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I know of many legendary swords, but why are there so few legendary warhammers?
They keep getting sued by Games Workshop for copyright infringement.
There's one in G1, Steading that says "here's a kiss for you, runt" when you hit a dwarf with it.
Ghal Maraz
Crom Feyr
The fuck is G1
Sword users have an inferiority complex. Your trillion-folded Shortsword of Goblin Cuckoldry is on par with this hammer the CR0 Peasant shoes horses with.
Swords and spears are symbolic of the warrior and the phallus, and therefore, the male. Bludgeoning weapons (MjĂžlner, Vajra, Herakles' club, etc.) are symbolic of more esoteric power and lifeforce. The latter does survive as the judge's gavel, the royal scepter and more, but not so much in fantasy, since the protagonists are often archetypically male warriors (like Frey, Mars, etc.).
I'm disappointed that the God Emperor of Mankind does not have a warhammer
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>Swords and spears are symbolic of the warrior and the phallus
And the warhammer symbolizes a long shaft and massive steel balls.
Swords are more narratively versatile.
>400 kilo hammerhead
That thing is the retarded GW equivalent of equally retarded japslop giant anime swords.
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Sound gay
Because you don't put any in your games.
Swords are objectively cooler
I am gay. What's your problem?
*1917, the murders were 1918
A hammer is a warrior's weapon.
A sword is a poet's weapon.
>namefag is gay
Why am I not surprised?
really? i see dozens of threads talking about warhammers all the time here for some reason. always seemed too weirdly specific to me
There's Mjolnir from IRL myth, Grond from Tolkien, and Ghal Maraz the titular Warhammer from Warhammer, and I can think of three from video games.
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why the fuck is /pol/ coming out of the woodwork in a thread about hammers
I like Volendrung and one might consider converting it to the system they're playing
>not a single mention of Arrancadora
broken legs for all of you
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the requirements make it unaccessible until second cycle
It's amazing how both the cruciform and the 'royal scepter/crook' both spread so widely from Egypt over the centuries.
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>I know of many legendary swords, but why are there so few legendary warhammers?
Ontology. If this sounds like I'm shit-talking other weapons I'm not, so bear with with me.

A sword represents a number of things. It represents the highest skill of the smith and therefore his community, it represents the wealth and status and skills of the owner and - most importantly - it represents naked violence. Its sole purpose is to kill and no other weapons approach the sword's combination of facility and single-mindedness. A sword can not be used as a tent pole or a punt for a boat and nor can it fell a tree or and nor can it be equaled in function by a sharpened sapling or a rock lashed to a stick. It is purpose-built to harm and kill human beings.

Given that the right to end lives in cold blood has traditionally been reserved to the leaders of a society and their designated agents, it's easy to see why the sword has such mythos and prestige. A sword on a flag is a reminder of power, a sword in a sheath is violence unmanifested and a naked sword is violence immanent because it could be nothing else. This is why so many rituals take place around swords and have for so long. An oath sworn on a naked sword is an oath undertaken in the context of death, a sword tapped on the shoulders of a kneeling knight represents his subservience to the wielder, and so on. The sword is a reification of interpersonal violence.

All of the other trappings of swords stem from this. Sword as phallus, sword as [further abstracted] status symbol, etc. It's all predicated on the ontology of the sword as violence reified.
He should, frankly, have two score thousand of them.
>wants to talk about warhammers
>posts goofy sledgehammers
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What the fuck is a magic hammer gonna do thats cool? Just hit shit harder? Oh how magical it gets heavier. Thats not as impressive as a magic sword, unnatural sharpness and being wreathed in flames and shit is just intuitively more appealing than the hammer getting heavier and being on fire while you bonk with it. The fire if anything seems totally superfluous to the bonking, with a sword you at least get that shit up inside the foe when you stab em.
You need to work on your bait.
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Volendrung is pretty cool.
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Yer razzing me right?
We're not allowed to fpbp post when it's warhammer. Too bad.
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oh wow, looking at this thread in archive is a treat, well done jannies
Games Workshop keeps hoarding all of them.

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