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What sort of powers should a Demon lord/king have?
Whatever powers befit a "Demon lord/king" in their given game.
Demon powers.

Ask a vague question, get a vague answer.
I think it depends on how much they individually serve as a threat, vs. the faction that they are in charge of.

Like Sauron doesn't physically do much of anything in Lord of the Rings. He has his minions do pretty much everything. What makes him dangerous is that he's very good at getting his minions to do what he wants because he's been able to enslave them with promises of power.
Death beam eye blasts
go ask /x/.
or read that frech dictionary infernal and the lesser key of solomon.
demon lord/presidents/kings often have the power of future sight, knowledge, and skill in the arts.
they have ultimate tools to tempt mortals with power.
seems like their weakness is sidewalk chalk though.
You will never run a game so what do you care?
Interest rates.
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If they're the villain of the campaign then their powers should be customized so they don't go down to the players too easily or cause a party wipe in 3 or fewer turns.

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