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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Why does one guy on this board lose his mind over others playing a game exactly?
It's just the latest flavour of shitpost. Dude's been spamming threads along these lines daily.
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The guys who complain about tables dont even bother going to game stores, they look on google for the worst tables, come here, say Warhammer has fallen and gloat over a game they havent played in 10 years. I think the worst is they do nothing to make a killer narrative table, you barely see old marine models posted in /40kg/ or /wip/ its mostly primaris with one or two smug guys who brag they are painting older marines, I see PLENTY of reposts of the classic WD article deodorant landspeeder/garbage terrain but I barely see that in practice here.

Its like grogs who like the idea of it existing still but they never do it themselves

This board honestly needs to die already so I stop coming here its so depressing sad and angry
Blood Angel players would still say this table has to much buildings still

Far too accurate.
i just don't see how one could possibly not consider the dogshit optics of running away from a thread to make a gay mspaint comic and then tattletale to the rest of the board by starting a brand new thread

simply from the vibes of this i know wholeheartedly that you are wrong
For the same reason a bunch of idiots lose their shit whenever someone tries to have some discussion that's not the usual bitching at something. Curiously enough they always make retarded demands like detailed explanations of campaigns or character sheets, but they never show up to demand someone bitching about anything to post models or rulebooks.
They just get their dopamine by shitting up the place.
>implying the ones making these threads are different
Irrelevant, once the thread is there you can get any discussion going, if you have something to actually say. Shitting up the thread is just useless at best.
its just Warhammer grogs who never post their own SOUL tables. I personally think Infinity has the coolest terrain of any wargame. Warhammer shitposters especially here kill the entire discussion
mad GW fanboys/LGS owners who bought into the corpo slop mindset lmao the threads are MIND BREAKING YOU ALL
Is accusing people of being LGS owners the new meta this week?
Okay GWslop head I get it my threads mindbroke you lmao, im just simplay calling out how far the hobby of wargaming has fallen.
>they look on google for the worst tables
What do best modern 40K tables look like?
/tg/ has declined
Kill yourself retard
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brother you dont know the half of it
Ok. Keep having fun m8.
is that why the mods removed IP counters?
What was the single spike in 2024?
It was Female Custode Drama LMAO
>One guy
The board had a violent, screaming, armsflailing megamelty over warmachine tournaments using flat terrain.
>one guy
lol I see you havent been to the card game generalsor any dnd thread, it's not so much a wargamer thing as it is being sheltered, autistic, and anon. You dont have to support anything and can shit on anything you feel like because you are essentially speaking from the same authority as everyone else here and the jannies dont care to make it a hugbox unless you start using naughty words
Why do you hate fat people
me game lty
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>warhammer fags used to make fun of warmachine players for using boring, symmetrical terrain and giant ugly pieplates to mark objectives
How far things have fallen
Wasnt Warmachine always light on terrain though?
If I ever meet a /tg/ anon in real life and hes trying to take a sneak peak of my games ill honestly call him a faggot there and make him shuffle away.
>at lgs
>see guys playing a game
>come over just to get a look at the cool models and board
>WTF why does it look like shit
>while I'm wondering this a morbidly obese man(?) waddles over
>I see he was playing with unpainted models
>Before I even get a chance to speak he just starts screaming
>I think he calls me a faggot through the many heavy breaths and high pitched, ear ringing screeches he is emitting
>excuse myself I walk away as he is still screaming at the top of his lungs
>store owner apologizes, says the whale is his cousin and he has to look after him
>buy my Battlegroup: Stalingrad book and head home
>Battlegroup Stalingrad

oh historical chuds your so funny
Don't worry buddy, goblins and space elves will lose their appeal as you mature.
Im not an salty imperial guard faggot so no they wont id much rather play Infinity or Bushido whenever Warhammers hype dies.
Is this some advanced zero-minute meta-shitpost I'm too out of the loop to understand?
Warhammer chuds have ruined tabletop gaming
Sigmar spammer, or bumpfag, who's worse
seems like op recognised the posting style of some shitposter and immediately made this thread as a counter-shitpost
They're fat, what other reason do you need?
Nuh-uh, space elves & goblins are awesome and are going to stay awesome. I plan on running fantasy games in the retirement home.
WarmaHordes is a primarily competitive game, and most of the warma games were played in that setting, and the setting normally has pre-made maps or scenarios with certain measured pieces that both players put down (sometimes your units also allow you to place terrain), for the sake of readability, ease of organization and avoiding fuckery ("oops my mini fell off this uneven hill! *moves it an inch closer* look I can do my charge now :)) most tournament organizers preferred to just print the flat terrain instead of making a bunch of terrain to fit those specifications.

People used 3D terrain for LGS casual games still.

Knowing this means that you actually play a competitive game, which means you are willing to improve, which means you are willing to admit you are bad at things. Which isn't something the average /tg/ user can do.
Tabletop gaming is fine, warhammer players aren't tabletop hobbyists but are exclusively warhammer hobbyists.
its like a handful of dudes the board is dead outside a select few who love to mess with the board
Shut the fuck corporate whore.
>Newfags malding their slop games that cost 4 times as much as what I paid for a tenth of the soul are called out
Sorry you're living in the shadow of a fallen empire but you shouldn't enjoy eating shit, you just havent ever known chocolate. We used to make fun of the games you enjoy as being lazy.
We're basically just back to where /tg/ was in mid-2008 before the election tourists and summerfags took over.
All of the right wingers and anti-SJW types have finally fucked off after they realized that this hobby doesn't want them. And honestly the board is way better for it. I can finally go to 40kg without people complaining about diverse models. /hhg/ is their last bastion.
They lack basic impulse control.
I don't usually post in GW threads but I've look at a few of them today and it doesn't seem like anyone is happy about the games they're playing. I can't help but think that they'd be happier playing something else.
what else did the crack pipe tell you?
Blackrock money doesn't want them. But you shilling their agenda won't get you any money. So fuck off.
They will outlive me in the nuclear winter to come, on account of their fat reserves. Why do they get to live, while I must die?
>derr derr Blackrock derr agenda derp.
Fuck off nogames tard.
Cope, neanderthal.
we are back to 2008 post numbers but not the vibes of 2008 all that is left is spite and anger
this graph actually shows the decline in popularity of 40k and aos
This graph has nothing to do with hobby popularity, it only shows that some /tg/ posters took the vaccine.
Two more weeks.
08 /tg/ was pretty goddamn spiteful.
Why is this happening?
I'm putting a lot of it down to that /tg/ hobbies are basically dominated by two absolute monsters of market domination in games workshop and hasbro/wizards of the coast. Between them you've got the vast majority of miniatures stuff 40k or otherwise, D&D, and magic the gathering. And those corporations have been going out of their way through various means to piss off basically everyone, no matter their alignment, through being absolute dogcunt the past few years in particular. Any earned good will they had was utterly pissed away and new things coming along from them have been a constant stream of legitimate disappointment and aggravation.

I think this has bled over into the fanbases, leading to not just the occasional drama, but rather it's become just a constant general malaise, and people just don't want to be here any more. This shit is still popular elsewhere in other communities as /tg/ shit in general is doing mostly fine, just not here.
I remember briefly peeking into a thread a week or two ago where someone posted some tournament tables that were honestly pretty sad since it was just white foam L walls and step pyramids on solid color tablecloths. There probably was someone saying that warhammer had fallen, but it wasn't that interesting a thread. The meme format hasn't improved it, tee bee haich.
If there were any justice in the world everyone on this board would be dead long before.
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about right
Based, redpilled and true.
Why did one guy on this board get so assblasted about anothers opinion he needed to create a whole new thread about it instead of addressing it in the original thread?
you mean peek?
Don't worry buddy, you'll learn to use your imagination as you mature.
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We could have it all
Based and Ki-pilled
True. I have a good friend who even refuses to look at gw specialist games because apparently 40k is the high iq game. These people are beyond any hope and of course they’ll never be content with any non gw sponsored event they go to since it will invariably deviate in some slight way from the epic high intellect game of Warhammer 40,000
40k is a full blown "T-Sport" (tabletop sport) now, it's firmly entrenched with that crowd and will never be the beer and pretzels rules sandbox it once was. So of course faggots like your friend play it.
I sincerely think GW is trying to cater to MtG fags who love to stack combos and take over generous interpretations of rules. It also doesn’t help that GW cannot write good rules. The clearest example: fall back doesn’t specify that you move towards your deployment (as you would if you were getting your shit stomped in) so now it’s a legitimate tactic to fall back INTO another objective or some stupid shit. Morale means literally nothing in nu40k. And it’s because compulsory moves would make tournament trannies seethe to no end (they can’t abuse it)
So, eat them?
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>move towards your deployment
I would argue that moving away from immidiate danger, or towards nearest piece of terrain that can provide some protection makes more sense
Kill yourself
You're a fat ugly fuck who will never wear a nice suit and tie.
Yeah in my case the unit fell back literally 2 inches away from another squad and charged into them immediately after. All because
>sloppa ability on unit says fall back and charge
I bet you’re one of those “the rules don’t say I CAN’T do it” faggots kek
A 4chan post could not fit all the reasons I hate fat ''''people''''. Instead I will ask, why don't you?
eat shit dork

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