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>GW posted a quickly knocked together "square base teaser" for the Old World years out, just conveniently on the day Mantic released Kings of War's 3rd edition
>on the day Corvus Belli announce an Infinity TV series, GW rush out a "teaser" which is just a title card, nothing else, for a new series

How can they be such a behemoth whilst also being so thin-skinned about the minnows around them having any chance of success?
It’s pretty funny, what isn’t funny is the horde of GW paypiggies that will, by the CEOs own words, “buy anything we produce”.
Just watched the trailer. "the spice must flow" dune shit with halo visuals. It's nice to see the little guy succeed but Infinity is such slop.
GW's business model is to choke out their competition, or anyone who is making a product for a niche they aren't capitalizing on when it proves to be successful. It's like kudzu but for board games for rich faggots.
It's only a matter of time before some company announces they're gonna start hooking to pay the bills and a lead GW dev will hastily upload a grainy video of himself sucking a dick.
Why did a bunch of retards start saying this word recently?
baader meinhof phenomenon/frequency illusion
They did the same thing with the Full-Tilt segment in Warhammer+ after a Kickstarter launched for a clone.
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I'll never forgive them for depriving us of Astartes II.
>What happened to you that pushed you over the edge like this?
Watching a multi-million company being extremely petty about indie releases? It would be like Creative Assembly rushing out some half-baked DLC to compete with fucking Manor Lords.
The problem is that they're reacting, not creating, and reacting poorly at that. TOW suffered from being teased fucking years before anything was even remotely close to beginning to be cooked. Their new series is suffering because they had nothing to release beyond a fucking title card. People are going to ridicule you when you act ridiculous, and desperately rushing teases of products to try and crowd out an announcement by a competitor that holds like 0.01% of your market share is absolutely ridiculous.
why would someone want to watch a TV show about a wargame
It won't involve your dudes or your friend's dudes
What's the point?
>It won't involve your dudes or your friend's dudes
If it involves the same army Your Dudes come from, that's usually enough. Those may not be my particular brand of Imperial Guard, but watching another Guard unit die standing is still a sight to see. Can't even imagine the stiffy Ultrafags must get when their army is on the screen.

Isn't this the sort of shit Taylor Swift does to other female pop singers?
Checked and saved.
GW has crab mentality. They don't want to improve, they just hog the top spot with constant consoomer propaganda and model churn. Why else would they pretend wet pallets don't exist for decades? They're scared shitless of anyone leaving their ecosystem.
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>Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X, by Anon
Possibly? I don't exactly follow that shit, so you're gonna need some examples here.
Wow are you the guy who answers "I don't know" to product questions on Amazon?
>le dead gaem
tbf the spam is annoying but maybe if you weren't the sort of dork that keeps folders of soijacks you'd find you could get games besides the single most popular wargame ever to exist with the other hopeless autists that haunt your local
Close but not exactly. Swift at least waits for a smaller artist to knock her out of the #1 slot before she re-releases the same album with one remix track and a Limited Edition(TM) insert that her paypigs will eat up. If Swift were doing what GW was doing, she’s release an unedited recording of her slurring a few lines of a WIP every time a known-but-niche pop artist released an album or started a tour.
I love infinity but damn the infinity playerbase is full of salty assholes you complain about GW paypigs but you hold a damn near cult like view to Carlos and Corvus Belli to the point its grating

Some guys here love Warhammer and know we dont need GW to support it for us to play, yet for Infinity WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT CORVUS!!!!!! WITHOUT THEM THE GAMES DEAD!!!!
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GW business model
>people want WH40k shows
>do nothing
>do nothing
>do nothing
>fans start making fan animations on youtube
>threaten to sue them until they are forced to publish their stuff on your own channel
>never actually develop it and let it die

CB business model:
>random Californian producer is into Infinity
>calls CB to pitch a show because she likes the setting
>they invite her to their HQ in Spain
>Infinity now has a TV series

Why are they like this?
I think I'd rather watch the entire WH+ catalog than deal with infinity players. GW pigs are annoying fags but as SOON as a nigga buys one metal infinity model they become the wargaming equivalent to a vegan. They also, refuse to play anything further beyond infinity. Try BT or a historical ffs.
keep sucking carlos dick all the funds for infinity go into that warcrow crap anyway
Battle Tech/Historical are Warhammer refugee central who cares besides you fags always go crawling back to GW you say you hate GW but your always GW dick riders at the end of the day
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>The problem is that they're reacting, not creating, and reacting poorly at that.
CB also launched an AI fed with its lore and game rules. You can ask it lore questions, rules clarifications, random funny shit like who is the cutest Infinity girl or whatever.
Wanna bet GW will launch its own AI before the end of the year?
>Muh dead game
At least the dead game anons paint their models.
>competitive business
This is like Ford having to react to a little company making tuned cars. It just kinda looks sad.
Every couple of years Infinity gets a shot in the arm and you spics get uppity every time it falls back down. Dont act like this cartoon will do anything no one is scrambling to make infinity fan animations like they do for 40k.
>as SOON as a nigga buys one metal infinity model they become the wargaming equivalent to a vegan
>It offends me deeply when people self-actualize, I cannot possibly be around such people
>ESL types out in an unintelligible rage
Not only are English grammar lessons free online, but so is dropping by your LGS. You do this to see that life is different from shit you pulled out of your ass.

Calling "moving your single personality trait from one brand to another" self-actualization is pretty pathetic.

>Verification not required.
This is why I only play 40k with my known friends and a coworker I've vetted. So many people just play 40k because 40k popular because they want to play a game, diluting the hobby into Magic the Gathering but somehow more expensive.
Spaniards are the superior Europeans we beat you in football and now your next niche fucking table top war games will be over taken by a friendlier, consumer first, and less corpo BS

>Calling "moving your single personality trait from one brand to another" self-actualization is pretty pathetic.
Complaining about GW as you continue to give them your money is significantly more pathetic. As far as self-actualizing goes, it's a pretty low bar, but the difference is still a matter of self-actualizing. People who can will learn better games, people who can't will continue to complain about GW while continuing to give them their money.
Full disclosure, I don't buy into the idea that vegans are bad, at all. My worst experience with vegans is that they're like "Hey I willfully inconvenienced myself in order to improve my life and make the world a better place according to my understanding of things", if you're offended by that then you really are one of the worst people.
It's absolutely still pathetic but if you've supposedly moved on to greener pastures and still complaining about a group and company that doesn't interact with yours, it's much more pathetic. 90% of GW bitching online is here and twitter, most fans, even for the bad product it's become, enjoy the game and simply stay in the GW bubble. Seeing them in said bubble and going "FUCKING JAMES!!!" every chance you get for a company that announces shit every other day for 2 (according to OP, I haven't noticed if this is a common pattern) similar timeframes of announcement is nothing more than obsession.

If you genuinely take an offhanded usage of the word vegan as "I hate everyone who chooses to live an alternative lifestyle" instead of the common parlance for "Person who lives an alternative lifestyle in an attempt to gain social recognition" you're incredibly dense and defensive about a tenuous decision for which wargame you play.
>It's absolutely still pathetic but if you've supposedly moved on to greener pastures and still complaining about a group and company that doesn't interact with yours, it's much more pathetic.
I actually don't play any wargames, I just happened to cruise a few GW threads today, and non one sounded like they were happy with the game that they played.
But for the purposes of this conversation, lets' say that I am a former GW paypig and that I really moved on to greener pastures. In which case: no, you're wrong, playing GW games and complaining about them is still more pathetic than not-playing-GW-games and complaining about them.

>If you genuinely take an offhanded usage of the word vegan as "I hate everyone who chooses to live an alternative lifestyle" instead of the common parlance for "Person who lives an alternative lifestyle in an attempt to gain social recognition"
Vegans don't eat meat or meat biproducts, that's what it means, at worst they occasionally talk about how they don't eat meat or meat biproducts. If that's too much for you to handle then cry me a river, ffs, no wonder you're a GW paypig.
>How can they be such a behemoth whilst also being so thin-skinned about the minnows around them having any chance of success?
This is just standard practice for most industry titans, you don't get your way to the top without stomping down on every little guy in the process. Blizzard would do the exact same thing when they were on top a decade ago with purposefully timing patch releases to try and fuck over competition. You can see the same shit now with Games As Service and Gacha shit. If you're #1 resting on your laurels isn't enough for shareholders, you need to continue to grow even more every quarter.
I mean Vallejo is better than GW paints at minimum
I'm ESL, I'm dynamite.
>random Californian producer is into Infinity
>calls CB to pitch a show because she likes the setting
Literal corporate bullshit.
>GW posted a quickly knocked together "square base teaser" for the Old World years out, just conveniently on the day Mantic released Kings of War's 3rd edition
>gif related
Seriously though I think a "small" part of the reason GW stays on top is because it pays attention to its competition. Even if said competition is tiny compared to them.
Most big businesses that basically own their sector barely seem to do that as far as I know.
>friendlier, consumer first, and less corpo BS
>any of those things
Come the fuck on.
I dunno most of the Infinity players in my group still play some GW stuff, or play BT. The only people I know that religiously stick to a single games company are the GW players.
Launch? No. Announce that they've looked at the OpenAI website and are going to launch an AI-fed service within the next 10 years? Absolutely.
MY worst experience with vegans is them inconveniencing everyone else around them because their weird-ass dietary requirements throwing any kind of food planning for a group of people into disarray and requiring to be specially catered to. It doesn't help that a significant portion of them basically treat it like a religion: "This is the only morally correct choice to make and I will look upon you as a heathen making the world worse if you disagree with me."
I'm going to play both games, and watch the cartoon. I kind of feel bad for Calvil though, I'm not sure what's holding up the actual 40K TV show.
Got em
The only bearable vegans I've met are the ones who were just raised that way and never started eating meat and thus have no desire to change, or those who had to change their diet due to health reasons (cancer was the one that I personally saw). I've never met a vegan who thought eating meat was immoral who wasn't also an insufferable cunt about it.
Mate, as the oldest ally and longest enemy (despite Galicia being ours by right of ascendency): right now, that anon's got a point.

We'll see how it goes when CB grows bigger.
>Your oldest ally, their longest enemy*
>We'll see how it goes when CB grows bigger.
This is a key point. GW used to be the fun scrappy little guys too, remember. Success changes people, and it changes companies even more.
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I'll start complaining about CB going full corpo when they actually do.

Remember during Covid when they discovered people were playing Infinity on TTS? If there is one thing that could put a miniature company out of business is something like that.
So what did they do? They provided the people running these TTS games with high-res pictures of their models so that they could build 3d models to play with. And then they learnt how the whole thing worked and now they use the same 3d models for their demo games on youtube.

Would you imagine how GW would have reacted in a similar situation?
CB has nothing but my respect so far. Will they turn le evil corpo in the future? Who knows, for now they have been absolute bros for almost two decades.
>I'll start complaining about CB going full corpo when they actually do.
Sure, just be prepared for them to do so if they DO find mainstream success.
>Would you imagine how GW would have reacted in a similar situation?
Which GW, GW now or GW of three or so decades ago? Because the latter would have probably done the exact same thing. Small companies led by cool people do cool things. Large companies are led by shareholders who invariably act like...well, like GW does now. You can argue some companies have people at the top who try to reign in the shareholders so they don't constantly go full corpotard, but in the end it's just a matter of degree. CB acted they way they did during covid because they're still small and run by cool people. If they ever get successful, that will change. Just be mentally prepared for that.
They're English anon. They don't have to improve if nobody else can succeed, they don't have to listen if they're the only game in town, they don't have to do anything but stay the course so long as nobody challenges them. Look how they whined about Battlescribe, they didn't even know it existed before they launched their subscription calculator service but the instant they became aware it was a problem. Contrast CB, their armybuilder kicks ass and it free. Their rules are free as well, I'm frankly shocked GW didn't charge for the indicies. Speaking of which, look how long it took them to get on the ball with digital rules, digital anything. This is a company that rests on its laurels and wants to keep it that way. WFB not selling how it used to? Fuck it, throw it away. Fixing the game, workshopping it if you will, was too great a task for the world's greatest miniatures company. People not using power level? Force them to, just call it points. Look at every specialist game they fire out and eject like rounds in a mag. Did you buy it? Sucker. GW is clearly done trailblazing, but they don't want anyone else to do so. That's money that could be in their pocket if they ever get around to it.

GW does have a uniquely shit corporate culture. Not all corporations act the same.
Perfidious Albion...
Man, space marines look so fucking dumb in motion.
GW shity corporate culture comes out the fact that it moved to Nottingham as the founder both wanted to get cheap labor from all the tradies who’s lives thatcher’s politics ruined and to provide jobs for those communities. The metal foundries and corporate was one of the few jobs available in the shitty towns GW set up shop and people would slit throats and protect friends to stay employed
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>Which GW, GW now or GW of three or so decades ago?

You lying nigger, just at the start of Covid Games Workshop C&D'd users for uploading resources to Steam's Workshop. I hope a swarm of fat jewish children feast on your models.

I think anon is agreeing with you, anon
GW now does that kind of stuff, the GW that put out the two Realm of Chaos books in the late 80s wouldn't have done that
Oh, my b
You need to decrease your lead intake, anon
>Not all corporations act the same.
>You can argue some companies have people at the top who try to reign in the shareholders so they don't constantly go full corpotard, but in the end it's just a matter of degree.
>How can they be such a behemoth whilst also being so thin-skinned about the minnows around them having any chance of success?
You're implying that's not why they're a behemoth to start with.
>Why are they like this?
they are British. They threw away their empire because they just could not be bothered anymore. They are not renown for their sound judgement.
It's...really not? They had pretty much zero competition at the outset, no one else was trying to make moves in the fantasy and sci-fi miniature wargame market. Hell, it was GW that proved that shit could be profitable in the first place. They were their own worst enemy from the beginning, and that hasn't changed much.
They were a bit cooler once. Now they are full of suits.

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