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whats the difference between an ogre and a troll?
Trolls can regenerate and they bite
Ogres don't bite? THEN HOW DO THEY EAT?
one rapes children the other rapes horses
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w-which is which
Ogre is like a human but big
Troll is like a goblin but big
I mean depending on the franchise both could just mean 'big hulking monsterman, sometimes with a club'

personally I prefer it when ogres are like giants, but more brutish. like an orc but twice as big and fatter, wear clothes.
while trolls are hairy, might have a tail, more feral. a big nose is a must. if your troll doesn't have a massive schnoz you missed the plot.
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>whats the difference between an ogre and a troll?

-Ogres are larger than the average troll, but much smaller than the biggest troll. Trolls never stop growing.
-Ogres are significantly more bulky and muscular because the retain fat better from not regenerating.
-Ogres are generally significantly more intelligent than trolls and some of them even practice magic.
-Ogres are more orc-adjacent, whereas trolls are more goblin-adjacent.
-Ogres can produce fertile cross-breeds with orcs and sterile cross-breeds with humans. Trolls cannot breed with any other species besides trolls and sometimes they can't even do that.
-Trolls have extremely inconsistent phenotypes: some have 6 fingers, 10 fingers, 12 fingers, they can have tusks, multiple heads, most of them have tails, but some of them don't, they can have steer-like horns, or just bumps on their heads. Ogres on the other hand, can occasionally have two-heads, and/or be cyclopean.
-Trolls can regenerate, but trolls are also turned to stone by sunlight and their fat/body oil is extremely flammable. Neither of these things happen to ogres.
-Trolls are immortal, whereas ogres are not.
-Both trolls and ogres are constantly obsessed with food, but: ogres genuinely love food, whereas trolls are constantly famished due to their steady growth and regeneration.
this is a good answer
The words are used interchangeably sometimes, but to distill it to some basics, an ogre is a large, hungry giant lite. Trolls are more like nature spirits and can run the gamut from being human-like to monstrous. It'd be fair to lump trolls in with fairy creatures if you're going off folklore.

If you're going off cultural depictions then go ham with your shrek ogres and bombaclat trolls I guess.
the bomboclat trolls are exclusively a warcraft thing, I've never seen a similar depiction in any other piece of fantasy media
>Ogres are so big they're using full sized shields and breastplate as random armor pieces.
That's fucking badass.
They inject meat dissolving poison on their prey and then drink when its liquefied.
By sticking food up their but.
I like the one holding half a castle gate as a shield
So in context of mythology, ogres and trolls are very different and actually not all that different.
Ogres are large, ugly, man-eating creatures from generally european folk and fairytales. The name is french and most of the tales of ogres come from France.
Trolls are scandinavian. The old norse fellas were notoriously bad at organising their creatures and critters. This might've been on account of them mostly being illiterate. Troll was probably used in the same way jötnar was, and like those, could be big or small, ugly or beautiful, mean or helpful. But usually the worse. The scandinavian word for troll (trold) is cognate with the word for magic (trolddom/trylle), and it might have been that trolls were seen as especially magic creatures.
Ultimately, trolls are poorly defined in folklore, because the norse were just kind of bad at that.
I like the one cosplaying as a ship.
Ogres are just retarded giants while trolls are just gross giants, not that complicated
Technically ogres are the offspring of the god of trolls and the goddess of giants.
> Ogre is like a human but big
That’s an orc
> Troll is like a goblin but big
That’s an orc
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The differences can be obvious
Ogres are big, fat cannibals that look kinda human. Trolls are monstrous, perhaps fey type creatures. They look inhuman and have fantastical abilities and weaknesses, like regeneration, or turning to stone in sunlight or whatever. Ultimately depends on the setting
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Entirely up to you
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>Trolls cannot breed with any other species besides trolls and sometimes they can't even do that.

In 3rd edition D&D, there's a half-troll template that can be applied to just about every creature that could be bred with (ie., no undead/constructs/elementals/etc.), along with the implication that yes, rutting trolls will rape just about any living creature they catch and can impregnate them.

On top of this being terrifying by itself, half-trolls inherit the troll's regeneration, which can result in absolutely monstrous enemies. Troll regeneration can be annoying, but if it's combined with a creature immune to fire, acid, or even both, it can get outright nasty, and there's plenty of sturdy or evasive creatures that can take great advantage of regeneration.

Fighting a wyvern can be scary enough. Fighting a half-troll wyvern that keeps using hit-and-run tactics, allowing its poison to weaken you while its regeneration restores any wounds it may have suffered, that's a nightmare.

Especially if the half-troll wyvern is ruttining.
Ogres have layers.
Trolls look like genuine monsters with elongated features, are more beastly in appearance and culture, typically animal-level intellect, scaly stone-like skin with regenerative properties, weak to fire.

Ogres are just huge, fat, ugly Ingerlanders with the Norf FC phenotype that eat anything and everything but have otherwise human level intellect.
Ogres don't argue about the definition of paint vs primer.
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The ogre will make you pay taxes
Don't believe the lies about toll bridge trolls, those are clearly ogres in disguise trying to tax you more.
difference between an ogre, an orc, an ogrillon, a hobgoblin, a goliath, a troglodyte, an einheri, and a gnoll

what are some other big guys
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What could an Ogre possible need money for?
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>In 3rd edition D&D, there's a half-troll template that can be applied to just about every creature that could be bred with (ie., no undead/constructs/elementals/etc.), along with the implication that yes, rutting trolls will rape just about any living creature they catch and can impregnate them.

This is more or less the same thing in Trudvang Chronicles, which is a Swedish Not!D&D.
Trolls can breed with really anyone, even some beasts, and half-troll is a template (that can even be applied on character creation) with a handful of consistent or 'firm' phenotypes/sub-species persisting in the wild. The minotaurs and pigmen endemic to Trudvang are a byproduct of troll-fucking for instance.

I did and didn't like the idea because I ended up ultimately subscribing to the notion that Trolls are just extremely mutagenetic due to their regenerative qualities turning their genome into scrambled eggs. A 'true', pure-blooded, pristine, troll, without defect, I think should be something like a Huldr: a relatively simple, beautiful, tall (sometimes giant), humanoid somewhat reminiscent of a more robust elf, but with the horns, ears, and tail, of a bovine.
Corrective dental surgery, hair transplants, and fat camp.
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extra girth vs extra length
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Depends on the setting but I'll say one thing, Ogres usually also include the Ogre Magi myth so despite usually being stupid they also have popular mages, trolls don't have this stereotype
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Those are giants you goon. Ogres look like pic related in Berserk. Trolls are small, hairy, and get it on with human women.
>if your troll doesn't have a massive schnoz you missed the plot.
What did ya say, Chummer?
>whats the difference between an ogre and a troll?
Depends on the setting.
They also trade with humans. They aren’t 100% monstrous like a troll
For me, it's the guy with the tower roof hat. Fucking Chad.
Work on your art.
Ogres are man-eating fragments of the evil god Ogeron who split up into thousands of pieces when descending into the mortal sphere ages ago.
Trolls are just ancient large beings that used to rule the world but now are effectively troglodytes roaming the lost remnants of their mountainous civilisations.
I’m the troll and my old lady’s the ogre
A troll is a weird Scandinavian mythical creature that can be anything.
An ogre is usually some sort of a large brute, either a humanoid with a club or a giant autonomous tank.
>Especially if the half-troll wyvern is ruttining.
>'He stings you then flies up into a tree and watches, seemingly waiting for the poison to set in. As he does so you notice he's fully erect'
If you're not green and you say "ogre" with a hard R at the end, that's racist.
Anyone can use "troll".
Mythologically, ogres were just tall, ugly, monstrous, humans that ate children. Trolls were more akin to actual creatures totally separate from humans.

Nowadays, Ogres = strong and durable, trolls = agile and regenerative

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