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I have never read or played shadowrun but I just think this book cover looks like shit and it gives me a good chuckle
Yup, Shadowrun has turned to complete shit. Shirt writing, shit editing, shit rules, shit art, shirt metaplot, shit everything.

This is why all the previous SR players gave up on it and there's no longer an active SR General.
It's a series that's been in the doldrums after Loren Coleman embezzled a bunch of Catalyst's money, and they decided the best way to make up the difference was to just not pay the people working on Shadowrun (not the first time - see Stackpole, and not the last - see Ben Rome and IlClan)
>You gain brouzouf
Not like they stopped running the license into the ground since then. The vidya they had any involvement in was shit, online only, and shut down years ago. They kept fucking with the errata team and doing strange things with the last edition I paid any real attention to. Fiction writers were pushed to write game mechanics. Hardy himself is a failed author with ambitions to get gms to take his shlort. But official word is they are definitely paying their writers! Except they're scraping the bottom of the barrel to get anyone willing to freelance, and it shows. One of the ones that didn't work out was here pirating their stuff before joining the team, and afaik the game has only slid further since then.
What happened to the SRGs? Did everyone stop playing the game with 6e?
Anyone with a story to tell or actual question left, and then it was trolls, autists, and copypasta about the games no one was playing and the books they weren't reading.
Shadowrun is a setting that likes to pretend a few dozen guys getting magic powers but no practical experience using them can beat the US military, like all non-LOS weapons just ceased to exist.
I guess even Pegasus couldn't salvage 6th edition.
Was bringt es da Deutsch zu verstehen?
Any setting that does stuff like this improves my opinion of it.
Even the better version of a runny shit is easier to handle.
I have to believe there are a shit ton more native americans in SR than real life. Implying whatever that needs to, including they had better relations with colonists.
the "deebly goncerned" expression is great
that elf is too fat and her ears are too short
well, her face is too fat at least. and not a french fry is sight either
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Starring Melissa Mccarthy
>that elf
There's not a single elf on that cover.
oops, i didn't see the tusks
>The vidya they had any involvement in was shit, online only, and shut down years ago.
It's funny because fans actually got it back up and running again. There's a whole community for Shadowrun 2007 that managed to bypass the shitty Games for Windows Live service and routinely hosts their own tournaments. Not the happy ending Shadowrun needs, but a good reminder that fans will ALWAYS be the ones to keep something alive.
>It's funny
You're not even talking about the same game.
to run 6th edition? not much i am afraid, most people i know just abbandoned it and went back to either 5th or 4th edition aber das war abzusehen given how shit the 6th ed corebook was JA
What would be an optimal decker build for 5th?
Priorities are: DBCEA, Metatype Human

I’m thinking for cyberwear that I would pick a cerebral booster R2 or R3, datajack and obvious cyberarm
Go for DCEBA and aim for full limb replacement down the line. Capacity allows you to do interesting things. Prioritize LOG followed by INT. Get AGI via the arm. You'll be fucking slow until you get the legs, but hey. Dump some attributes and increase them to 2 with your free character creation karma, at just 10 karma each. Maybe you can even afford a 1, depends on what you're going for. Go all in on negative and especially on positive qualities. Do NOT skip Cybercombat, or any other matrix core skill for that matter. Your biggest strength is your versatility, so don't fuck that up. It's totally fine to never use Brute Force though, so feel free to bring that down with qualities. Don't overspend on the deck. A Tsurugi will be more than enough for ages, especially when modded. Don't underestimate how useful an Agent can be. There are tons of tests that can be teamworked that don't require marks. Like those to get marks in the first place. Ignore Kill Code in its entirety, it was written by brainlets who didn't understand the things they were writing about. Fork is great, Fork is good.
Here's a thought. Imagine the shyte they rejected.
I don't think they did dump anything that crossed the threshold. In 4e they were using shitty sketches artists sent in as examples with intent to do actual work -that they didn't get paid for- in pdf releases.
>What happened to the SRGs?
Autistic obsessive ruined it for everyone, driving away casual posters, while 6e did the rest.
>Did everyone stop playing the game with 6e
Yes, pretty much. 3e, 4e, and 5e are all still there, but if there's no flow of content there's nothing to cycle in new contributors once the old ones have been driven away.
otoh, you could try to max out log and sleaze to go with a sneaky brute forcer. They get an alert when you attack, but unlike hotf neither success nor failure will let them spot you.
Yeah made a mistake, I meant DBECA

Are chopping the legs for strength necessary?

I was thinking of taking Corporate born Sin as negative quality. Not sure which positive ones I should take.

What mods for a cyberdeck?
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>This is why all the previous SR players gave up on it and there's no longer an active SR General.
In Germany there are new add on books released on a regular basis and there's at least 1 game going on every time I visit my lgs
I have no idea why it's so popular over here
What's the alternative? DSA? Cthulhu? Vampire? Splittermond (DSA at home)?
As if you don't know. Germans love rules, love organisation, and hate fun. Shadowrun and Eurotruck Simulator, the 'sehr gut' genres.
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All I remember about 6th edition was argle bargle
Even Cyberpunk Red is better
But the Shadowrun rules are garbage
>Even Cyberpunk Red is better
Is that the one with the dolls?
>I meant DBECA
Skills make characters, and there's less need for high starting attributes if you go for full limb replacement at some point. Hence DCEBA.

>chopping the legs for strength
Less for STR, more for AGI. And for armor and capacity. And for WIL via Cyber Singularity Seeker. But STR is nice as well.

>positive ones
Definitely Perfect Time. JOATMON is very likely worth it as well, as you'll be getting a lot of new and low-level skills over time. Overclocker can be cool. There are many more worthwhile positive qualities than you'll be able to take in the beginning.

>mods for a cyberdeck
"Modify a Matrix Attribute" to change the array from to 6553 to 7552.
Oh, I see. Had a bad experience in the past where I was a street sam in a group with two other street sams, and I was forced into the role of face due to me specing in attributes, skills and JOATMON instead of wares… Which I was bad at it in character and out of character (one of the street sams had irl charisma). So I felt useless. So I guess I’m wary of it.

Wrongly assumed that strength was used for running and speed. That’s what happened when you don’t play for a while. Cyber Singularity Seeker, huh? What does it do? And what uses will I have for the capacity of the limbs? I need 3 for agility and 3 for armor at the very least, if I’m not mistaken.

Perfect time seems to come out a lot during searches. Used in combination with another quality, Quick Config, for hit and block tactics. Overclocker too. I have heard of Impenetrable Will and Instinctive Hack, but I can’t find the rules on them. I don’t know what they do.

Alright I’ll take that mod!

If you’re interested or if it helps, I had this character concept in mind. The Decker is a teen, sixteen years old. Corporate born at Ares. With all the biotech implanted in their brain since infancy, they have performed incredibly in school! We’re not talking about skipping a year or two of classes, but already at the professional level in multiple fields (I was considering picking up College Education). Though after an incident involving some shadowrunners and a mission going south, the decker got themselves injured greatly and was fixed with cyberwares. Due to the “trauma” of the incident, plus hiring a minor to a professional job being a bad idea, the decker was given two years of sabbatical vacations. Though really, what motivated the decker to run the shadows was to take advantage of their last years of liberty before being confined to a desk job for the rest of their life.
>Even Cyberpunk Red is better

Red is just 2020 that they cut out half the content and called it "streamlined"
They then made a half-assed attempt at making netrunning less of a pain (again by cutting out half the rules and putting a bandaid over it)
No one even talks about the one with the dolls now.
I want to know, do corps accounting, budget and finance departments have access to the company’s money? Say an entrepreneurial team of runners who are already infiltrating a building want to take out a loan discreetly, is it possible?
A SR game where you're a bunch of disposable office drones who decide to pull off a heist against your corp after one too many after work drinks sounds pretty great but I'm guessing that's not what this is about.
Easily doable without eating at CGL's, tho.
>I have no idea why it's so popular over here
Because Germans feel the dystopia
Also because of momentum from the FASA days where almost all of the good lore was written by Germans and then reincorporated into the English books
Sounds legit.
Wait, that isn't the cryptozoologist? How many Loren Colemans can there possibly be?
Yeah, but while the dolls killed it instantly, it at least had some actual imagination for the bizarre ways the setting could develop, instead of the eternal grognard summer that SR became - with entire major metaplot elements about rolling things back.
Metaplot elements about rolling things forward aren't great, either.
A good setting wouldn't need any metaplot at all to be interesting, just a starting situation with lots of plot hooks. Shadowrun's intrusive metaplot gets really annoying, especially considering that they no only did change things between edtions but also during an edition's run. Just set a current year at the start of an edition and have all sourcebooks describe rules and settings at that point.
>Metaplot elements about rolling things forward aren't great, either.
Shadowrun hit a point with 4e where CGL decided they had gone too far and another step forward would put them uncomfortably close to Eclipse Phase. 5e was the temporary rollback while they figured out their way forward.
The problems start before that, but the communication problems hit big when the players misunderstood it as a permanent change. Didn't help that CGL made their big CFD plot a PC killer with no cure, and dragged their feet on printing an official cure 'because'. Then had to realise people were ignoring CFD because they were fucking up delivering a metaplot.
>5e was the temporary rollback while they figured out their way forward.
With shit like WiFi bonuses and limits.
It's probably my favorite edition, but even it has some serious and totally unnecessary issues.
>With shit like WiFi bonuses and limits.
I honestly think the problem with both is CGL got shy over making them more integral to the game and they ended up in a shitty middle ground.
>when you don't pay your artist so you pay in exposure for an art school DEI hire
Any explanation for 6th edition?

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