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Drill Dwarf Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd: I am the Law, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games and, many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>The Novice Troves; These troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

What are your favourite sources of miniatures?
Wha happen with the last thread?
I dunno really. The /40kg/ thread also got taken down too.
No clue. Seemed harmless, unoffensive and was only on page 5.
>favourite sources of miniatures
Reaper miniatures.
Jannies hate AWG chads
Ratnik, too bad all his sculpts are cursed to destroy anyone who sells them.
The fantasy conversion kit that victrix put for pre-order now looks like it has really good tolkienesque heads. It also has horned great helms that made me think if they could be used for black numenoreans. However, Tolkien never really described their appearance or armaments in detail, and they have traditionally not been depicted wearing great helms. Do you think if those helmets would be untolkienesque?
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All the helmet variations are here.
>victrix is dipping its toes into fantasy
I never thought I'd see the day.
Some people sperg out about the lotr movie armor designs but I like them. I think they can fit very well, but it's also up to you to make them look good with your skills.
>we have xenomorph at home
Also some autists with scuba gear
I don't like this, and I say that as a Rashar player

I liked the movie armors, but hated how they were depicted as completely useless.
I'd think that black numenoreans would be very forgiving to paint, as their surcoats and caparisons would be black with red accents, shields with the eye of Sauron etc. These hoplite heads could also be used for a lot of low-fantasy stuff.
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I can fix her...
I wonder how the mix with Fireforge's fantasy knights.
meth, not even once.
oh man, I've been thinking about getting into carnevale for some time, these dudes might just push me over the edge
You should, it's fun. Any game where drowning people is a viable mechanic gets bonus points in my eyes
I don't intend to play either of these factions, but fuck me those are some cool models.

I also like being able to leap off a roof and Mario stomp a bitch.
>40kg and awg got deleted at the same time
is the janny losing his mind or something
It would be a noble sacrifice to be collateral in a 40k purge. Imagine what could thrive absent Space Marines.

Yeah, sure tactical marines were the bees knees when you were 8, but even OPR has like 10 lists for marines and marine players will still bitch and say that this or that unit still does not have representation.
Sipahi cavalry STLs WHEN WGA??
I don't think I've ever seen anyone play doctors, vatican, or patricians. Lots of guild, lots of rashaar, some vampires, one guy who plays Commedia dell'arte because he's a huge nerd. But never doctors.
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I think Rashar are definitely the most popular faction, who doesn't love seamonsters.
I play Vatican, at first their design was a little generic but the designers recently have really gotten into a really cool space for the new models with them. I hope the Patricians get something similar, they seem to be the only faction that's really missing something that stands out.
Patricians just seem to be lacking attention in general.
Thinking of dropping down to 15mm. I have a pile of 28mm that borders on the ridiculous though, I have no idea how I'd sell it.

Not that 28mm isn't a beautiful scale with good ranges, my hands are just way too monged to clean up and put together multipart plastic kits.

Like, my pattern is this - buy a lot of 28mm. Watch half of it crash and burn at the building stage, paint the rest but it's an incomplete unit now so fool around, feel guilty, buy replacementa, feel more guilty.

>git gud

There is an argument for that but my hands and back are pretty mangled.

I guess I'm about to sell a LOT of minis at a loss. Will probably keep anything monopose.
>but my hands and back are pretty mangled.
How mangled, because this sounds like an excuse.
>we have... big daddy(?) at home
Imagine playing OPR and not using Army Forge Studio to make your own army book to fill in whatever models you got
I like the medium Daddy on the bottom left.
Vatican and Patricians are the two factions I like the most.

I'm also sure if I got my buddy into it he'd immediately go for Doctors because he loves that weird science type shit.

Rashar are pretty cool. Lovecraftian horrors is always a solid bet.
So, I decided to take a plunge and buy the Argatoria rulebook and Purple Warlock issue 2 pdfs today.

And since I'm feeling nice, they'll be hosted here for the next month if any of you chaps want to take a gander yourselves.

file (dot) io/f3pxtfgm0DqF

Good point, should do my custom chaos dwarf list that finally makes their baseline defense 4+. Also make some slight adjustments to the human empire roster so that they'll have blocks of 20 elite foot soldiers, that'll have access to more options.
>The transfer you requested has been deleted.
RIP Anon, sorry the FBI ate your ass to death for ill eagle sharing.
>Like I am in severe amounts of pain and can't work and it takes me about half an hour to get dressed.
Sounds like you chose a very difficult hobby to be in. Just work through you backlog of minis slowly at a pace that is comfortable for you. It's not like you got a job. ;^)
>but they look bad
So? My stuff looks bad too but I enjoy it anyways. On the few occasions I make something that looks good, it's really a special feeling.
I doubt selling all your stuff at a loss for 15mm sets will make you feel better about the hobby.
>you guys out yourselves as egocentric pricks all the time.
I wasn't trying to be prick, I was just asking you how badly you were mangled.
Lots of people buy into hobbies and use very thin excuses as to why they can't participate in said hobby.
Well fuck. I just want to be helpful!
TQ: Reaper. It's a meme but they've got that "soul", /tg keeps going on about.
Relax, all you'll get is a few years in the copyright gulag.
When will Striketeam Commander's KS launch?
Use another site, or drop it in the new vola.
It's Coming Soon™

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