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Do you prefer Fantasy or 40K?
6th ed wfg>4th ed 40k>5th ed wfg> 3rd ed 40k

rest is shit
I like total war warhammer 3 if that means anything. anyone who likes the source material is pretty pathetic desu.
Fantasy is dead. TOW is DOA. 40k 10 edition is mediocre at best. AoS 4th looks alright, but still questionable.
fantasy 6th ed was the apex of wargaming.
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In terms of current games I can't bring myself to give a single shit about 10th ed 40K because of the rules.
TOW is an actual wargame and very fun to play with friends so that gets my vote.
As far as setting goes I think i'd give the edge slightly to old 2nd edition 40K and nothing added past that has been a positive in my eyes while Fantasy has always had okay bits and some shit bits.
I don't consider Age of Sigmar to be Warhammer whatsoever.
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Love 40k and AoS. Fantasy is shit and died for a reason.
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I really like warhammer fantasy. Wish I could get people at my LGS to play 3rd and 6th, but TOW is fun too.
Age of Sigmar
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I used to prefer 40k, but now I'm bored with the setting, and PrimarchHammer doesn't do it. Also, every edition of 40k always has some glaring flaw that turns me off playing.

WHFB is okay, but it has weird granular role-playing rules that don't fit a wargame. The combat feels pillow-fisted, and most of the factions are boring, derivative IP theft. The hobby and collecting aspect is the main appeal because WHFB armies look cooler than they actually are to play.
I strongly preferred 40k growing up but as I've gotten older I've begun to appreciate Fantasy as the comfier setting. I suppose it helps that over time I've found I much prefer painting fantasy miniatures to sci-fi ones.
From a gameplay perspective I don't care for either main studio game, but in terms of specialist games Mordheim and Warmaster are superior to their 40k-equivelents in Necromunda and Epic, IMO.
sadly fantasy

It is really easy to rank the Warhammer settings.
>Fantasy & WH40k
>Age of Smegmar
Fantasy works ages better as a TTRPG, and that's all I care about
Used to prefer 40k until i realized its all just Space Marines, Space Marines, Space Marines and everyone else gets shit on or sidelined. Since then its Fantasy/ AoS.
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Kings of War.
spbp. Would add 5th ed 40k because I have fond memories but prefer 4th now. And 6e whf over everything.
Fantasy just because I fell in love with LOTR and the hobbit as a kid. I think what got me into 40k was “woahhh TRILLIONS of dead?! Super metal!!” But ofc the “metal” vibes (think Bolt Thrower) has been diluted down heavily in nu40k. Says a lot when every 40kfag is blasting Sabaton. Fantasy still gels well with classic heavy metal vibes. Maybe I’m a severe autist for so closely linking music with toy soldiers.
This has been my phobe background for about 3 years now.

Absolutelly based

I like the aesthetics of 40k. I would never actually play it since the rules seem like they're trash and the models are way too expensive for something that doesn't even come pre-assembled and painted.
Cool dwaawb
40k just because I prefer sci-fi over fantasy. I do really like the Skaven though.
40K. Haven't touched fantasy or Sigmar. I only read lore/novels/stories so take my opinion with a gain of salt.
Why is this thread allowed but not this one
fucking schizophrenic
I prefer Fantasy 6th ed and 40k 4th ed
Seconding/thirding this
Based gigachad middlehammer enjoyer.
Is that a MMORPG?
this thread is an open question whereas the one you posted is simply whining, featuring a low-effort gigachad pic to boot
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