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Freebooting Edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question:
Waaargh or Waaagh?
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Feelin' Orky.
I love 2nd ed!
I love its focus on immersion
And I love its intercompatibility with Necromunda 95
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You ever notice the ork right in the middle of the buggy swarm?
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Even Orks take road safety seriously.
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Made some more terrain.
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That's 10/10 my man. That's real good shit.

How did you do the rocks particularly
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Thanks! It's just styrofoam and filler.
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Good solid stuff.
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Giving this a shot even though 7e isn’t quite on topic
>Q: Can units that are Battle Brothers embark in each other’s Transport vehicles during deployment?
>A: No.
Does this mean that an Allied Independent Character (for example, an Inquisitor) can’t join a Space Marine squad in a Rhino? iirc this rule was meant to stop guard/sisters/skitarii souping in Space Marine drop pods to taxi their squads, but I’m not sure where it leaves lone ICs like the Inquisitor
> plenty of flat surfaces

this guy gets it
I kneel…. Looks gorgeous anon! Any tips for an absolute noob??
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Happy you like it! As for tips I would recommend taking a look at the old how to make terrain book. I think we have it in some mega somewhere on wip or 40kg. There are also great videos on youtube. If you want to make a retro style table I recommend getting a grass mat that you can get matching flock for. I've had issues finding some for mine, have only found one brand that works.
Have standards really fallen that low? This is what /grog/ gets for not gatekeeping hard enough.
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I’ll keep an eye out for it. I’ve been amassing quite the collection of PDFs and I hope to get physical copies of realms of chaos books to go with my rogue trader copy.
I know it's tough being a fan of an "inbetweenie" game that doesn't really fit here or in /40kg/, but come on man, if it's not at least two decades old it can't really be thought of as "retro" now can it.
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Eh, I’d prefer to play an earlier edition but 7th is the only non-10th edition with any following at my LGS thanks to Horus Heresy
Got no traction in the nuhammer general so I figured I’d at least try here
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>round base
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You are free now.
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Round bases.
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>A base should allow a model enough room to move and fight, without being so large that it looks ridiculous
Oh, how times have changed
I would strongly encourage you try and splinter a new general out of /40kg/ for people interested in that period, there are plenty of people here who aren't grogs but hate 10th. Posting about anything past 4th here is just asking for trouble.
>there are plenty of people here who aren't grogs
I mean "there" as in /40kg/
>carin what source material says instead of making up your own headcanon

>not being a modern base purist, using nu40k base sizes and basing styles to make your old miniatures really stand out
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but it literally comes with its feet already stuck on a square base. So if you support the whole "...shape of the base itself is not important" argument then you leave it alone.
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>So if you support the whole "...shape of the base itself is not important" argument then you leave it alone.

This is a false assumption.

If the shape of the base itself is not important, it means as long as you're reasonable, do what you want.

And that guy wanted to put his Dreadnought on a 60mm round base. Maybe they wanted it to fit in with their other round based miniatures, maybe they wanted the base to match the 60mm base boxnaughts have used since 2nd edition. Their choice and a bizarre thing to try and be a purist about.
Logically though it's not a problem if the square base is replaced for aesthetic choices that don't interfere with gameplay either. So that doesn't hold any water.
>Double Auto Mortis
Sure is

Quad heavy bolters looks kino too
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I run a blog out of my own pocket for the purpose of archiving cool hobby stuff. I really like grog stuff. The dreads and patterned marines in this thread are cool especially but I like lots of stuff.
if you send OC pics to scratchthattabletop@gmail.com with any notes I think I'd be super cool to preserve the work
I do not have OCs, but I can send you whatever I have saved during the years, if you want me too,
I kind of dig this kind of stuff as well, even though I do not run any blogs - I just use it as my references for TTRPG sessions or whatever, plus I have it all in my DC++ share.
That's good, I guess. I started out by contacted various geocities and blogrings and hunting down contact info to save all these old sites. I could just save and repost pictures without asking but I think it's better to get go ahead of the hobbiests, and they usually have more pics or some notes which is cool. Feels weird to ask on 4chan so publicly, but there's no other way
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What's the blog? Same as the email address?
*blog name

I've been really lazy about updating it I know, but I have more free time now
I love the space crusade dreadnoughts so much, bros, you have no fucking idea. I've got 6 of them, went hog wild trying to get the complete set of space crusade and the expansion packs back in the day. Plenty of chaos androids, too. I've been wanting to get some more of the SC chaos marines, too, make a sick iron warrior army wholly from SC models.
Very cool, anon, I've bookmarked it with the others :)
I would love to see that when you do, I've been putting off painting most of my own space crusade stuff but have started on the orks recently, just the goblins are done so far but I have it all primed and given a coat of the main colour I want on each figure. It's always been my favorite of the classic gw boardgames.
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Man, I've got so many ideas and time, but not the energy or discipline to see them done. I've been upping my painting this year, but my pace is still too slow for my liking. Hopefully I can wrap up what I have set for myself by the end of this year and ring in the new one with a purely Oldhammer army project in the SC Iron Warriors. Will cook up some force lists for late stage RT(battle manual, LatD/StD) and the 3.5 codex, should be some good fun had with those.

Pic sorta related, I've got some old necromunda gangs I'm thinking to use as cultists/armed slave fodder.
Always wished as a kid to have had these models to use as veteran guardsmen
Was pretty lucky to snag these ones. Was at a scale model show and there was a merchant booth for one of the local hobby shops, they had some bins of second hand models and stuff, found these lads in a bag for I think $80 AUD? Pretty ok for these days, was about what I'd be paying for them from GW mail order in 2008-ish when you could still get them.
Picked up this Void 1.1 walker in a trade a while ago. Solid pewter. Fugging heavy. I haven't done anything to it yet, still deciding how to paint my Void army. Vor Union trooper for scale.
I think the previous owner stuck a bunch of 3e armor addons to it, but I haven't researched.
Turtle! Turtle! Turtle!
Previous owner said that back in 40k 3e he used it as a proxy Rhino (because you could do shit like that back then). He said even though it just had basic rhino with a bolter stats, people would freak out and always focus on killing it because the model looked scary.
Gaslands, nice. And an ocassional vg stuff. Neat blog, I like it.
lol, so she already has a fearsome reputation.
He should have just used the Vehicle Design Rules, I always found it a shame that no one ever did.
>but not the energy or discipline to see them done. I've been upping my painting this year, but my pace is still too slow for my liking
Relatable. I honestly just don't really like painting, even though I usually have a good time when making kitbashes.
Never underestimate psychological warfare. It's why it never hurts to put some extra bling on a random unit, just to make them look a bit more 'important'
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If lacking energy for painting it's possibly worth going more easy mode and focusing on something basic with fast results, like just three basic colours and a wash. Or even trying out something with speedpaints and 'slapchop'. More fancy detail can always be come back to later on.
I was reading White Dwarf 138 the other day and they were literally doing the equivalent of that to put together the studio armies for some blood angels and eldar; just pumping out units in basic colours so they could get games in (since the idea of playing with unpainted models even in just playtesting stuff was anathema, that and the known thing that painted miniatures perform better) then going back to them later to give them washes and drybrushing and fine detailing.
>Unironically suggesting slapchop in /GROG/

The west has fallen
Slapping a single coat for each colour is the authentic grog way of painting.
If it gets painted models on the table and people playing games, I'm all for it. The spirit of oldhammer isn't being a weirdo about old shit for the sake of it being old. It's about being a weirdo about old shit because the games were fun despite being rough as fuck, the models being practical game pieces with a neat aesthetic despite being also rough as fuck at times, and the attitude that goes with them being one of creativity and freedom without Corporate GW's spectre overshadowing shit.
And they were literally suggesting shit like sticking inks over bare, not even undercoated metal back in the late '80s so fuck it, why not. It's just a fancy ink wash anyway.
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I find the best way to motivate myself to get through a painting project is to split the project up into "grunt stuff" which is the bulk of the army and "fun stuff" where you can be a bit more creative, then use the latter as a reward for the former.

For example, whenever I paint a WFB unit I always start from the back rank and paint the command group last, as they're usually the most fun to paint and it feels really good to both be able to do a fancier paintjob and to know that you're finishing off the unit.
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Also set the army out on some kind of display surface and add to it as you go, there's literally no feeling like watching a full warhammer army come together as you paint it.
Thinking of painting, I'm currently hit by that quandary of do I want to go back and go over older models as my painting has improved. I do have newer stuff to work on, but it's not like I couldn't sneak in a few things into the pipeline...

Is this something you guys ever do, repainting your older models as your abilities improve? Especially your really old models. I assume some models are left in a state for nostalgia reasons since they're your firsts but after those perhaps?
Great colour scheme here. And the little bits of variety thrown in so not suffering that problem of identikit outfits too is nice.
Thanks anon, trying to add in those little bits of variety was something I put a lot of effort into so I'm glad it came across.

I repaint old models all the time, but I realise lots of people prefer to keep their old stuff as-is to see how they've progressed as a painter.

Ultimately, do what you want to.
Is there a fork of 3E WFB? With a shallow reading I feel like it's got some cool crunch that might justify playing it over 6th but it's also got a lot of bullshit too
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Alright thanks to the anon who dumped like 500 pictures to me. Trying to organize them. I threw together this RT marine post. I'm wiped, so if I fucked up something just call me stupid and I'll go edit it
Do you have a link for old ogryn / space ogre models?
No, I've never had a big collection of material on them. Something to look at I suppose, since there have been quite a number of versions.
Anyone buy from Trollet Miniatures?

They have a pretty good range of Orcs, and a good portion are based directly on illustrations from rogue trader.

I'm interested in making a fascist-coded army from their lineup, like Wizards 1977.

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