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Post your best bandits, ruffians, wild men, thieves, scoundrels, rogues, swindlers and assassins. I want to see a proper thieves guild assembled in this thread!
In my campaigns i mostly use Thieves and i divide the Thieves Groups in 5 kinds
1.- Royal Shadows: A secret group created by the king or another royal/powerful group with the mission to keep tabs on people and places where the normal forces are unable to access without rising suspicion, they also have members infiltrated on the other lower classes of Thieves
2.- Black Market: The place where stolen goods are sold, rare items are obtained and cursed items are peddled, these group is in direct contact with the Royals since they often pay more, but a higher number will give other people access to said items, with a high chance to get stalked by other Royals or even normal Guards.
3.- Backhand Thieves: The name i gave to the loose, smaller groups of simple thieves, these often sell their stolen goods to the Black Market, other times they just steal things, wait for a reward for said item and lie about where they get it to get easy cash, but are often mugged or killed by the Royals.
4.- Brigants/Bandits: The lowest rank of thieves since they use intimidation to get stuff, often food but will take valuables if they have a good quantity of food on their camps/hideouts.
5.- Highwayman/Rogues: Not the lowest, but these have the lowest impact due to acting alone or rarely serving as hires for dungeons or fortresses gates and chests, you can do whatever you want with this rank/kind of thieves, like being undercover Royal Shadows or members of the Black Market looking for hints to valuable treasures.
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Used this for a back alley mugger/all-around thug rogue character.
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My current PC is a highwayman who is struggling with realigning his moral compassion after a near death experience.
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Time period is roughly 1630s following a similar event to the 30 years war.
>ai images
you wouldn't get it
Womp womp
You have a containment thread.
You may not like it, but this is what the optimal loadout for a group of higwaymen looks like.
I followed the one rule in the OP. Unless you personally draw every image you post, we are no different.
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I don't like when Bandits are of an average build. Bandits should either be fat, big and muscular, or malnourished and scrawny. They should either be a greedy fuck, naturally strong enough they have always just taken what they wanted, or driven to the point of desperation.
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>the local demigod bandit boss appears
Cartel Enforcer
That fucking sucks
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What's the point of only hiding half your face like that?
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Raccoon is so defensive of his trash.
looks cool

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