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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

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>3e Resource Index Version 2024-04-17

> Previous Thread: >>93361191

>Thread Question: Tell me about your favorite thing for 3.0 or 3.5, that you've never seen get used at a table
I really like the ideas behind the Magic of Faerun Spell Pool System. It would be good for a universal perk for membership in a Mage's guild. But the attached PrC is pretty trash so nobody ever uses it. I think at most, it should be a feat. It's a conditional guild perk you can lose if you don't keep it in good standing.

>rather than throwing out armor of invulnerability.
*Rather than giving out.
Also, note to the other OP - remember to remove dndtools.net from your OP template.
The genericized version of it, Mage of the Arcane Order is pretty good for Sorcerers.
I like the Genericized version a lot less. Not because of the class, but because of how they changed the spell pool mechanic. But I can see how it could have some appeal to sorcerers.
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I have this boxed set and love just flipping through it at random to read some entries. It takes a lot of adventuring or reading to make it feel cohesive though, but it's worth the effort.
Noted. Any particular reason? Seems to still be up, is it out of date?
Shitware ads.
Makes sense.
Anon got a fishing popup >>93407658
Ah, I missed that convo. I do wish there was a 3.5 character builder that would do things like let you select a prestige class and highlight prerequisites, track feat chains, etc, but I think there's just too many options to program that in and keep it stable.
>but I think there's just too many options to program that in and keep it stable.
Not really. It's just a lot of work.
At least to get to 90% of the way to perfection. There would be some edge cases for sure.
I thought about starting something based on nwn2db.com back in the day, but I never found the motivation.
How do I find a table willing to play 3.5, or for that matter, anything other than goddamn 5e/pf2e
Be willing to DM, unfortunately, and even that isn't necessarily sufficient. Beyond that you also need to ferret out people who are into TTRPGs for mechanical and tactical complexity rather than just having something to do with some friends three nights a month, and that takes time and stewardship. I personally haven't had much luck myself since college, and that's even with being willing to dabble with 5e or other systems.
Lots of trial and error.
Ideally you'd find something local, even if for an online game. LGS or facebook groups (or the like) are the best options.
Save that, go to grog forums like mythweavers rpg crossing I guess.
Roll20 and Reddit will of course be [the current thing] central for the most part.
And as >>93427419 said, if you are the DM, things get a whole lotta easier.
>anything other than goddamn 5e/pf2e
Wait for it to die. Hasbro has been busily sabotaging their own product and is already losing fans(which is why PF2e is on the rise despite initially being panned). Paizo has given fully into the "Modern Audience" rhetoric, so its only a matter of time(though not necessarily soon) before they pull a bud-light and start hemorrhaging customers. Only then, when players are aimlessly wondering around the game stores because they're sick of playing the common slot, will they be open to playing games more complex than theatre-reject's skyrim .
both malware ads on the site last thread, and people were also complaining about missing content 2 or 3 threads back.
fans did it for the entire 4e library. its not impossible. just a ton of tedious data entry. if you open source it and don't include any copyrighted text, you might be able to fill in such software via many contributors, if you're determined enough to manage such a thing.
Mostly this >>93427419, but also be prepared to run a variety of settings. Ran a d20 Warcraft sandbox ages ago and picked up two guys who've been part of the main group for almost 12 years. You get lucky and you meet regularly even if you've only got a few minutes for downtime bookwork and roleplay.
Meant to reply to >>93427395.
>Rummage through old notes
>see old 3.5 stuff
>get excited
>get sad
>repeat next month or so

Just fucking kill me
Share notes.

Mostly just character ideas I'll never get to play, or this big setting I'll never get to run. I even have multiple "eras" within the setting to pick & choose from so if I ever had a group to play with they could connect the dots in the timeliness in a subtle way. The world would go from an antiquity style setting with a heavy focus on the gods to a fantasy kitchen sink Eberron knock off, to a magical mega city "tippyverse" style advanced society facing an arcane apocalypse where no one prays to the gods anymore, to the aftermath of several slain gods & the metaphysical fallout of that fact as the Sun gets rebuilt piece by piece to beyond even that. The things that change the setting for one era to the other isn't based the players btw, I'm not writing a novella, it's just a way to have different focuses & themes while keeping a through line
So run something online. hell. list it on one of those paid DM websites. you might be able to make a bit of coffee money running 3.5 for people with no DM.
people who pay for campaigns are the worst king of entitled faggots that you would never ever want on your tables.
If you pay for something that is otherwise traditionally done for free and 'fun', you might as well be entitled.
unless you are really destitute and cant find a job, no amount of money should entice you to enable these degenerates and ruin one of your hobbies for a little cash
Be glad your notes are readable. Most of the notes from my old campaigns were with pencil and I can make out about 25% of them.
Listen if someone wants to pay me a hundo for a couple hours of work why should I say no, especially if it's something I'm good at. just nod and give them what ever stupid feat/PRC / homebrew they want and run the game. At worst it's just a 'hohum' dnd game and who knows they might even be fun to play. The soul crushing thing is from people feeling trapped, which is mostly due to idiocy. There's so many goddamn options these days (including for work). If it gets too wierd just say no? or charge them double if it's local lord hours.
>Tell me about your favorite thing for 3.0 or 3.5, that you've never seen get used at a table
Don't know about favorite but I never have seen anything from Fiend Folios used on players. Even in a couple evil party games. Even though they do have some interesting feats and stuff. But it seems to need very specific type of a game to integrate it properly.
>Fiend Folio
It's easier to list what I haven't used from that book and that includes the fiend PrCs. Necrophidius and swordwraiths still see a lot of use.
Using this logic, Feather Fall should not exist.
Why can a Wizard cast as an immediate but martials cannot perfom extraordinary Dodge, Parry and Block?
I agree they shouldn't be spammed, but they should exist nonetheless.
Feather fall kind of should not exist, the people casting it should be the batmen of their parties and have time and space to cast it before their fall, but it's become a QoL issue after a few too many splats.
Ok - this is at least fair. None gets immediate actions then.
Not favorite but for campaign reasons ad others, never used Elder Evils.
>Feather fall kind of should not exist
This is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. I also disagree entirely with the anon say you shouldn't mix passive and active defense, why the fuck would that be a rule?
It being a free reaction is power creep on the wizard side of thing 100%, a QoL issue that fighter's don't warranty apparently.
If you have specialization, mastery, grandmastery, or improved critical with one weapon, and have weapon focus in another weapon, all of them apply to both weapons.

Eldritch Knight counts as fighter levels in regards to prerequisites for these feats.

Weapon Focus
Pre: Bab +1, proficiency with chosen weapon
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. In addition, when you roll attacks with the chosen weapon, if your die result is two to four, it is treated as a five. A natural one is still an automatic miss.

Weapon Specialization
Pre: Weapon Focus
Benefit: Gain the ability to make a standard attack with your specialized weapon as a swift action on your turn, but this downgrades your usual standard action to a move action (so you have two move actions left). If you have an iterative attack, you can make both as a standard action (or during a spring attack/shot on the run). If you are TWFing and have specialization with both weapons, you can make these attacks with each one. Also, with your specialized weapon(s), anytime you roll minimum damage, you deal +1 damage, and you deal +2 damage on grazing blows (added after the halving).

Weapon Mastery
Pre: Fighter 4, weapon specialization
Benefit: Any time you deal damage or use a special maneuver (trip, disarm, etc) with the mastered weapon, your strength score is considered to be 4 points higher. If the weapon is a projectile weapon, you instead get a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Weapon Grandmastery
Pre: Fighter 8, weapon mastery
Benefit: Your weapon specialization swift action attacks no longer downgrade your standard actions, and you gain the ability to make an attack with your mastered weapon as an immediate action (two if TWFing, as with specialization), in addition to any other attacks you can make. This attack is always made at a -5 penalty. Your weapon focus bonus increases to +2.
why did 3.5 have so few high level feats?
most could be taken in the first 8 levels, with feats being the primary tool non-spellcasters used, its no wonder they get powercrept in high level play when there aren't many appropriately powerful high level feats for them
There were so many useful lower level feats, for how few feats you can pick in comparison, there's no need for so many higher level feats.
Also too much focus on prestige classes instead.
Nobody keeps feather fall in slots anyways. feather fall is for items.
>gain the ability to make an attack with your mastered weapon as an immediate action
ooh mama
This is using a lot of text without actually building on the preceding features, with your take on Specialization being especially terrible about it because most of the text is about other feats that probably deserve the improvement to them directly (or to a retained follow-on like Double Hit and Bounding Assault) instead of gated behind a weapon-specific feat expense.

Furthermore, using the Immediate Action on a basic-bitch attack is INCREDIBLY bad design, because Attacks of Opportunity exist and have quite a bit of support to them.

There's a lot of design space for utility workhorses that'd do a lot for the qualitative disparity between martials and casters, and spacing out the splatbook value engine would allow for more compact versions of common combos.

Fighter Bonus Feats with BAB requirements of +10 and +16 would be a good case here, as those without bonus feats must wait two levels. Balancing for that 12th/18th take gives Fighter a significant bump in performance, which does wonders when you justify a utility workhorse there.
The Epic Level Handbook hoovered most of them up.
They should have redone the ELH but not enough people were interested I fear.
To be honest, feats are strong in combinations when you know what you are doing, regardless of the level (which comes automatically)
>inb4 there are no enough feat slots and chains suck
I know
Have a look at PH2 anon, there could be something for you.
>Nobody keeps feather fall in slots anyways. feather fall is for items.
That's just it, but even on the items they get relegated 'don't take a slot, free action to use' not a slot as often as not. But I can just imagine the number of slaty players who were explained that no they can't cast feather fall as they plummet to their doom.
>But I can just imagine the number of slaty players who were explained that no they can't cast feather fall as they plummet to their doom
Well yes. If you specifically prepared a parachute in case of emergency and found yourself in an emergency then you very well should expect your parachute to work.
>Also too much focus on prestige classes instead.
I would disagree there, prestige classes are some of the coolest things, though admittedly a few prestige class locked abilities should really be feats.

Halfling dogrideer being one of the few able to full attack after a mount has moved more than 5 feet for example.
Not all items are activated as immediate though, right?
I absolute detest online gaming. Between shitty mics & sifting through human trash I just don't see the appeal. I've only ever done traditional 5+ dudes in a room classic play with real paper books. I don't live terminally online to even have a comfy comp set up. I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just not for me
Most of the good one are race-locked behind venerable dragon-typed kobolds.
>full attack after a mount has moved more than 5 feet for example
One of the dumbest rules in the fucking game. Why explicitly make ride checks a free action, make very clear that the mount is the one making move actions rather than the character, and then turn around to say the character can't full attack?
Its just forcing players to waste unspent actions until they're high enough level to get other uses for their actions, but by then they likely spent the feat-taxes required to make charge full-attacks while mounted.
Just ready your action to make a full attack after the charge anon, you just trade the charge bonus for more attacks. The attack rules nerfs only apply on your turn.
You can only ready standard actions.
Re-adapt Mounted Skirmisher from PF1e.
Lower the BAB prereq for one.
>BAB prereq
I has teh retard.
Lower the Ride ranks requirement (currently 14)
Well then, I've been playing incorrectly for a very long time.
It does make Ordained Champion pretty fun, their channel spell is a move action, so they work VERY well mounted.

How do you get full charge attacks mounted via feats?
Full attack routine should always be a standard action period.
I think it depends on the item type / activation Method. use activated isn't the same as command word. But a ring of feather fall certainly is immediate.
Fair enough. I havent run a campaign online. I played one once without a vtt (not 3.5), it was okay. But I've been running in-person games with laptops and PDFs instead of paper books (usually paper corebooks but everything else stays at home) since 2009. As for my setup, it's a cramped space but I have a decent (but not new) desktop PC I often use for work, so I probably wouldn't need to buy new hardware. I was just thinking "if you can't get an in-person 3.5 game going anymore, online could be an alternative."
That's how our table does it.
Why did you reply with the numbers? It looks like you posted a hentai recommend.
How should I build a psionic artificer?
Is that an option that exists (like an ACF) or are you trying to make something from the ground up?
Asking out of curiosity, I don't think I can help you with that question.
very carefully
NTA, but it's a variant/conversion nearly as poorly described as Arcane Swordsage.
>nearly as poorly described as Arcane Swordsage.
I see.
But is it as bad an idea as an Arcane Swordsage is?
Not at all since it's just swapping core-standard magic for psionics which are pretty well in the same ballpark. They just... Forgot to actually FINISH the swap, so it's still slot-based with Spell-Storing Item and Homunculi and so on.
>Tell me about your favorite thing for 3.0 or 3.5, that you've never seen get used at a table
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My Cleric/Knight of the Raven/Ordained Champion is less than 2k XP away from reaching level 14.
As you can guess, he's a pretty standard War priest type, so I was thinking his next level should be one of
>Radiant Servant of Pelor
>The Righteous Cohort of Kiri-Jolith (Dragonlance)
>Divine Disciple
>More Knight of the Raven
What do you guys think?
Any other interesting options for me to look into?
Divine DIsciple gets you another domain and I guess theoretical immortality by becoming an Outsider. But tanks your BAB unless you're just persisting Divine Power anyway.
Has anyone here played the 3.5 Warcraft game? Was it any good?
Some multiatack monsters and prestige classes work like that for a reason. It would be too strong.
It's kinda meh. It obvious that authors were trying but they clearly didn't have the system mastery to write a proper setting specific book. I don't remember if there were any super broken abilities but overall it was mediocre.

Though it was over 7 years ago that I played it.
That's because multiattack should not fucking exist in the way it is now. Additional limbs should give a minor bonus to attack not an additional attack per limb/pair of limbs. Because it's bullshit.

Number of attacks should be squarely tied to BAB and need effort to add more.
Rapid Strike/Rapid Shot are a good template with -2 to all attacks per additional attack. It works.
I think the system is fine, but giving someone flat bonus of damage or bonus to hit on multiattack is a thought I had because people fighting with two weapons usually open you with one, then hit you with the other.
It's not really fine when getting additional limbs is better than going through 20 levels of fighter or most other martial classes, at least where number of attacks is concerned.

The main advantage of multiple weapons should be versatility - though for that to be the case the weapon qualities may need to be somewhat enhanced.
From a gamist perspective maybe, from a simulationist perspective you sound like you've lost your marbles.
>It's not really fine when getting additional limbs is better than going through 20 levels of fighter or most other martial classes, at least where number of attacks is concerned
Why is that a problem? The giant multi-headed hydra attacking with each head works fine. The system is fucking designed around it. Your changes would break way more things than it would possibly fix.
>From a gamist perspective
No, this doesn't work from that perspective. It'd suddenly nerf the shit out of most monster encounters and half the martial builds.
This would ultimately make martials even weaker.
not either of you, but I also found it to be a problem so what I do is limit who can be attacked and how much
so like if a chimera has a snake tail, the snake attacks whoever is "behind" the chimera; it cant ever attack the same target as the heads/claws did
the front of the chimera can do its three bites and two claws, but the bites have to be against different targets or else take a -2 penalty for the 2nd and -4 for the 3rd
a hydra can attack a given target with only so many heads, if its the same size as the hydra, it can attack with half of its heads
if its a size smaller, 3
two sizes smaller, 1
but if the hydra is surrounded its Oprah time

this way, monsters are strong against multiple opponents but not overpowering vs one
From a simulationist perspective you can't hit someone with weapons even in two hands properly. Not as what would count as two attacks. Because most of the attack power and even angle comes from footwork and torso movement. You can align two blades close together or switch weapons between attacks but not do two separate attacks at more or less the same time.

It gets even worse if you involve more limbs. There is a reason most animals rely on a single main weapon and then have some support in case they go for grappling and similar stuff.

Of course you can just start flailing you arms around without leaning into the strikes but you would lose like 90% of power behind them and won't be able to get even through thick clothing, not even talking about any armor.
Yeah, that's a good approach.

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