we read the book together, and he was embarrassed for spending money on it.
It's because my japanese isn't good enough to play with japanese people and the utter faggots who want to play "anime-inspired" stuff on here are just thinly-veiled coomers pushing MAID most of the time.
>I haven't played any
I thought as much
>kickstarter scam
I've literally never seen a JTTRPG on kickstarter. Japs don't really use the platform.

Looks like you were talkimg out of your ass as usual, anon-kun
>anime like rpg
The problem is what the fuck does that even mean? The fact that you're describing your game as an "anime" something makes no sense to me. There are a million animes with a million themes out there.

What are you even saying? Also anime looks trash my man.
>I thought as much
Reading the rules and examples of play absolutely suffices, because you CANNOT be an illiterate retard if you're going to run a system. And knowing what's worth my time, as an adult, is a skill all to its own.
>I've literally never seen a JTTRPG on kickstarter. Japs don't really use the platform.
Perhaps I've used the wrong term. "Anime RPG". Whatever you call games of all stripes, that purport to be inspired by whatever anime the designer watched as a kid.
I take umbrage with that last part. When I get to run a maid game I'm not looking to run a cutesy lovey-dovey harem anime story. I'm looking to run the madcap insanity of anime like Excel Saga.

It's just inferior. It doesn't have to be deeper than that.
>Reading the rules and examples of play absolutely suffices
Funny. Whenever I hear someone talk about a game I've played and they reveal that they've only read it and haven't played it, they usually going to be absolutely off the mark about it.
>Perhaps I've used the wrong term.
You absolutely did. JTTRPGs are Japanese games. If it wasn't made by a dude in Japan, it's not a JTTRPG.
GURPS solved this.
in america, since only shounen and superheros sell there, both of those terms mean something specific
Because 9 times out of 10 weebs want to play a retarded "adventurer's guild" game
>game based on a marvel movie or peppa pig
>Is okay when D&Dogshit does it
Which rules and examples of play did you read?

We're currently running Zettai Reido like that, after stripping 90% of coomer aspects.
>Reading the rules and examples of play absolutely suffices
Yet you've proven yourself completely wrong and talking out your ass. So you yourself prove your own hypothesis wrong. You still have yet to mention which games you were referring to, probably because then everyone would realize you're talking out your ass.
>Perhaps I've used the wrong term
Yes. Not only are you completely off the mark but you're also not even talking about JTTRPGs. You're a complete idiot which explains how you and your friend are so easily parted from your money.
>if somebody told you they want to run a game based on a marvel movie
I bet they aren't even aware of faserip.
might have been "Break!!", which is just OSR with an avatar style art style.
now for PbtA stuff... I assume it might be Cluney's Magical Rage series.
That's weebslop, not JTRPG.
Lol, Lmao even.
10 years ago, /tg/ loved anime and no-one had a problem with jttrpg's based on anime, or anime influences in games.
What changed? Well, 4chan became popular and redditards swarmed to le heckin wholesome storyboard /tg/, and as is common with reddit, they had an aneurism when they saw le hated ah-ni-mays, and the board culture and attitudes in general, and went on a crusade to try and drive out those hated parts and make the board more heckin wholesome. You can see them pretty often, seething at any anime style art.
Tl;dr: reddit tourists/colonists.
You can do pretty much all of that in OVA, but you're right that it would require a certain amount of out-of-game discussion and group cohesion, but that's going to be the case for any RPG that isn't rigid with wargame-like procedure and structure. Shounen manga battles are supposed to be more like pro wrestling, with dramatic ups and downs. This is generally why people who think every RPG is just D&D balk at the idea of a mid-fight asspull powerup or the cheers of the crowd making the hero get back up for one last super attack. You can't think like that in a game that's supposed to be "anime" and fuss over how many bonus actions and free actions and 5ft steps you're allowed to have.
Most people aren't child molesters.
>lists two western games
I rest my case.
Yet DnD is extremely popular. Explain that one
Alternatively, if the guy was thinking 4e, then prolly FFXIV, much to it's detriment.

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