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Shouldn't the same logic apply to half-elves in general?
What makes the drow so special?
>Shouldn't the same logic apply to half-elves in general?
I don't really see why. There's no reason to presuppose half-elf genetics works in a predictable and repeatable way when one subrace is defined by being 1) under a divine curse 2) essentially led by the corrupting influence of their demonic goddess.

Lolth or Corellon or both probably did some weird spooky shit to make half-drow breed true. It arguably suits both their purposes: it prevents drow from ever evading their stigma, and drow reproduce a lot anyway and have severe cultural barriers to easily reproducing in other societies so it probably doesn't make a huge difference to their overall numbers. Regular elves probably just breed out if they keep reproducing in a wider human population.

I guess if you want to be edgy this gives you justification for drow rape camps or whatever. But they struggle to feed their constantly increasing population as is; the limiters on drow population aren't having enough babies.
I just use Elder Scrolls logic. No half-races, children are always the same race as the mother. Keeps things nice and simple.
>brought to you by the X chromosome gang
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but what about the good drow? like the ones who pray to Eilistraee? Seems a bit- unfair?
That's always been my favorite.
Keeps things nice and simple and you can have things like some combinations having more or less of the father's characteristics.
Like a human woman that's raped by a minotaur (and survives) might give birth to a human that's bigger than the average, with a higher death rate for the mother, the infant, or both, if you want the whole grimdark deal that's a staple of some types of fantasy.
>but what about the good drow? like the ones who pray to Eilistraee? Seems a bit- unfair?
Eilistraee worshippers are Drow Catholics who feel they're atoning for original sin, also I don't think they'd actually give a shit about their children breeding true back into Drow since that's the same race as their goddess after all
I don't think Eilistraee would have an issue with the children of drow and half-drow remaining drow because her entire thing is showing the drow there is another way. So while I'm sure you could conjure up some kind of magical Eilistraeean ritual to prevent your half-drow's kids breeding true (no doubt involving moonlight, sex and/or being naked like all Eilistraeean rituals), it feels kind of against her theme of being a redemptive figure for drow.

Eilistraee would like 'yeah these kids are drow, but being drow doesn't have to be a bad thing' rather than 'I will make your kids not-drow' IMO.
There's no reason to assume that life in faerun follows genetic inheritance. It could be a mystical phenomenon like how in TES the race of the child is always the same as the race of the mother
They're black.
boring. crossbreeds should always be the race of their father, for maximum drama and porn potential.
Drow need a way to reproduce fast because they would otherwise wipe themselves out. Applying the one drop rule to half drow makes sense in such a self-destructive culture. It would also explain that, though drow are always described as having coal black skin, they are rarely depicted as anything other than light blue or light purple. They're like American blacks in that they're heavily mongrelised
to be honest when you're a half-drow born in a drow city you've grown up around full drow who will never accept you as one of their own and no matter how hard you pray to lolth you'll always be a pariah because of your iblith heritage so the best thing you could do is pop out some full-blooded drow babies you disgusting mongrel
That's unironic jew logic
It works that way to stop people claiming "Yeah I'm that guy's bastard son I'm one of you", it's a lot harder to falsely claim someone is your mother for obvious reasons.
>What makes the drow so special?
You ever hear people complain about "casual racism", and then think, "what about competitive racism"?
it makes a lot more sense for fantasy races to have the race be that of the mom
imagine a petite human giving birth to an orc baby

Morrowind's dark elves vs. the Underdark drow: I think the dark elves of Morrowind are more racist, you even get the n'wah experience as a dark elf
the one drop rule, obviously
this is also why the out of africa """theory""" is so utterly retarded
you're telling me that everyone with a tiny bit of black ancestry is very obviously partially black but that black cavemen wandered out of africa for a while and magically turned white, but will then instantly turn black again if they get one tiny drop of black ancestry in their lineage?

It's all so ridiculous
>imagine a petite human giving birth to an orc baby

I would prefer to imagine any human woman violated by an orc taking their own lives to end the shame and prevent an orcoid monstrosity from being birthed into the world.

Blond hair and blue eyes are recessive genes, anon. Why do you think Israel is pushing European countries, particularly Scandinavian ones, to accept African immigrants and push a multicultural agenda? Simply put, to Africanize and stamp out prized traits like blond hair and blue eyes.
SPBP, who wants to deal with mutts that are 1/4 elf, 1/8 dwarf, 1/3 kobold, 1/54 dragon?
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that’s why we have rules
>1/54 dragon
what do you think draconic sorcerers are?
fiends, dragons and nymphs are such whores, jesus
>I'm proud of my dragon, nymph, fiend, elf, sprite and merfolk heritage
Dragons are pretty slutty.
I thought that half-drow + half-drow = half-drow, per the Crinti of Dambrath.

Also isn't Algorond populated with a bunch of half-star-elves who breed true?
Why are dryads racist against lizardfolk specifically?
Lizardman semen is corrosive to treepeople.
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just normal sun elf eugenics at work
they have an awful lot in common with the drow when it comes to that thing, it's like it is a national sport

ah, that one isle which WotC can't make their mind up about and went through as many retcons as there are editions
Half-drow in that context seems to be referring to the other half being other elves, not half-humans.
>the good drow
No such thing, outside of individual extremist outliers.
Why not father?
There are a lot more structural issues with the mother having to carry a child to term if it's incompatible with her biology. Consider a lizardfolk woman giving live birth to a child that needs to be breastfed. That's going to result in a longer pregnancy, a much more difficult birth, and ongoing needs of the child that she can't meet.
>No such thing as church of Eilistraee
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That...is definitely the case.
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once you go black, you never go back
Irl it's more complicated than that. Jews still trace descent patrilineally. The matrilineal determination of "Jewishness" is a fairly recent innovation

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