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I got probably 10,000 pages of OC. What is fucking wrong with me lol Hobbies, damn
How much of it is rolling tables, stat blocks and images taken from the internet?
>How much of it is rolling tables
not op, but what's the deal with rolling tables?
There's nothing really wrong with them, but I've seen people in the past post "my game document is so huge :O" and then you read it and there's pages and pages and pages of rolling tables for wilderness exploration and loot taken from sourcebooks and the internet
I'd say about 1%. A lot of it was created when there was no Internet
Where might one find such rolling tables?

Nothing wrong with gathering classics. Have you ever though of using them?
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I have used a lot of it but not all. You know you'll make something that the players don't ever get to, sometimes. It just happens
You've got to post an excerpt now brother

Are you new or something? Regardless, they're easy to find.
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I should but someone is going to put it on YouTube, is it's any good. I didn't really mind but I gotta clean some of it up fr. It's scattered to hell and back.. I could post the books I use but you guys have seen all those, except maybe the complete Celtic handbook and stuff like that. I have hard to find box sets but they're scattered everywhere
What the fuck is OC
High functioning OCD?
>Are you new or something? Regardless, they're easy to find.
I checked the documents but couldn't find any
You should just dump a bunch of it in this thread.
Henry Darger?
I gotta present it correctly because tg hates me.
Sounds like a good number. My session logs from last year's campaign fill a 220-page document, so a few thousand seems possible for a hard-core writer.

What do you have, though? Campaign design notes, session logs, setting lore, custom mechanics, character backstories, side scenes? I'm hoping it is stuff that saw use, and not just a pile if lonely writing.
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they are literally in every single rpg ever.
>What is graphomania
I have all of that plus some. Some was not used ofc but most was used regularly. This is a 32+ year old game. I never threw anything away unless it just disintegrated
Kek, it feels like that sometimes. I was obsessed with creating rpgs
Mine's 18 pages, but a lot of that is flags and maps.
I'll check it out!
Original content
The Dragonqueens destroyed their world in a great and terrible war. This is the Tome of the Aethyris, wrote in flame and blood. Great treasures were used, spent and destroyed in this monstrous conflict, annihilating the Dragonqueens and their vast armies. Each Dragonqueen starting Her own war ensured Kara'Karot's destruction; valley, desert, mountain. All countries and nations fell before the Dragonqueen armies one by one, until there was naught else but armies and their tyrannical Queens. Even at this late date, the Dragonqueens each thought it would be Her the one to rule but the Dragon Gods proved them all wrong. For the very first Dragonqueen that perished in their war was also the most powerful. It happened so early in the Dragonwars that it threw the entire campaign up into the air for the Red Dragonqueen would have most assuredly won the war. Her armies darkened the land like when night falls and the stars shine bloody red. Her name be praised forever in this Chronicle-Bitimitōlauren'Zizzillain, the Most Bitter, Bitterbite, Red Death and Little Death. Little Death was known by that epitaph for she worshipped Big Death, a name known for Falazure, a Dragon God of Undeath.
Dragons are loath to worship anything, especially anything more powerful than they for the Dragon Gods' ranks constantly shift, as the Dragon Gods are killed and replaced. Allegiances and oaths among the Dragon Gods are ever fleeting and are easily broken. Falazure had escaped the bounds of mortality long ago, however. He promised some of his unholy power to his "Little Death", long a name for His dark avatar, His most devout servant. He delivered on His promise, making Bitter Red the most powerful Dragonqueen of the Bloodchain Islands, second only to the Dragon Gods themselves. Little did Falazure and His Little Death know that the other Dragon Gods conspired against them. Ten to two it stood the day the Most Bitter died, long (cont)
(continued) long before she gained the ghastly powers of Undeath. Falazure had lost his most powerful servant.
Had Bitterbite lived that day, Kara'Karot's destruction wouldn't have been as assured but fate had decreed otherwise,and only the Ninefold Dragon may defy fate, praised be His name forever in this Chronicle.
Lands, power, riches. All can be lost in a twist of destiny.
This is their story. It is dedicated to Bitter Red. Had you lived, Kara'Karot would have survived the Dragonwars and the terrible catastrophes that followed.
Neat. What system you use?
Holy fuck that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
>What is fucking wrong with me
nothing (aside from the obvious humblebrag)
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Eek, I didn't mean to brag. I'm sorry, guys. Bragging is cringe af to me
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Well then, post it then, I'm most interested in reading it
Yeah, I am pushing that. A lot of volume is new spells and stuff, of course, so it is padded a bit
This is the trip I'll use to identify my future work on tg and hey, if you hate it, those ppl can filter me now
There are worse things you could devote yourself to. You're making something, most don't even do that
Yeah I've noticed but they will sure take their time out to bitch, piss, gripe and moan about it. C'mon dude, make a character or something, anything.

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