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what do people think of this as an idea:
The main magic in setting is mostly in crafts. a straight casting of fireball is uncommon, but someone who understands fire magic and can create a sword of fireballs is less uncommon and even moreso a fighter trained to use it is generally more formable in the aplication of that fireball.

magic users are people who largely dedicate their powers to making and understanding the make up of things, while martials dedicate their time to using and weilding them. martials are the pilots, magic users the technicians.
martials train reaction time, strength, accuracy, endurance, force of will, whatever is needed to best use the pre-made spell item. while the mages are the ones who actually create and maintain them.

portal mages know the craft and hypotheticals of supernatural passages, while the portal blades actually practice flipping from one dimension to another, maintaning their momentum and calibrating their senses to sudden shifts in orientation, as well as controlling their swipes to make a correctly sized rift.

a warrior king has a cadre of court wizards creating and maintaining items which best conduct his might. A circlet of mind protection, a mace of frost, and a ring of command. While a lich is surrounded by death knight lieutenants who hold his great powerful artifacts of the grave. The razor of fear, the bell of reanimation, and the Pelvis bone of the bone zone.

one needs the other just as much as the other needs the one. cause they are two distinct parts of a greater whole. Higher magic version of how magic tends to act in myth
emphasis on ritualistic magic achieves pretty much the same thing, but I do like the scenarios you suggest
I mean anything is better than pew pew wizards
yah, thats one way to do it mechanicly.
Just didnt want to take away from possibly of magic types just doing magic straight up too, just that they wouldnt be as prominent or generally as effective.

You haven't thought about this in the context of a game at all.
Cool idea, but how do you imagine this actually working?
It's pretty obvious what the context is.
Players don't get to be shooty blasty casters. They probably don't get to be casters at all.
Magic exists in the setting but it's not really for players to use outside of their magical tools and weapons. It's not rocket surgery.

Some people just don't like magic being used like it is in DnD
>It's pretty obvious what the context is.
That's not what I said. Fuck off and learn English.
>makes magic dependent on crafting
>does not explain crafting at all
>sucked 37 dicks
more of a general premise. Doesnt need mechanical wizardry to employ in most games
skill based? magic use pretty similar to any other technical skill, like medicine or computers. not usually something you can do much of in 6 seconds. class based? casters mostly focus on rituals, support magic, and knowledge based checks.

specialized magic item skills can work like metamagic, feats etc
warhammer fantasy
savage worlds

not exactly a mechanical conundrum.
This is no different than relegating wizards to npc-only and forcing players to use either strong warriors or gimmick warriors. It also reduces magic to being a type of technology.
A shit idea overall, but don't let that stop you.
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Not my cup of tea.
Unless there's the option to play a weapon wielding spellcaster that uses these crafting and enhancing magic during a fight.
That's sick as fuck.
My favorite characters are always spell-sword types (usually of the religious variety), so that would be my jam.
I don't play rpgs like dnd but don't see how this would be good for that at all.
I do however play Warhammer and video game rpgs (jrpg and western) and I think this is great for those purposes.
>bound spell
In WHFB the term for a specific spell ability being imbued in an item, thereby letting a layperson 'cast' the spell just by weilding it, is called a bound spell
>magic as craft
This is very in line with LOTR. Tolkiens worlds had little 'pew pew I cast fireball' type magic. Instead magic was a level of craftsmanship and understanding that was so deep it appeared magical. Like the elvish rope and cloaks gifted to the hobbits or Gandalfs fireworks.
>relegating wizards to npc-only
you dont know how to play more skill monkey support characters?
>magic is a type of technology
yah, thats what magic is at its core. a craft or technology that is secrete or esoteric to other people.
i think what you are thinking of is more specific inexplicable super powers. which is A Way to take magic of course.
Anons just love being negative, angry and retarded for the sake of it.
Or maybe they're just heavily depressed.
So you either end up with NPC wizards or Batman wizards and the cycle begins anew
>b-buh buh skill monkey
"Skill monkey" characters still do things on their own, have their cool and heroic moments. What you want is maintenance man, the support stuff at the flight hangar of a fighter plane, the pit stop crew of a star racer. Wizard who delegates himself to creating magical things also delegates all cool moments to the warrior BVLL or finds one of many ways to cheat the system and we go back to "Batman wizard" problem. Both may be two parts of a greater whole, but one part grabs disproportionate amount of spotlight in a TEAM game.

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