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Post campaign ideas that you never got around to use, or that you maybe plan to use in the future.
>the PCs infiltrate a group of mercenaries and bandits, sowing discord between the goons so that the party can take out the leader once they have weakened him enough
>a mountain settlement is attacked by a few smaller dragons every week, the PCs are hired to erect a defence, fight off the dragons and track down their nest
>a survival campaign in a large, partially flooded area. The water levels continuously rise due to strong rain.
I unironically just want to run a game where the players are apprentices to a witch or something and get into wacky "problem of the week" slice of life shit every time we play. Really the only thing holding me back is that I don't have a good system for running that kind if game, because fuck trying to run it in D&D or some rules literally non-game like FATE.
Sounds really cute and fun. I would try it, but I have too many GMPC witches in my latest campaigns. Have you considered using something like Ars Magica but with super light tone? Or maybe MAID?
> low fantasy 1920s-1930s crime drama inspired by Streets of New Capena
> Grimm/Andersen fairy tales, but it is a gothic horror and political thriller
I've not once done an isekai (sp?) campaign with my bros... Feels bad, I've been playing since the early 90s....
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Too many to list.

We have too many in my group but have been playing the same two campaigns for about 6 years now with only occasional breaks for one shots.. So I have documented every campaign proposal my group and I have come up with for the past half decade as well as surveyed player interest in ever trying to play each of them.
That second idea sounds awesome.
This is the kind of game I'm running. Instead of a witch, it's a group of old adventurers training their protoges. Level 11, having tons of fun. Haven't decided on if they get a good or tragic ending. Dunno yet.
I have a table alike, but shorter. At the end we still have not proceed with campaigns everybody voted for.
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>tiny little alcoholics and foodies bumble around the forest and get into shenanigans
I've got the pre campaign folder started in which I collect art once I come across it and made some brainstorming attempts at which system I will use and adapt.
It will feature crafting a lot obviously so cooking, baking, brewing and tinkering will need some item lists with ingredients etc.

I don't want to completely cut combat since that would make things a little bit too boring but I'm wondering who the enemies are going to be?
Maybe some real asshole fae or gnomes and the defeat in combat doesn't mean death but just shame and not getting this years blueberry liqueur.
Low level characters must protect a small fort from increasing attacks, fighting as well as sustaining the dwelling. Eventually they can expand out and exert control over the surrounding lands. Tame as white toast, I just really like forts,
I ran a campaign like that in The Dark Eye, it was pretty cool.
A time loop, but structured in such a way the players are in the part where they find out they're in a loop, kinda like Madoka.
>Baby Souls
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Wanted to riff off the comic 'once and future' with an intro centered around the return of an ancient founding king of a nation who intends to lay waste to those who have settled in his lands and the nobles who squandered what he built; through the corruption of a betrayed knight brotherhood sworn to his dark service. The campaign proper would have been about mercenaries from the surrounding countries preparing to conquer this kingdom not knowing what was to come.
World of Darkness plus Cyberpunk plus Exalted. Nomads are werewolves, Corpo execs are secretly vampires/demons, edgerunners are various flavors of Exalted.
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I would like to do a high power level GURPS game where people from other worlds get dropped in a "The Walking Dead" style world and reck zombies some day.

The issue is that I lack experience with making sandboxes.
This is real fun if your group likes the idea of resource management as an in-game thing.

You can do it without and it's just as fun, too.
The players have infiltrated a naval ship running an experiment with radar cloaking, during the experiment things go haywire and the ship is stranded on a island that didn't exist before and phased into and out of existence.

The pc's eventually figure out the island is the head of a dead elder god defeated by a rival.

The true ending is they discover humanity is just a dream this dead god is having because elder gods don't really ever die.

Sadly, the campaign group broke up after two games.
Try either of the Mage games. It ought to cater to everything you might want for a wizard apprentice game. Port or remove whatever you don't need from it.
Fuck yeah! I love it.

I'd straight up steal maps for it, random encounter tables for zombified stuff roaming around. Who cares? End of campaign, a nuke goes off from the other side of the planet starting a dead hand scenario and everyone dies anyway. Wouldn't HAVE to be much in the way of RP (I mean it's a zombie game, right? Think zombie movies.), could be a good way to teach people the rules if nothing else.

I'm stealing that. Thank you for your brain.

>see what I did there?
I'm admittedly too dumb to run or play a time loop. If I were to bumble into one, I'd be dead every thirty minutes.
>Helms Deep style game were players are having to defend a doomed fortress under siege for as long as possible.
>Campaign about modern day cybernetic mystic ninja clans warring in secret.
I once ran a time loop, it was actually rather easy after a while because I didn't need to prep for any session anymore. It's just the initial prep pre-campaign that was tough.

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