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Why? Specifically, I'm talking about post D day stuff, to me it feels way less interesting than other theaters like Russia or the far east. The war is already over and the allies have a huge advantage in materiel. What's the appeal?
Band of Brothers and nice hedgerow terrain and churches. Everyone in the 20th Century was obsessed with Western Front WW2.
That's like complaining about how the Imperium can't defeat Chaos in 40k either. You're there to fight tactical battles, not alter the course of history. The way hedgerow terrain can break up sight-lines makes makes for a much easier scale on a tabletop and can make for interesting terrain setups that allow for close quarters action in combined infantry/vehicle formations (as opposed to say North African dunes).
>The war is already over
was it really?
well, decided. It was 100% over after the battle of the Bulge and most of the german army was in the east. There were like 10,000 men guarding the 50km of beaches before Dday and everything except Omaha beach was a cakewalk. Can't remember what the actual number was but it was incredibly low.
Well, it's a GAME I play on a TABLE so my snapshot of "the beach" is like a platoon or two of guys against a few MG squads, hope this helps. I'm more an Ardennes and Afrika Korps vs 8th Army guy tho.
I like the raggedy fucked-up aesthetic of late war germans
well they are pretty raggedly in the east too
America has no history so they worship WW2 as the only time they were ever relevant. This is why there are so many settings based on historical/mythological Europe, Middle East and Asian countries but just about nothing is set during the American coloinzation even even fewer things based on native American cultures. At best you get the occasional Aztec expy and cowboy oneshot campaign
It's just what people are interested in
Personally I have no interest in it just like I don't have an interest in Waterloo
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lots of diversity in units and equipment, most of the iconic stuff is there, the terrain is varied and good looking (and you can also use it for other western europe theaters), easier to find players
>The war is already over and the allies have a huge advantage in materiel.
doesn't matter on a miniature scale and also applies to most other theaters in one way or the other.
Because even if an Allied victory is logistically and economically inevitable at a strategic level, you can still have pockets of localised parity. Even if you're not going to change the biggest big picture, you can still try to make a local impact. Can you capture your objective quicker / hold out longer than the historical commander? Can you effect a localised counter-attack? Could you still capture the town if you elected not to use a heavy bomber pass first, potentially spending more soldiers' lives but making less of an impact on the civilians?

Basically, anything where the victory conditions are bigger than just "who killed more units".
This. It's the real tactical backdrop where the arsenal of democracy sent its best to fight an enemy that gloated about such a thing being impossible to achieve. Regarldless of the strategic situation around the globe the period is interesting due to changes in equipment, tactics and the experience levels of several formations involved, the terrain is much more interesting than fighting in a desert (and after trying out both tank warfare tunisia and graviteam mius front, believe me when I say it).
There were that few because the Allies spent months convincing the germans that they would land in scandinavia. Also, cakewalk is stretching it a fair bit, even without accounting for market garden and the bulge.
By cakewalk I meant specifically the dday landings
Right but why is that more interesting than fighting in the pacific or burma or stalingrad?

I wouldn't enjoy playing as the allies in the western front since you have overwhelming superiority in armor, air support, numbers supplies etc. Even if the scenario itself is balanced the wider context is one where you have very advantage. I can see the appeal of playing underdog germany, but its the same for them in the east late in the war too.
Ah yes, but as I said there's a reason for that. Also, the epic "no counterattack with tanks because Hitler is asleep" and basically no air force. Things went much better than the allies expected, but the loss projections for overlord were around 12% losses which would have been a bloodbath by any metric that's not a videogame. In short, it was a cakewalk because of prep time and enemy fuckups.
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>I don't like thing
>Why do you like thing?
So you're 5 yo, or just autistic?
OP isn't angrily sperging out, he's asking a not-unreasonable question. Your post is more tistic than his.
I never said OP is angry or sperging
I asked if he's autistic or childish.
>I wouldn't enjoy playing as the allies in the western front since you have overwhelming superiority in armor, air support, numbers supplies etc. Even if the scenario itself is balanced the wider context is one where you have very advantage.
You already made that clear in the OP. Many, many other posters have articulated why it doesn't matter to them clearly and in a variety of ways. You should have understood by now but you are determined to go around in circles.

What the fuck is the point? If I buy some shit for Normandy it's not like I'm blacklisted from other campaigns. This is as pointless as it is fucking retarded.

Also as an aside, your logic is flawed. Have different opinions, that's great. How you're justifying it though would apply to many of the other theatres and campaigns you suggested. Hell with the economics of WW2 it would be easy to take a deterministic view of the whole war, but that doesn't really matter at the engagement scales miniatures wargames take place in.

OP is absolutely being more autistic, you probably just agree with him.
1. The Eastern Front was lost long before D-Day, so your entire premise is flawed.
>Why game Kursk, Kharkov, or anything after Stalingrad?

2. Because we wargame battles, not wars.
>Of course the Eastern Front as a whole is more interesting, but the Ardennes alone has many different interesting engagements within it.

3. One of the points of replaying battles is to see if you could change the outcome.
>Sure the Germans are going to lose, but how awesome would it be if they didn't.

4. American and British media is obsessed with the Western Front, while ignoring the East.
>If they weren't, people would start asking questions about why we fought the guys who fought the guys we ended up fighting for the next 50 years.
Americans and Brit boomers love WW2 as long as they are involved. They have no clue that the actual war was fought in the east
The image has >implications

No, late war Western Front is fine. I can understand not finding it compelling, though.
I like bocage and winter themed armies.
Known tropical paradise, russia
Notice the types of games and armies people tend to play on each front? People who like to play western front seem to trend towards smaller scale tactical engagements, platoon against platoon for some small village. The fight matters on a personal level. On the eastern front people seem to prefer large games clashing large forces against each replicating decisive engagements or the rough outline of them where the fight matters to the whole war.

People who play western front in Europe tend to like that person to person and peer to peer fighting.

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