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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #549

Let Him Cook Edition

Previous Thread: >>93371693

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Alternative Formats
Time Wizard Formats Reference:https://www.formatlibrary.com/

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:https://yugioh.party/
Stock Market:https://yugiohprices.com/
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10


>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●Rage of the Abyss (Jul 27)
●Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers (Aug 24)
● Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)

●The Infinite Forbidden (Jul 19)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)

If you could make an officially-supported alternate format, what would it be?

Thread CaC:
Create a version of Snake-Eyes Poplar for your favorite archetype
How do you guys play yugioh? masterduel?
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I went undefeated 2 nights at locals.
With this deck.
I am adding Silhouette hat trick trap card.
Anything else I should add or change?
Though I am working on 2 of my own, I would not want official support, because of how long-lived games-as-products tend to go downhill with design disciplines to keep up sales. It would however, probably be alright if this project became an officially supported Master Duel mode, though:
>Reminder that there's a progression server happening right now on /vm/. Currently in 2002, 2003 starts in August.

I legitimately think Deck Masters was a neat concept and should've seen a bigger push as an alternate format, kinda like Commander for MtG.
they reprinted the Lightsworn Structure Deck from 2022, is it any good?
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No, nearly all the important lightsworn cards got reprinted in the latest BoL, you also need some stuff from LEDE so there's no point on acquiring 3 structures. The deck doesn't work "pure" either, you'll have to toss some tearlaments or wight cards in it, maybe even a horus package since it's a free zombie vampire.
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Could try this homebrew I wrote a while ago. Attempts to solve one particularly large problem with Deckmaster by making it so that only Normal and "Non-Effect Ritual" monsters can be your deckmaster. Every time I've tried the official version, it's just boiled down to some cockcunt running the most degenerate floodgate possible as their deckmaster.

>You pick 3 deckmasters during the deckbuilding process (only 1 is active), and tag them out while sideboarding
>Heavily benefits Normal Monsters that share the same Attribute and/or Type as your Deckmaster, making them generally easier to bring out, and to a much lesser extent, Effect Monsters
>Punishment for losing your Deckmaster is removed entirely. Now you just need to pay a cost to bring it out, and it returns to the Deckmaster Zone if it's used as material for a summon.
>Normal Monsters are given effects as per the Deckmaster's "Ability", though this part you can cut out if you don't like it.

It isn't a perfect system, but in the few opportunities I've had to test it out IRL, it's worked out pretty decently.
A preconstructed format. One where the card pool is restricted to structure decks and similar products (Starter Decks, Tactical Try, etc).
>Limited card pool, as described above
In addition to the above examples, decklists from Rivalry of Warlords format is also allowed.
>Semi-Limits across the board by default along with a custom banlist.
This keeps consistency slightly lower to promote experimentation, instead of cramming 3 structure decks together and calling it a day.
>Forbidden/Limited list whitelists some cards that can be run at 3 copies
Such as BEWD to summon Ultimate for example. This is used sparingly.

The hopeful result from it would be a slightly more casual space for new players to get accustomed to the game, and give Konami a reason to print more archetypal structure decks.

This is the simple answer, anyway. I like to homebrew but I know they wouldn't work well as alt formats.
A format that does the Duel Links/Speed Duel style of banlist with it expanded out with a Limit 4 and maybe Limit 5 category.

TL;DR for those who haven't gone into those formats, if two cards are on Limit 2, you can play:
>2 copies of Card A
>2 copies of Card B
>1 copy of Card A and 1 copy of Card B

It allows for stuff like a powerful staple and a powerful archetypal card to exist on the same slot of the list, restricting the power of said archetype because it can only play one of the two while Rogue can play the staple freely. Additionally, makes every slot matter more because if two necessary cards to a deck exist at, say, Limit 3, and one moves DOWN to Limit 2, then it can act as a sorta buff. Thereby making every slot on the list matter unlike how Semi-Limited kinda acts.
>go to locals
>some skinny nerd fuck with vtuber sleeves is playing against me
>awkward as fuck, quiet and stutters
>tries to fast play, apologizes profusely when I simply ask him to hold on
Holy cringe, this is the type of people who consume vtube shit?
>Thread CaC

Witchcrafter Poplar
>[Level 6/FIRE/Spellcaster]
>[ATK 1900/DEF 1600]
If this card is added to your hand, except by drawing it: You can Special Summon this card. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can take 1 "Witchcrafter" Continuous Spell/Trap from your Deck or Banishment, then place it in your Spell & Trap Zone face-up. (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 "Witchcrafter" Spell Card; This effect becomes that card's effect when it is activated on the field. You can only use each effect of "Witchcrafter Poplar" once per turn.
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that's yugioh players in general, i used to rush shit as well since my deck has incredibly long combos, but eventually i learned that you have to declare what you're doing so your opponent can interrupt you (if possible) or just learn what your cards do, and the same goes for your opponent, rulesharking is for homos but if your opponent misplays you have to capitalize on that
>play dinosaur
>ok i normal ovi, search misc, discard misc
>literally just slammed ovi on the table and immediately grabbed my deck to search
>opponent goes "wait a minute, let me decide if i want to answer to your summon"
>picks up the card to read, decides to veiler my ovi
>well shit
>had rex, ash and pill in hand, so i banish rex and ash to summon UCT, then summon rex by its own effect
>"hold on, let me read pill"
>"ok so you can indeed banish from hand and the dino resummons itself, go on then"
>overlay into laggia, pass
>dude is playing gadget, uses raigeki to clear my board
>i negate with laggia
>"wait, let me see if it's a quick effect"
>i know for a fact it got PSCT'd into a quick effect on its latest print, but my copy is the super rare from the tins, from like 2010
>"uhh it doesn't say quick effect here, but on both player's turns means the exact same, right?"
>i guess? i'll call a """judge""" if you want
>"no dude it's alright"
>i call him anyways, he says it's a quick effect because he has a copy of the latest print, which does say quick effect
tl;dr playing irl is a shit show, i've been doing so for years and i STILL don't know the difference between doing something for cost vs doing it for effect, which does come up a lot in my dinos (pankratops and accesscode can play while negated or under skill drain and even get rid of it, they just need to choose themselves as tribute because they commit sudoku first as cost then pop another card)
Sounds more like someone that's going through the pipeline from Master Duel to the actual game, or someone that's steeped so deep into the meta that they expect you to know each card effect by a glance. Both of them can kinda be cunts.
Speaking of which, what's the consensus on "lewd" sleeves, not like booba spilling out and stuff, just like maybe bare feet at worst.
Putting tournament policy aside, it's generally frowned upon and can get you kicked out of stores, depending on their clientele. If you're using it around younger players, there is a heavy chance that you WILL get kicked out of a store for using them.
Here are three CaCs

Hinotama Zone
>[Field Spell]
When this card is activated: Add 1 "Hinotama" card from your deck to your hand. All Effect Damage dealt by effects applied by "Hinotama" cards is doubled. Thrice per turn, you can choose 1 of your opponent's unoccupied Main Monster Zones or Spell & Trap Zones; the next time that zone becomes occupied, inflict 600 damage to your opponent.

Hinotama Trooper
>[Quickplay Spell Card]
All Effect Damage inflicted by non-"Hinotama" cards that exceeds 600 becomes 600 until the end of your next turn, also, Special Summon 1 "Hinotama Token"(Level 2/FIRE/Pyro/ATK 600/DEF 500) to either player's field. That token cannot be used as Link Material, also, if it leaves the field, inflict 600 damage to your opponent.

Hinotama Blazing Soul
>[Level 4/FIRE/Pyro]
>[ATK 1200/DEF 1000]
Gains 600 ATK for each FIRE monster on the field. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can activate this effect; The next time the zone that destroyed monster occupied becomes occupied, inflict 600 damage to your opponent. During your Main Phase: Immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 FIRE monster. You can only use this effect of "Hinotama Blazing Soul" once per turn.

I didn't know how to express the effect since there's no existing precedence for this kind of thing, but basically,
>you can choose 1 of your opponent's unoccupied Main Monster Zones or Spell & Trap Zones; the next time that zone becomes occupied, inflict 600 damage to your opponent.
It's a pseudo-zonelock series that burns your opponent whenever the unoccupied zones become occupied. The only way it could feasibly work in the real world is if these effects Marked those zones so that you don't need to micromanage the effects.

It's slightly xenophobic in that it puts a hard cap on non-archetypal burn, and the burn itself isn't too excessive, so I don't think it'd see play. I just thought it'd be fun to conceptualize.
>i've been doing so for years and i STILL don't know the difference between doing something for cost vs doing it for effect

If the card has been printed after PSCT was a thing, then effects are usually structured as:
>Activation Condition
>Colon ( : )
>Semi-Colon ( ; )
If something is listed as a Cost, you do it immediately (this is not negatable if a card can be activated), if it is an Effect, you wait until the chain is resolving to do it (this can be negated)
Oh, and to explain:
>pankratops and accesscode can play while negated or under skill drain and even get rid of it, they just need to choose themselves as tribute because they commit sudoku first as cost then pop another card
This is because Skill Drain negates the Effects of Monsters on Field, but you can activate them, when sends Pankratops and Accesscode (Using Itself) to grave to pay for the Costs of activating.
Because they are in the graveyard when the chain starts to resolve, the chain treats them as Monsters in the Graveyard rather than Monsters on the Field, and only Monsters on the Field are negated by skill drain - the effect is allowed to go through.
NTA but there's a nonzero chance you'll come up with a ruling conflict between Skill Drain and Bagooska, which are functionally very similar effects with a very minute detail that makes Bagooska's effect stronger
>(...), also negate the activated effects of monsters that were in Defense Position when that effect was activated.
Bagooska will remember the game state when effects are still being activated, whereas with Skill Drain it just cares about where the cards are upon resolution of the effects. If you try to use Pank while under the effects of Bagooska, the effect gets negated in spite of it being off of the field, because it *was* in Defense Position when the effect was activated.

Probably won't come up unless Bagooska becomes meta again or you're dealing with some cuntcock at locals that likes to turbo him out when shit starts hitting the fan. The effects work in distinctly different ways and I just wanted to point out why, in spite of nobody asking.
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what a dogshit booster my friend bought a box and pulled nothing good
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