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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Charlie Don't Surf Edition

Welcome to /bwg/! This is a general dedicated to all board wargames: hex and counter, CDGs, block wargames, and even more eclectic designs are all welcome here. Talk about anything here, from games you're interested in, organizing games over Vassal, Tabletop Simulator, or Rally the Troops with other anons, or just general discussion about wargames.

>Previous Thread

>/bwg/ Recommended Multiplayer Games Pastebin:

>/bwg/ Recommended Solo Games Pastebin:

>What is Vassal Engine?
Vassal Engine is a free, open source game engine used primarily for playing wargames online. There are thousands of fan created modules so you can probably find what you're looking for.

>What is Rally the Troops
Rally the Troops is a free game engine played through your browser for historical themed games. You can play online asynchronously or in real time. While it doesn't have nearly as many games as Vassal, it has full rules enforcement

>Thread Question
What era of wargames do you prefer? Ancients? Gundpowder? 20th Century?
Some news from the last thread you may have missed:
GMT's newsletter is out. Some highlights
>New edition of Frank Chadwick's A House Divided
>Mark Simonitch's next 'XX game Italy '43, which covers the advance to the Gustav Line
>Reprints of A Gest of Robin Hood, Next War India-Pakistan, and A World at War
>Next War Iran, and Normandy '44 will be shipping in early August
>Labyrinth the War on Terror and Red Dust Rebellion will be shortly thereafter
>Fields of Fire Deluxe is FINALLY done with proofing and will be going to the printer shortly
>What era of wargames do you prefer? Ancients? Gundpowder? 20th Century?
Opposite ends for me. I love ancients and I love WWI-Present Day. Everything in between just bores me to tears unfortunately.
>What era of wargames do you prefer? Ancients? Gundpowder? 20th Century?
I do not have a preference but going off the games I own, most are ww2 to modern day
What games do you own anon?
I know there are a ton of WW2 games, but I was wondering if there were any good ones for WWI
>What era of wargames do you prefer? Ancients? Gundpowder? 20th Century?

Most of the games I own are WWII / Modern Era with a few Sci-fi or Fantasy and a couple older periods like Napoleon at Waterloo or Sekigahara.

>I was wondering if there were any good ones for WWI

Take a look at the Pastebin. There are several recommendations in there.
I’m actually surprised. I would have thought there’d be a lot of Napoleonics, or at least ACW.
I guess WW2 and beyond just has more ‘stuff’ to it so it makes for a more varied experience.

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