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Best system for a cultivation campaign?
what wuxia/xianxia books should I read to understand the genre more? I already have water margin to go through, anything else?
Dnd 5e with the epic heroism optional rules
What do people see in that crap anyway?
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Just watch Thunderbolt Fantasy
Wuxia and xianxia are completely different genres.
>And Grand Master Poo Pi Poo sat beneath the Bodirama Tree for 1488 Days and Nights, before the Sublime Butterfly of Maharoku came down and kissed his forehead. The Grand Master said, "With this I know peace", and was Enlightened.

Cultivation faggotry in a nutshell
Sounds based.
>and then he wiped out the Ding Dong clan, even their dogs and chickens
A mirror for their worsening schizophrenia.
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It's about self-improvement. You wouldn't get it.
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There isn't one. Wuxia has that one Ogre Gate Inn one that seems well-developed but I haven't come across anything worth using for Xianxia, including generics like GURPS.
Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng etc. All quite good in their own ways.
There's also webnovels in the wuxia style albeit I haven't read any for a long time so I don't have any direct recs. I guess Death Sutra was hyped for a while.
A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality, I Shall Seal the Heavens, Coiling Dragon (albeit it's kinda xuanhuan), World of Cultivation, Martial World among many, many others.

The biggest difference is really that Wuxia is high-powered martials with clashing blades and "some" fantastical stuff while Xianxia is about immortal cultivators that may have high-powered martials and even similar settings to Wuxia at first (depends on the work obviously) but usually veer off into very fantastical worlds if they don't start there directly.
The former is usually more Water Margin while the latter is more the Investiture of the Gods and the Journey to the West.
It's fantasy pulp written for straight men made post-2010. You wouldn't get it.
Utterly based show
Best system for a civilization campaign?
Xianxia and wuxia are two different things, I don't understand why people keep mixing the two, it would be the equivalent of saying Pendragon and D&D are the same when one has relatively grounded knights while the other has wizards who can planeshift to Hell and then to Mount Celestia in the same day.
>what wuxia/xianxia books should I read to understand the genre more?
I can't say for xianxia, the whole cultivation deal is a huge turn off for me and reads like isekai slop. For wuxia, just look up some wuxia movies like Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, New Dragon Gate Inn, etc.
No idea what people see in xianxia. For wuxia, it's basically Chinese style pulp fiction.
Also this, Urobuchi is a huge wuxia fag from what I can tell, he decided to binge a Taiwanese puppet show on a whim.
>huge demons being beaten with magical swords, magical cursed swords and other dimensions full of science and demons
Conventional fantasy elements like demons, monsters, and magical artifacts are not that uncommon in wuxia stories after the 70s.
The main characters also nearly die to poison and being stabbed by a teenage girl, it's more pulpy than most xianxia I've seen nowadays with sword surfing, fucking in-universe tiers, and guys who are DBZ characters
qrd on cultivation?
Levelling means you live hundreds to thousands of years more and those 1-2 levels beneath you can barely scratch you.
morality is a spook, rape the world of its resources and remember that you are the chosen one.
Steroids but Chinese
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The only book you'll ever need.
All the good ones are untranslated, people telling you to read old classics or modern web novel slop is like being told that Homer and some modern lesbian coffee tale book are all you need to understand fantasy. Close, but no. You're missing all the Howards and Tolkiens and more that we take for granted here, especially on /tg/ when they view anything after a certain date as being out of the question.
If I were a chink I would really want to make some comprehensive history on these books.
With that diatribe on the way, Condor Heroes is an all time classic and translated into English, Jin Yong is considered as a gold standard author of wuxia
Which good ones do you believe haven't been translated?
Cultivation is power bloat the mythos / setting. I'm genuinely unaware of a genre worse than it. Chinese mythology is extremely incoherent.
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I tried to read this, and while the first arc was very entertaining, I got filtered hard by the endless arena fights in the city. I want to get back into it but I forgot which chapter I was on.
Immortals Handbook: Ascension.
Simply rename divine ranks to generic Cultivation Stages and Quintessence to ki. Granted, it's a third-party book for 3.5e and not an independent system.
>endless arena fights
Should probably be somewhere between... 280 and 330? I think.
The rest of the Jin Yong library is still untouched as far as I know. Almost every other classic wuxia Hong Kong kilm you know of is based on an older novel too. Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain is pure xianxia and is based on a novel from the 30's(Legend of the Swordsmen of the Mountains of Shu)
>Legend of the Swordsmen of the Mountains of Shu
This is ground zero for cultivation novels
>The rest of the Jin Yong library is still untouched as far as I know
I haven't read them all, but I used unofficial translations for Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils and Smiling Proud Wanderer, and also that other one that's considered part of the condor trilogy for some reason.
A bit different set of genre fiction tropes that I haven't yet gotten tired of. Shameless power fantasy, cool fights, cool powers. It's dumb fun to be read when you're not in the mood for anything more serious.

It's wonderful, but there's not a lot of cultivation going on there. Results of cultivation are shown, maybe, but is it a cultivation story if people don't even obsess about reaching the next level of power?
>but I forgot which chapter I was on.
eh, does it really make a difference?
Plants vs Zombies
Farm Life
Stardew Valley
Harvest Moon

Alternatively, Anima : Beyond Fantasy at least does proper weeaboo fightan magicks.
Martial Cultivator currently doesn't get enough press, I feel.
Any system with XP. Just flavor it differently.
Ding dong ching chong
Wuxia vs Xianxia isn't just about difference in powerlevel even if that's often the most obvious point. The important part is that Xianxia is explicitly Progression fantasy, the constantly escalating powerlevels are the whole damn point of the genre.
Came here to recommend Anima as well, it has proper martial arts and Ki mechanics and allows the player to create and customize their own techniques. It usually works well in "high powerlevel" settings which I assume is what you're looking for.
Seeing this attitude on /tg/ is so weird to me. Almost all TTRPGs are all about getting as powerful as possible beneath the fluff, and the other big hobbies on the board (WH and MTG) are also powerwank in one shape or another
Sure. These things do have plots, after all.
Does Anima have systems for:
1) Managing and expanding Sects?
2) Rigorous, autistic and time-consuming methods of practically unlimited progression?
3) Does it have a system for establishing clearly defined 'ranks' of power?
4) Does it deal at all with the petty politics of literal gods and their sect of immortals and quasi-immortals?
Having a system that can handle ki and magic kung fu is okay, but the Cultivation genre is not about high-powered adventurers doing 'adventuring'. It's about turf wars among immortals and ways to ensure the resources that keep them immortal or make them 'more' immortal than their other 'less' immortal enemies.
Not quoted but the only parts that are actually needed are 2 & 3.
The rest are easily handled by a DM and shouldn't be systematized.
Cultivator Pendragon would be kino.
We can argue what is and isn't needed in a system, but the reality of the matter is that most people who visit these threads don't really understand what the niche of 'Cultivation' is. They handwave it as 'Magical Martial Artists tossing kamehamehas and magical swords at each other' and suggest systems that don't really cover any of the actual themes (no matter how autistic they are) of cultivation.
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>bag of holding
What are they doing with D&D items?
I almost want to try making some retarded Cultivation game and call it something like "YOU ARE COURTING DEATH" but it would require that I read more Cultivation manhua and light novels and I'd rather ventilate my skull than do that.
A bag which is much larger than it appears or has unlimited space is a thing of many mythologies. It didn't originate with D&D.
>elders of the Shaggy Sect
Gourd bottles of holdings and sleeve pockets of holding are pretty standard items from the legends of the luck gods.
It all comes down to petty physical gods that consume pills, elixirs and other drugs by the dozen to extend their lifespan and improve their power. They amass in Sects and Cults with distinct hierarchies, which help put some organisation in the whole "make pills, improve" shtick. Occassionally they have turf wars with other Sects and really like doing dick-measuring contests. Once in a blue moon, some guy appears who lucks out and finds an artifact that allows him to sky-rocket through the 'ranks' or plain just advances faster due to reasons. He is the protagonist and he navigates the pecking order of his sect, the political pettiness and chaos of the cultivator world in general.
That's it, that's Cultivation novels.
But you don't have to deal with
>Ah, so you've killed the Celestial God Ancestor
>But wait, now you must defeat the Celestial God Ancestorer
>And then the Celestial Origin Ancestor
>And then the Celestial Progenitor Ancestor
And so on and so forth. Every Chinese mythos interpretation I've seen is schizo. Japan at least says they're spirits or whatever and not people per say, but you have whole divine courts of bureaucracy dickheads masquerading as someone important only for the bigger bad to be behind them.
>Meng Hao walked into the McDonald's. The cultivator taking his order gave a derisive snort, but Meng Hao did not really care, because he had repressed his aura down to the Single Patty Realm, and a fool would not be able to tell his true level of burger eating.

>"Give me... a Happy Meal!"

>The cultivator's face flickered before he finally regained his composure and laughed. "You couldn't afford a Happy Meal. Get lost! Don't you see that there are Double Quarter Pounder Realm eaters waiting behind you? Meng Hao slapped his bag of holding and threw 80 billion spirit McDonald's coupons onto the counter, causing an earthquake which demolished half of the restaurant. Everyone dropped their jaws. None could see how this was possible!

>"I'll take that Happy Meal with a side order of fries, " Meng Hao said. He was as calm as the ocean in a painting of an insanely calm ocean. "And let me see your manager!"

>The cashier cultivator coughed up a mouthful of ketchup. He simply could not handle Meng Hao's killing intent, because he was only at the Quarter Pounder with Cheese realm himself. Even though Meng Hao had suppressed his aura, because he had cultivated the Heavenly Burgin' Qi, this was enough to kill people a few levels higher if he truly wanted.

>It was then that another man which a much more fierce aura stepped forward. "You dare make trouble here?"

>"P... Patriarch Hamburglar!"
>Patriarch Hamburglar was 99 cents of the way into the Big Mac Realm, plus tax! Meng Hao was pushed back two feet, knocking over a soda machine. Powerade Mountain Berry Blast geysered outward, killing several onlookers. Of course, Mayor McCheese saw all this happen through the window.

>Meng Hao coughed up a mouthful of blood, snorted, constricted his pupils, and then his expression went calm. He unleashed the aura of 64 patties, condensed down to a 2 patty stack that could fit into his mouth! Mayor McCheese coughed up a mouthful of cheese. His pupils constricted.

>"Is this... Seeking the McRib stage??"

>Meng Hao had the gentle air of a scholar, but it wouldn't stop him from killing several people in a McDonald's. "Burger Devouring Scripture! I'm Lovin' It!"

>With the first keyword of the Burger Devouring Scripture, everyone below the early Quarter Pounder With Cheese stage exploded into purple mist. The light of the immense heavenly burger shone down with the contours of a golden arch as 9 illusory burgers floated around Meng Hao's body, which is probably an important xianxia number that matches the number of lakes in some sacred Chinese province I've never heard of. But that was only a fraction of Meng Hao's power. >He waved his arm, bringing forth thirty more cultivation techniques that hadn't appeared in over 400 chapters!

>"Heavenly Tribulation Fries! Eastern Everburning Egg McMuffin! Fruit Smoothie Guillotine! Soul McCafe Mocha Incarnation!"
>Meng Hao's expression was the same as ever as he slapped his bag of holding, and brought out his karmic ketchup packet, Fry Cook Lord medallion, seventeen different wooden time spatulas, a five-coloured resurrection coupon, the silk burger wrapper, various souls of lightning McNuggets that he may or may not still have, and his mask of the legacy of Ronald McDonald. Oh, and the image of a flying Chicken Snack Wrap dragon appeared. Remember that? It was basically his Main Thing at the start of the novel, but quietly faded into irrelevance. Until now! All of this takes some time to describe, but actually happened in the space of only a few breaths. "What! Impossible!"

>Meng Hao wanted to summon the parrot as well, but it was too overcome with eroticism by the purple fur depicted on a nearby poster of Grimace, and was busy drilling out a glory hole straight through the poster, and the wall it was pinned to, with its strong parrot erection.

>But it was more than enough. The Hamburglar's soul flew out and was absorbed into his mask! He screamed as his body was destroyed completely.

>Meng Hao brushed off his robe and swept up his spirit coupons and everyone's bags of holding which probably didn't have any cool sh*t inside unless I write him into a corner later, and anyways, don't worry about it for now. He surveyed the rubble that was all that remained of the McDonald's.

>"Guess I'll be taking that Happy Meal... to go!"
Sure, just saying that running Sects are more setting specifics than they are mechanics.
What I actually *need* to run a game are some way to approximate the character advancement, abilities and power delineation between cultivators.
That's what I personally am actually missing from a system.
I mentioned Immortals Handbook before if you aren't adamantly opposed to D&D.
1) Divine Ranks that are all clearly hierarchical and stronger than each other. Rename them to Cultivation ranks and that's that.
2) A 'Quintessence System' that is basically ki gathering for deities. It's a long and arduous journey of collecting worship, absorbing it from places and devouring it from other divine creatures. Rename it to 'ki' and you are set.
3) Abilities that are all way up there and pretty 'xianxia', which are all perfect for dick-measuring contests since some are restricted to certain rankings (Divine Abilities for 'Immortals', Cosmic Abilities for 'Sidereals', Transcandental Abilities for 'Eternals')
4) You said you don't need it, understandable, but it has a system for running Religions and Cults, as well as how to manage the clergy and worship.
5) The entire book is written with the assumption that deities are petty, converge in pantheons and occasionally deal with cosmic threats of a much higher status (Not unlike Heavenly Calamities and Beasts).
The guy who wrote it envisioned some sort of epic divine play, but he unknownigly made a Cultivation Supplement for D&D 3.5e and called it differently. I'm not telling you to play it (it's an unfinished mess after all), but it's a good read for inspiration.
It's so stupid that it's fun
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Here's the pdf if you can't find it online.
As others have pointed out: Fantastic show. Mandatory viewing for people with taste and class. Some of the best puppet action you'll ever see.... Not a cultivator story though. Wuxia and Xianxia, but not cultivation at all.
I'm not opposed to TSR-era D&D but I am somewhat prejudiced against M&I because everything i've ever heard of it is that it's narrativist and handwavy.
That said you could do a lot worse for cultivation than just running everyone as figther-magic users with sect/technique-based spell lists and giving an AC bonus against lower level cultivators. A lot of "secret domains" is just re-skinned dungeons anyway.
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>not cultivation
Ken-sama will get his cultivation arc. Trust the plan.
I remember when a kung-fu master told me that I would only surpass him if I mastered the tools of cultivation so I murdered him with a pitchfork.
Where's the usual copypasta guy?
he already posted it.
Not that one.
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>2 seasons later
>still can't meteor walk
Are you seriously trying to claim that moving from a bad guy to a bigger bad guy to an even bigger and badder guy is rare in Western fiction or games?

Ken's too pure and good to be the MC if a cultivation story.
Based Sseth enjoyer.
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shit game for a shit genre
So it's just a Chinese warlord period, but with demigods?
I don't remember Cao Cao or Liu Bei munching pills, chugging elixirs and hunting for monster cores 95% of their time in the story, but Cao Cao had a thing for collecting women so... sure?
>settling for a one-eyed spear user
It would be a storage space ring instead. 99.99% of cultivation slop have storage space rings. Faggots itt don't even know this basic bitch shit and it ruins the jokes when you don't know shit about the things you're making fun off.
Is it a ring that has a tiny box on it you pull things out of, or do you pull things out of the finger hole of the ring?
If you can tolerate Chinese alchemy you're 90% of the way to bullshitting your way through.
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Nothing wrong with polearm wielders
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It usually just magically vacuums/star trek beams up items while you're wearing it. It also magically teleports items outside it when you need them. Just think of the items and inject your qi. Sometimes there is a weight limit and better quality ones have more. Sometimes you need to bond with it like attuning and sometimes they have locks on them that you need a certain power level to break.
This first image on google is exactly how it looks like 90% of the time.
So it just turns absorbs objects and beams them into your hand when you want them. Nifty. I'd settle for just having a single sword contained in a ring that I could blink into my hand instantly, but an entire inventory is even better.
>getting Vapecuck’d due to not appreciating the pursuit of beauty
Sick burn, bro.

Honestly, that's much better than a bag; at least you don't run the risk of the ring exploding and teleporting you to the astral realm if you accidentally turn it inside out.

Surprised D&D and other tabletop systems with high magic don't use the concept more.
>Are you seriously trying to claim that moving from a bad guy to a bigger bad guy to an even bigger and badder guy is rare in Western fiction or games?
It's the lack of coherence. It makes everything feel pointless. Gods don't mean anything when there's seemingly an unlimited number of them.
>Gods don't mean anything when there's seemingly an unlimited number of them.
oh anon...
They do when most of them are like your mum - they never cared about you.
what -is- cultivation in this context anyway?
having the characters meditate/train and reach new power levels over and over as in Dragon Ball?
Basically, sometimes replace training with eating esoteric pills made with alchemy
Yes, DB is basically a cultivation story re-themed around aliens
you're going to get banned now too

anyway, it feels like the whole cultivation deal could easily be done without making the plot (or gameplay) feel chinese.
Such as making it about a devil climbing in ranks through stealing human souls or something like that
Is this schizophrenic Chinese Dragonball Z? Its almost the same shot but instead of training you NEETmax while going full /x/.
uh don't they just accumulate power only by practicing or something? It seems like the conventional D&D system of getting experience and growing more powerful by actually doing things would be better for a campaign. Maybe just do some asian themed D&D and replace the longswords with katanas and clerics with eunuchs and opium instead? It sounds more fun.
It's the next level of anime power-scaling bullshit, and older too. China loves incredibly powerful god-like characters throwing swords at other incredibly powerful god-like characters while everyone does wacky bullshit magic tricks. It's like children arguing over whose Sonic the Hedgehog OC would win in a fight but they all have every power from every popular anime ever made, and the children are grown men.
everyone enjoys stupid things, they're just different stupid things
There are bags too.
I agree. I don't want to take their stupid thing away, they can have all the fun they want, I'm simply describing what kind of stupid fun it is.
Dragon ball was always chinese themed anyway
take your meds
>It's the next level of anime power-scaling bullshit, and older too.
It's probably the original considering most anime power-scalers are DB and shounen fags, and DB is literally based on a Chinese myth and is basically xianxia cultivation slop.
EXTREEEEEM training only appeared as a trope and a theme for story arcs during the 70s, I understand.
In sports series, though it's a major element in Glass Mask, which is a series about stage actresses.
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Journey to the West.
>Gods don't mean anything when there's seemingly an unlimited number of them.
Boy, you must really hate Hinduism then.
whats the dance from? This is hypnotic.

Thanks, this is great.
You have schizophrenia.
Ars Magica has interesting downtime mechanics that might fit this kind of setting.
Season 4 when?
Nothing since cultivation is gay, and you're gay for wanting to play this.
frog in a well I see.
Doesn't all cultivation stuff basically involving murdering the shit out of millions of people at once because someone stubbed their toe across a city and shit? It's like modern Chinese fragility and selfishness plus their value for human life being less than nothing and drinking powdered rhino horn in panda fetus paste coated in mercury Chinese medicine on steroids.
Quite literally that's all it is.
Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d3)

Yes, and that's based.
Can't imagine it's very interesting to read outside of nihilistic edgy reddirters.
Not my problem.
It is the quintessential retard power fantasy.
That's kinda what I thought, I looked up some book reviews from fans of the genre online once and a lot of them were asking for recommendations for stories that had likeable protagonists because all the ones they read had psycho protags and i'm thinking, why would you torture yourself like this. I don't watch isekai anymore either.

The basic idea of cultivation is to become immortal by reaching enlightenment through mediation. While a simple idea, in setting this is incredibly hard and gets massively harder as cultivators progress through the various levels and this results in cultivators looking for ways to speed the process up or prolong their lives long enough they they can successfully reach the next stage. Some start munching medicine (which are noted to cause issues in the long run based on the amount of impurities with in them), others seek special locations to train at and others seek legacies left behind by those that progressed further but ended up failing for some reason.

Much of the conflict in these stories comes from the fact that there are limited resources and that China is a "face" based society where those more respectable have power and those that have power must be treated with respect.

The basic cultivation story plot is roughly "zero to hero." The MC starts low and without any advantages, lucks into what is called a "cheat" (that can take numerous forms from magical items to cultivator ghosts to discovery of special rare bloodlines and body types) and then gradually rises in power and prestige in the cultivation world. They end up getting into conflicts with "white pants" Nepto babies and their families, rival cultivators and their sects, and magical beast while collecting various treasures to help them cultivate. Such treasures include plants, materials, magical items, special locations and beautiful cultivator women. Female cultivators (aka Fairies) are especially prized because dual cultivation (aka sex) can make becoming immortal much faster.

Quality of cultivation stories vary wildly and a big part of why they are written is because they are actually rebellion against China's social culture. This is why a lot of protagonists are hyper individualistic psychopaths.
Pathetic troll posts from pathetic trolls who don't play games.
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>sex makes you immortal
So long lads, it's been real.
You can cultivate 'not having sex' too as a valid path
>How dare you old men be unfeeling, power hungry assholes!
>I'm going to be the same thing, but pretend to feel bad about ending life except I won't really because everyone I kill will just be the "bad guys"
>Surely I'm not exactly the same as the people I despise
>cultivation campaign
It's not like western stories are any better, this is not a China thing as much as it is a commentary on human nature
>They killed my wife/child/dog so I killed their entire hierarchy
>If you kill the bad guy you're just like him! Then he conveniently betrays your mercy and gets himself killed without blood on your hands
>When there's a war going on killing people flips into being honorable and the more kills you have to more of a respected badass you are
Hell, in /tg/ alone we have a thread every week from a GM or fellow player being exasperated that one of the other players wants to play a merciful character and refuses to kill mooks, so they have to deal with the logistics of bringing them to justice
That last comment is more to do with GM's being hyper autistic muh realism types than anything else. The type of people that smugly claim Game of Thrones is more realistic than The Lord of the Rings because people die from shitting themselves to death in the latter.
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>Thunderbolt Fantasy
holy shit this is awesome
They're teenage edgelords, there's a term in Chinese that's basically the same as chuuni in Japanese, but for teenage boys who think they're xianxia protags and claim they know a lot daoism. That exists in every culture
But yes even wuxia novels were shortly banned in 50s in China so I would slightly argue there's something inherent to that in the genre
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Half of Kung Fu Hustle references wuxia novels, a lot of Jin Yong in there, many of which have movie adaptations
I recommend ripping them off if you want a wuxia campaign
God damn it I looked in all the usual places I get my shit from but they don't have the first season, only the third one which seems the latest.

Can someone point me at where I can download, not stream, this show? Looks right up my alley.
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DBZ and a lot of anime took a lot from Chinese stuff, almost intrinsically, Toriyama was big into Hong Kong films
Blasts of chi from your hands, flying, training autism, pretentious names for moves, all are Chinese
Yep. It's pretty spot-on actually. Just replace spells with Ki techniques or whatever.
>looked at the translated anime section
>didn't realize that it was in the live-action section

Welp, am retarded.
Still, thanks for the tip!
Unironically, the D&D 3.5 system.
You'll need to look through multiple books for various thing, but there are already systems for equivalents to various martial arts, bloodlines, body/soul constitutions, body refinements, being able to practice multiple cultivation types(Body, Qi, and Soul) in parallel, Alchemy, formations, etc.
It's literally all there, it just takes finding and replacing various names with Xianxia equivalents.
Dude, people have already answered this.
I have already suggested this with Immortals Handbook.

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