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Do you use elf queens in your games? If so do you prefer them to be ancient and powerful or more wordly dynastic rulers?
Fuck off WC spammer.
There are elf queens if there are elven kingdoms, yes, but the chance to interact with them is usually slim so I never put much thought in their characters if it's not needed.
Why specifically queens?
Why does it matter if it's a queen or king?
Please help me to understand and talk about your game first, especially if you used your exact pic in your game.
Warcraft is so fucking ugly holy shit.
No my elves are all patriarchal homosexual supremacists. Elf women routinely flee their nations to avoid having to live as second-class citizens and loveless breeding wives. This is how the drow came into existence. Drow HATE faggots.
nah, only true "elf royal" is a male elf who rules over humans after marrying a human ruling queen pretty much specifically to take over as ruler of humans after she died from old age (while he's immortal, and elf/human couples cannot bear children in the setting).
Elves don't have actual kingdoms, but only nomadic settlements + a single religious city-state ruled by a group of priests.
I have queening elves in my games, does that count?
Do they sing bohemian rhapsody or something?
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Well I used a drow matron mother who had maneuvered herself to being ruler of a city, so she was sort of like a queen. I also portrayed her as being actually stupid (8 Intelligence) and completely insane, but that 22 Wisdom meant that she was cunning and insightful to a superhuman degree. Imagine someone who doesn't even understand the concept of what a Rubiks cube is supposed to do and thinks it's just a fun little thing to occupy your hands, almost never uses a word more than two syllables long and stumbles over anything four syllables long, has no idea what anyone around her is talking about if it's more complicated than some degree of fighting, fucking, or food...but also is impossible to lie to or misdirect, can describe (within her limited vocabulary) your own motivations, state of mind, and thoughts to you better than you could articulate them yourself, and who already knew if you were going to attack her and has already taken steps to protect herself such as by having hidden minions in place and ready to cover her escape, and also that Rubiks cube she's been playing with is actually a Cube of Force.

Not a hypothetical; this exact situation happened to my players. She went from being a joke character to being regarded as the most dangerous humanoid NPC they'd ever met inside of about ten minutes.
>10 replies in under 20 minutes

OP, please leave.
Hadn't thought about it, but adding singing is a fun idea.
I don't think this is really justifiable as stupid, because a stupid person would make mistakes in the execution of their counterplan even if they were so insightful, but D&D stats are stupid anyway and it sounds like a fun character.
>about anyone else doing anything at all
I don't think OP is doing anything either, or has a game, or any of his prompt is based on anything game-related.
Or in short: no idea how OPs prompt is supposed to fix what you are complaining about.
Not that anon, by the way.
>airheaded drow bimbo with superhuman people skills

sounds fun
I gave Ectanis the same kind of blunt yet efficient stupidity that built the Third Reich. Her "counterplan" was just to recognize that she was heading into a trap and so telling her minions to hide while she would use a cube of force to protect herself until an opportunity to escape arose. She wasn't smart but she knew that her minions were and so she could just tell them what she wanted done ("hide and protect me") and then leave it to them to figure out how to accomplish it. She was wise enough to know better than to tell experts how to do their job.

The entire way she was able to take over the city was because basically all the other matron mothers expected her to be this brilliant schemer who had this complicated master plan to manipulate them into doing what she wanted. They expected her to have layers within layers of plans and subtle actions because that's all they had experience with, for centuries personally and millennia as a society. They expected poison or assassins or mind control or blackmail. Because that's what they were all doing to each other.

They weren't expecting her to walk into the council chambers during a regular meeting of the high houses and gate in a couple of balors without preamble. No, she hadn't worked out anything ahead of time with the balors. She just winged the whole thing and made it work.
>8 Intelligence
>22 Wisdom
So, she's extremely intelligent but didn't go through formal schooling.
because that's how those stats actually work, "intelligence" just means being able to memorize and spew random facts. That's why most wizards you see are very retarded.
He's trying to say that any thread that starts with a question like this has better chances to spark actual discussion than "WHY IS AOS DEAD #45287". And I agree with him. Answering these questions, even if they are not relevant to your game (and even if you don't have a game currently, that's not the point) help. It's an exchange of ideas, a (maybe small) excercise in creativity, and who knows, someone may find some interesting bit to include in his own games one day. That's why people share their experiences and points of view. That's what the board is for.
The removal of the IP counter and it's consequences have been a disaster
I see what you mean, but I don't think there is a shred of honesty in this OP, and he has yet to talk about any of his own games or why this question is relevant to anything he's working on.
If these threads are going faster than any thread with a genuine game-related question, that the OP put thought and care into, then you have your answer for why anyone that made anything is leaving.
This thread is already faster and has accumulated more posts in less time than last time I made a thread specifically about something homebrew I was working on. And it died after a day while this one will probably be bumped for five days at least.
Don't want to drown this thread in meta-bitching, so it will be my last post about this. But do you understand why some people get annoyed by OPs like this?
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Well, that's not quite how I run them. High Intelligence doesn't just mean book-learning and rote memorization, it's also your ability to make connections and figure out puzzles.

Ectanis could, for example, know that you have a knife hidden in your boot and that you intended to use it on her, but she was incapable of figuring out *why* you wanted to kill her, if you were an assassin or someone she'd wronged in the past or what.

Like imagine if there was some group of assassins that always carried a particular kind of distinctive knife. After the assassin was killed and Ectanis and someone else were looking over the assassin's body...

>Ectanis: "Hey that's a neat knife he's got in his boot."
>Minion: "I didn't notice that! Huh...this knife is used by the Black Hand assassins."
>Ectanis: "How'd he end up with a Black Hand assassin's knife?"
>Minion: "...he was probably a Black Hand assassin, mistress."
>Ectanis: "Oh! But why would a Black Hand assassin want to kill me?"
>Minion: "He was probably paid to by one of your enemies."
>Ectanis: "Oh. Why?"
>Minion: "Perhaps because of the balor incident."
>Ectanis: "Oh...that makes sense. Hang on stand back I'm gonna ask him some questions. Speak with Dead. Hey, are you an assassin?"
>Corpse: "Yes..."
>Ectanis: "Who hired you?"
>Corpse: "Anonymous...client..."
>Ectnais: "Mice are trying to kill me?!"
>Minion: "'Anonymous' means that they didn't identify themselves to the assassin, mistress."
>Ectanis: "Oh. Well that's not very helpful! How am I supposed to figure out who tried to kill me?"
>Corpse: "You're...not..."
>Ectanis: "Oh you think you're funny, do you?!"
>Corpse: "No..."
>Ectanis: "That's right!"
OP having a game is irrelevant, OP has always been a fag anyway.
I'm the one who made the Mutant Chronicles thread, and you know what? I don't care if other threads lasted longer, or died sooner. Some anons posted art, others posted their models and ideas, others posted links to rulebooks and shared artist names. Some anon that didn't know about it learned about a new setting and its games. The thread still existed.
I can understand how being surrounded by bitches like the ones we have here can be disheartening, but ignore and report them. Discuss what you want. Let's end it here, the message is sent.
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She also had a kid! A boy named Rynas, 18 in human years so about 11 in elf years according to how I handle elf aging, and her only child (Ectanis was quite young for a matron mother herself, barely into her second century). Now for the record she was a completely dedicated Lolthite cleric in every respect and was such a force for chaos in the Underdark that I implied at several points that Lolth loved the Hell out of her because of how everything Ectanis touched went to Hell in a handbasket. So you expect Ectanis to be cruel towards her son, or dismissive, or demanding, or abusive, and really wish that Rynas had been a girl, or the like, right?

Nope. Remember, she's totally insane, but that's insane *by drow standards*. One of the ways that insanity manifested was that she genuinely loved and doted on Rynas, indulged the little shit, was constantly encouraging him, and none of this was put-on. She would have genuinely given her life to protect him, and the fastest way to get on her bad side was to insult or endanger him.

This did have the effect of turning Rynas into an entitled little shit, of course.
>it's also your ability to make connections
that's either wisdom or charisma
>figure out puzzles
that's just the player's irl intelligence

everything else is pretty much just flavor, how dm or players choose to portray their characters.
>One of the ways that insanity manifested was that she genuinely loved and doted on Rynas
that's just you making the character endearing to your players, since if she were an asshole mom it'd be morally justified to kill her asap
Bruh NTA but she's a drow matron mother, it's already morally justified to kill her ASAP no matter how nice she is to her kids.
>>it's also your ability to make connections
>that's either wisdom or charisma

It's Intelligence. Intelligence has consistently been used for puzzle-solving in D&D throughout every edition going all the way back to the 1970s. Wisdom is used to *find* all the pieces of a puzzle, but Intelligence is used to put them together and understand what they mean.

Classic example, Wisdom is walking up to a house, seeing that a window is broken, and noticing that all the glass is on the front yard and very little is inside the house. Intelligence is what lets you then realize that this means that the window was most likely broken from inside the house, and thus whatever happened it probably wasn't a break-in.

Charisma is convincing Sherlock Holmes to not treat you like an idiot just because you didn't notice that the window was broken from the inside. It's got nothing to do with problem-solving.

>that's just the player's irl intelligence
Yeah but I was DMing, not playing, so I used Ectanis' ability scores as a guide for how to roleplay her. And I played her as someone who can easily find all the pieces to a given puzzle but is extremely bad at actually fitting them together.
she's hot and comic relief
this anon obviously wants the players to like her.
Players often empathize with evil creatures if they show some cutesy side.
>It's Intelligence. Intelligence has consistently been used for puzzle-solving in D&D throughout every edition going all the way back to the 1970s.
But, you see, nowadays you explain the difference between intelligence and wisdom as "Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad."
Making intelligence the stat that actually reflects intelligence is a thing of the past, now it's just memorization with Wisdom being the real intelligence stat.
Very much this, >>93433051. She was absolutely Chaotic Evil and proved this on the regular (when the PCs first met her she and Rynas were doing some fun mother-son torture of a prisoner, specifically Rynas was practicing his necromancy, he didn't quite manage Chill Touch but he's getting there!), it's just that she's a humanoid, not a demon, so alignment is the *result* of her choices and reasoning, not the source of them. She could make individual choices that were lawful, neutral, or good, but the majority of her actions were chaotic and evil.

The PCs didn't end up killing her, but mostly because they had much bigger fish to fry vis-a-vis a bunch of demon lords running around loose in the Underdark. This was a modified Out of the Abyss campaign I was running.
Straight from the 5e PHB:
>Intelligence measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall, and the ability to reason.

"Reason" here being what I mean when I say puzzle-solving.
I'd Use her in the biblical way heheh
This is a bumpfag thread. Be cautious.
>But, you see, nowadays you explain
I said explain.
5e players don't read the books
I'm a 5e player and I've read the books. But no TRUE Scottsman, amirite?
I don't inject any horny stuff into my game because I'm a massive coomer and I'm afraid if I let one thing in my weak will won't be able to stop me from letting it all into my game, ruining it alongside my relation with my friends.
you don't need an elf queen to be "horny stuff".
Then again you admitted you're a coomer, so you're probably unable to imagine ways for an elf queen to not be "horny stuff".
>I don't inject any horny stuff into my game
Why not? Classic stories are full of it.
anon, he literally said why
What, just because it might imperil his relationships? He should face a little peril.
her son sounds like he's built for Elistraeean pristess gentle femdom purification until he's a loyal and firmly Good paladin (hopefully still with his mother's brains)
Can I marry her and make her good with the power of love and my dick?
Probably not. She can get all the dick she wants.

Rynas wouldn’t make a good Paladin, he’s scrawny. He’s definitely wizard material, though. Yes, the irony of Ectanis’ own kid having a higher Intelligence than her is intentional.
There is a board for video games.
There's an elf queen directly south of the region my game primarily takes place in. My players will get an opportunity to pursue an adventure path that would interact with her kingdom. She's ancient but not that powerful. The kingdom has been intensely insular for centuries as a reaction to what they feel was being tricked by the dwarves into participating in a costly and morally questionable extermination of humanoids in the Lortmil Mountains. Yolande, the elf queen in question, is particular withdrawn even within her kingdom and pretty much only is in contact with her immediate Court who are also all detached and pampered aristocrats. The only person with access to her court is this guy Melf (the Acid Arrow guy) that my players do have the opportunity to interact with more or less any time if they got in tight with the elves in the forest their base town, Hommlet, is located at the edge of.
Sure. And not a one understands the concept of monogamy. In my setting elves are Romanesque conquers always looking for new slaves to capture and to expand their empire, and the royal palace is under a stasis spell that makes the people there immortal. The entire palace is surrounded by a massive labyrinth patrolled by minotaur guards, all well armed and well trained, and without one of them as an escort making your way through the maze is extremely hazardous. And the queen is getting dicked down daily by the minotaur guard captain, and gives no fucks who knows about it.

. One in particular,
Baz-Kinor saw this as an opportunity, and negotiated a
pledge of fealty to the Nokor-Etar. She was an excellent
diplomat and in exchange for some minor services that
the Dark Dwarves would ask of the Dark Elves, she could
rule her lands unmolested. With the implicit strength of
the Nokor-Etar backing her legitimacy, she proclaimed
herself as the first Prophet-Queen of the Dark Elves,
11changing the capital to Capheoli Derenok, and
reforming the kingdom as a more feudal society,
granting access to the Infuser to more than just the
Sixteen Families, elevating a great deal of new Blood to
the highest echelons of power, ensuring their loyalty.
This of course led to a further fracturing of Dark Elf
society, but under the Imperial Dictate of the NokorEtar, she, and later her descendants would be the ones
to rule over Capheoli Derenok.
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What about love tho?
>Rynas wouldn’t make a good Paladin, he’s scrawny
easier for the Elistreaeeans to (gently) pin down...
Platonic or familial only (and not in an ara ara sense), no romantic love. She just isn’t built for it.

The whole family are actually tied into a thief character I played in the previous campaign, who was born on the surface and raised among humans, her mom a drow matron mother exile. That mom, Avaunya Ii’ilmerias, had to flee the Underdark when Ectanis’ stupidity got her entire House wiped out. See the Ii’ilmerias in their home city we’re actually playing things smart for centuries, matron mothers using magic to have lots of sons but only one daughter, which meant that the Ii’ilmerias weren’t cannibalizing themselves like other drow Houses. They used this to become Third House, but really First House, deliberately keeping two weaker Houses above them to serve as more tempting targets, But Ectanis was thick as two short planks and Avaunya was sure that she’d get House Ii’ilmerias destroyed, so she conceived another daughter.

Ectanis, being crazy by drow standards, genuinely loved her mom and thought it was reciprocated, but learning that Avaunya was pregnant made Ectanis think that Avaunya didn’t love her anymore, so she set out to earn Avaunya’s love back…by starting a war between Ii’ilmerias and the two higher-ranked Houses in order to law Ii’ilmerias First House (not understanding the deliberate choice to be Third). Thing is that while Ii’ilmerias was stronger than *any* other House, it was not stronger than *all* other Houses. The blatant action resulted in the rest of the city uniting and wiping out Ii’ilmerias.

Avaunya survived and fled to the surface, where she hid in a human village, shacked up with an innkeeper there, and eventually had Iliira, dying in the process because drama.

Meanwhile Ectanis got to Menzoberranzan and became a mercenary to a major house before killing and fucking her way to the top.
>ara ara
Googling just led me to "it means oh my".
Ectanis did eventually learn about Iliira on the surface but never got a chance to actually meet her during OotA. Iliira herself is basically a plucky sidekick thief and is mentally nearly the opposite of Ectanis (15 Int, 8 Wis - a nearly genius-level intellect, certainly above the human norm, but totally lacking in common sense and easily distracted. She leans heavily in a high Dexterity (19 at 1st level, 22 by the time she showed up as an NPC in OotA) and being incredibly Lucky (i.e,, the feat) to get out of trouble, rather than making good decisions to avoid getting into trouble).

If the PCs had ever actually had a confrontation with Ectanis and beat her, and didn’t kill Rynas, they probably would have foisted her off on Iliira, who at that point was looking to settle down for a few decades at her adopted dad’s inn. She was closing in on 30 years old, so about 18 in human terms.

I used the same basic 1st level stats for the whole family - 17, 15, 14, 13, 10, 8 (we rolled for stats). I’m Iliira’s case she maxed Dexterity and dumped Wisdom; Ectanis maxes Wisdom and dumped Intelligence; Rynas maxed Intelligence and dumped Charisma; Avaunya maxed Wisdom and dumped Strength.
ara ara can vary in definition a LOT based on context and intonation. It can be almost sultry 'Oh my~' or just a motherly 'Oh you'.
why not just say "familial only (not in an incestuous way)"?
Beats me. I'm not that poster. I was just explaining ara ara.
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I hate to side with this guy for being a petulant twat, but he's right. Player knowledge is the real Intelligence, the INT stat is just something Wizards and Arcane Tricksters use for casting.

As far as DMing is concerned, however, >>93432890 is correct here.

Players by and large suck ass at the game. The ones who don't are typically insufferable fat "that guy"s that I would rather die than spend 4 hours a week with.

Source: (Former) DD5E DM of 7 years
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>the character.AI elf queen bullies me for being obviously inexperienced with women when I didn't even tell her anything
Because I thought it would be funnier but apparently I was wrong.
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Most ancient, most powerful. The very Eve and godly All-Mother of her race.
>Do you use elf queens in your games?
Sorry, I can’t include them because OP’s schedule conflicts with ours. Better luck next time, ya Royal faerie. You might have time for games if you spent less time sucking cocks…someone had to say itt
It's a mature woman's laugh in Japanese word noises. Roughly. Hence why it gets translated to "oh my" a lot.
in the past there weren't so many of these vapid, dogshit, "I just wanted to post this picture so let me make up some scenario and tack on 'in your games' so that it is /tg/ related in the loosest sense" kinds of threads

I mean, there were plenty of threads that were just "I just wanted to post this picture" threads but at least the OP was a *little* bit creative
I have them be a society of dominatrixes who love to dominate human men to prove their superiority
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I love elf queens, and they need to look like this
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Titania, best Fae Queen.
Truly /tg/ is the best board. We have everything.
Kind of reminds me of how I portrayed a Dark Eldar archon in a Rogue Trader game. I ran a modified version of the one adventure where PCs team up with the archon against her rival, so I wanted to make the character at least somewhat likeable.
The way I characterized her was that while she was cunning and a very good fighter, she wasn't actually particularly smart or sophisticated despite wanting to give off the appearance of such. So she kept misusing or mispronouncing fancy words before reverting to speaking like a thug when her minions couldn't figure what she was trying to say. She was also a bit loopy and easily excitable, which was another comedic trait but also combined with her being short-tempered and gleefully sadistic, leading to the PCs having to thread on eggshells to stay on her good side.
No, there really were.

Elf slave wat do?
>High Intelligence doesn't just mean book-learning and rote memorization, it's also your ability to make connections and figure out puzzles.
If anything, I'd consider wisdom to cover book-learning (as well as life experience). Wisdom covers what you know and understand (among other things), while intelligence covers your ability to learn new things, work out solutions to problems, and formulate plans. When solving a puzzle a high Int character will figure out the mechanics behind it and determine a solution from scratch, while high Wis character will recall having experienced or read about a similar situation before and apply their pre-existing knowledge to the current situation.
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Are you not entertained?
Big money publishers didn't understand the LotR movies, which were based on the books, which the publishers didn't read.
Your bingo is missing Reddit's infamous, antisocial "huffing their own farts bc complicated culture" phrase.
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the topic is elf queens thoughever, are you saying this topic is inherently tied with elf/human sex?
It isn't, but since OP put a lust-provoking image into his OP and the topic is female elves anyway, with a retarded prompt not related to an actual game or system, it inevitably will, as anons have already done in this very thread.
To be fair, one was minotaurs. BUT ANYTHING, ANYTHING BUT MALE ELVES
Imagine if the elf queen had an elfen king. Tolkien would never.
That is, by the way, exactly what OP wants.
Ancient brood mothers. That's why there are so many female elves and a few males drones.
Elves had kings. Better start a "Do you use elf kings in your games?" thread.
>brood mothers
I'm starting to think this is a reddit meme.
Why would you post uncanny AI shit when there are versions of that very design in far nicer styles?
Why would I? I have nothing to say about this topic, nothing to ask, nothing to plan for any games regarding this topic. It wouldn't contribute a thing.
Talking about elven monarchy in general and for instance how they deal with their long lifespans and such could have some merit. But guess what, we talked about that extensively all the time as well.
>Why would I?
To annoy OP. Wankers like him can't stand you taking away their toys, figuratively speaking. By making an elf kings thread you can call OP a faggot.
Yeah, I bet OP will be seething seeing another dumb no-games thread cluttering the catalog.
You would be surprised.
>Why would I? I have nothing to say about this topic, nothing to ask, nothing to plan for any games regarding this topic. It wouldn't contribute a thing.
classic backseat janny behavior
This is kind of stupid I can’t lie. A dithering retard just wouldn’t be able to come up with coherent plans like this. She’d intuit that PCs are bad men but an 8 INT character is not coming up with complicated escape routes and minion placements and keikaru plans. You’re just letting Wisdom determine Intelligence when convenient. The only wise thing you’ve described from her is knowing to deceive the players that her dangerous cube was harmless and portraying herself as such; she would intuit to escape quickly but do so in an idiotic, chaotic and unplanned manner. Frankly the whole INT-WIS dynamic starts to collapse with such discrepancy because your characters just can’t be “cunning” and planning out complicated routines in advance if they’re really fucking stupid. 8 INT 22 WIS is a moron with great intuition, not a cunning schemer.
INT and WIS are interchangable
INT is understanding how and why the mechanics of reality work. WIS is understanding what to do in a situation
There are only two elvish holds with an intact royalty in muh setting. One has a queen, Arwæglóð the Radiant.

She's a high elf, one of the last three or four, which means she's seven-foot-three, has constant post/precognition going, and can cut down trees with the side of her palm. She spends a lot of her time asleep, dreaming of the future.
>WIS is understanding what to do in a situation
that just means WIS is the real intelligence stat
INT is book smarts, WIS is street smarts
Its a retarded distinction anyway
>Clerics main stat is WIS
>Religion is INT based
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>but an 8 INT character is not coming up with complicated escape routes and minion placements and keikaru plans
You're right, she's not. Her plan was limited to, "this is probably a trap. Minions, go hide and be ready to attack. I'll use my cube of force to protect myself." There was nothing complicated about the plan, it seriously had just two steps.

It didn't seem uncanny to me for one thing, but if you like, fine. This is actually from a drawfriend thread. I like it, but it's kind of small and doesn't really make Ectanis look quite as old (about her 30s) as I wanted her to look, in addition to the outfit being totally wrong.

The scythe looks cool though. The scythe was supposed to be another indication of Ectanis' mindset. The House Ii'ilmerias' traditional ceremonial weapon is supposed to be a sickle; its House symbol is a spider with legs that end with sickles and all member sof the House carry one, but it was also pure pomp and circumstance; for actual fighting they used swords and crossbows and knives and poisoning your enemy the night before just like every other drow.

Ectanis' mindset is "I should have a super-sickle if I'm gonna be in charge one day."
"You mean a scythe?" asked one of her minions.
"Yeah, that!"
But then of course leaning once again into her being a lot more dangerous than she appears at first glance, her scythe is a Nine Lives Stealer.

>Measures: Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill
>Measures: Awareness, intuition, insight

it's more like intelligence is about conscious thought while wisdom is about things you just know, unconsciously.
So, street smarts involves INT because it does require some logic, ability to make connections and so on.
Calling INT just book smarts reduces INT characters to idiots (since the real intelligence is WIS) who are great at memorizing shit.
I mean I've already outlined how I run it. Intelligence is reasoning, puzzling things out, making connections, logic, and also yes, rote memorization. Very high Wisdom (combined with Perception and/or Insight) basically makes you one half of Sherlock Holmes, the half that notices every minute detail around him.

Like I outlined in my dialogue above, Ectanis would be able to look at the corpse of someone who tried to kill her and instantly spot a distinctive knife tucked away somewhere. Someone might then tell her it's the distinctive knife of the Black Hand assassins, and her first question would legitimately be, "why does he have a Black Hand assassin knife?", because she doesn't make the connection that someone carrying a Black Hand knife is probably a member of the Black Hand.
yeah, you said it right in your post, I was replying to

and if you're the same poster, you didn't seem like it (since you didn't talk about your drow waifu in that post)
My drow waifu's older long-lost sister. My drow waifu is the human-raised thief that's basically Aladdin crossed with Lina Inverse in personality, with what amounts to Imoen's backstory.
>basically Aladdin crossed with Lina Inverse in personality
very nice
what would Azshara think if you sucked on her ears?
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what about male elf kings, with lots of concubines, some of which feel bored and lonely due to having to compete for scraps attention?

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