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It's been 0 days since the last game night related injury. Welcome to the Board Games General!

Previous thread: >>93393338

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

What are your preferred mechanisms that encourage player interaction?

What's your favorite game for fucking over your friends? What makes it work so well?
I'm a fan of both negotiation and combat, even better if both can be mixed. I love the Riverfolk company in Root because of this, I never want a game played without them
Weird answer but Carcassone, because I have a couple of friends who own the big box and we play it in the meanest ways possible. Using the big meeple, sabotaging builds with awkward pieces, etc. I bet they'd love the Princess and the Dragon expansion.
i like games like Crescent Moon where there's negotiation and combat, but also the player positions are interwoven mechanically with intersecting goals that drive conflict and cooperation
Oath is one of our favorites for fucking each other over. there are so many ways to steal shit from each other, betray a deal, or just terrorize the empire
i think since the win conditions often involve an element of probability with combat/chancellor dice there's always an element of risk to your gambit. i really like the exponential probability curve of the defense dice in oath. those x2s get scary fast but can also brick
As much as I want to comment on this, lets not shit up the thread this early
>post clearly is boardgame related
>Nothing racist or insulting involved
>Merely a pic of a reddit thread about the spiel controversy where all responding posts got deleted
What was the purpose of having this deleted
just saves us a lot of shitposting
reddit is the rival website, if you want it then go to it
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I'll start caring about Israelis and Palestinians when either group makes some interesting board games
>Yaniv is an Indian card game
I was going to call you out, but I was mistaken.
>Crokinole is a "board game"
>Darts isn't a "board game"
Defend this, /bgg/.
cork-in-hole: you sit around a table while a board sits in the middle
dart out someone's eyes: you stand around nothing while some plaque is hanging on a wall 200+cm away from all the players
Only "some" indoor dexterity games are outside the gulag's scope. The distinction is arbitrary.
Crokinole does not (?) resemble a sport (maybe curling?) so it gets a pass.
Darts superficially resembles javelin throwing so it is verboten.
>corn hole uses a literal board
>it gets called a lawn game
Wtf is this
Board games can only be called so if you're supposed to sit down while playing them. Cornhole, Horseshoes and shuffleboard all intend for the player to stand.
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Amen to that.
The only difference between crokinole and pool/darts is that crokinole is only played by board gamers whereas those other games are played by all kinds of people. You could call shuffleboard and bowling board games too
So "board games" are simply games which only appeal to autists?
How about skeeball? Clearly a dexterity game too.
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Any 18xx'ers get to try Railways of the Lost Atlas? The kickstarter delivered some months back or something, and it's been on my radar since I first saw it.

It's supposed to be a random modular map to scale play up or down as desired. Looks like it's on the simpler end for economics and chrome, with minor company mergers. Looked like an alternative to 18Liliput and other Micro-18xx options.

I learned how to play a few 18xx, but even 1889 is looking a bit large for my group.
>"board games" are simply games which only appeal to autists?
No, that's "wargames"
Hansa Teutonica's displacement tax/obstructive loitering bonus, its pub bonuses encouraging skirmishes away from the big money, it's tapering completion bonii. I could go on it's a masterpiece.
Hansa Teutonica because I love getting in the way and demanding a cut like a mafioso—How is the retheme struggling to get published?
TQ1.- Area control. If a player has an improved action, strategic advantage or source of VPs when they occupy a territory/action space, other player will either challenge the spot or be forced to work around the disadvantage/position.

TQ2.- Survive: The Island. It's so unapologetically mean. Oh look, an empty boat! Would be a shame if you got stranded on a sinking island because someone took it away.
>Would be a shame if you got stranded on a sinking island because someone took it away.
That's not even mean by Survive's standards. Mean is sharing a boat with an opponent and piloting it into a sea monster because you think his guy may be more valuable than yours.
>No, that's "wargames"
I'm not arguing with you but plenty of euros require severe autism to enjoy.
Am autist, can confirm.
I have started using ChatGPT to develop my game ideas and it's so fucking useful holy shit. Like doing days of work in minutes. Now I'm working on 3 games at the same time. That shit really does a lot to help you and it's incredibly intuitive. It understood what the intention of something was even though I didn't specify it before. So if you guys have trouble getting going or if you are a chronic procrastinator, give it a shot. Feels like taking a bike ride with constant tailwind.
It's great - we played a bunch of the 2p micro and some 4 player short and long games. Our group prefers it almost unanimously over other 18xx games because the games aren't scripted because of the minor auctions.

The maps are really wide open, though. There's not a lot of route blocking. You really have to play with the bank break variant. We found that players that could merge minors fastest, did better. Production quality is fantastic for everything but the card stock money - it warped after the first playthrough. Just use chips.

I'd recommend it for people that are new and novice 18xx'ers before I'd recommend 1889 or Chessie. I'd honestly say it's the only 18xx game most anyone needs unless you're looking to make that a lifestyle.
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Which of these worker placement games would you choose for game night?
Have a lightweight group that likes fun and Indiana Jones? Arnak.
Have a group of min/maxers that will respect getting randomly one-shotted and missing out on a single resource that they need because they planned too well? Beyond the Sun.
>The maps are really wide open, though. There's not a lot of route blocking
You can't intentionally make tight and chokepoint maps with the modular tiles?
>We found that players that could merge minors fastest, did better
I want to say that's the case with 18xx that have minors, but I only played a little 1822PNW.

Thanks for the opinions, I've put it above 1889 vs 18Chessie on my buy list. There's only a couple overview videos on it out there. Unfortunately I did like the map/route clusterfuck 18XX I've tried, like 1882 and 1849, so I'll have to figure something with the map tiles I guess?
Trains for the train gods, I have ordered Age of Steam (Biggest not-18xx with conventions), and Railways of the Lost Atlas (modular 18xx). Praise to the clickety-clack gods, death to the nonbelievers
You're going to take this laying down?
I play Boggle all the time with my Mom, but I only play Big Boggle and ignore any 3-letter words, those are for pussies
99% of game development is throwing together playtesting ASAP and realizing most of your ideas don't work or don't mesh outside of being theoretical
K, what about Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India, 1290-1398?
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I wonder what part it did help you with? Numbercrunching and gathering possible ideas seems a big help, but the rest is just iterations on existing things. Which, now that I think about it, is what the vast majority of boardgames nowadays is anyway.
I thought about defining slop as a mere iteration on other designs, ripped off mechanics put together in a different order, but some of the best designs honestly are just iterations with a slight twist. Like Ra, Agricola or Kemet.

>Is it really THAT rare someone comes up with something genuinely new, even if it's not a full-on genre but a minor mechanic?
Or am I being overly pessimistic here. I just would hardly call eg. ark novas scoring/game end trigger system "innovative" or "new" and it to me is the most interesting/novel part of the design.
When I wrote more short stories, I would usually toss them into chatgpt after i finish a draft and ask it to go over what I wrote and suggest things, and it usually helped a lot. It's pretty good for sort of objective view on what you were writing and if you ask it specific questions about what you wrote, it'd do fairly well. I can see it being good for brainstorming and tossing ideas out
>What are your preferred mechanisms that encourage player interaction?
Formalized alliances and win conditions for alliances. Diplomacy, dune, fief. The only games with real negotiation, not just "get him he's winning!!!" whining like Root
I'll go with >>93440358 it's putting into words what I keep thinking. I like formalized or gameified trade and alliances. Doesn't mean it needs to be very transactional and with a lot of rules, just that there is a binding aspect to them. I do like the paranoia that comes with everything taking place only in the metagame, but it feels paradoxically restrictive, at least to me in my group. Why should someone keep their end of the bargain if it means I'll win, what really can be agreed on to mutual benefit if nothing can change hands.
>what really can be agreed on to mutual benefit if nothing can change hands.
To me that’s not even negotiation at that point, it’s just a complex interpretation of the prisoners dilemma.
I agree. But I also think it's a matter of preference (of course). I do really like negotiation, especially in the heavier, sprawling games... but it can be really fucking exhausting to the point of being a disincentive. A framework around trade and negotiation really helps to make this smoother. Can be as easy as a timer; I always thought we'd hate Chinatown because it's just negotiation, but setting a very limiting timer and making negotiations binding really helps the game, it's great. Otherwise, we would probably sit around a trade phase for 20 minutes, arguing minutae because everyone knows every little advantage counts. This leaves everyone exhausted and unstatisfied in my opinion, and it is also why JC is infinitely better than root and oath, despite having its own share of problems.
>Defend this, /bgg/.
It's very simple. Darts isn't intended to be played sitting down at a board, playing surface, or table.
Is Kemet still the best fudes on a map type game or has it been usurped for you?
I think it still more than holds up. Still the best pure doam in my opinion. I say "pure" so I don't have to put it up against dune amd thelike
I sometimes do creative writing as a hobby. Nothing fancy, just jot down on paper whatever stream of conscience crap comes my way, then sometimes I'll rework those word salads into short stories or whatever. It just satisfies a need to create something for myself.
I have gripes with AI generated text. It's almost surgically clean, bordering on sterile. Bland and generic. I'm probably too old to be excited about revolutionary tech, but I don't really see the point of it. Instead of honing your skills you give a string of commands and information to a chatbot so it can regurgitate it back at you with some structure.
It's only gonna make people who have devoted their lives to their trade obsolete. Fuck this timeline.
Argent The Consortium and Keyflower
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I bought Root.
Good. Hope you'll like it. A lot of the criticisms you'll read here are valid, but that doesn't mean the game can not be enjoyed, especially if you have the right group of friends for it.
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I p500ed Red Dust Rebellion. Now there is no turning back.
Damnit Anon! I keep looking at that too...
Kemet is so much fucking fun man. I wanna play RIGHT NOW. Too bad I gotta go to work.
I just started using ebay search watches for the first time and less than 10 hours later I already caught a flash sale of Stella for $20 with free shipping.

That shit was so much fucking easier than the usual digging I have to do to get good deals. Was I lucky or should I have been doing this shit all along?
I have no idea what stella is so probably both. But yes you should've been doing it this way from the start.
There absolutely is, I recently cancelled my rdr p500 I've had for like 4 years
Are you literally me?
>I have no idea what stella
Dixit spinoff. Same cards, different rules. It was one of the top 3 on my wishlist cause I already had a shitton of Dixit expansions and they're dual use with Stella.
Dune Imperium is so insanely good I don't get why it's not discussed more here
>Is Kemet still the best
First issue is the number of different board games based off of the Dune IP. The second is that there's probably a fair number of people who think one has to be a fan of the IP to enjoy a game based off of it which can also (correct or not) limit interest in the game.
i mean it's pretty good
let's not overhype it
i think its fine, but not insanely good
Shoot I'd love to discuss it more here, I just got the promo card pack in the mail after originally getting mailed the dreadnought upgrade kit by mistake. Boundless ambition in particular sounds crazy, a player having a second signet ring+diplomacy agent space combo is nuts. I can't wait to see what a game with it looks like.
Should I get Dune Imperium or Uprising?
I'd agree with>>93443148 and >>93443163 here. It's good. Very good even with the expansion (only tried the first one once) but to be honest I am a bit suprised about how high people are on it. Same as with Ark Nova but that one kept getting worse the more I played it.
I think it was your post made me look at my current situation (getting our second child in 1-2 weeks) and reconsider how much sense ordering the game actually makes. Plus, as we all know in our heart of hearts, COINs are super interesting but not that fun for the amount of work you put into them. To their defense, I haven't played FitL yet and I honestly do not believe Herman can design a game that isn't fun.
Uprising imo, the spies are a good addition, the cards are better balanced, and the worms are fun
I have the Tleilaxu expansion but they don't fit sleeved in the Deluxe pack box, I gotta keep those cards in their original box
Almost thinking of getting Uprising so I have two variants to play, base Dune Imperium with Ixians and Uprising with Immortality
I hope you enjoy Andean Abyss IN SPACE
>I honestly do not believe Herman can design a game that isn't fun.
Fort Sumter is pretty bad.
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>I think it was your post made me look at my current situation (getting our second child in 1-2 weeks) and reconsider how much sense ordering the game actually makes.
Haha yea you got me.
I hope the delivery goes smooth, welcome to no longer outnumbering the spawn, it's quite a shock to your established parental mindset.
Almost a year later and playing some heavy games has resumed. Taught Pax Transhumanity and Stationfall a few weeks ago, and this August looking to return to them and get some splotter magic on the table.
I cannot wait to be finished with this masters and internships. The double whammy of kid #2 and school was the dumbest timing.
Haven't played Fort Sumter but your post made me realize I am also rather lukewarm on Versailles 1919. I might just be overrating herman. But we the people, churchill and pericles alone are such disturbingly good designs.
Tell me about it. I was about to finish my thesis and MD when I figured we're ready for a kid. Fast forward 4 years and how life really gets in the way sometimes and I still havem't finished my thesis, expecting my second child.

Oh well. At least I dodged becoming a cynic in my early 30s already like my former colleagues that way. And I still have time for boardgames.
Herman has his limitations just like every other designer. His is his struggle to make lighter games. He really can’t strip complexity out without completely neutering the depth too.
We the People was basically the lower limit of what he could accomplish.
That's a very neat observation anon. Versailles 1919 surely is the lightest in the great statesmen series and clearly the weakest. Very interesting indeed
If I were to get a chess clock out and play two player Blitz Carcassonne, how long should I set the clocks to? Assuming I'm moderately experienced, only the base tiles, and my opponent is my duplicate?
Does Die Macher hold up today? I've been thinking of getting it.
12 minutes would give each player 20 second per tile. Which feels like a lot, but some of that time needs to be spent on intermediate scoring.
I like how you say getting your second child rather than having, as though you may descend upon a debtor and demand their firstborn like Rumpelstiltskin.
Easily Uprising.
It's pretty close to being great. To the point of annoying me to the point of homebrew. I think the intrigue deck being total shit both thematically and in its VP top decking nonsense is its only huge problem. I have been working on a few different mutually exclusive replacement modules one that houses a secondary intrigue market with blind bidding excess after deck purchases, another that votes for the VP conditionals like plans within plans and a third that splits intrigues into conspiracies and fixing.
I also have one tinkering with diplomat meeples that jockey for turn order, trashing market and personal deck and recruitment in a blind simultaneous turn phase(s).
question: do ttrpgs count as board games?
If they have something approximating a board, sure. Else they're just tabletop games.
Yes and no.
He's the inverse of Martin Wallace. Martin Wallace has made many great eurogames but his ventures into wargame design have been underwhelming (no I am not the autist screeching about Bloodstones), and yet he acts like he's done something revolutionary.
Likewise, Herman is a legend in wargame design but his light games are really just shitty eurogames that he thinks are novel and interesting.

I think it relates to an issue we see on /bgg/ all the time. How many people over the years have come here and tried to shill some dogshit chess variant they designed as something unique or interesting? If you don't know anything about something it becomes very easy to act like you discovered it.
wallace only makes weuros though
They do except when they don't.
>How many people over the years have come here and tried to shill some dogshit chess variant they designed as something unique or interesting?
As much as I'd like to shit on these as well, I never even try them and I doubt anyone except other hobby designers really does
You guys can filter me now.
How about you eat a shotgun you tripcunt cocksucker?
Cry about it harder if you can but i seriously doubt it
looks like tripfag bullying is back on the menu, boys
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i...i i liek them...
At this point in time I am convinced everybody getting buttmad over trip- and namefags either is deliberately choosing to do so, a newfag or just samefagging for attention.
There is no reason not to use the filter.
>I am a cock gobbling attention whore trying to derail the thread
Good job.
What's the 10 games you'd reccommend to start a well-rounded collection? Nothing too obscure or overly heavy, please.
El Grande
Great Western Trail Argentina
Merchants & Marauders
Cuba Libre
Pax Renaissance
Galaxy Trucker
Castles of Burgundy
Decrypto or Codenames
Solid list, anon, thanks. Why Argentina over the original GWT?
I hardly ever even post here so nah
Any good tableau builder
Any good euroslop
Any good DOAM
Any good auction game
Any good 2p card game
Any good abstract
Any good party game
Any good coop/solo game
Any good wargame you will never play
A pack of bicycle cards
>Why Argentina over the original GWT?
I think Argentina's new mechanics give players more leeway to be less efficient but not get completely fucked over by it as opposed to the base game which is very tight when it comes to money, strategy and so on.
Additionally very welcome changes in Argentina are train shortcuts and farmers which will put some money on the board for people to battle for them, which makes things feel more interactive (some people will say GWT is not at all interactive but I disagree) in a more palpable way.
That's a great breakdown. I've only played regular GWT three times and it can feel tight and punishing. Guess that's part of the appeal, since every decision matters so much.
Yeah, that's why I like GWT too but for a newcomer it can be a bit discouraging to see people score 100+ points vs them scoring less than 30 because most of the time they were losing money from buildings, never having enough to do things like hire, and just flowing through the game without being able to accomplish much. Argentina (and New Zealand as well) attempt to change things by giving players more leeway in terms of money gathering, costs and deck building.
Following this >>93447009 template anon kindly provided:

Tigris & Euphrates
Saboteur + expansions
Arkham Horror LCG
War of the Ring
Subbing Power Grid here for a network builder in place of the deck of cards.
>Advanced Squad Leader
>World in Flames
>Empires at Arms
>Pacific War
>Vietnam 1965-1975
>The Third World War
>Stonewall Jackson’s Way
And of course
Just get the 10 most popular games of different genres on bgg.
So as someone totally outside the subgenre, is there a reason there aren't many digital editions of 18xx games? I mean, I get it's a niche in a niche in some ways, but for something that already uses spreadsheet for heavy lifting - not to mention sharing its roots with Civ, you think it'd be a no brainer
>So as someone totally outside the subgenre, is there a reason there aren't many digital editions of 18xx games? I mean, I get it's a niche in a niche in some ways, but for something that already uses spreadsheet for heavy lifting - not to mention sharing its roots with Civ, you think it'd be a no brainer

Strategy games are unpopular nowadays.
Pax Paxmir
Jhon Company
El Grande
Hansa Teutonica
Dune Imperium
War of the Ring
Zoo Vadis
I've played 100 games of Dune Imperium in the last six months and still love it.
There's tons, they're just all on 18xx.games
>Favorite game for fucking ov your friends.
Cutthroat Caverns
>What makes it work?
You have to fuck everyone over to win, however, you fuck them over too much and they die? You are all fucked because every challenge is centered around the starting player count.
Sitting around a board on a table for play? Board game.
If you aren't doing that, it isn't a board game.
I already got a game featuring animal factions across a world map with multiple win conditions that I enjoy.
Depends on the TTRPG.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition? Absolutely.
You can make crazy maps with whatever you want. The default for all games is to use all tiles but you can pull tiles out to make it mean. The thing about everyone placing tiles is that you can't be too mean because you're not guaranteed to be able to get that spot. There's an app that makes random maps that does a good job if you want to avoid AP map building. The way the minors work reduces the scripted route building that happens after a lot of plays of other 18xx games - if you get the port minor in 1889, you're probably only going to build track in two spots on the map. In ROLA, it's a crapshoot. The auctions are fun too because when you float you're going to possibly leave something better for another player.

It's replaced all of the 18xx games for us in just the short time we've had it around. The only other 18xx we're even remotely excited for is 18Svea because it's hypertight 3p.

Congrats - you got some good ones if you have 3 other people that want to play.
The Undaunted: 2200 Callisto final rules dropped today -


They turned Battletech into a deckbuilder with 4 players. If this isn't GOTY, I got no faith in boardgaming anymore.
War Chest (base game only)
Dice Wars Heroes of Polyhedra
D&D adventure Board Games
Warp's Edge (for solo)
Cutthroat Caverns for backstabbing
Raccoon Tycoon/Lizard Wizard
HexPlore It Valley of the Dead King (co-op hex crawl)
Quarriors for dice pool bullshit.
Quick fun for everyone
My personal favourite and seriously underrated
>Twilight Imperium
you said not too heavy, but this is secretly an easy game and will make your collection better rounded
Game about haggling
For when women are over, unless women don't come over in which case get Earth
>Betrayal at House on the Hill
For when fat women are over
It's still good
>Twilight Struggle or 7 Wonders Duel
Engaging two player game
Solid game
>Secret Hitler
Party game. Don't be fooled by more complicated party games, the simplicity of this game lets the player interactions shine through.
>Any good tableau builder
Race for the Galaxy
>Any good euroslop
El Grande
>Any good DOAM
World War 5 (Pyramid Arcade)
>Any good auction game
>Any good 2p card game
>Any good abstract
Homeworlds (Pyramid Arcade)
>Any good party game
don't have one
>Any good coop/solo game
The Crew
>Any good wargame you will never play
>A pack of bicycle cards
A pack of bicycle cards
Well, for those of you upset about the split with /bwg/ i doubt that experiment will last much longer. There just doesn’t seem to be any sustained interest at all.
Stay in your general.
>TI is secretly easy
It's also openly shitty for what it is.
>That link
Goddamn anon, that's a lot of algorithm tracking.
>Cry about it harder if you can but i seriously doubt it

Oh, they can. At least one or two of the 'My vagina bleeds for thee' howler monkeys have gotten themselves banned over 'RRREEE'ing their pants to hard around here.
Why don't you fuck off and die you tripcunt freak?
You just proved his point, moron
Just because I want to laugh about it, has Lorcana failed or has it just found its tranny scene and stayed there? Never heard from or seen it again after the initial release.
They're 3 expansions in and there's a mid sized community playing it in my city, there have been 3 store tournaments in the last 6 months. It'll never be as big as MtG, YGO, or Pokemon, but it has its fans.
Meme yourself to death, anonacunt
I see some offerings of people that bought in early and are trying to cash out. But I also see the game hosted at my local game store. I think it isnt a huge hit, but between disney and a light TCG, it has a group of fans that are willing to play it for a long time
Besides Roads & Boats and Keyflower, what are some other games where resources are real objects within the game? I dont mean them being represented by physical tokens, I mean things like having to manually deliver the materials to the places in order to use them, and creating dedicated space to store them, liable to destroyed or stolen, not just lying next to the player in abstract pocket dimension waiting to be used. Basically that Dwarf Fortress/Factorio feel.
no, u

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