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File: Jumpchain OP.pdf (5.9 MB, PDF)
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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
He's not done any really impressive reality warping despite there probably being some he'd find funny.

Angle (somehow) knows his curse technique and thinks the best use of Takaba is having him directly fight Kenjaku instead of trying to bait him into creating magic items or something.
Asking again because I got drowned out by Fate talk.

How hard would it be to convince the Brush Gods in Okami to share their techniques with a god other than Amaterasu? The jump keeps going on and on about how much the gods covet their techniques, making me think that Amaterasu is the only god who would get that kind of preferential treatment that compels the other gods to hand their techniques over with relatively little resistance.
So on another anons recommendation to still grab tarnished have a build. Even if it was a tight squeeze.
Jumpers in for a really bad time. Between a outer God trying to possess him and the war for the elden lord reigniting. He's basically just gonna try and find help for trying to kill the outer god trying to possess him. And along the way stop the lands in between from tearing themselves apart. He's... probably gonna die a lot but he's got the opportunity to buckle down and try to get it done. Also preferably learn as much sorcery and miracles as he can while he's there. Its probably a long odds to try and broker a alliance with Rhadan or Malenia but peace should at least be tried. Otherwise... he's got a lot of runes to collect in the process of getting gud enough and trying to save as many folks as possible that are left and worth saving.
Jump 2:Elden Ring
Origin: Of no renown
Race: of human stock
>The road not taken:Free
>Reclaimer of runes and ashes:-200
>Golden Haligtree:-250
>Maidenly Lioness:Free
>Maiden finger:Free
>The Shattering Mended:+300
>A call beyond:+500
Remember Zenobia's stats
>Strength A
>Endurance B+
>Agility A
This thing is above most sabers.
Last repost 0.1 of my Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire jump. The next update will be to 1.0.
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Should I make Shirou into a Guardian?

What would happen if I taught Shirou Sword Logic?
I currently workshopping a Caster Medusa with the Servant Supplement, I want to give her a Skill/NP that amounts to 'the potential to surpass born perfection' because of her whole 'born imperfect so she could change and grow' thing, any ideas?
>He's not done any impressive reality warping
Impressive is entirely arbitrary, as is the concept of reality warping. You could say he hasn't done things on a large scale or anything involving time travel, but that's about it. There's no "standard" when it comes to reality warping.

For Angel to bait him to make magic items she'd have to be funny. Nobody in the JJK main cast is intentionally funny nor would Takaba find them funny.
If I remember right Lancelot hits him dead on with Arondight, he still has it in him to survive for a while after, and promptly uses Stella to block a shot from Rhongomyiad that would've obliterated the village they were at. He may not be Lancelot strong but he's pretty damn strong.
Do we even know at what year it is erased? Like, the DCAU seems to be erased somewhere after JLU, but we also see the Batman Beyond around and we have an entire series and a couple movies about it existing well beyond that.
Plus THAT whole multiverse was born from the Flashpoint movie which birthed the New 52 movies, which then birthed the Tomorrowverse which apparently spawned the entire multiverse sans Darkseid. And the JLU's DCAU's had a Darkseid. He was the final villain.
maybe something about her body being a top class magic reagent?
Like she can already use her blood to summon pegasus(remember, that is not a NP, her NP is the bridle that boosts him), and Asclepius was able to make a potion that resurrects the dead out of her blood, and in myth when Perseus carried herdecapitated head blood leaked from it and dropped in the desert turning into monstrous serpants that later fought other heroes. She could likely also turn her hair into familiars like most female mages(female mage hair is a first class magic ingredient in general), especially since her mystery would further boost hte powewr, and since she already got the snake hair myth, she could probably turn her hairs into powerful snake familiars. Also in myth while asclepius used the right side of her body to make his medicine, her left side is said to be "the bane of manking" and a powerful poison, which she could probably further work into weapons, like Kairi did the baby hydra in Apocrypha.

Otherwise, what you're talking about is monstrous transformation isn't it. She was born as an imperfect divine, but by using it, she can slowly transform into an ever more powerful monster, in the form of the gorgon, but she herself doesen't like doing that. Maybe have her apply the ability to others? like feeding something her bloodin combination with monstrous transformation to turn them into powerful monstrous familiars.
His NP Arondight Overload rather, not just the sword itself.
Just hire a comedian Takaba likes, it's not hard.
Turning others into a gorgon is the last thing she would do.
If you’re a fellow Brush God running about in the open they might require you to do a favor or to to ensure that they don’t end up sealed away again or prevent their source of faith from getting cut off due to their domain being hampered by the actions of demon/oni running about. If Ammy is there with you (or on at least good terms to vouch for you) it’ll probably be even easier as they’ll think that both of you are trying to save the world together.
How fucked are Chaos worshipper if the jumper made it so that they cannot communicate with their gods or the gods daemons in any way, shape or form?
I was thinking less Gorgon specifically, and more into monsters generally. And it shouldn't be limited to people, like I could see it wokrking on animals too.
Didn't Lancelot die against Agravain later anyway. Might be a Lancelot issue.
Honestly, I think the DCAMU was so autistically mad about Darkseid getting retconned out of existence breaking it's own continuity that while it could have just stopped at generating one (1) Anti-Monitor to get the job done, it spontaneously decided to just shit out Anti-Monitors and end all of reality out of spite for history no longer making sense (to it) without Darkseid.

I mean think about how singleminded and specific Constantine was being punished by getting trapped in the House of Mystery and being murdered by a loved one over and over again. For centuries. The multiverse was clearly so fuck-ass mad at Constantine derailing it's campaign by shooting it's DMPC as a baby that not only did it GET ZATANNA TO KICK HIM OUT OF HEAVEN to be punished but it actively kept him alive as the DCAMU Pariah JUST so he'd live long enough to see untormented versions of his loved ones blame him for ruining everything shortly before witnessing them getting obliterated before his very eyes.

And after all of that, the multiverse STILL wasn't satisfied with just taking it out on Constantine.
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Easiest powerset to completely trivialize the Haydee jump? I'm thinking anything with flight and phasing, like for example being a half ghost from Danny Phantom, would be the easiest. I just want my big booba/booty robot waifu/sex doll and since the "win" condition for the drop in option is just surviving and escaping this seems like the quickest way to do that.
Very. The Imperium is even more fucked.
Nta but Agravain litterally doped himself and he still had lethal wounds.
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Jump for ease of viewing.
Shard, how should I prepare for the opening of the Sixth Coil of the Labyrinth of Tigers?
JUMP #0171: Primal Rage

Location: 4. The Tomb
Gender: Male
Origin: Neutral
Primal Form:
>Mystical Origin [Hydra] (50)
>Magical Aura [Stone Gaze] (100)
>Elemental Infusion [Plants] (200)
>Balanced Body (free)
>Consume the Weak (free)
>Hear Our Cries (free)
>Inspire (free)
>Harmony (100)
>Hold Your Ground (200)
>Avatar of Balance (400)
>The Boom Box (free)
>The Arcade Machine (50)
>Treasure Hoard (200)
>Livestock [Mammoths] (200)
>Necrosan Is Coming (+500)
Total: 1500/1500

Commentary: I always like finding weird options, like getting a mammoth herd. Moving on, it's kaiju time again. More specifically it’s time to beat the wannabe Ghidorah and stop him from destroying life on Urth. Given that I have Gojira's power among other things this can only end one way.
Who would win: Healthy Itachi with Hashirama cells so his eyes don't go bad, or Obito with both his Kamui eyes?
So can we say with confidence that Constantine actually did nothing wrong and that the DCAMU deserves to be annihilated?
What does Agravain's NP even do anyway. The scene in the Camelot movie was incomprehensible.
A question in regards to the Wishing Wand in Enchanted. Does the wand still destroy/kill the power source if it manages to finish granting the wish before it uses it up completely or can they still be salvaged then?
I will never ever say Constantine did anything but everything wrong.
Itachi and it isn't even a contest.
Unfortunately, you're getting drown out again. But to answer your question, I would say you can if you can convince them to do so
If you can grind stats, grind them. If you don't, prepare as much of every 62.5 and above resource as you can stand to grind.

Insanely, yes. Yes, in the DCAMU Constantine did nothing wrong and /reality itself/ appears to be the real villain. And it fucking wins.
How is Amaterasu as a waifu?
That wasn't his NP, he LITTERALLY doped himself, he used drugs to give himself mad enhancement.
Itachi probably quite easily even.
Obito needs to become vulnerable if he wants to teleport himself or someone else away or even if he just wants to attack, itachi is super fast(so fast that Kakashi literally couldn't see him use a water jutsu despite using the Sharingan and being able to activate a high level susanoo and block with the yata mirror in the time it took for a lightning strike to hit him), he's in a perfect position touse the opportunity to land a finishing strike on Obito.
Your thoughts on the current comic book industry?
Your pokemon continue to have explicit and unnecessary rules regarding keeping your pokemon for no good reason.

Otherwise it looks fairly good.
>>93425558 (me)
his NP by the way allows him to extract informations from his prisoners, but we don't know many details.
The DOOM loadouts, because the scenario forces a power/item lock on you while forgetting to make it the same one as the drawback, so you can take both and get the crisp 600 to spend on more 'dees in service of a waifubox worth getting.
I mean when you really think about it, it makes total sense for the universe to shit itself in anger if you kill Darkseid because Darkseid is a chosen representative proxy of the cosmic force of destruction and evil from before time or whatever, if you kill him than the cosmic force of destruction and evil just flips the fucking table and stops pretending to be a New God
Depends on how you feel about bestiality.
I think it deserves an army of angry Anti-Monitors burning it all down desu. At this point it's not even the virtue signalling, everything is just so...low effort and trite in general writing terms.

I get the impression that something just BROKE amongst whatever writers are left working there after Dark Crisis and Krakoa. Dark Crisis because it proved they've finally run out of people competent enough to make a Crisis Event at least interesting, and Krakoa because some of the writers really seemed to want that damn island to live up to it's hype.

At least Batman/Superman is kind of fun.
They all seem reasonably chill, to some extent or another. As long as you're respectful in the proper eastern myth sortof way, and maybe perform some task for them or another, I could see them being willing to teach you.
Now, how much time they spend teaching you is another matter entirely. If you're an absolutely shit calligraphist, I doubt they're going to sit there and give you step by step instructions on how to write properly. But if you've got the talent and are firmly on their side, they could pretty easily grant you a boon.
I will put Zenobia in a nice dress and marry her.
Okay but nobody thought that before Justice League Incarnate brought it up, Dark Crisis confirmed that the Great Darkness doesn't actually care much about it's hands literally being tied by old man sadness, the DCAMU has many acceptable breaks from the funny pictures continuity already, and if we do go back to the comics continuity for a sec /Darkseid has died before without reality shitting itself in anger/
In the movie, it basically lined up where finishing the wish is what kills everything, with the world of Andalasia visibly dying in the interim, but undoing the wish before it became permanent saved everybody. I would assume that if the wish is fully granted, it doesn't require anything more, so if there is stuff to salvage, you could do so.

>For no good reason.
I have given you the reason plenty of times.
I hope I can fuck over the kitties. I want to skin some of these man eating cats that think they're so fucking great. And FINALLY HAVE A FUCKING USE FOR MY 8 FINGERKING CONNECTED, WHERE IS IT FAILBETTER
Jumps where a Jumper might run into someone that can see and tell them their sins and crimes against reality they've forgotten? Only one I can think of is Ghost Rider in Marvel
Being in to bestiality is a requirement for waifuing any goddess.
There is no justifiable reason to have explicit fiat restriction of anyone to your properties at this point, it is a built in mechanism for one of the most commonly ignored OG rules that hasn't made sense for a long ass time. Even in setting the restriction to six pokemon is a legal one, as in you are fiat required to obey a local law.
nta, but Agravain is a mage(he was taught Witchcraft by Mordred), in addition to being a top class knight(they literally called him Agravain Who Knew No Wounds, because he returned from every battle unharmed), so his abilities are generally pretty versatile. Stuff like the Knight summoning in the movie adaptation presumebly was pure magecraft.
But his NP is called Iron Punishment, which are chains he can use to bind people to certain "rules", and which are almost impossibel to escape from.
During the final battle he placed himself under mad enhancement using them, which essentially reversed the roles in life when his normal self fought a mad lancelot and died.
nta, but it's not clear if it was drugs or magic in the game, but in the movie adaptation it seems to have been magic in the latter. but yeah, he replicated mad enhancement(specifically he coppied the state Lancelot was in when he went into rage in life and killed Agravain and his siblings when they were transporting Guinivere).
Why'd everyone forget the Mafuba exists after original Dragon Ball and only remember in Super?
Toriyama forgot
They forgot.
I only played the game and there he explicitely used drugs, but I'll take your word.
State what you actual concern is please. Specifically.
But Roshi remembered after like 200 years.
Semi-weird question; what would happen if we gave a contest costume to a Touhoumon, or for a slightly more canon-compliant option, Throh or Sawk?

Also, the wording of Cosplay Pokemon would prevent the canon example of the Lucha Libre outfit granting Flying Press.
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Oh hey, a good jump the last generation of Pokemon games I played, nice! Thanks WoL.
>if the wish is fully granted, it doesn't require anything more, so if there is stuff to salvage, you could do so.
Alright, that sounds fair. Thanks, WoL.
>Semi-weird question; what would happen if we gave a contest costume to a Touhoumon, or for a slightly more canon-compliant option, Throh or Sawk?
I don't see how it would work any different.

>Also, the wording of Cosplay Pokemon would prevent the canon example of the Lucha Libre outfit granting Flying Press.
I was trying to prevent Legendary Signature moves, or other weird shenanigans. Do you have a better way I could word it?

No problem.
It's really not clear what he did.
this is what is said when the Mad Knights are shown
>We shall see. These Enforcement Knights are different.
>..In the past, there was a fool who fled the court after slaying his brethren in a wild rage.
>These Enforcement Knights are modeled after that man and made stronger. They fight like pathetic mad dogs, yet that is fitting for rebel scum like you.
and this when Lancelot confronts him
>Th-This power...Did you use the Madness Enhancement you placed on the Enforcement Knights on yourself!?
The issue with pokemon is that keeping them restricted to the box or your proprieties creates a bunch of uneeded meta nonsense that doesn't make any sense outside the context of crunch based system.

For example if you have a situation where your uplifted pokemon are living their lives normally as people within your island/pocket dimension/empire/etc. they (and only they) run into a fiat powered invisible wall when trying to leave because they are not currently in the active party of you or a companion. Which makes absolutely no sense within any story in which it might happen.

This kind of meta weirdness has been a major problem in general for a long ass time and you should never be adding new fiat meta nonsense where it isn't necessary for the function of the options involved. This is made even dumber by the fact that even by the original meta heavy rules you don't even require a CP purchased box system to keep all of your pokemon, just the warehouse.
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So any suggestions for fun cultivation methods/Gimmicks to base a style around in Valkys generic xianixa jump? Mulling it over and could use some ideas.
Ok, then I remembered badly, thanks.
Triune Scriptures is unironically pretty good.
Wich is your favorite off site jump?
For some of the properties, it is a balance issue. For example, with the Battle Frontier, the purpose of the item is to provide as place to train and earn items, not to serve as an army of elite trainers and teams, well above the Team Member capstone which is exactly for that purpose.

In terms of the Box itself, I don't mind relaxing the six per person rule and just letting you take out what you like. This is a different complaint than what I was assuming you were on about. It serves us both if in the future you try to be more clear about your issues instead of saying vague stuff that can be misinterpreted.
Obviously one of CHADE's or Chadhunter's QQ jumps. Are you retarded?
So other than maybe Diabolical what jumps have the ability to make oaths of loyalty binding enough that someone who makes one while not intending to follow it is 'forced' to be loyal. Like full out willing and eager loyalty where they aren't forced to follow exact words or similar ways of wiggling out of it.
Triune scriptures are good but I can't do that every time sadly. Variety is nice can't just use divine delusion for everything.
Anything can be a cultivation method/gimmick if you're autistic enough
Different idea then. I vaguely remember someone years ago workshopping up an OC xianxia world and cultivation system based around names, maybe you could work something with that?
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Aren't modern comics just about owning the chuds?
I'm not really sure, honestly. Maybe just have it block moves exclusive to the legendaries/paradoxes/ultra beasts, but otherwise do whatever? Unless there's other potential weirdness that you'd be worried about with regards to that.

Also, let's say I were to undergo primal reversion whilst in an EX Flandre form; would I be able to bring about a Desolate Sun? What about bringing about an Abyssal Midnight, to boost my Dark type homies?
(Flandre is Dark/Fire, to be clear)
I once half built cultivation methods for WHF Winds of Magic with split paths for if you build up a Qhaysh or Dhar core, I also had a couple ideas for DCs Emotional Spectrum but I didnt get that far on that one.
I hadn't really considered the properties like the battle frontier, I was just thinking of pokemon in the box system.

I presume the box complaint you thought I was talking about is the size/price? While I do think that for a R/S/E jump the boxes should really be two tiers with the original Gen 3 box count or O/A box count and 400 is a bit high regardless of the size that isn't really important.

Long term the box count is really just how big of a buffer zone we have before finding something/somewhere else for them, such as using them as a seed population for adding pokemon to a jumper's pocket dimension.
I think it will be easier if I just specifically allow Flying Press unless there is a better suggestion.

>Desolate Sun
I don't like leaning into game mechanics like Abilities, and I don't know anything about Touhou either. Use your best judgement.
I kinda like the idea of a cultivation method based on Western Alchemy, rather than Eastern Alchemy, which involves seeking of personal enlighnement and relating it to asronomy, finding heavenly counterparts to earthly things(like how ineastern tradition the moon is darkness/yin and the sun is light/yang, in western tradition the sun represents gold and the moon silver.
I also liked the idea of personal realms being higher and higher states of metals, starting as Lead "level/realm", enobling yourself progressively through copper, tin, mercury, iron, silver and finally gold.

All this can also involve the creation of various alchemical material pursuits like the transmutation of metals, creation of medicines and at highe rlevels suff like making Homunculi, a Rebis, the Panacea, and the the Alkahest, with the Philosopher's Stone being the final acomplishment of becoming Gold Level yourself.
>I presume the box complaint you thought I was talking about is the size/price?
Yes. Removing the six per person limit is satisfactory then?
Yeah, that sounds good.
Cool, I'll implement it with 1.0, and update my other Pokémon jumps with boxes when I have a good opportunity.
That sounds pretty cool. The Warhammer one I mean.
eh gonna be honest I have no interest in the names thing. Thanks for the suggestion though.
That... could be interesting. I like the idea of a Western alchemy take on it.
U dumb
I went with 2 different setups. Ones farming based and is connected to my cheat so that every animal and plant I grow in my interdimensional farm grants me more power and allows a variety of genehacking and farm upgrading powers. Literally cultivating to cultivate.

The other method I use is based on bejng a god, I cultivate faith of others to give myself more power which can be used to give out blessings and perform miracles. After a while I hit a critical mass that allows me to store souls and create an afterlife that is self sustaining which will also work as a way to generate more faith.
U smrt
Generic Gamer. There’s a lot you can do with the concept of a gamer system.
tank u fren
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Western alchemy is fucking weird. Im pretty sure the ripley scroll basically starts with you straight up murdering some people to perform the creation of a philosopher stone.
Reddit One Piece, though I think a lot of things are too cheap.
>>93426478 (me)
Note that I wanted to post the better quality version but it says the image size is too large. You can find it with a reverse search of this if interested though.
C&C Generals from Songless. I bloody love that game and the jump is pretty neat.
What paradigm would you go with as a WoD Mage?

Would being an explicit will worker who imposes their will on reality through understanding of different aspects of reality (IE the Spheres) be too on the nose?
not as weird as you think, it's just that much of it was coded using other concepts and imagry to disguise philsophical toppics

Funnily enough FMA actually uses that idea itself by having cahracters hide their own alchemical research in other type of books, like Ed disguising his as travel journals, Mustan encoding tem as woman's telephone numbers and Marcoh hides his as cookbooks.
There's a Haydee 2 jump that has a factory item that can churn out said robots. You'll just have to survive ten years and first escape a sort of biotech slave making facility while you're there.
I went with the paradigm of "There are spirits of literally everything, some are helpful, some are harmful, its my job to hunt down the harmful ones and put them to use in ways that are a net positive" this largely results in me either rendering evil spirits into materials to craft my gear, forming my own spirit body out of their broken down spirit corpses, or tur ing them into batteries by pushing paradox off onto imprisoned ones.
U hve intellgence of unown qualee-t
okey den
U is both smert and dum.
Actually, I believe the House of Mysteries was entirely his own doing- he didn't believe he deserved peace, so all he got was misery. I got this from the speech the Spectre made when Constantine finally managed to escape only to THEN get ground down by the multiverse being a total bastard at the end of the short.
How would an Arcanum mage fare in Cyberpunk?
Everyone would want him dead for insurance purposes
Nta, but the makers of Haydee 2 went real dark with that game lore. First you have to capture the human women and turn them into the cyborgs. At least with the original Haydee, you can ignore that and just keep them as sexy robots.
i confuss Probably should leave it there.
Recently the Conan by Robert E Howard jump.
Nah, there's an item from the researcher tree that allows you to make haydee bots suffering free. Pure robots and the like. I do agree with you otherwise. The setting's actually pretty weird outside of what we see. Like space doesn't exist there and the world is some kind of infinite cube thing.
>there are ACTUAL and GENUINE people who play FL and side with the horrors beyond the mirror instead of people who protect you from them
In Princess Peach Showtime, can we have our outfits/transformations match pre-existing color palettes we have, if they would be relevant for any particular reason?

...the hell do you mean, space doesn't EXIST?
Fae snakes want to exist and are cunts because their innocence got utterly murdered by devils. Kitties are retards who eat people alive because muh rules of the jungle, lock people up (including children) in cages for decades for looking at them wrong, when they don't just fucking murder people's kids out of petty spite. They act like the biggest shit in the world when they got the support of a dipshit god who got fucked by a candlemuncher but fuck em. The meta aspect of snakes and cats being enemies is funny but god almighty I have never met a tiger I liked and I'd for certain enjoy skinning and fucking up these retards like I fuck up crabs near London or Flukes.

I'm team dream snake, they've been nicer and cooler to me than any of these fucking orange tabbys and their fetish for fire.
I am filled with hatred. IF the world wanted me to side with it, it shouldn't have been dogshit
NTA but the Haydeeverse isn't set on a planet surrounded by outer space. It's a seemingly infinite flat plane IIRC.
I don't think there is a need for me to include such a provision.
Did your jumper in Generic Game Developer ever have to apologize for being so woke and incompetent that you prompted an entire country to mog you?
No, because I wouldn't do an Assassin's Creed: Shadow's level fuck-up in the first place.
Which developer are you talking about? Because my mind jumps to White wolf and how that company collapsed.
Who said anything about AC: Shadows?
The Japanese feds literally went out to say that historical fiction is not their fucking business.
And it's not like the japs themselves have any room to talk about that shit. Lol
People still care about AC after Black flag?
We need a Black Flag jump.
Nobody needed to say it, AC: Shadows is an example regardless of whether or not such was your intent.
Found the shill.
This shit is getting completely purged, historical revisionism of Japanese history doesn't pass
If we're going to make jumps for things that already have series jumps, I'd prefer an actually decent jump for the first two PotC movies. But there's also a lot of shit like Captain Blood and Treasure Island it'd be better to get a jump for first.
Honestly, The jumps for, AC, Ultraman and Metal gear really need someone with enough time and energy to split them up into jumps for individual games. I mean the most I'd do is the Netflix anime/manga for Ultraman since I'm still chipping away at Kaiketsu Zubat
turnabout is fair play fag
Jumps you're looking forward to?
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Dragon Ball Fusions
YGO Albaz lore jump
None because they're all either on indefinite hiatus or are anon claims which inherently hold no real weight and I don't want to get my hopes up.
That guy making a FL dupe. I wanna be a Master.
You mean Pirates of the Caribbean? That's a trilogy, even if the third is silly.
The sad thing about AC: Shadows is that despite all of the controversy, it might actually manage to sell more copies than Concord
As an anon who has made claims and only followed through on 1 of them I can respect that.
A certain magical index
Work on your jumps onegai
nta, but you could always take one of the other ones you're close to finishing and make it happen.
I hope you stub your toe and also become mildly ill.
What jumps other than Warframe feature villainous boybands?
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What's a detail in a jump about a series you like that gets you irrationally mad?
Almost all of the TES jumps were made by game mechanicsfags.
I’ve been thinking about what I’d do in Alchemical Solutions.
All TES games were also made by game mechanicsfags.
I don't remember the last time I was unreasonably angry about something in a jump. I know it's happened before, I just don't remember when, or which jump. If anything, there's some things I'm probably not angry ENOUGH about? Like how the different design philosophies between the different makers of the various Pokemon jumps mean that your main team is going to have one member way stronger/more versatile than the rest, a semi-close second, and then the rest of them just don't get points. I probably should be angrier about that than I am (which is to say at all), but it's whatever.
Goddammit Usagi it's been decades, learn to fucking computer.
Black flag was amazing then they had to ruin it with a book just because someone in charge fucking hates happy endings for white guys.
Pokemon Ranger has the Go Rock Squad
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Are you talking about Fantasy Life? Because I don't remember anyone claiming a dupe for that...are YOU claiming a dupe?
The dragonriders of pern jump, even if its just focused on harper hall (and hopefully with a option to be a rider or get a rider companion) I really want some fire lizards. I dont remember who said they were making it though.
I believe that anon is referring to Fallen London. Could be wrong, though.
Wasn't Ed's ending from a comic that was made before Black Flag was ever even pitched?
...that does make more sense, I will admit.
>BLADE jump
>still happening
Maybe if you're lucky, he'll kidnap some of the women for a multiversal sex-slavery ring in his current fic.
Was him getting shanked by some nobody street thug and having his daughter sold as a sex slave in a comic first?
Honestly the waifu catalog can barely be called a trafficking ring since they don't actually seem to need to sell anything to anyone with their godlike power. It's some bizarre pantomime that refuses to cast off the veil of a corporation and admit it's just a game.
Waifu catalog jump when?
Apparently it's from a tie-in novel for ACIII. https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Forsaken
Edward getting a bad end of some sort was locked in by him being Haytham's dad and Haytham being a Templar, I don't think him being white had anything to do with it.
Exalted jumps that don't offer protection against the various ways you can permanently lose your Exaltation.
Oban Star Racers
See >>93427110 . It came from a 2012 book. Black Flag was 2013.
Nah, the whole point of Black Flag is that this cool thing you love (the Golden Age of Pirates) is going to get brutally killed off right in front of you, it's only appropriate that Edward himself goes the same way. It was a fun game but man was it a downer of a story.
Yeah that's what I mean, in response to the other guy. The book that "ruined" Edward's ending wasn't written after Black Flag came out, Edward is just a doomed protagonist right from the start.
That was a weird Live
If you think about it, as a pirate, he was essentially the white equivalent of a black man.
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I love you, homies.

What's going on in your chains?
Planning the chain out
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Trying to start a new one. I'm got pirates on the brain at the moment so I'm thinking Fate/Britain plus Victim Girls.
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I hate how the jk sluts jump doesn't offer the oc companions for free
>I love you, homies.
I love you too mate <3
>What's going on in your chains?
Considering writefagging for a new chain centered around midly yandere companions
Trying to think of something clever to write for generic parenting but the topic doesn't lend itself to my brand of humour.
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It was the party of your lifetime.
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>I love you too mate <3
Hi, Ric. How are you feeling? Doing okay?
Currently trying to decide between Free Cities to give a tech boost to my core powerbase as part of a transition into more modern/civilized jumps or going to another fantasy/post-apocalyptic world for some additional personal strength to use against rivals/warlords there.
Reminder that Ric is a fedora. He deserves no sympathy.
Reminder that I live inside of your skin. You will never escape me, for I am part of you.
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Rolled 6 (1d8)

Not sure yet, let me check which folder I'm starting with.

>1. Pokémon
>2. Yu-Gi-Oh
>3. Dragon Quest
>4. Legend of Zelda
>5. Mega Man
>6. Sonic
>7. Touhou Project
>8. Generics
You are and I love you.
Shut up skeleton, just do your job.
Have fun!
I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.
You made me. What could I do but love you?
I will, but first I need to figure out which order I'm doing all this in. Do I want to go Classic -> Shadow -> Black Knight and then do the cartoon/movie ones, or do I wanna go Classic -> SatAM -> X -> Archie -> Movie and then do the other game ones? I should probably do the second one since I grew up on the comics for the most part and the non-Classic games I'm most familiar with (Heroes and Rush) don't have jumps yet.
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I've been plotting out my chains and considering the sociopolitical ramifications of childrens books.

I'm fairly certain that in the long term, introducing Where's Waldo to Creation is a terrible idea because it gives my evil twin an in with the Dragonblood power structures - oh, it's the girl with the neat ideas, we should definitely listen to what she has to say - in the next couple of jumps that can then be used to advance the goals of the Reclaimation. Which is bad.
>twf no one mentions your jump
Probably for the best anyways.
Gotta be honest anon, I barely know which jumps are upcoming. Since the thread dropped the stricter attitude towards claims I've seriously lost track of it all.
Jumpers currently in like a sort of proto state. Not quite a jumper yet but he's been isekaid to a wordlet without any real powers or context for whats going on as a sort of "Trial" along with a bunch of other characters. He's working with them to try and find a way back home. Only slowly coming to realize that they come from a fantasy world. That the current world their in is a pocket dimension in.
Proto jumpers currently trying to swallow his own anxiety and ask one of his fellow isekaiers to try and teach him how to fight given he's tired of feeling useless all the time.
Yeah, great """"protectors"""" you have there. Bitch.
After the constant shitposting, I'm fucking glad my jumps are mostly forgotten by the wider thread.
Better to be unknown than to be hated. Unless you become one of the popular namefags, the attention is almost always negative when it isn't apathy.
I appreciate you too.

Right now I'm planning out a bit of a revamp for my Owl chain. I want to level out the power curve a bit but that involves trimming some Jumps from the 9-15 region. Which is hard because there's some pretty fun plots that happen during that time. So instead of retreading the same ground, I'm trying to find new ways to reference what happened in the Bad End line of the Chain. It also involves finding a different way of granting the Jumper his signature form without copy-pasting the Spirited Away writing. Because that feels lazy to me.

Right now it is looking like Jump 9 is going to be Generic Isekai with Jumper landing as a Divine Beast. And since the Jump states that you enter as a lesser form and grow into it, Owl is going to spend a year or so as the attached picture.

Because it amuses me.
Did you know that breed of chicken also has black bones?
I did know that. Their blackness is all pervasive and unstoppable.
>steal state secrets
>get in jail
>wtf how could this happen
That is the biggest blackest cock I've ever seen.
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>that breed of chicken also has black bones
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You’re a good man Psycho.
>GaoGaiGar jump doesn’t allow for companions to get the starred perks
Damn it, currently it looks like I’ll have to shove GGG’s order in my current chain to the back then. I was hoping to get the Jumper & their companion’s main HQ started in that jump instead of them trying to play a game of hot potato with their spaceships & assorted businesses. There’s so much to fool around in that setting anyway, so it’s most likely for the best.
Police brutality
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>You’re a good man Psycho
I'm a sick man. Literally, I think I have a fever.
Im currently trying to see how far I can push the idea that I am an escaped orochimaru experiment who just shows up in the konoha village outskirts with a couple of sharingans and no backstory. Im kind of wondering if sasuke would want to adopt an uchoha kid as a little brother or if he is too far gone in uchiha angst.

Also trying to learn edo tensei to summon my idol Madara to teach me.
Well, I hope that it passes by quickly & without too much trouble, especially if it starts getting hot & humid again.
>see how far I can push the idea that I am an escaped orochimaru experiment
They'd probably put you in some kind of internment until they can corroborate that story, and even then they're not trusting anything branded "from Orochimaru". Granted, they might believe you just because they don't think Orochimaru would be that stupid to hatch a plan that dumb.
>summon my idol Madara to teach me
That can only end well.
Imagine how many creatures out there in the omniverse have non-white skeletons. Do red dragons have red bones? Maybe medusa have green ones? The possibilities are endless.
Maybe God is sending you a message that you're posting too much Coffin.
If the job system wasn't so bad, this game could have been even better.
>That can only end well
I wouldnt worry about it....
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sputtered out almost immediately
I think I was trying to do two things at once with my chain, and/or got myself excited for something down the chain I later began to reconsider but didn't have a second idea for.
I also had some small issues with the selection of jumps themselves, waffling on whether to use jumps of works I haven't seen/played, and not finding jumps for niche shit only I've read.
>Granted, they might believe you just because they don't think Orochimaru would be that stupid to hatch a plan that dumb.

To be perfectly honest I so far along in the chain at this point that most of my plans have become dumber and dumber as time goes by simply because I find it amusing to show up and do the most idiotic stuff for amusement. The fact that a lot of stuff will not only work itself out but corroborate my stories just makes it more fun.
Ayam Cemani chickens of Indonesia. Back feathers, beaks, skin, bones, and even some of their internal organs like their heart. It's the blackest big black cock of them all
They're also a popular breed for cockfightong
I am also jumping naruto at the moment. I also have edgy eye syndrome but my entire build is a bit of taijutsu specialty, a spider summoning clan, and the edgy eyes. I basically built myself into being a background uchiha who is destined to die offstage if I am not careful.
I did not think this was possible. Even whoever edits the Wikipedia article on that breed of chicken says the bones being black is just a popular belief, so clearly they don't believe it either.
Madara is the coolest guy though. I mean sure he dies due to a perfectly avoidable betrayal that he should have seen coming but he has a ton of style.
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Looks more burned or cooked in dark so i sauce.
This shouldn't unnerve me nearly as much as it does.
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This game pisses me off. I want to make a jump from it specifically from like, three youtube ads without ever playing it because I know it's one of those games that's nothing like the ad and is just there to piss you off.
Yeah, gonna do a bit of work today, might check out locals for a low tier tourney tomorrow.
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I love Obito. He's the best character unironically. Best backstory, best connection to the main characters, best moments, best powers, best redemption - actually a fantastic character and a major W for Kishimoto.
Wasn't there a game specifically about making those mobile ad puzzle games a real thing? It sold enough to get a sequel, even.
Don't do that
Instead make a generic Brazzers jump or something
Weird thought, but are there perks to steal someone else's power up sequence? Like, the screen zooms in, a glow starts to surround you - and then someone hip checks you out of position and screams loudly and steals your transformation.
Perfectly understandable. The war arc where madara 1 v everyone was just my favorite naruto fight and the part where he just asks all the kage if they want him to use susanoo to fight them all is a part that always makes me grin like a madman.
Brazzers has been advertising that free week is back for longer than I've been watching porn.
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Is the name of it. I honestly really love that thing. Its a fun time waster.
>might check out locals for a low tier tourney tomorrow.
That sounds fun. I never played TCGs except some online Yugioh for a few matches.
Doesn't that game technically fall under Blade's Generic Merge jump, just going by the gameplay. It's just a guy that goes from numbers to bigger numbers.
Master Duel or a unofficial sim?
Blade did not make generic merge.
>a unofficial sim?
This one.
Spider summoning sounds cool but unless you are summoning frogs you are going to die like a chump. Frogs are the only summons that actually do shit, slugs are just big but useless, snakes are just big snakes, no other clan even comes close to the toad summon.
That's interesting, it isn't the typical onboarding process, that's for sure. Did you understand what you were doing and not like it, or were you just confused?
Any plans to update the Stardew Valley jump for pronouns?
But I like the idea of a spider village. Bunch of spider kaiju and spider people that dont have angst over their uncle being killed.
>Did you understand what you were doing and not like it, or were you just confused?
Kinda both.
... What?
The marginalized community has spoken.
Ah. Shitposting.
Have a song.
Were you working on a jump?
Online yugi is fun cause you can use whatever deck you want without worrying about prices. Also allows you to try out pet decks with cool engines
Really? I tried edopro before trying to buy cards since I wasn't sure about throwing money at it without knowing if I was gonna enjoy the experience.
I am and I suppose it's far enough along that I can slap my name on it. At the very least I know I'm going to finish it now.

I'm the one who's been working on the revamp for Light of Terra.
So if I have the divine visual organ from kekkai sensen, six eyes from jjk, and a sharingan what other eyeball related perks should I grab to make my eyes stronger?
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel like people either got in early with schoolyard card games or the single player videogames and then progressed to the locals scene if they retained interested, or they jumped in when Master Duel became a thing. I was under the impression that the people who used the online sims were already invested and either wanted to test new decks or couldn't afford to pay for the current format. Current YGO is very hard for new players to get into though.
Incredibly based.

Dont forget the ni ja clan animals you can summon from the jump CAN tach sage mode. Who knows what the fuck spider sage mode looks like though.
Sarada was actually optimal all along.
>So... there's a VTM Jump I haven't seen before on reddit. I was trying to check up on the guy who made individual Malkavain and Set Jumps and see if they got around to any Clans that are, y'know, good? I was then seduced by the allure of a Jump that actually lets you start as a Methuselah or Antediluvian.
This really encapsulates the SB mindset.
>Current YGO is very hard for new players to get into though.
More like competitive ygo in high tier is both super expensive and very difficult to learn
Also the issue that there aren't any beginner-friendly products. Konami "tried" with the 2-player started deck but that was a total flop as both a starter deck and as an intro to yugi.
Last years new player have been drafted from Master Duel since that one *is* more beginner friendly. Also anime nostalgia.
>I feel like people either got in early with schoolyard card games or the single player videogames and then progressed to the locals scene if they retained interested, or
Yeah,but those oldfags are very few nowadays. Mostly cause the latest formats have all been ultra cancer so they either just play casually or migrated to other card games
But yes, ygo is fucking horrible to try and enter without someone capable guiding you. I'm saying this out of experience.
So are you saying you have to have a very high IQ to understand YGO?
No, just autistic.
If anything ygo players are known for being illiterate
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What a twist!
Nah, it just isn't friendly to newbies. Once you get past the initial barrier, the majority of the game is pattern play. Like a fighting game, kind of.
Demon Eyes from Mushoku Tensei.
As a Ghostrick Main, I just learn to live with the pain.
Nice to see a bit more of the frame for this bote. Anon sort of had me thinking about this jump when they posted a random Appleseed pic the other day and I watched it on a whim.
Deunan feels like a better template for Hooligan than Seras, if only for the better overall showing at various ranges and added sass. Though it might be a question of tits vs ass if you take that one minor plot point in the XIII continuity to be an excuse to make her a PAWG.
Casual ygo is always best ygo. Fuck the meta.
Also in general terms, ygo has always been the kind of game that's at its best when people play decks/engines on the same tier.
Otherwise it degenerates into Tearlaments at full power, or Snake-Eyes where 80% of everything is generics, has 25 handtraps and 15 one card starters.
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The true smart Uchigger is Obito with his goggles.
I have copium that the new Blue-Eyes stuff will be good enough that the deck is fun to play.
New support from the OCG + all the dragon support makes it playable. Not a tier 1 or anything close to it, but probably rogue with the right build
+0 to have this be set in a version of 40K we've already been to?
There's still four more cards to reveal in that deck, right?
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No. The real IQ test comes from what silly combinations of cards you could pull out of your ass to secure a victory (this XYZ event is ASS when Lab isn’t hit.)
>they posted a random Appleseed pic the other day
A-anon, that was a PDF…unless you’re talking about the other picture I used as a response.
I'm using a cheap Galaxy-Eyes FTK. I got one victory away from the second stage but lost. Hopefully I grind my way there.
Yeah, people hope for a boss monster with negates and at least 2 interruptions to properly justify building the deck
It's cope, but it was also cope having exodia get new cards and see where we are now.
Deckbuilding is half the fun. The other half is actually putting it off.
Last time I added a random combo of constellar XYZ and by coincidence one of my matches was dark world.
Dude was more confused over why I even put that card in my deck than how it utterly destroyed his plays.
>A-anon, that was a PDF
I was talking about the response pic. Either way, thanks for posting. The movies were a fun watch, even if the LANDmates ended up flying more often than staying grounded.
I can't imagine there will be a second boss on top of Spirit Ultimate.
Weirder shit has happened.
I miss the days when they actually made good starter decks, like Monarchs. Traptrix and Albaz were pretty nice, but they stand out by having every other starter be shit
Would the Imperium be able to shift into using an alternative to Navigators like a servitor that could safely calculate Warp jumps, Jump gates, OCP FTL, or would they just not because of the logistics of converting all their ships over and utter shitfuckery that would cause to the Imperium when the Navigator Houses reeee about it?
Is he talking about GenericAnon's VTM jump?
God speed WoL, I’m basically playing catch up due to putting it off for so long but going Spirit of Neos > Wrath of Neos instead of Neos Wiseman has been saving my ass. At least 5 players have scooped/lost because of that silly interaction + potential follow up into Yubel.
The Yubel/Tistina deck I have has been working wonders as long it’s not against a banish deck like Kash or in the rarer cases an Exosister manages to get their board set up. Strangely enough too many focus on the Tistina leaving themselves open to a nasty surprise when Yubel comes out. Lab players have been throw everything including the sink at me in this event because of this.
No problem anon, glad you were able to enjoy yourself watching the movies.
That's what I wanted with this revamp. I wanted more freedom and a chance to get a better feel for the ship itself. As much as the original inspired some great writing from me, I'm hoping to do a little better.
I left her appearance much more open for interpretation specifically so people could have the version of her they wanted.
Personally I'm going for a Balalaika from Black Lagoon, but that's just me.

I mean, I want to say yes, but I feel like that would undercut a lot of the gauntlet if you made significant changes to the universe before taking it.
How is anyone sick in Elder Scrolls when you can either buy a potion for less than a bottle of alcohol or pray to have any disease cured?
It's a dream, don't try to apply logic to it.

No, seriously. That's the explanation.
You don't even have to do that, just wander into your local shrine or temple and get cured.
Oh wait I missed you mentioning that already, also fun fact garlic bread cures diseases.
IIRC the gods don't really interact with or help normal people like they do the protagonist. There's a reason why every single daedra cultist in Oblivion is excited when their prince talks to you
Thanks. Yubel looks good, but I don't really feel like making it even though I have plenty of resources. Maybe if/when they move the stuff from the selection pack to a secret pack idk.
You know those items that give your warehouse a theme, like the ones Red likes to put in their jumps?

Do we have any of them that give a Victorian mansion theme?
>Right now I'm planning out a bit of a revamp for my Owl chain.
>Not going back to an older chain and companioning Smolder

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
>Should the gravity have failed as well, several additional large components will need to be gathered from various decks of the ship to fix the engine. Just remember that a lack of gravity does not mean lack of mass.
>Dark Eldar (Sadistic, but with a melancholy streak about the decline of the Light of Terra.
>Custodian Fausta Acominata
>Those select few in the Imperium who have a member of the Adeptus Custodes
Have met.
Starting a magic chain out of spite because my tech chain refuses to go anywhere. I'm actually having a little bit more fun with it, too.
I think there's a custom theme in MTG Kamigawa.
Nope jump when?
Weird movie.
If you happened to take a drawback to have your sex swapped to the opposite gender, as well as your sexual preferences, would you simply choose to remain chaste for the duration of the jump?
I'm doing a loli vampire princess chain. Got the OG warehouse at it's biggest upgraded with Well Stocked and Vast Lair from Beast the Primordial, and right now I'm replacing the protagonist of VtM Bloodlines except I'm a nine year old girl

I'm hoping to find something that'd let me turn my Warehouse's interior into a proper Victorian Mansion or Medieval Castle to fit my theme though, so I won't just be a loli and her minions squatting in an extradimensional warehouse
Yubel is such a menace when people don't expect it. Also has to do with the level of resilience of your deck. I once got super poly'ed 3 times in a row and still won somehow.
And right when I hit post I realized that I could do all of that with Buy Mode from The Sims 3. It'll even double the size of my warehouse and let me put in pools

I can't be a lolipyre there because vampirism in The Sims is an adults only thing, but spending another jump on prepwork wouldn't hurt
>he was taught Witchcraft by Mordred
Since when did this retard know magic?
>I mean, I want to say yes, but I feel like that would undercut a lot of the gauntlet if you made significant changes to the universe before taking it.
Isn't the gauntlet in an isolated area of space in the middle of nowhere? It seems like any changes would be fairly small as a result.
I remember years ago having done a deck with the White Stone of Legend, Blue Eyes (duh), and Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and other dragons cards. The point being obviously to power summon strong dragon and create a loop that allowed me to summon more dragon.
It was fun, it was also absolutely trash too.
She doesn't, that's the real magic.
God damn, I haven't thought about that Chain in forever. At some point I should go back and go with MHA as a first jump so I can really stretch my creativity there. I've actually made like half a dozen OC Quirks and fleshed out their users as side characters, besides Smolder, but I haven't done much with them. Still blown away someone remembers Smolder.

>Should the gravity,,,
I'm not sure what you're trying to point out here.
>Have met.
Oh, thank you for pointing that out. There's always a few of those errors where my brain keeps filling in the missing word so I never notice.

There's a lot of Jumpers who do a lot to try to fix Warhammer 40k. So there could be a lot of larger changes for someone who's Chain spent a lot of time there. If nothing else, they might be able to call on tons of allies to come help out in the various events. So that's why I'm hesitant to add that option in.
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People actually get mad about those ads?
They are ads. Everyone hate ads.
>Still blown away someone remembers Smolder.
I’ve read enough of your writeups, so of course I’m not going to forget a Best Girl.

>I'm not sure what you're trying to point out here.
I was the one who suggested the gravity part and the Eldar being melancholic about the condition of the ship.
>I was the one who suggested the gravity part and the Eldar being melancholic about the condition of the ship.
Ah! That makes sense then. Thanks again for those suggestions. For the Dark Eldar especially. It was a fantastic way to add some depth to her character instead of just Ultimate Sadist 9000.
Sex Shonagon need to be breed, by me.
Dragon link but beatdown? I've seen worse. Pretty sure it can win against stuff like Magikey, or Megaltih. Well, maybe not Megalith.
>If nothing else, they might be able to call on tons of allies to come help out in the various events.
I would point out that if communication can be reestablished many of the companions can already offer that. An SOS from a Custodian, Space Marine, Inquisitor, etc. could all bring in lots of help.

Don't deny an option that could be fun just because someone might try to do something with it to make things easier. The cheese will always exist and it will always be exploited by someone, sometimes that even makes things more fun.
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The Fate discussion last thread made me wonder, how many
>Sabers are in the Saber class
>Archers are in the Archer class
>Lancers are in the Lancer class
>Riders are in the Rider class
>Casters are in the Caster class
>Assassins are in the Assassin class
>Berserkers are in the Berserker class
They are kinda irritating, and common. They piss me off less than seeing Biden, and now Harris, political adds though. Seriously google you have my watch history you know I hate them why the fuck do I get so many of their adds begging me for money.
He almost certainly meant Morgan.
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I have no idea what even are links... Kinda.
The deck I made was made at the dawn ofd Synchro monsters, it was stupidly easy to counter, so I lost some, I won some.
Hey. It's the anon working on the jump for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. I kind of hate what I've done with it; namely that I've made too many origins and that meant too many perks to write. Why did I think it was a good idea? Because the Benerit Group, the in-setting corporate superconglomerate badguys, isn't just comprised of businesspeople. So they get their own origin based on dicking around and all the actual business perks (which I havne't written out yet) go to the business and management suborigin. It's been miserable trying to come up with all these perks, but the worst is over now. I can mop up the remaining stuff in the near future.

TLDR too many perks but I don't really want to erase them.

I appreciate what you're doing!
I actually got the idea from a defunct quest that was going through the Broken Chains adventure for Black Crusade. One of the people was a Dark Eldar, and when the part met a primitive human tribe the MC asked the DE if they were going to throw out some smug remark, and she replied that the sight of a one powerful race reduced to the barest shadow of themselves was the one thing they would never mock.
That's hell you are walking into.

Repeat after me:
"Nothing make sense"
"Rules are always broken"
"Everything is possible despite what characters, the rules, the plot, or even just bitch ass logic are saying"
"something something."
Like the grand total or the number of servants who actually fit their class?
Mugga, you could play edison. No nonsense, only synchros up to 2011 or so.
Doesn't know about BRIDGE
I think that was back then actually.
It was really fun, but it really was all about power, and poorly optimized iirc.
Thanks for the support. I don't know anything about Gundam, so I don't have anything to offer.

If it was when Red-Eyes Darkness Metal was new, it would have been 2010-11. Back when Lightsworn and its variants dominated the meta.
Who cares? Its ygo, just make the deck that you like and go play against another deck of around the same tier. Its fun. People play all kind of weird shit in edison
Also edison cards are kinda cheap rn since a bunch of staples got reprinted so getting your deck plus sleeves won't take much
Although I think LS was on the outs by then.
Love the Hooligan Tuesday option, I'll miss her being a green horn rookie, but its not that different and I really like her.

Personally I prefer using LoT as my 1st 40k jump, With Primarch being the second, so that it creates a self serving loop, as you see statues and images of your ship companions and you
Meta won't give me fun.

Oh that was years ago, I gave up understanding YGO now.
Whatever crazy ass truth you are alluding too eludes me man.
No I know, I was just reminiscing. I remember my brother topped locals one time with a cheap macro cosmos deck that fucked those decks royally.
Would it be wrong for a jumper to summon someone from the multiverse who would love them? Not forcing or using mind control on them, but just because.
Not necessarily, but depends on the specific method of summoning.
No, that's basically just magic dating. At least if the person is willing. Try summoning a servant. Tamamo would be all for it.
I mean, if they're willing then I see it as something good for everyone.
You know what? That's a great point. I'll make sure to add in a toggle option when you get to the Captain's Chair in Part 1. I really appreciate the civil conversation.

I appreciate you too, even if I know absolutely nothing about Gundam. I can empathize with making more work for yourself because you want to do it right though.

Huh. Just goes to show that inspiration springs from a whole lot of different places.

I'm glad I did her justice. I did write up a version of her that was more green and less certain, but it just didn't come out feeling right. But then the line "Shoot the fraking psycher in the head" popped into my mind and I just ran with it from there.
Now that's a Hooligan I can get behind.
>using LoT as my 1st 40k jump
I'm of the same opinion. It feels like a good place to enter the universe from and then you can use your allies from the Gauntlet as jumping off points to figure out which Jump to go to next. Story hooks making more story hooks is a fun way to suddenly have 40 pages of filled pages.


Anyways, heading to bed now. I'll check back in the morning for whatever comments people feel like tossing at GauntLight of Terra. And I'd really appreciate it if someone would give me a little held with the Tau. The audiobook section on Audible that feature them are very badly reviewed and the best books doesn't have audio versions.
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Bro, your schizo fox seiso?
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Why would you resurrect this abomination? And please tell me you're not getting rid of the cute androgynous tsundere Eldar waifu/husbando.
Worth visiting Redo of Healer.
Jumps that have cute boys with sensitive nipples?
Konosuba. You just know Kazuma got those twink nips
I want to kiss him for some reason.
Highschool DxD.
Because it can be so much better. And despite the flaws I love it.
They're still going to be in there as the Eldar Warlock. They'll be just as androgynous. But I'm going to leave it open so everyone can make them their preferred gender.
Not with the ones that sounds like a fat redneck.
You know how people like girl failures like your typical Phase Connect chuuba or Aqua? You have that, but the ghey version
>But I'm going to leave it open so everyone can make them their preferred gender.
Did babs actually weigh on on that? I thought he left it ambiguous for that exact reason
I like Aqua, too. She's so useless and stupid but it makes me want her so badly. I don't actually like a lot of men, but Kazuma wormed his way in there. Shit.
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Post cute swords.
Starting a chain is always the hardest part. I know what I want for my 5th and 10th jumps, but filling in the rest is going to be difficult.
Anyway, what would be some fun jumps to hit up before I go to Wheel of Time?
I'm probably wrong because it's been literal ages since then and I got a lot of those off-document notes third-hand. But I remembered there being something about the Warlock tinkering around in your brain to keep their gender a secret even if you did something drastic like grope them.
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I'm sorry anon, but your diagnosis is in.
I think we both know what it is.
Plus Sized Elf
I fail to see how architecture will help me survive WoT
Look at the jump itself. It teaches methods for eating well on very little, gives you magical powers or ways to make it so your magic never harmfully backfires on you, gives you Ki bullshit, and lots of other things. It's a nice little slice of life, but it also has some utility for preparing for survival and other such things.
>Huh. Just goes to show that inspiration springs from a whole lot of different places.
Similar situation with the gravity/mass suggestion actually, I remember it coming up in one story that getting something big moving in zero-g is risky because it’s still got mass.

On a different note, while the black background is still slightly unpleasant if I look at it for several minutes, it’s much better then it was previously.

>They'll be just as androgynous.
I now have this weird mental image of the Eldar artifact making them no longer androgynous.
>giving the Heron Blade googly eyes

Also biomancy is a thing in 40k, so I feel like an Eldar Warlock could probably just change their appearance and anatomical sex at will if they really wanted.
Danny Phantom and knowing that even a basic halfa can level that setting.
I wish you good fortune.
The Hobbit, Show up to Wheel of Time as a One Ring enhanced False Dragon
Good night friends.
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>>93429622 me
Read that wrong. I thought you said Game of Thrones for some reason. For Wheel of Time, be any sort of magic user as a male and have fun.
Are you a liberal
That sounds like a good way to get murdered.
Nice. I haven't watched Witch of Mercury so I don't have anything to offer you, sorry.
A loyal One Ring is an unfathomably powerful force multiplier, enough so that there's not much else that can stand up to you

The White Tower gauntlet can make you into an absurdly powerful False Dragon too. It costs 1500cp to be as strong as the likes of Balthamel or Asmodean. With the extra boost of The One Ring? You might be able to throw down with The Dark One himself.
Fucking who?
>an unfathomably powerful force multiplier
>BTFO by Isildur (in pitched battle too not carelessly extending a hand, outside of the movies)
Yeah sure Sauron, keep huffing that copium
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Remember: Sauron is canonically a wimpy little twink. His greatest strength is the fact that he's hot and has irresistable bussy, and Eru nerfed him into the ground so that he didn't have that power anymore. The fact that little twink Sauron can stand up to the greatest warriors to ever live is, itself, evidence of just how powerful the One Ring is.
Isildur got a lucky shot after Sauron had already been weakened against two of the strongest people in the world.

Also, Sauron is very much a craftsman whose power was expressed through subtle manipulations and commanding armies. Dude's never been much of a fighter, which makes his decision to go physically fight two of the most decorated fighters in the world rather nonsensical
NTA but Kirsche. She's a V-Tuber who has been documenting DEI/BRIDGE shit.
Sauron also thought he could win a fight with a dog.

Sauron was wrong.
Anon, you gotta understand that VTubers are for the most part still a niche thing, even if Gura somehow got to sing for a baseball game.
Well, yeah. Sauron was a spooky cat in Tolkein's earliest works. Of course he'd lost against a dog
And a cadre of hippos.
Sweet, my 'Jumper is the real Main Villain in every Gundam series' chain gets another Gundam show to add to the mix.
I know nothing about this show except some waifus get turned into keychains at the end,
Could jumper win a fight with a dog?
A small one.
I'm mostly trying to decide if Batman's adoption habit would extend to bodiless thoughtforms, or if I should find a different superhero to use as a host
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A mysterious force has pasted a QR code at the conceptual aft of the Final Shape|Dominion I have turned Marvel into. Scanning it simply reveals a predeterminate outcome that propagates new possibilities|cliffhanger. The QR code is placed in such a way that it seems like someone is trying to gate those endings from being seen, even though any idiot with an iphone can easily bypass it.

After some consideration I've just scrubbed the QR code off the 4th wall for being pointless.

1. Will there be DLC at some point revealing that the whole thing is a stable timeloop in which you are preordained to make Orikan the Diviner job so hard he ends up jettisoned into a random black hole?

2. Will the revamp include MORE transformations and powerups for Orikan as he reaches the cusp of his galaxy-devouring Warp xianxia plan?

3. I just wanna be totally upfront about this since it's come up at least once in recent memory: Are you gonna clip my Body Mod wings?

Genuinely impossible to say with how obfuscated by both the writers and the Imperium's bureaucracy 40K technology is. I would be pessimistic though since the Imperium really is that credulous and ignorant.

1. Lack of urbanisation in places like Skyrim
2. Constant civil wars periodically making medical knowledge fade in and out of the cultural zeitgeist
3. "Health potion? Do not jest my friend, my faith in the Nine Divines will keep me healthy as a horse! That is merely Imperial state propaganda to keep me addicted and subservient to the Thalmor shadow government's poison!"
4. Corpus (and presumably other diseases) are just really fucking nasty okay

...people still experience ads? There's free browsers that take care of that shit easy-p for you. Some even throw in a free VPN or 4.
I'm actually baffled that its 2024 and there are people out there that don't use any kind of adblock.
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Exalted question for the thread. I'm looking at my timeline for the Mortal Heroes gauntlet and I need some help. For the Gem drawback, what would you guys consider to be 'every faction'?

>astrologers usually predict you will have trouble from nearly every faction at least once yearly

Payment in booty.
>You might be able to throw down with The Dark One himself.
Sauron you've gone full cope.
Probably all the factions within the city itself. Whether it be the criminal organizations trying to spread corruption and assassinate you, the merchants trying to swindle you or claim the city's wealth for themselves, even the authorities giving you issues in some form or another.
It's worth pointing out that the universe explicitly kills off all the false dragons at some point.
What did you do in JJK?

Yuji now has a domain expansion.
What a big surprise.
How do you make a domain out of a Black Flash?
He's had shrine and blood manipulation for like 15 chapters now.
That's a valid interpretation, but the drawback gives you a set of mecha and some power rangers, and explicitly calls out 'a monster of the week lifestyle', so I'm thinking it's geared more towards raw violence than political intrigue. Not that Gem itself couldn't be one of the factions you'd have trouble with, but I don't think it would be limited to just them.
>A mysterious force has pasted a QR code at the conceptual aft of the Final Shape|Dominion I have turned Marvel into. Scanning it simply reveals a predeterminate outcome that propagates new possibilities|cliffhanger. The QR code is placed in such a way that it seems like someone is trying to gate those endings from being seen, even though any idiot with an iphone can easily bypass it
Was it Deadpool?
Well yeah but he copied those, although he incorporates copied techniques into his DE Yuta has his own that's different from those of anyone he copied.

This means that Yuji's should be based on his own technique, which is either non existent or being able to pull off black flashes really easily.
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Yes but you need ludicrous amounts of it. I'm talking

>Be the actual, no-bullshit Dragon Reborn (the wizard messiah of the setting
>Be simultaneously fighting the first of the Forsaken (the wizard antichrist of the setting, a guy so powerful as to match the Dragon Reborn in raw magical power as well as thrown in with the Dark One all the way)
>Have a harem ready to back you up (in WoT women are individually weaker than men at magic but can channel power amongst each other to collectively surpass them; a harem working WITH a male practitioner is pretty OP)
>Wield a Sa'Angreal (powerful magical artifact) that specifically taps into the True Power (the Dark One's personal type of highly destructive magic)
>Do a weird magical "judo flip" that involves using the Dark One's own power against it

To be fair the canon example was against the ultimate destroyer deity of the setting (and Rand ultimately decided not to kaboom him so as to preserve free will), and it's not clear how much it would take to blow up a Zeus.

I started early enough in the legendary Heian era to defeat Sukuna by shanking him as a baby.

Zero (0) Anti-Monitors ensued.

Nah Deadpool was making fun of the QR code too.
Ma-Ha-Suchi/Raksi sends beastmen/demons to attack Gem. The Realm/Lookshy sends their Zakus Warstriders to attack Gem. Bandits attack gem. Raksha attack Gem. You attack Gem. Gem attacks Gem. The fucking Aerial Legion attacks Gem. The Daystar itself comes down, transforms into a giant mecha, and attacks Gem.
The thing about the One Ring is that it really is incredibly powerful. Gandalf himself says that if Sauron wins, if he regains the Ring, then his victory will be so complete that he'll never fall until the end of time itself. It's just that Sauron himself isn't a fighter. They even comment about in the books, iirc, about how Sauron won't come down in-person until he's absolutely sure he's won, because he knows there's a risk he'll lose.

Or to put it another way, the Ring's a powerful magical artifact, Sauron's just a fucking wimpy nerd who quite literally could not competently fight to save his own life.
Have you considered that the DC Multiverse wouldn’t generate hordes of Anti-Monitors in you chain since you’re already filling in for Darksied?
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All of that seems reasonable, but I don't think bandits are a faction. Even if there are a theoretically infinite number of them between me and wherever I'm going every time I step outside of the city.
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So you saying Sauron would have won if they became someone’s wife?
That is how he unironically destroyed Numenor. Eru proceeded to smack him repeatedly with the Ugly Stick so he couldn't do that again.
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Oh no, Grail’s doing that. I’m occupying a higher seat of cosmic tyranny.
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I'm not saying that. But I'm not not saying that, either.
Infernals and Demons
Abyssals and Ghosts
Dragonblood and the Realm
Sidereals, potentially with Yu Shan
Yu Shan if not with Sidereals
The fucking Fae
Mortals fucking around (Gem spontaneously exploding/Paragon sending spies/The Guild causing an economic crisis, etc all)

Eight seems like a good number. Solars and Lunars might need to be separate because there is actually a Lunar faction in the Silver Pact, but they’re Lunars and so probably job.
Numenor is a perfect example of Sauron at his best, playing the role of the corrupter and manipulator. Thinking on it, Sauron's a Social build who got hit with drawbacks that made those skills and perks useless, leaving him with little left to work with.
Someone should send Sauron on a chain to Exalted Mortal Heroes so he can get a new social build. I bet he's the kind of guy to inject destinies directly into his eyes for power.
I mean, Mortal Hero is the exact kind of gauntlet (and setting) where you go balls-to-the-wall
I was excited for someone doing D20 Modern, but they disappeared after claiming.
Someone else promised a big TTRPG for the end of the year, but was coy on which game, just that it would be big and need multiple jumps for multiple areas and ages. Said it wasn't Rifts, so my money is on Deadlands or Traveller. Hope he's still around.
Yes. Just...yes. That's Sauron's entire thing. If you had to put Sauron's build priorities in order from best to worst, he'd be
>Social manipulation
>Kingdom/Army management
>Outright magical effects
He's damn good at social manipulation, and he's a pretty good crafter as well. He's competent at managing a kingdom, but not exactly the best at outright magical bullshit. And he wouldn't be able to fight his way out of a wet paper bag without the One Ring to buff him super hard. After the fall of Numenor, Eru took one look at him and said "No more social for you." And there goes 80% of Sauron's kit. And with the way LotR's metaphysics works, just crafting the One Ring completely depletes his capacity to actually make use of his crafting skills/abilities as well, so there goes another 10%. By the time Sauron goes full Dark Lord, he's got 5% of his power left in Army Management, 4% in actual magic (mind control and hivemind bullshit), and a whopping 1(ONE)% in actual physical combat.
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Eight works well enough. And yeah, fusing Solars and Lunars makes sense, because there really isn't a Solar faction.
So, exactly what sort of powers did the Rings of Power (not the show, the actual rings) have anyways? I'm not concerned with the One Right-I want to know what the other Rings of Power actually did.
>Elf rings
>Ring of Fire, inspires hope in others and grants long(er) life
>Ring of Water, something defensive. Increased prosperity of nearby lands/cleanse curses from land?
>Ring of Air, completely unknown. Possibly healing. Possibly precognition.
>Dwarf rings, increased lifespan, good fortune for money, increased greed. Downsides largely negated because dwarves are hardy folk.
>Human rings, long life, magical power(?), good fortune(?) and eternal servitude to sauron.

Extremely poorly explained because Rings=bad and so nobody sane ever uses them that we get to see. RoP season 2 might explain some of them, but I kind of doubt it.
I wouldn't trust RoP's explanation regardless, but thanks anyways.
*Random Tarnished standing on their way*
Anus of Radahn: Saved.
I'm stealing your pic, but I'm thanking you for it. I got manners and shit.
Sauron REALLY wanted his rings to be the prettiest.

>grants long(er) life
I mean, they all do that. There's also invisibility.
Except that they all come with the "nice" drawbacks of being corrupted.

>Downsides largely negated because dwarves are hardy folk
It's funny because Hobbits can do the same, they just got simple desires and know what they want.
Sorry Saury, shouldn't have dabed on the Hobbits.

Who the hell would trust or even look at that shit?
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One year in creation.
This is gonna take me a fucking year to write, and I have to do it nine more times.
>I mean, they all do that.
Yeah, but Narya was especially good at it.
>There's also invisibility.
No, that was a special trick of the One Ring-and specifically only for non-Elves/Maiar; if you were a semi spiritual being it didn't have the invisibility effect, since it achieved this effect by partially pushing you into the spiritual realm. For more spiritual entities (elves/maiar), it just buffed them to hell and back.
It’ll only take you a year to write if you forget your chain exists again for another nine months. You posted a new chapter every few days for a while, if you can keep that up you’ll probably be done before the year is up irl.

>Messier is given starmetal sex toys for her birthday, sender unknown
That sounds like it ought to be hilarious.
On the one hand, I understand that websites depend on ad revenue to function. But on the other hand, thirty years on the Internet have taught me that if you give these assholes half a chance, they *will* fuck you with knives. So I don't turn the adblock off for anything.
>No, that was a special trick of the One Ring-and specifically only for non-Elves/Maiar; if you were a semi spiritual being it didn't have the invisibility effect, since it achieved this effect by partially pushing you into the spiritual realm. For more spiritual entities (elves/maiar), it just buffed them to hell and back.
Then I kneel in wronghood. or something.
It doesn't work like that, in Yuta's case the techniques he copies are part of his CT copy, while having multiple CT is a different things, in fact Yuta could use the unlimited void and Kenjaku could use Geto's technique as part of the domain.
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>Venus discovers the new mortal all the gods are spying on
>She's cute. And seems familiar. Have I slept with her before?
>Might as well send her a gift, she can use it on her sidereal gf.
She gets mad I don't use it and sends me a brothel the year after. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to escalate that further before I actually get to meet her during the beach episode.
The main ability of the Rings of Power is that they have some kind of vague badly explained preservation power. Which can allow dwarfs and humans to live longer than they normally would. Which has some vague drawbacks and is related to how those human kings became the Nazgul a.k.a. Ringwraiths. However it was originally made do to elves being depressed about the world changing too quickly.

After that it gets tricky.

They can also help with obtaining wealth and (presumably political and social) power, but form what I remember the details aren't really explained. So it could be some vague ability
related to that stuff, or just 'magic power made that easier. However at least one of the Nazgul had magic, but if I remember correctly Gandalf implies mortal magic users exist. So I'm not sure how that factors in.

Meanwhile Gandalf is secretly an angel and elves are immortal magic users. So how much of what they do is the rings or not is kind of even trickier.
A full brothel is too much of an escalation. Start with the escalation of sending her birthday hookers, possibly popping out of a comically large cake. Then an all-expenses paid trip to the best local/mortal brothel. THEN just outright giving her a brothel.

Somewhere along the way just have her send in a full booklet of coupons of things like "cuddle for one hour" "1 hour makeout session" "spend a night with me", possibly devolving the further you get into the booklet until it's just FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME written over and over again in increasingly unhinged script.
>Your mom gives you a brothel for your birthday as a way of telling you that you need to get laid
Well. That’ll be interesting for your Yandere to deal with.
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Perks where I can declare someone my waifu and have them follow?
What if I drop Simon the Digger in Lord of the Rings?
>Another show with lesbians that need to learn their place
Stardew Valley has an item for that.
Dragon Quest 1-2 has 'But Thou Must' which lets you force people to agree with you.
>What if I drop Simon the Digger in Lord of the Rings?
Does he has his mech and spiral power? If so, he may get into some crazy shenanigans and destroy Sauron easily. If this ep1 Simon, he probably is irrelevant.
He does not have his mech, but he does have Spiral Power and his core drill.
>Birthday hooker
>All expenses paid
That works for escalation, thank you.

Nah, coupons are too tame. Also, by that point she's not trying to get laid herself, she just wants me to fuck... basically everyone. Secret, Echo, Jasmine, Copper Night, the Despot, etc all. Probably everyone but Noel because she'd be nine at that point.

Get laid more. Emphasis on more. I dunno if I'm doing a good job with my ///implying/// but I did fuck YG the first day we met, and have been doing it regularly since. It's literally just that I didn't use the toy she sent that has her upset and thinking I'm a prude. Or that I only have one partner.
Alternatively, what if after his death I reincarnate Sauron in the world of Gurren Lagann as an ordinary human (with Spiral Power), possibly as Simon's older brother/Kamina's younger brother?
Almost everyone that knows how the universe works gets massively confused. Since the only entity in Lord of the Rings with anything close to Spiral Power is Eru a.k.a. God.
Technically speaking if Sauron actually died or not is debatable. Since formless spirit is the natural state of the Ainur (basically angels). They were however permanently crippled.

Anyway considering that Sauron is a fallen angel do to obsessive compulsive disorder they probably remain a villain. Either do to teaming up with the Anti-Spirals, or deciding they can use Spiral Power to keep things neat and organized.
While Sauron is an industrialist who pushes development forward, he is also a control freak that doesn't really align with Spiral Energy, so I doubt he can accomplish much but to cripple Simon's growth.
You don't think his (possible) death and reincarnation as a human would be enough to make him think that maybe he was wrong about things and maybe help reform him?
Anon, Sauron has been defeated several times already, had his liege being defeated and he already 'died'. He didn't change his ways.
He is by all rights a superior being to men and the other races, so obviously he should sit at the top and have them being reshaped into what he believes its best.
Sauron was there when God created the universe, knows God has a plan for it, and then despite that decided the universe wasn't orderly enough. So they became a follower of Melkor a.k.a. the devil trying to break everything do to a temper tantrum over not being able to create from nothing and not being able to create stuff outside the understanding of God.

Sauron despite his talents is a complete moron.
What WOULD it take to redeem/reform Sauron? If getting killed MULTIPLE times and seeing himself fail over and over again doesn't do the trick, what WOULD get through to him?
Nothing short of serious divine intervention.
As other anon said, Sauron was there when Eru/God created the world and yet still chose to side with Morgoth.
Rape correction.
It'd be like trying to redeem a homosexual or a commie. It's literally not possible through anything short of final death.
Personality death
Please return to /pol/
>what WOULD get through to him?
Nanoha getting a new super-blast to obliterate him.
He may still be kinda evil afterwards, but at least he will like her.
Christ is King.
The best option is to find a way to make use of their OCD. Since they became evil do to being too order obsessed. So if you can get them to think evil is too chaotic it might be potentially possible.

However good luck on that.

More importantly (am that Anon) he somehow came to the conclusion of 'Things are too Chaotic' despite being there when Eru literally said everything is according to their design.

Which means he should know for a fact that things are in fact orderly, but somehow missed that.
You really need something like one of those stark tech autoforge things from spiderman no way home in order to really do a tech chain. Or a replicator you can use to build prototypes. Otherwise prototyping and making new tech takes ages.
This is just a set up for anon to make a retarded le heckin femboy bussy sauron post
There is a perk in Saint Young Men so get that and get the ghost of Richard Simmons to make him work out till he is a good boy.
>Probably everyone but Noel because she'd be nine at that point.
Give it a decade, she’ll be legal before the jump ends.

…what even is the age of consent in Creation?
You'd need to factory reset him. Except even then, he'd probably still end up going bad since as one anon said, he was THERE when Eru made the world and still fell for Morgoth's bullshit.
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Weird question, but can anyone think of a soul/Spirit based ability that works by also utilizing the mind/body or would tremendously benefit from doing that?

I am having my jumper use the Method from Luther Strode which gives you amazing phsyical abilities and control over your body by bringing mind/bofy/spirit into alignment.
And he's also gonna oick up Atlas Alchemy from Tsukihime, which gives you enormoud mental enhancements by repurposing body and soul.

I would like a soul based one to complete the set. But the only thing I can think of is cultivation.
Dual+ path cultivation in Triune Scriptures.
He immediately becomes a second Anti-Spiral. Giving Sauron any measure of power that doesn't gave the limitations of LOTR magic is a terrible idea.
Is it morally wrong to target non-addict, non-mentally ill homeless men for recruitment into your clandestine paramilitary organization specifically because they have less to lose?
Yes, to greater or lesser degrees depending on whether recruitment is voluntary, whether they gain major benefits or not by joining your organization, and whether they have other options besides your organization. If it's voluntary, there are genuine and substantial benefits to joining, and they don't really have any other options, then it's still taking advantage of them but not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself.

And you're a twat.
The powerful soul perk in Anima Beyond Fantasy makes Ki powers be a function of your soul instead of your body, if that helps?
In D&D (at least 3.5 not sure about newer stuff) and Pathfinder the body and soul of Outsiders (and in the case of D&D Elementals) are the same thing. Which might count. Dragon Ball Ki might also count. Maybe the Force from Star Wars as well.
Nta but I'd assume that the ring of water would allow you some master over water.
But that you wouldn't use it since the Ring is cursed and using it is a good way to fuck yourself over.

But it seems that the point Tolkien wanted to make is that the Rings in general, especially The One, give you that, Power. In everything. And it's powerful.
...Wasn't there a theory that Frodo accidentally used The Ring on Gollum, forcing him into servitude, and basically told reality that he will burn, which ended up fucking Sauron and The Ring? Or was it a fantheory?
That's not the kind of things The Ring from Shadow of War/Mordor could do.
I dunno what is that, or who is that girl, but she seems to got some seriously good oujou drills, bodysuit and booba games.
I feel like I read a book where they did that but they basically hired every homeless person they could, healed them up, cured their addictions, and sent them off to fight mind controlling aliens since humans were resistant to mind control and other races are often violently adverse to harming sentient life. To the point that they can get violently ill after if they do and need therapy much more often (watching a violent movie from earth can cause them to have panic attacms and get aick) and basically need to be protected by a couple races that are combat capable. Which is why mind control aliens were steamrolling them, they tell their soldiers to do something and they do it while the "good" alien group was a bunch of pansy ass pushovers until they found humanjty.
... Shit, this description is making me remember some book about a unicorn girl whose people were being harassed by mediocre aliens that stopped attacking completely when the protagonist, who was raised by humans, shot down their ships once.
Ask that to Yukari from Touhou, except replace recruitment by eating.
Or Big Boss I guess.
>Big Boss
When did that happen?
NTA, but the Diamond Dogs
The book of prophecies is one of the strongest items in the chain, and it's really rarely talked about.
I mean, kidnapping enemy soldiers is the same as homeless men right?
Don't even know what it's from.
What does it do? Because if it can tell you that you will die and can't change that, that's sound bad.
I think the name of the one Im remembering was "with friends like these"
Kh union cross, it shows every important event that will happen in the jump and allow you to pull fom it medals with powers from the future.
despite what the MoM says the future can be changed, as Sora did with the power of waking.
I was so hopeful someone finally made an Avalon Code jump before I realized you were talking about that mediocre thing from Union Cross
Get cracking, anon.
That mediocre thing allow you to use every single power that will exist since your insertion in the jump, if you are in naruto create a Kaguya medal, if you are in exalted create an unconquered sun medal.
Huh, I would have thought it was some DnD or something.

>despite what the MoM says the future can be changed, as Sora did with the power of waking.
Oh well that's really helping.
>Avalon Code
This game is such a fucking trip holy shit. I can't even say if that's a good game or a bad game.
That's like recommending Drakengard or THP.
It's possible that the MoM lied about the darkness winning and the light expiring, and in reality he foresaw Sora's use of the power of waking, if everything went according to his plan, but then everything becomes fuzzier, since it means everything we know about the book is questionable, wich honestly is true, since the MoM is a liar. Anyway presumably the book will mostly describe how, with your foresight, you already won at everything, so there is no need to change it.
You're rather drastically overestimating how valuable being able to get medals are. You can only equip five of them at once. You can only use one at a time. They can only copy a single technique. The technique has to be something used at some point after you enter the jump

It's literally just a basic bitch power copying technique
>...Wasn't there a theory that Frodo accidentally used The Ring on Gollum, forcing him into servitude, and basically told reality that he will burn, which ended up fucking Sauron and The Ring? Or was it a fantheory?
I'm not sure about accidentally since Gollum was basically a drug addict with The One Ring as their drug. However Frodo does make a claim about how Gollum will obey them do to how they have the Ring. Even if it means leaping from a precipice or casting themselves into fire. Then later on Frodo basically tells Gollum to go away, stop bothering them, and that if Golum touches them again Gollum will throw himself into the fire of doom.

The last of which included what was probably hallucinations of Frodo holding a wheel of fire, and that being heard from that wheel of fire.

So probably. At minimum he predicted what would occur while looking rather not normal at the time.
I unfortunately didn't manage to play through the whole thing. I uh. I never actually even unlocked the second book spirit

I just kinda got lost at some point and couldn't figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do

It was a fun game, from what I remembered.
Despite existing in every 3rd Val jump, power copying is still relatively rare and powerful.
Yeah but.
Man, the plot holy shit.
It's really not that hard to find a decent power copying ability, even outside of Val jumps.

It's rather hard to find one with more restrictions than the Medals from KHUX.
A power copying technique that can apply to everything that will ever exist in the jump, without considering it can also create replicas of the individuals with the powers of the originals.
I actually tried playing the game because of that plot. Going on a grand quest to personally make the world that's going to come next sounded fun
I mean, that's what KH is in a nutshell last time I checked so...

No no, he has a point, if that's how it work, being able to turn every powers ever IS pretty good sounding and busted.

>Despite existing in every 3rd Val jump
Do ninja bloodline powers and powerups gained by eating weird shit count as valid for stuff like rogues power? Cause I really want a rinnesharingan and it would be cool to yoink that from kaguya.
Yeah I thought it was Frodo accidentally using the power of the Ring, and either told a prophecy, or teased reality's prostate. Gollum didn't follow the orderd, and ended up literally jumping into fire (at the cost of a finger)
Prepare to be middly disappointed because uhhh, making the world isn't that good, it's work more on the gainax, the WTF factor.
I'm the one who was shilling it and it would probably allow you to create a medal wich allow you to temporarily grow a rinnesharingan to use the IT.
In-game medals give passive stats and you can basically use them as a limit break for a single big attack. You wouldn't get a full rinnesharingan, but you COULD get the ability to use a single technique that requires it

There's a pretty good power stealing perk in Date A Live called With A Kiss if you need one. It requires the person to be reduced to being weaker than you, but it gives you their everything

Shiftylook Bravoman's The Monster That Challenged The World might be useful too. It's one of those gain powers by eating things powers, letting you gain up to a 4th of the powers of whatever life you eat alongside some of their traits. You could probably make the Rinnesharingan by eating some Uchiha and Hyuga.
I do actually know the gist of the plot. I looked it up after I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do.

... Anyways, if you want your own Avalon Code style Book of Prophecy, I actually got confirmation that you can make one with the power creators from Touhou Forbidden Hermit and Rinnosuke Doujin.
>>... Anyways, if you want your own Avalon Code style Book of Prophecy,
I want to say "Not the most OP thing in Touhou" but actually... might be.
Nah, there's already things there that have the ability to destroy and create worlds. Rinnosuke sold one to Yukari to keep his house warm in winter

... Another option is actually the Book of Dawning Sky from Lyrical Nanoha. It has the ability to scan stuff, the ability to manifest stuff, four loyal guardians, and will even develop it's own inner world.
I think I worded that bad, I was more wondering if I could get a rinnesharingan by using xmen rogue power since I was unsure if the powerup kaguya got from eating the fruit counted as a sort of physical mutation based power, such as how the eyes are or how bone dude could grow his bones.
Yeah, and that book that "swallow" those things for a lack of a better word.
In the dc comics collab how much do you think I should pay for The Quiz's power?
Well form what I remember those fruits works do to those trees collecting DNA, and can turn a human into one of Kaguya's species. So probably.
>if we do go back to the comics continuity for a sec /Darkseid has died before without reality shitting itself in anger/
I would say that this is the second time that Darkseid dying fucked up reality, big time.
I think probably yes.
It can turn a human into an Ootsutsuki only if an Ootsutsuki died on the planet, so that it can gather its data, and the humans must have a white kama AFAIK.
Bored but on the 40K talk. Where are some fun places to take a non dark eldar waifu after your time in warhammers up? Both to try and give you both a break and just to show her things beyond the grim darkness of there home universe. Playing with culture shock or otherwise feels like it could be fun.
I'm just imagining some seven foot space elf sitting in a knock off McDonalds somewhere. Irritated the staff gave them pickles.
Thats why they always travel with 2, they can reincarnate so they travel with a strong one and a weak one. The weak one is sacrificed and has to reincarnate to make the fruits more powerful.
Yes, I know, just saying that only in special conditions a human can become an Ootsutsuki
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Jumpmakers, post a build for one of your own jumps.
I have a very important question to ask you /jc/. If headbutt is hitting a target with your head then is hitting a targed with your butt a buttbutt?
No, it's obviously a butthead.
No, it would be a buttstroke instead.
No, it should be a Buttbash.
Does the Vtuber Jump allow me to go into any media involving Vtubers like the anime Vtuber Legend?
We have a Vtuber jump?
NTA but yeah. Dunno where it went because it was in imaged. Gene made it IIRC.
ignore this
>bancho just got BTFO on SB
Who asked or cared about that fatfag?
Rolled 59 (1d100)

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Dragon’s Heaven
>Drawbacks: Hello Old Friend (300), Expect to Protect (100), Quicksand Bandits (100)
>Scenario: To Summon A Dragon

>Location: Brazilian Empire Capital
>Race: Robot (200 ver)
>Perks (Discounts in *)
Moebius in Motion - Free
Search Shifter - Free*
Timeless Image - Free*
Novice Wielder - 100*
Ride on Time - 100*
Robo Doctor - 200*
Standing Tall, Rising Down - 300*

>Items (Discounts in *)
Modest Cloak - Free*
Box of Tenshi Amakuri - Free*
Mechanist Mementos - 100*
Custom Battlesuit - 200*
Old Repair Facility - Oceania 2 - 300*

None :(

From the moment I reawakened in this world, I was not blessed. Stuck behind enemy lines, sneaking away under the cover of the night & the guise of explosions was my only option to survive in one piece. And even then, possibly due to me attacking a few stray soldiers in the past, bandits began to swarm me for my armor, thinking that the weapons I managed to bash together could be related to the “Dragon”. Nonsense, it was thanks to the written ramblings of a dead mechanic & a downed ship that I managed to get this far. Even scored me a few gigs working with the residents of a nearby city, Kerutoria as it was called. Now they’re calling me again for another job, this time more…direct. Something about capturing the “Dragon” itself. Despite being surrounded by violence, they know that I’m not really fond of fighting on the front lines so it must be serious. I just hope that nothing goes wrong during the operation. Lately I can swear that someone has been tracking my movements…
You're probably asleep by now but maybe you'll see this later.

1. As much as I like Orikan, I wasn't planning to significantly alter the DLCs. Probably. That's way in the future talk in any case. I'm doing my best to focus on one thing at a time so I don't get overwhelmed.

2. See 1. That's a later me problem, but possibly.

3. I've got no idea what you mean by this question. It's the Body Mod supplement. Whether you take Quicksilver's or NuBee's doesn't bother me any. You'll have one or the other.
Talk to him after Morgoth falls. He was thinking about turning himself in, but he wound up not going because he was afraid he’d be executed.
Adding a race list was not worth the effort it took. This is finished and ready for the drive.

Changelog for version 1.0:
>Added free Ex Burst perk.
>Added Magick Sight perk.
>Job Mastery now explicitly includes an Ex Mode based on your job.
>Added races
Hey Yorokonde. Nice to see you making a remake of Light of terra. always sorta liked it as bad as it mangles a few things. Whats your favorite companion from it?
Looking forward to seeing your work done though Im sure its gonna be a long term project with the size of it.
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I never get a chance to work this Jump into my Chains, so this is a good excuse.

>Origin: Pilot (35, Male)

+ Ask No Question, Tell No Lies (Free)
+ "Getting a little hot in here!" (100, 900)
+ Critical Condition (300, 600)
+ A Little Duct Tape (200, 400)

>Pioneer Suit (100, 300)
+ Larger Investment (200, 100) [Extra Weapon Hardpoint]
>Base Exosuit: PDX-40
+ Cycle Rifle (50, 1450)
+ Cycle Rifle (50, 1400)
+ Thermal Javelin (100, 1300)
+ Thermal Javelin (100, 1200)
+ Prism Laser (200, 1000)

+ FIX-IT Repair Kit [5x3] (50, 950)
+ Repair Siphon (200, 700)
+ Senor Suite (100, 600)
+ EMP Field (200, 400)

>Pioneer Suit Upgrades
+ Hazard Coating (100, 300)
+ Precision Barrels (150, 150)
+ Speed Loader (150, 0)

+ Recall Suit (Free)
+ Runnin' On Empty (100, 0)

I'd probably have to ditch the Larger Investment (Which means no EMP Field, backup Thermal Javelin, Precision Barrels, or Speed Loader) for Companion Imports if I was to add this to pretty much any Chain. Still, I'm happy with the results. Thermal Javelins won me SO many runs of the game and the PDX-40 was my workhorse for almost all of them.
>3. I've got no idea what you mean by this question. It's the Body Mod supplement. Whether you take Quicksilver's or NuBee's doesn't bother me any. You'll have one or the other.
Not him, but there’s been a gauntlet or two that said you don’t get Body Mod.
Why is the Half-Esper perk's transformation temporary when Terra's actual transformation is very much not a temporary thing?

Her transformation in story is a willpower based thing. Hell, she literally got stuck transformed when she first did it
>Not him, but there’s been a gauntlet or two that said you don’t get Body Mod.
We only have one gauntlet where that's true. It's the Ruby Quest gauntlet made by Yorokonde
>Whats your favorite companion from it?
From the original? Hooligan Tuesday, hands down. I'm a big fan of the Imperial Guard from way back so ending up with your own independent command of them, as well as a cute commander to take care of the day to day stuff, is always going to hook me.

Runner up would be Carwyn the Warlock. Mostly because I had a lot of fun writing an arc with them. They basically ended up ending the Chain, but I don't hold that against them. Jumper made some stupid choices along the way and got too involved with the Laughing God and the Final Dance.

>Long term project
You're not kidding. I'm doing my best to make some progress every day, but I'm not going to push myself into burn-out. I really do want to finish this eventually.

Ah. That's fair because I did write one like that. But no, this is not going to be one of those. There's a nice big note at the top of page 2 saying you get a Body Mod, even if you haven't taken one yet.
It's temporary in the game unless she's mind controlled into it. You can make it last longer, but you start with her level of skill at it.
This is good stuff.
Warning will always be my favorite, but the rest of that crew is cute too.
She's never mind controlled into her Esper form. Tritoch shoves a bunch of energy into her to force her to transform and she gets stuck in it for awhile until you get her father's corpse to convince her to accept her nature as a half-esper, afterwhich it becomes a transformation she can take on whenever she wants until the World of Ruin happens and she gets depressed

Then she triggers trance permanently when she gets really determined in the Humbaba fight, afterwhich her ability to stay in trance is drastically increased

... Anyways, the point is is that her transformation isn't a temporary one by lore, just by gameplay
>From the original? Hooligan Tuesday, hands down. I'm a big fan of the Imperial Guard from way back so ending up with your own independent command of them, as well as a cute commander to take care of the day to day stuff, is always going to hook me.
>Runner up would be Carwyn the Warlock. Mostly because I had a lot of fun writing an arc with them. They basically ended up ending the Chain, but I don't hold that against them. Jumper made some stupid choices along the way and got too involved with the Laughing God and the Final Dance.
Very nice choices. I'm a big fan of the warlock to desu. Though tuesdays always fun if you wanna go the human route. I like the guard more then space marines anyway. Though I am curious what you got in mind for the exodite in the nodtes.
>You're not kidding. I'm doing my best to make some progress every day, but I'm not going to push myself into burn-out. I really do want to finish this eventually.
Good. Thats the smart approach. Little bit at a time getting burned out isn't gonna do anything.
>The entire plot of the Silmarillion is everyone being scared shitless of the Valar even though they’re the biggest sweethearts
In Final Fantasy Dissidia, the Cloud of Darkness (or Kefka, I forget) drives her berserk and you have a fight with her where she's permanently in Ex Mode. Outside of that, she never learns to control herself enough to stay in it full time, not even in otherwise life-or-death battles, though since she's obviously physically capable of it you can learn to as well.
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Oh nah I just got back from a freezing swim in Zurich (feels GREAT in this godforsaken summer heatwave) and it’s like 4 in the afternoon, I’m good. Sounds good on all fronts. Good luck with it! I’ll confess I’m…not quite sure how I can justify it fitting in my chain with how hardcore the initial LoT went down and how comprehensive the subsequent defeat of Chaos was in my chain.

If and when I get to it, I’m probably gonna go with the Tomb Spyder again. Simply because flesh is disgusting

Regarding 3, a few (relatively) recent gauntlet makers initially or in the final draft either toggled off bodymods completely and left you at a general “decent athletic condition” instead of the base purchases in the bodymods, or limited specific aspects of bodymods. Guess I was just vaguely worried over nothing (mainly because of my absolutely terrible IRL eyesight; in fairness at l)

…man if I come up with an idea whacky enough to justify running a gauntlet again, it’d probably also be a good excuse to play NuBee’s bodymod.
Hey shard, do you remember what changed in the demon the descent jump version that's in uploads folder?
Interesting. Is this a first jump?
Yeah, if Sauron had gone back he would have been in trouble, but he wouldn’t have been executed.
While I’m pulling out ideas from elsewhere, were you thinking of having complications relating to the repair of the ship?
Pretty much, I usually tend to answer prompts as if I’m starting a new chain. In this setting most of the bigger robots are survivors from an even older war. The natives consider me an old survivor that was able to reawaken like Shian.

This should be the latest version
I wouldn’t say mad.
But I do get a little irritated when I see an ad for something that looks…not good but interesting, and then when you go to look it turns out to just be a shitty Clash of Clans/FarmVille/whatever ripoff.
What's the next replacement jump you're working on? Hopefully another one of the Final Fantasies?
I'm tinkering with an idea that the amount of terraforming points you have in Part 2 depends on how many points you gained from ship damage in Part 1. As in, the repair station has to divert more energy away from terraforming the more damage the Light of Terra is. But I also think that might encourage less choosing in the moment and more long term gaming of the whole Gauntlet. Which I kind of want to avoid.

For Part 1, I think the current list of damaged systems does a pretty good job. Of course I'm always up for suggestions.
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[Final Fantasy: Dissidia]

Drawbacks: Get away! Redemption of the Warrior, Inward Chaos (1600)

???: God of Light

Warrior of Cosmos

Flight (Free)
Ex-Burst (Free)
Cosmos Crystal (Free)
The Wild Rose (Free)
Blessed By The Crystals: Black Mage, White Mage (1300)
Mistress of Magicks (1000)
L’Cie (600)
Companion ImportX8 (300)
-Warrior of Chaos, Easy Treason (Free), Malign Mentor (Free), Power of the Void (300), Sorceress: Void (0), Alternate Outfits (Free)
World C: Cosmogenesis (0)
Mount (Free)

The Warriors of Cosmos looked on in terror and despair (except for Shantotto, who was eating popcorn). Chaos had gained unimaginable power, and started fighting the great dragon that had feasted upon their struggles for 18 Cycles. All seemed lost, and any minute now the worlds would fall to ruin. They looked to Cosmos in desperate hope and mounting sorrow.

To their surprise, Cosmos just looked perfectly calm.

“Well, this is inconvenient. I suppose I’m going to have to call on the FIRST Warrior of Light” she said casually.

“Who?” the others asked collectively.

“Oh, he’s…” Cosmos trailed off into a long, rambling story that started with a man that had punched the Chaos out of Jack Garland, derailed into contradictory tales of messiahs and gods, brought up the perfect merger of Jenova and Cetra cells at one point as well as the time the Manderville’s Ascian ancestor augmented himself with Omega technology, and concluded with “so you see, I REALLY didn’t want to summon him. Every time he’s called forth into our world it retroactively changes to suit him. I blame the Arbiters of Fate, myself”

“Well, it…seems pretty dang necessary” said Squall. Cosmos sighed. “I know. Anon, hear my call! I have my counterpart in another timeline’s memories, and we could really use a hand!”

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Thunder rippled as something started punching it’s way through several afterlives along the way. As the dimensional barriers weakened at my coming, several void horrors in avante garde stripper wear crawled out and started proclaiming ominous things about the imminent end of the cycle.

“What the blazes is-“ “Just, just give him a minute” said Cosmos, sighing. And on cue, I crashed through, causing both dragon and deranged mannikin to pause in horror as they looked upon a god with magical power exceeding Shantotto’s, AND L’Cie wank.

“Oh hello, Cosmos. Fancy hearing from you in this timeline” I said. “This guy giving you trouble?”’

“N-no, this is all a big misunderstanding…” mumbled Chaos while Shinryu hurriedly tried to find a way back into the rift between worlds. Both of them keenly aware that Shantotto alone canonically had the power to destroy /the entire Warriors of Chaos faction/ on her own and that unlike her, I wasn’t playing around.

“Why, yes. Yes, I do think deceiving me as to my purpose and turning me into an automated butchery system for a pointless cycle of violence counts as, how did you put it? Bothering me” said Cosmos with just the faintest hint of schadenfreude.

“Duly noted. As for the rest of you. Some of you know me well. Others, by reputation”, I announced to the Warriors of Chaos. “Either way, I suggest not interrupting me aim”

About half of the Warriors of Chaos promptly joined the Warriors of Cosmos on the spot, while the other half ran for the hills as I cast Hypernova.


“Well, uh. Chaos is. Definitely, definitely dead” said Cloud blankly.

“YES!” said Tidus, laughing inappropriately.

Shantotto kept eating her popcorn.

>I'm tinkering with an idea that the amount of terraforming points you have in Part 2 depends on how many points you gained from ship damage in Part 1. As in, the repair station has to divert more energy away from terraforming the more damage the Light of Terra is. But I also think that might encourage less choosing in the moment and more long term gaming of the whole Gauntlet. Which I kind of want to avoid.
Maybe you could make it a choice of how much you repair the ship. The more you repair the ship the less trouble you’ll have getting ready for Part 3, but you’ll have a harder time in Part 2, and vice versa. Meanwhile if you take a lot of the +0 options for ship damage then you won’t have as many skills and pieces of special equipment for the challenges ahead.

>For Part 1, I think the current list of damaged systems does a pretty good job. Of course I'm always up for suggestions.
I’m remembering a 40K quest where the MC came across several tech-priests trying to appease a machine spirit, and after looking at things a bit the MC, being a psyker and sensing how the machine spirit felt, starting kicking a panel and yelling at it, which worked, and explained that that machine spirit hates appeasement and respects force. You might be able to use this as a complication for repairs, some of the machine spirits on the ship don’t like the usual rituals and require a different approach, and with the damage to the ship any records that could help you figure out what machine spirits require what are at best fragmented and incomplete, more likely straight up lost, so you’ll have to figure it out as you go along, and with a ship the size of the Light of Terra some of those unorthodox spirits are certain to be in critical systems.
Who is Shantotto?
A Tarutaru (tiny adorable species) mage who is also, by a huge margin, the strongest character in Dissidia Final Fantasy for no better reason than the fans and the devs liking her enough to meme her into the Chuck Norris of black mages. She’s a Black Mage from FFXI, and according to Dissidia she’s so powerful that every time a character beats her in combat-whether it’s Tidus or fucking Exdeath-it turns out it’s just a doll controlled by her. It is directly stated at one point she has the power to wipe out the entire Warriors of Chaos side if she ever got serious, the Cloud of Darkness herself thinks she’s out of her league fighting her, the fucking EMPEROR treats her with respect and the main reason there is a plot in Dissidia is that she’s just uninterested in giving her all so she’s just assigned as Cosmos’ bodyguard. In one of the later games she decides the cycles are getting boring so she just opens a portal and fucks off from the setting while wishing Cosmos good luck.

She is a wizard with no sense of right and wrong as well as a pronounced sadistic streak, but also just kind of likes Cosmos more than Chaos and so is a Warrior of Cosmos by default.
Basically they are both amplifiers and power retainers so they make you better at what ever you do or want to do building off your baseline of power the stronger you are the more you get from having a ring like say a guard gets one now he is a master of the sword and is damn near impossible to get past along with preservation of power so he stays like that until he dies probably by someone killing him. Along with that having a Ring of power let’s you do Magical things/powers like I think binding oaths or something like that, that may just be the One with its powers born of Sauron essence while the Three along with standard ring powers have some abilities involved with the elements.
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But can she cast Zettaflare?
Which jumps to be the most competent vigilante possible? Not most powerful, or most plot armored, but just hyper competent to an obscene degree.
>AND L’Cie wank
What is a L'Cie and why is that a big deal?
Unironically World of Lewd Superheroes, one of the powers is just hyper-competence.
So a jumper should lewd the potato mage for power?
Personally I like this power from the Worm jump for that
>Enhanced Mastery - Your ability allows you to master any skill or field of endeavor you care to name at an incredible pace, and to keep growing your skill from there. Within a few days of studying or practicing something you’ll be on the level of the professionals in the field, and within a week you’d be among the experts. Your growth slows down from there but your ability to learn means that you always see noticeable increases in your skills whenever you put effort into them, with continual refinement always possible. Aside from that however your ability to learn and improve your skills is superhuman. You also possess perfect technical retention and execution, meaning that your skills and knowledge never degrade, and you always perform at the top of your game. As a rough guideline treat hours as months for learning and training time. This power only effects your skills, developed attributes like strength or energy pools aren’t affected.
Just start as an established Hero with like a decade of experience and you got hundreds of skills at Expert level down
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No, because Zettaflare doesn’t exist in XI. Her equivalent of that is Magic Burst.

The equivalent to an Exalted for the Fal’cie of FF13. It actually really sucks. As mentioned in the perk it slowly crystalises you and turns you into a deformed monster. However, the perk turns off that side effect so you’re left with powers ranging from forcefield creation, to sealing, to technological manipulation, to fuckin’ FLYING but mainly just the fact that it’s like 2/3s of the FF13 MC’s power progression (the other 1/3rd is the setting’s demiurge bestowing his soul-shepherding divine light on her) plot armour.

And, well, FF13’s director got to claim that his waifu MC was the most powerful one in FF at that point of game development so…yeah, there’s a reason why it’s 400 CP undiscounted.

Generic DC. I’m pretty sure I wrote competence into mine too but well…it’s kinda buried under all the plot armour and I can’t be arsed to check.

That’s what I did in the other Dissidia jump! Frankly with my divine light clone army of Shantottos every other build I do for Final Fantasy is kinda superfluous.
Hey Shard, I'm jumping Witch on Holy Night and using a combination of Time Alter and Second Magic. Is something like 'super accelerating bullets and using portals to bypass defenses to instantly hit target' a valid combo with this?

Because gun.
>the most powerful one in FF at that point of game development
Ultimecia folds her effortlessly on account of literally almost being God and only losing due to time shenanigans, being fought while she's trying to absorb the whole fucking universe across all points in time, and possible emotional conflicts stemming from her potential identity as Bad Future Rinoa.
Unironically how powerful is Bartz if (one assumes) Blessed By The Crystals can compete with all this other bullshit?
You have the power of infinite possibility at your fingertips and you use to to shoot people?

Something from FFXIII, so something shitty.
>Bad Future Rinoa
She aged like fine wine, because holy shit, that shift.
Forgotten Realms, maybe? I could see that, if I ever get done with World of Darkness and finish Generic Pulp Adventure, I might turn to DnD settings next. It would be a long time coming if so.

Dissidia equalizes everybody so they can be fighting game characters, so wall level at least.
Tbqh Ultimecia’s defeat was still bullshit because she wasn’t as autistic as, say, the Witness and should’ve just stopped kompressing the universe for like 5 minutes to just go back in time and shoot everyone as babies.

Sure, go for it. Honestly I kinda get the impression all the True Magics can be used for


with enough creativity. Even 1 can make a fantasy railgun of some kind and 3 can probably bullshit you a railgun NP if you make a Greater Grail first and fiddle with it hard enough, then wish for railguns instead of wanting to fuck everything like Kiara. Well, 4’s function isn’t confirmed so who knows, maybe it’s the bunker one instead.
Have you worked on your jump today?
I mean when you think about it, the multiverse is just a bigger ammo rack.
True Love wrecks all other powers and forces them to job.
Actually, stupid question, what happens if you devour souls in DnD or Pathfinder? I know you can make them into ioun stones.
>Gets power ups from literal God
>Only 1/3rd of their power
>And, well, FF13’s director got to claim that his waifu MC was the most powerful one in FF at that point of game development so…yeah
And how is this WoG any different from Nasu claiming Arcueid is the strongest thing on earth or Gil is the strongest Servant(which means that while true it doesn't matter in the actual plot)?
>Dissidia equalizes everybody
Except Shantotto, who Kefka directly states can destroy the world at one point. Tbqh I’m not actually sure people are equalised by being nerfed so much as being in the same approximate ballpark.

>World of Darkness
Since you’re doing Old AND new, you doing anything with the weirder spirits in New, especially the Inferno ones, or planning an oWoD prehistory-based jump?
Excellent. Railgun Cowboy Magus build is go.
Aren't Cosmos and Chaos just buffing everyone?
If it really is her, it's the biggest glow up in the whole fucking series. Like goddamn.

To be fair, I don't think Ultimecia ever considered the possibility that a random ragtag bunch of child soldier mercenaries would be capable of actually threatening her at that point. Especially not when she literally just got done fucking bodying the entirety of White SeeD by herself. And she spends like the entire first half of the fight flexing on the party by literally ripping their greatest fears out of them and embodying them as a living deity to shit on them. So she didn't really think it was necessary to stop the kompression until it was too late.
What name have this comic?
I've heard people in this thread say "yes, but with outside assistance."
Which is still very impressive.
If they are, it wasn’t enough to stop the Cloud of Darkness from jobbing to Kefka as punishment for kind of helping one of the Warriors of Cosmos. I’m sure they’re buffing them don’t get me wrong, I’m just unsure it matters enough to fully explain everything.

I guess, but damn it’s really convenient that the most paranoid sorceress in history chose that exact moment to get truly and utterly overconfident.
What about Horny?
Spirits aren't playable and Inferno is already covered by nWoD Mortals. The only nWoD jump I have left is Deviant. I refuse to do Geist on the basis that it is boring and devoid of content. When I get around to WtA: Fera, I intend to have a scenario for that one book where you time travel back to the War of Rage. I'm working on Dark Medieval and intend to eventually do Sorcerer's Crusade and Gothic Victorian for historical settings.

No, they're also nerfed in some areas. Like in FF1 itself people are actually dying and resurrecting, but in Dissidia even Shinryuu can't resurrect people for real.
True Love beats Horny
True Love can never defeat Horny because Horny is part of True Love.
I mean, there's a point where it's just confidence rather than overconfidence. Being overconfident would be underestimating Squall and co when she was still fucking around in the past and nowhere near full-on Godhood. By the time of the final battle she's got half of Literally God's power and is in the process of absorbing the other half. There is no rationale behind her believing it was even possible for her to lose. And frankly she wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the party pulling some absolute bullshit at the last second since she was in the process of beating the fuck out of them and mind/soulraping all of them.

I mean sure, WE know that she's God and therefore has an elemental Pokemon weakness to JRPG Protagonists. But she doesn't know that so you can't hold it against her.
Lore wise, would an uzumaki, senju, uchiha and hyuga bloodlines and sage mode combined put me up with the 1% of the naruto world? If I remember correctly, with sharingan and byakugan I could snipe people from afar with genjutsu, don't quote me on this. And probably copy jutsu like the raikage's lighting armour.
Before ayy lmaoes show up at least?
You got to understand, Shard is incapable of not calling someone a jobber if they lose even ONCE.
>Horny is part of True Love
Then shouldn't it be that Horny can never defeat True Love, because True Love has Horny in it along with so much more, while Horny is just Horny?
I think sage mode alone would put you in the top 1%.
That's more to do with sage mode requiring from you a powerful body, strong chakra, vitality and very high chakra control.
Just by having those things you are already peak.
Horny doesn't want to defeat True Love, it just wants to fuck it.
>absolute bullshit at the last second
It's been over a decade since I played, but I legitimately don't remember anything about bullshit in the final fight. I recall it being a pretty straightforward "hit her until she dies" affair with multiple phases.
Kiara lost because she had only horny and not true love.
There's not many glow up tbf, but.
Goddamn yeah.

Doesn't she kinda want to be killed?
>True Love has Horny in it
Does this mean lewd powers come bundled with True Love powers?
'Cause that's big if it's true.
We don't know if you could snipe people with genjutsu, probably not since they must cross your gaze, but you would still probablythe strongest person of the planet at the start, with the buff from the sage mode, the kinetic vision of the sharingan and the instawin touch of the hyuga.
>Spirits aren’t playable
I’d argue that has nothing to do with a jump, but alright
>Inferno is already covered by nWoD Mortals
…eh? It is? It’s been a while but I don’t think I saw any Inferno content in it, everyone just kinda memed the OP imaginary friends that guard sufficiently innocent but imaginative children
>I refuse to do Geist on the basis that it is boring and devoid of content
I know some who’d disagree but I also see where you’re coming from. nWoD Deathlords and Cthonians are just…kind of there.
>historical settings
So no Ante history/Yama King reign/angelic wars, noted.

>By the time of the final battle she's got half of Literally God's power and is in the process of absorbing the other half. There is no rationale behind her believing it was even possible for her to lose. And frankly she wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the party pulling some absolute bullshit at the last second since she was in the process of beating the fuck out of them and mind/soulraping all of them.
No but
that’s just it
/the party didn’t do anything special/, they literally just beat the shit out of her. I would have nothing to say if a time goddess buffed the party or if they used experimental paramagic superweapons but here’s why it’s jobbing: She had all the cards /and still lost to people she could’ve prevented from ever being born/
Do you think it would be possible to copy jutsu like the lightning armour of the raikage with a sharingan and byakugan combo?
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>Gundam Prometheus
I'm really glad I now know this is a thing, a missile boat gundam is fucking cool as shit and I'm guessing the launcher is actually some kind of railgun like the IBOs Dainsleif?
Shard Anon is exactly like Ultimecia; nigh-omniscient and insanely overconfident because he doesn't realize he'll still lose to Japanese teenagers.
>Can I copy a jutsu with an eyeball famous for copying powers
I dunno
>…eh? It is? It’s been a while but I don’t think I saw any Inferno content in it, everyone just kinda memed the OP imaginary friends that guard sufficiently innocent but imaginative children
There's like one perk for being a demonoligist. Good enough for me.
The sharingan and training and experience would be enough but probably the byakugan would help, since it allow you better vision of the chakra flow.
Normal souls are only worth 10xp each. They can be eaten by some or used for enchanting.
…oh yeah, fair enough, Inferno /really/ isn’t developed enough for me to argue the point further.
>Griscourt 2, pissed that Messier is now independently wealthy
Imagine if he found out about the wallet.

>Construction of airship begins
Nice. The airship I have planned for Mortal Heroes has a top speed of 300MPH thanks to a Jade body and Shogunate era magitech.

>YG faints from sheer eroticism at Male!Messier
What’s your genderswap method?
are you going to make more WoD jumps, shard?
How could the sharingan copy lightning armour if it can't see the chakra and how it molds inside the raikage?
The sharingan can copy movements because it can see the muscles in a microscopic way, but it can't xray and see inside the raikage and what the chakra does.
Does the Elden Ring setting just fucking break if I import a megacorp or royal title with lands or something?
Nta, but the base Sharingan should be enough for that, though it's probably not viable for most people in setting as the chakra cost is implied to be immense(Karin felt Bijuu level chakra when the Raikage activated it), like I dont think Kakashi could ever have reliably used it, even if he copied it.
Having Sage Mode is also a decent power multipler(not exactly clear how much, but heavily implied to be a decent bit better than the x10 multiplier of the Curse Mark Transformation).>>93433891
Eh? Why would it now? I assume like the GREAT Sir Kenneth Haight you just pop up somewhere.

Hopefully I will never ever make jumps again.
The Sharingan literally can see chakra both in and outside of a target. That's part of how it copies techniques. But unlike the Byakugan, it doesn't have the 359 degree sight, the x-ray vision to see through solid objects, the magnification to see long ranges, or the ability to fully penetrate the body to directly observe the chakra circulatory system and its individual tenketsu. It just sees chakra as "colors" (as per Sasuke's description) instead of directly viewing its composition and structure.
Nta but the sharingan can in fact xray, Itachi see Kabuto behind a column, it isn't as good as the byakugan but it can. Moreover chakra is moulded externally to form the lightning armor. Anyway I said it would help because of this.
you know, one thing from NWoD i would like the option to be is an abyssal entity. being weird shit like an entire fake timeline sounds like it would be fun.
So why doesn't sasuke ever use the armour? He's seen it, so he should know how to do it?
Well first of all there isn't any geographic space for a duchy even the size of Luxembourg(1000~ sq mi) to fit into the Lands Between. Second of all, during the shattering, there is hardly an economy to speak of, let alone one developed enough for a conglomerate capable of international trade backed with paramilitary force
Multiple possible reasons, like that he hasn't enough chakra, he isn't interested, he isn't able enough to learn it on the fly or many others.
So how do people with clans who have secret techniques protect themselves from the sharigan?
If a sharingan can copy Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi clan jutsu, how can they be considered secret techniques?
Jutsu copying generally wasn't a thing in part 2.
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Are there any similar items to the one below in the chain? While I could afford it in the Covenant jump there's other stuff there that I'd prefer to go for without dipping too hard into drawbacks so another option would be nice.

>Luminary-600 CP: This is a relic most holy indeed- a map to other Forerunner relics throughout your region of the Galaxy. As you consult this relic, it will tell you of the relics nearest you and their nature. These forerunner installations may have extremely capable guardians, be they the automatons of your gods themselves or simply humans, unaware of the divine power beneath their filthy feet. Post-jump, this device shall unfailingly send you to the relics, weapons, and sites of those races that can be considered ancient and unknowably powerful.
Well first off the reason many people fucking hated the uchiha was because they could copy techniques. Other than being angsty faggots.

I dont know if there is an official answer but they had their own secret techniques and at least a few of the big techniques from other clans require outside stuff like bugs, the special medicines, or a special type of chakra.
Every uchiha has the ability to rewrite reality once at the cost of going blind. I suppose being permanently blinded is a really good reason for why they didnt abuse that but its still pretty bullshit.
I've got some perks for that if you want em, and IIRC you can buy a luminary upgrade for your ship in Halo UNSC.
So there is, it seems to be mostly just based on ship sensors though rather than a guide map to cool stuff. Still it's not a bad option given how cheap it is thanks
I'm pretty sure lorewise, izanagi was kept secret from most uchiha since they would hunt their clansmen for their sharingan.
Since uchiha are animals that can't be trusted with their eyes, it had to be kept secret.
Sword and Sorcery's "A Map of Long Lost Glories"
>More interestingly by willing it so the map will almost shiver and clear itself, only to show markings that will always lead you to ancient ruins and other exotic locales filled with spoils and danger in equal measure.
It can send you to "various alien technologies" so technically it can guide you to cool stuff - as long as you're in a sci-fi setting.
>Well first off the reason many people fucking hated the uchiha
Fanon, canonically nobody hated the Uchiha until Tobriama turned them into the military police of Konoha to enforce law on the other Shinobi.
I can 100% believe that.
Sure but given it's tied into a sensor upgrade I'm guessing the range of it is is probably only the range of the sensors or slightly larger, it's still useful but would require some form of bracewell probe to find all the cool tech based stuff whereas the other one is just a here be loot map. Don't get me wrong the UNSC one is useful to me now that you've pointed it out but it just needs a bit of extra setup which honestly isn't too hard even just using in universe drones.
>it is is probably only the range of the sensors or slightly larger
Its straight-up Forerunner tech, that sensor range is probably a sizeable portion of the galaxy
I'm pretty sure the reason hated the Uchiha was Danzo saying they used the fox to attack Konoha.
Funnily enough, most Yamanaka techniques aren't classsified as secret techniques in the Databook and in setting they're never actually called such, when the Nara and Akimichi are referenced as having them, the Yamanaka are suspuciously left out. To my knowledge the only Yamanaka jutsu thar is a secret technique we know, is the one that traps the mind of a target in a puppet with a cursed mark applied to it, while you control their body.
>you can also install a reverse-
engineered Covenant variant of a Forerunner Luminary

Except it's not, it's a Covenant ripoff of Forerunner tech, so it's still better than the human stuff but isn't going to be doing that. It might go a couple light years, maybe two dozen but probably not further given the Covenant had to search out human worlds rather than just know where they all were.
nta, but time alter cant really do that kind of thing normally. its not general time control magecraft, but specifically about altering the flow of time within bounded fields. to do what you want, you'd have to establish a bounded field within each bullet similary to how Kiritsugu makes a bounded field inside his own body. We know that this should be possible as EMIYA Alter does establish his Reality Marble inside bullets. on the plus side, this should dramatically decrease the MP cost and length of the incantation which scales with the size of the bounded field(originally the bounded fields are quite large, requiring long chants and large amounts of mana, until Kiritsugu shrunk it down to be inside his body, making it combat applicable. A version inside a bullet would probably only cost minor amounts of mp, and likely wont require more than a single step incantation(a minor action like pointing your finger or making eye contact typically)

But I dont think the Second Magic would cover this, as this is just barely within the Realm of Magecraft, as we see when Frankenstein has her Noble Phantasm enhanced by a Command Spell to hit Mordred, which makes it home on her when Mordred is teleported away through a command spell and teleport alongside her.
Ah my bad, I usually just buy the Infinity-class, which has
>scanners so powerful it could give a hyper-accurate real-time image of a planet’s surface while in orbit, along with long-range hyperscanners and a Forerunner Luminary that can detect alien technology
But at 1000 points, pretty sure you don't want to buy the Infinity just for a cool loot map
He probably can, he simply doesn't because it's not really conducive to his fighting style. The Lightning Armor is really powerful but it's also limiting in the sense that it requires the constant circulation of lightning chakra through a user's body. This prevents them from using any other techniques, essentially limiting them to Taijutsu and a few Shape Manipulation skills. This isn't how Sasuke tends to fight since Taijutsu has never been his focal point. So there's no reason for him to use the Lightning Release Armor, it would literally make him weaker than if he wasn't using it.
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I suppose it's only 600 for a scientist but it kinda crimps the rest of the jump for me given I was probably going to go all in on the power armour section and just take the Gladius, just a bit of a pity there's no Phoenix class in the jump
There are sadly few jumps with the option to buy a good spaceship. A lot of them want to sell massive things instead of smaller more specialized ships. Hell I just want a ship I can call home. A medium sized ship with a large homes worth of space and a way to get all the food I want and a good bathroom with kitchen.
I just fanwanked that I bought one for 400 points in an old chain.
That other anon suggested the Sword and Sorcery map, which was a good idea. And like I said, I have a couple perks on hand.
>Trailblazer, under the Hunter class perkline in Destiny the Light
>The reward for the Lonesome Road scenario in Fallout New Vegas
Kind of what you're looking for, but its less "Map to cool stuff" and more "Here is some cool information" - the Prothean Beacon item in DDAnon's Mass Effect jump
If you don't mind xianxia shit, I Shall Seal the Heavens has the Greater Bloodspot item, which is a once-per-jump guide to Cool Loot.
Its launcher looks & operates more like a gatling gun considering the Promtheus is an upgraded version of the Heavyarms Gundam
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There are many reasons for Griscourt to be pissed. Most of them are related to him being a terrible person.

I know nothing about airships. It’s something I need to look up before I actually write that section.

Undecided. It’ll probably be some OC method that Have Great Sex introduced into the world for the sake of sexytimes. It’s intended as a one of gag for the sake of virile bull, so in the long run it’s probably not important unless I need to disguise my unfairly hot female self as an unfairly hot male. Which isn’t really any less noticeable, really.
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Fer-de-Lance from Elite Dangerous wouldn't be a bad choice for you, you'd need to get gravity that's not just based on thrust but that's not difficult.

Those all work fine, the Covenant version also worked fine for me just needed an extra step to be really useful but thanks for those too.
All these years later, and double-dipping into both Body Mod supplements still feels like my biggest powerwank temptation.
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>Gatling gun
well that's disappointing, I was hoping it'd be some kind of super particle cannon at the very least rather than a redundant spray weapon when used alongside so many missiles. Still a nice design though, can grab it with a time extensions drawback from another jump and just waiting the time out once the Future Century story concludes
NTA, but any good Gundam waifus?
"Le War Bad", Fuck Gundam
Mecha's not normally where you go for waifus, but for first questions... what sorts of flavors are you usually into for waifubait? The more recent series have been making a point to sprinkle them in here and there, so there's a non-zero chance there might be someone interesting there.
Probably but I don't watch gundam for that so never took much notice. I just watch it for the vast warcrimes and cool robot battles. I think the two main cast from IBO weren't to bad but both pine after Mikazuki and Kudelia ends up basically a cuck helping raise his kid with the other girl so you could step in there early enough.
To be air judging from how Char is treated compared to Amuro in terms of marketing, Gundam itself forgot that message at some point.
Wasn't there a guy in IBO who had a harem of women in his spaceship?
Sumeragi and Rinko Lori are hot. This is the most my gundam knowledge extends too
There was indeed, but that'd require major cuckolding or waiting till he's dead and being the rebound for one like that IBO character did so they're a really poor waifu choice.
>The one time I've seen Australia's memetic plot irrelevancy ignored
Woah Gundam is serious. Is war... le bad?
Nah, they're all shit desu. You're much better off getting waifus in Code Geass
It was more a fucked-up middle point between a harem and a battered women's shelter wherein a fair number of them stockholm'd the dude since he was a better robber baron than the ones he looted them from. They are not really waifus for as far as you'd normally be concerned, and ad least a few of them wanted to or have borne his heirs. But you could still do them a solid and make sure that most of them don't end up dead because their husband/boss got on the space mafia shitlist of at least two or three different rival gangs for being the chaddest thing in that galaxy.
>I know nothing about airships. It’s something I need to look up before I actually write that section.
The book Wonders of the Lost Age, which has stats for several airships, gives us this line:
>Primitive though it was compared to the days of the Solar Deliberative, the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate was still a mighty technological power with hypersonic air fleets
And then gives speeds for First Age airships that call to mind the speeds of the spaceships of Heavens Reach. So all told, I’d suggest you read up on the airships and ignore the speed stats given for them.

>Undecided. It’ll probably be some OC method that Have Great Sex introduced into the world for the sake of sexytimes. It’s intended as a one of gag for the sake of virile bull, so in the long run it’s probably not important unless I need to disguise my unfairly hot female self as an unfairly hot male. Which isn’t really any less noticeable, really.
Simplest method is to buy a minor artifact that changes the users gender when motes are fed into it. Odds are the Dragonblooded have a number of them lying around, so the Realm Ambassador can probably hook you up with someone that’s got a spare.
War is objectively bad. It's necessary sometimes, but it's still bad.
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No war is good in Gundam, it's just that there's so much incompetance that you end up with endless war and your enemies getting a leg up on you by using your own special newtype people against you to stand a chance. The people they use are normally the MC and indoctrinated into the faction against their own kind and/or totally anti war. At least that's what Unicorn was from what little I remember about it, or maybe it was some weird fucking newtype spiritual reincarnation shit with Char who fucking knows. IBO is totally not anti war though and given the warcrimes I don't think many of the others were either given how shit is just passed over in favour of giant roboto fight.

>Australia's memetic plot irrelevancy ignored
The funny thing is they were aiming at South America to destroy Jaburo but the Fedscum fleet knocked it out of position when trying to destroy it and ended up with three seperate sections hitting the Earth although only one part hit land. Earth was basically fucked at that point no matter how little the shows actually display it, half of Earth died after that.
Are you done with the ExWoD build yet?
Firefly if you want a tub that can move, doesn't have FTL, can fit in the warehouse, and can furnish the rest yourself. Eclipse Phase can get you a self sufficient ship without FTL. Dead Space can get you a ship that ranges from shuttle size to Ishimura size if you buy all the upgrades. Star Trek has the runabout but its kinda tiny compared to what you want, still comfy though. Dimensional Danube is fun.
UC Gundam could net you a Puru clone if you bother or Marida but I think they prostituted her at some point, you could get Shrike Team and save them from all dying. G Gundam has like two I remember, Rain or the Gundam pilot for Sweden. IBO has a few but they aren't anything special, most of them die. SEED has a few, I always liked Murrue and Lacus was hot, its even got a drawback that sets you up with Lacus. Basically >>93435059 get Corniellia or Euphemia because fuck Suzaku and his stinky-eyed butt buddy Looploop.
He's a hypocritical moral faggot, even back then I hated him
>Star Trek
The NuTrek has the Jellyfish ship form the future which is probably a better choice. It's still not a large ship but given it's and actual science ship from the late 24th century you'd have more amenities than a general purpose runabout.
What. That's it? What about the Daemons? The Horsemen? No one will bitch about it?
War is good and necessary to purge the subhuman races and keep women in their place as slaves to strong men.
It's less the "War is Bad or Good", but "War bad, but if you have to do it, at least have the competency to not be an absolute fuck up about it".
Interesting message.
Speed is also a variable of distance - it’s okay for the ship to not be ftl when you need to go to the other side of the planet, but between planets/solar systems anything that isn’t is just slow.

Yeah, HGS!Dragonblood are probably very genderfluid for the sake of breeding more dragonblood as quickly as possible. So them having the most access to this sort of thing is something I was planning anyways.

I dont quite follow. I made an exalted vs build for my chain a while ago? So yes, that’s done. I’m very much not done with writing it out. I haven’t done the Back to the Future arc, the Gem arc, the King of Swords arc, the Avengers Endgame arc, or even had all of the oaks family members in the same room as of yet.
I need a name. I'm gonna open up a Doordash clone in Plus Sized Elf to harness my Satyr nature and feed off of the satisfaction of people by delivering food to them, but I want to name it something special. My current ideas are
>Satyr Service
I'm not good at naming. Do any of these names actually sound good? If not, suggestions?
Capra Eats
Capra Direct
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Your entire list blows my ideas out of the water, but I really like these two in particular. I'm gonna flip a coin on it. Thank you for the assistance anon.
How bumpy is Deadpool's tumor-ridden penis? Is it like fucking a corncob?
>Speed is also a variable of distance - it’s okay for the ship to not be ftl when you need to go to the other side of the planet, but between planets/solar systems anything that isn’t is just slow.
Yeah, but when the Five-Metal Shrike has a lower top speed then a 747 I can’t help but think the speed stats could use a boost.

>Yeah, HGS!Dragonblood are probably very genderfluid for the sake of breeding more dragonblood as quickly as possible. So them having the most access to this sort of thing is something I was planning anyways.
>Season of Departure: That’s another reason Dragonblooded often wear their armor everywhere, or Essence Silk outfits. They reshape themselves to the wearer.
You could always use Goathub for something else as well, cater it towards the scots and the welsh since they love shagging sheep.
Clearly the mph stands for a different distance than miles. At least thats the explanation I came up with to try to square that circle.
I'll use Goathub as part of my vtuber career. I was considering being a vtuber to feed off of wishes and desires, but I figured that the Satyr desire-feeding probably couldn't reach over the internet the way the Anthem Anatheme could so I'd only get half the feeding from it. Goat-Kart lets me get up close and personal to satisfy the wishes and desires of many people, letting me double-feed easily.
Alas, the book also says miles per hour, so I just come up with my own numbers.
die thread

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