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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Are there any good sci-fi TRPGs that give you a good futuristic feel? Most sci-fi settings (Warhammer 40k, Battletech, Lancer, etc) just feel like historical or fantasy wargames but IN SPACE.
What does a "futuristic feel" feel like?
Unironically? Paranoia.
Nothing else explores the human condition like scifi quite like Paranoia.
Remember to play XP!
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Drones and automation and long-range munitions and shit like that. Most settings find some contrivance for why future-knights are dueling with future-swords in a future-kingdom, and I'd prefer to avoid that.
>gameplay is using drones to wack people from the other side of the planet while everything else is automated to do it for you.
sounds lame and gay to be honest.
That's probably why 95% of sci-fi settings are about knights dueling with swords.
sounds like it would be lame for a trpg, /hwg/ would probably be a good place to ask about a near future sci-fi game and /awg/ for a more speculative or fantastical one say with mechs or whatever
FASA Star Trek and TSR Star Frontiers. Maybe the other Star Treks by LUG and Modiphius but I don't have a strong opinion about them but they are imo much adventurish. Neither ST nor SF care about duelling with future-swords though SF does have sonic-swords since it was born of TSR and of the RotJ era but laser-swords were too Star Wars.

The ST game does a good job of getting away from the space opera and space fantasy genres found in Star Wars and while you'll probably want to update some of the gadgets. If you play TOS era you avoid the not!MongolianSoviets being future-knights even if in TNG they duel with plain knives and swords.
Traveller...any edition. Cyberpunk 2020 / RED. When you add in the Early MeKton rules for CPunk you get a feel for what you are looking for. Mekton Zeta goes a bit further.
Newfag extrodinar if those are the only sci fi rpgs you can think of.

starwars d6, star wars role playing, Traveller, Starfinder, Cyberpunk.
Drones and EW are pretty important to Shadowrun
shadowrun is pretty explicitly magic and tech
>starwars d6, star wars role playing
Magical wizards with laser swords dueling because fate brought them together doesn't feel very sci-fi.
A speculative fiction take on the progression of our world, technology and culture. Not just
>le feudal empire.... BUT IN LE SPACE
>le 80s evil corporations.... BUT IN LE SPACE
>Didnt play the games
In d6 at least, jedi and force shit is super rare and if you choose to do that, its a long time till you can do anything. Its mostly pulp space oprah-ism. Not a lot of Jedi and sith running around in the imperial period before all the OC's running around in the 2000s.
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Bound to none has drones and starships and jetpacks and pocket atomics and crystalline aliens and mushroom men and power armor and acid shotguns
Traveller and Stars Without Number give me the best "space adventure" feel of the games I've played.
I think you want Eclipse Phase.
I'm refreshing the page every day until we get the PoD dude, I am fuckin' there.
In cyberpunk you still have cyborg ninjas with neon katanas and rocket punches.
Whether you want to play GURPS or not, GURPS Ultra-Tech has a lot of interesting speculative fictional tech and thoughts on its effects on society and humanity.
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finally got the print proof ordered today. should be up in 2-3 weeks assuming there's no problems. Had a corrupt save set me back.
Stars Without Number
>you walk out of the space craft
>AI identifies your online profile, profiles you as a high value target and drops a loitering munition on your smart phone's position.
Literal dnd.
>d20 for attack
>2d6 for skills
>d8 for ini
it's worse
Literally what I want. Just for the fucking novelty of it if nothing else.
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>feeds dummy data to the AI to trick it into bombing its own assets
This is the answer. Not the best system on the planet, plenty of problems, but absolutely the most futuristic feeling ttrpg. Doesn't try to be medieval fantasy, doesn't try to be pulp, doesn't even try to be cyberpunk noir. Just honestly doing i's own thing.
>Most settings find some contrivance for why future-knights are dueling with future-swords in a future-kingdom,
In my setting, they exist because their armor is bulletproof, & can only be taken out by EMPs or anti-tank weapons.

Unless, of course, they brought along their anti-tank proof shield.
GURPS Transhuman Space
Came here to post this. It's like Eclipse Phase but good.

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