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Do you have a singular race of orcs or multiple ones that vary in their culture and behavior?
Like dwarves, they sprout from the ground with local flavor.
I always liked the idea that what separates orc races from each other would appear entirely arbitrary to outsiders. Like, 8-foot tall and 4-foot tall orcs could come from the same tribe, but they hate and despise any orc that has hairy knuckles or some shit, while the hairy-knuckled orcs will despise any orcs that don't have hairy knuckles.
I dunno what about you???
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I honestly can't decide. There are too many good orc designs.
high orc, forest orc, dark orc.
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I'm not just dumping images.

Pig style orcs are relatively popular and I like them, but I have a problem with calling them "Orcs" when they aren't just "animal people" or just called Piggers or something. "Porcs" is funny but doesn't seem universally good, since orcs are kinda supposed to be like the dark mirror to humanity.

This image remains my favorite image of orc faces and head designs; feeling like these orc heads could be different subraces or ethnicities of orcs, or simply be how different orcs look from each other, given their genome is much more complex and slapdash then human. It's hard to say without any bodies or equipment if they're the most kino orc designs.

This posted picture is one of my favorite orc designs, but looks more like an ogre with its size and club weapons, yet strangely sophisticated armor. Perhaps a war-troll brought along by lesser orcs creatures.

This image here is another great example; Tolkien orcs are probably the best kind of orc but only really work for Tolkien. They don't FEEL Orcish enough unless they're stronger then humans, and feel a bit too sophisticated with their industry, even if it is meant to be a crude corruption of other races abilities. While I don't necessarily see the primitiveness of Warcraft orcs as being "standard" for Orcs, I just don't see the industrial Tolkien hoard as being the "defacto" orcs, but maybe just me.

Finally? This image. One of the first evocative Orc images where I felt like the observer watching a swarm of orcs approach and actually feeling threatened. Still, anyone else feel they're a little too skinny? Maybe I'll never find the perfect Orc...
There are definitely different kinds. There are mercenary type ones that are pretty similar to the OG LOTR ones, there are more tribal insular ones which are the ones I find myself putting more of an urban gang flavor onto and there are piggy ones if they're more of a comic relief role.
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>Pig style orcs are relatively popular and I like them, but I have a problem with calling them "Orcs" when they aren't just "animal people"
Just make them beastfolk instead
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Doesn't this get boring after some point?
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god ai sloppers have NO taste
Orc castle
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Orcs are pretty rare nowadays. In the past, they were the legions of the damned, but with no more dark lords to rule them, the orcish tribes that remain are scattered and few in number. They spawn from breeding pools on cursed grounds (essentially the evil opposite of a grove) where they make their camps. 1 - 5 Orcs can spawn from one of these pools per day, and they only stop if every orc is killed and an ingot of sliver is buried on their cursed land.
Orcs grow fully formed with a racial memory stretching back to their original creation. Their "culture" is hatred and destruction, and they're all as one.
Where do the breeding pools come from?
Orcs make them through occult ritual. That's the reason you have to kill them all, so none escape and make a new spawning ground somewhere else
Who made the first spawning pool though?
Probably a necromancer or some evil cunt from ancient times. I'm not sure yet
Fair enough
I have greenskins grow in size as they age. They are born as vicious little snotlings (not innocent little babies like humans), grow to be goblins, then hobgoblins, then orcs, then bugbears ,orgres and eventually hillgiants. They are constantly fighting amongst themselves in a vicous 'survival of the strongest', with bigger ones tending to be the leaders of lesser ones, or if there are enough, forming temporary tribes of similar ones. It's very chaotic. The humans tend to give the different sizes different names, but the greenskins know themselves as a single species, no matter their age or size. It's why you have to kill the fuckers whenever you find them, as they will just grow in strength if left to their own devices. They were created as a living plague to wipe out all the other races by the evil God Gruumsh after all.
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>Do you have a singular race of orcs or multiple ones that vary in their culture and behavior?

I've got like half a dozen colour-coded ethnicity of pig orc that vary in culture, disposition, and general appearance. I blatantly stole the idea from the Legend of Zelda: it just something to help player's ID orcs and adds a little lived in flavor.

Garden variety orc: neutral, easily swayed to evil, not 'particularly' aggressive, more or less just a hog man. Technically not exclusively brown, but any 'domestic pig' colour. Their knowledge of agriculture and swine-herding puts them above beastmen.

The actively aggressive, rides-a-dog, raiding & looting orc: neutral evil and overtly aggressive, a true 'wild boar' man. Their kit is typically primitive (though well-made) unless they've been allowed to loot, and love to hunt and raise dogs that are big enough to ride upon like a horse - though they're unapologetic horse thieves as well.

Obligate Tolkien black-smoke pig orc: lawful evil, regimented, pillage is not enough they must also conquer, an unironic combination of the worst 'most cunning and industrial' qualities of both man and pig. If brown or red orcs seemingly become hyper-motivated and competent it's typically because they've adopted a black orc into their sounder and who's whipped them into shape.

Also called a 'Cauldron Orc' - green orcs are literally just clones made in a dark magicians cauldron and/or witches brü. They're sterile and only live to act as convenient muscle and goons since 'live' orcs can occasionally unionize or demand privileges. Evil drag queen sorcerers are seemingly able to pull small armies of greens out of their ass because they'll cultivate industrial-sized garum pools for brewing cauldron orcs.
No offense but I don't think I like the thought of an orc army looking like a rainbow from above
Depends. Sometimes I will go for "noble savage" Warcraft nu-Orcs (ie they have a basic warrior code and are primitive cattle rustlers via a warp gate). Sometimes I will go for the "abject evil made from flushed Tolkien elven poos and raised from the earth to do war for war's sake." Sometimes I will go for derpy cute pug faces and cantankerous drill sergeants.

All my fantasy races at least riff on more than one trope depending on the region. Just seldom at the same time or in the same game.
Not him, but he chose pretty earthy, orcish colours. Probably wouldn't look like a rainbow
I really like Dogmen but they're relatively neutral and martially proud mercenaries akin to the Landsknechts with puffy sleeves and feathered caps lol
My orc-lore is that all orcs are actually half-orcs or less, the original pig-looking orcs interbred their pure bloodline to death, which is why their ancient gods no longer speak to them. The only god they have left is one of the first half-orcs who managed to deify itself. They now use said god as their creator deity in supplication to willing ignorance and even attempt to destroy ancient orc remains and ruins when they find such things.
Keep fighting the good fight, anon. Someday you'll have the completely dead board you've always dreamed of.
>No offense but I don't think I like the thought of an orc army looking like a rainbow from above
What rainbow contains brown and black besides the fag flag
>the 20th orc thread in two weeks
Wow, this is awesome. Thanks, Bumpfag.
I don't have orcs at all.
I use goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears.
dndfag spotted
Correct. I haven't played MERP in years.
pic not related
>ai bad
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So do the mods allow these threads because they want to /pol/ it up? I dunno, cram these stupid worldbuilding threads into the wbg. Might actually bring the general back to life.

TQ: I shamelessly use Warhammer Orcs as my model. Big dumb fun and we don't need to waste time with the morality of it all.

Use multiple
AI image generation is garbage for now, and will be for the foreseeable future.
Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.
And that response is you admitting I'm right and feel bad about it.
Is that so?
Wasn't this a Lord of the Rings art?
I think so
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orcs you say?
What species of mount do your orcs prefer? For me it's pic related.
>There are too many good orc designs.
So many yet you post putrid slop instead

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