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Don't worry, Haley, dragon parts can still fetch a fortune themselves. Every little piece. Money money money by the pound!
weren't these fuckers about to resolve the plot like 4 years ago
Rich is fast now
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Not even worth getting off my phone (I'm shitting)
>order of the stick figures with unfunny walls of text
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These text-wall comics really make me appreciate how good manga can do so much more with so much less text.
>A "well... THAT happened" line
For fuck's sake Rich.
I'm convinced he sped up because he was sick of having to draw the dragon.
He's probably dying.
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the thing that draws people to this comic is the incredible character growth, right Haley?
She's thinking like Elan, which is either cute or worrying
or he made this page years in advance and then tried to see how much he can pad the fight
this strip is never going to end, is it?
She's always thought in terms of mechanics when it came to treasure
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I’m almost surprised he’s still making meta jokes about WBL and the like this late into the game
The paladins really just do not factor into the calculus do they?
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Now they're the only party members at full power for the end boss
That probably counts for something maybe
I imagined it in his voice and it was great
So many updates this is moving too fast I can't keep up I think I'll stop reading this comic
Why does everyone presume that the strips are published as soon as they are completed, and Rich doesn't have a backlog of "done" strips held in escrow until he's sure he won't need to edit them? Do we have any evidence into the actual pace of work rather than the pace of release?
Because there's no point in a backlog when publishing rate is random both and there have been years where only a handful of strips have been published.

Scenario 1: He has no backlog and publishes randomly when they're done.

Scenario 2: He actually dead but had a backlog of 1000 strips that publishes them at random intervals.

See? No change.
I don't think it's a backlog, I just think at the pace he writes stories and the amount of genuine forethought he puts into presentation and lore, it behooves him to have a large slush pile of unpublished content while he irons out details
Because the reason for backlog is to ensure a consistent schedule. There is no consistency, so Rich either doesn't have a backlog, or isn't using it correctly.
>Do we have any evidence into the actual pace of work rather than the pace of release?
That's a distinction without difference. He could have a million strips done, but if they're not good enough to be published they don't count for anything.

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