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Would you rather not get any felinids ever, or felinids as ugly as the current Sons of Bitches?
Look, just get rid of any snouts, give them big tits, and you won't hear any complaints from me.
I'd rather just do what I want for my own games, instead of either waiting for corporate/indie slop or begging permission from people who I'll never play with.
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If Dungeon Meshi were a DnD game
>Laois: Ex-DM who really wants to see the monster manual used to its fullest extent. Enjoys roleplaying and knows the combat mechanics the best of anyone.
>Farcille: Girl nerd "clean girl aesthetic" mage, had a good understanding of how her class works and even thinks of unique solutions to problems. Is annoyed by Laois' players constant distracting shenanigans
>Chilchuck: Only one who has a 9-5 job, constantly tired and just wants to get more gold so he can get back to domain play.
>Senshi: New to DnD, made "A dwarf who cooks" as his character, fleshing him out as the game went on.
>Izutsumi: The DMs crush. Has no interest in DnD, barely understands the mechanics. Spends entire sessions on her phone only looking up when directly addressed a few times. Nobody likes her but they put up with her because at least she isn't disruptive. Goes through the whole campaign and is unable to recall it afterwards.
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Give me a pair of tits or a nice butt and you will have me satisfied.
Marcille is the female protagonist.
Laios is the male protagonist.
Senshi provides the cooking for what is, at least on the surface, a culinary manga.

What was the narrative purpose of Chilchuck?
the responsible guy with a stick up his ass.
Straight man in a party of weirdos
It's a DnD inspired show
Should have just made her a cat then
Senshi is more like the guy who has memorized all of the adventure but is one of those "this is what my character would do" shitters and engages in nothing besides cooking
>It's a DnD inspired show
That isn't the issue, blind-man.
this. just give them an human face and it's good.
If they're going to be done poorly, why even have them at all?
I'm not surprised that secondaries have such a negative opinion of Izutsumi, but it's going to be funny watching everyone pretend like they always understood her character arc and liked her the whole time when S2 rolls around.
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Make them look like people with the werewolf syndrome. Their gothic name translates to "hairy humans", not "cat human".
There's evidence to the contrary.
Being my favourite character.
give me cat girls that actually look like a cat
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Okay, fine.
Based anon.
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Based Red Cat Ramen enjoyer.
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Hitoner, a oneshot manga about a human astronaut that lands on a planet of animal people.
Let me guess, the protagonist is coincidentally a walking encyclopedia on how to tame animals?
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No, he just gives them handjobs.
No, he just gives really good backrubs.
oh... Well, that's a nice twist.
Yeah but havong personal agency over your game kills duscussion.
You have to be a leech for content on [current year] /tg/, and the less you offer in return, the more discussion-rich the parasitism is.
Felinids aren't canon. Stop pushing 40k to become more shitty than it already is.
Felinids are in canon material your argument is invalid and also terminally stupid.
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Imagine if she had a good design
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I think that GW should bite the bullet and hire actual furry porn artists to make them the designated coomer faction.
Including a 10 to 1 female to male ratio, wild cat sex orgies, kidnapping and raping poor human guys, and literally getting orgasms from killing stuff.
>Yeah but havong personal agency over your game kills duscussion.
Not sure if terminal golem or sarcasm overflow.
Yiff in hell, furfag.
The cute ones are sent to paradise worlds to serve as companion pets to nobles and officials, the ugly ones go to death worlds to fight and die with the serfs.

The world is not ready for Loona 2.0 anime edition.
>Spits a hairball in your pants.
>Now carry it to the cathedral to the corpse emperor and think of me(ow) when you kiss your aquila big boy⁓
A cute!

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but felinids with animalistic faces would be classified as beastmen as opposed to abhumans, which they are.
This is the most likely canonical Felinid look. Just a human with subtle hints of catness that might not even be apparent at first glance.
Understanding the current state of "discussion" on the board makes it easier to know that it's sarcasm.
I know you're new, but people here used to actually talk about things.
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whoa mama
It really isn’t. They’re not cat people just like the ratlings aren’t rat people. Ratlings gothic name translates to “Small human” and the Felininds gothic name translates to “hairy human”. It stands to reason that felininds are hairy humans, maybe more like the classical wolfman of the 1940s or chewbacca esque.
>It's a DnD inspired show
Ackchyually it's inspired by Wizardry 6
>It's a DnD inspired show
After 10 000 years of this ALL of them will be cute!
Who is this cute cat I keep seeing?
Peak catgirls
She's a character from "Dungeon Meshi" and she joins the party halfway towards the end of the manga.

The bubble remains so long as they don't canonize the actual rate of catlike beastmen mutation among the common abhuman Felinids as inconsequentially low.
(Altough if it were suspiciously higher than the human baseline I'm sure an inquisitor would have had the whole population sterilized by now.)

(Have an Ahriman furrified after a thousand years in the warp.)
FotM anime girl.
I like catboys
Senshi is pretty damn straight.
Oh, did the anime finally finish its run?
Mandatory bean inspection day.
For 109 months running.
>animalistic faces would be classified as beastmen as opposed to abhumans
Beastmen are abhumans, if their strain is stable. Ones that aren't, are classified as mutants.
Huh, looks like it's still a fad.
Yup, there's no escape from this wet ass pussy.
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Where do you think you are?
Also Spoiling it because clearly you don't care.
First Season. They just covered about 50% of the manga so it'll end by next season if they do another 26 episodes one.
This was a meme since the WL arc started so is not much of a spoiler
Be honest would you?
I love how that stupid meme became a reality.
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>This was a meme since the WL arc started so is not much of a spoiler
Like Newfag Anon even understands what that is...
>They just covered about 50% of the manga
wait, seriously? I haven't read the manga yet, now I understand why the appearance of the Shuro's party seemed so "lol, we arrived, we didn't do anything and we left"
Disgusting butthurt doodle.
Why the human face?
Okay, so it's still a fad then.
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I want hotties like the one on the left here and I won't accept anything less.
>Wizardry 6
Oh yeah, the sixth game in a line of videogames that started as two American comp-sci nerds trying to emulate D&D on the computer.
You can have left if I can have right
>yet another felinid thread
Why the fuck are you so obsessed with this lore footnote that you keep making these?
>Including a 10 to 1 female to male ratio, wild cat sex orgies, kidnapping and raping poor human guys, and literally getting orgasms from killing stuff.
This has nothing to do with any depiction of cat girls ever.
It’s fascinating how much people will fixate on catgirls/catpeople in any setting that suggests them. There was just one or two lines about them in the Las Vegas-esque territory of Canopus in Battletech, one guy makes a joke about it, and it’s fixated upon as being tied into the place’s identity even though it’s entirely irrelevant and not expanded upon.
The same thing applies here. How many felinid characters are there? Have they been involved in campaigns of note? Can you even make them why kitbashing models from Fantasy like you could for the goat guys? What is going on here that catches your attention?
I’m not trying to put anyone down, I have just never cared much about catgirls.
I don't think you can make felinids ugly enough that I still wouldn't try to fuck them. I'd fuck a Palico from Monster Hunter and those things are just straight up cats with sapience.
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Catgirls are just really heavily tied into internet culture. They're cats, girls, and anime adjacent. It's all there.
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You just know
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>verification not required
Izu has been a /tg/ waifu since 2017 and is going to remain as such for at least as long.
>Have they been involved in campaigns of note?
They are constantly mentioned in video games. Not shown because GW doesn't allow third party devs to design characters that have no official models yet.
>Can you even make them why kitbashing models from Fantasy like you could for the goat guys?
Why would you poach a dead game for models when every other third party company makes either cat girls or straight up 40k felinids?
It goes back way further than you think. Cat people are as foundational to sci-fi as little green ayy lmao's.
Man I want to fuck this cat

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