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>My friends and I play D&D every week! Let me give you some tips
>So I tend to set up a separate channel for one on one breakout sessions, because...
Do any of you losers actually play Dungeons and Dragons in your real basement at a real card people with people you met at work, at school, at a party, or somewhere else in real life? Or are you all trannies from the 'cord?
*card table
I run games at my university. Having to reserve a room for it is a bit of a pain, but it's easy for my players to get there on time. Ran dungeon crawl classics last semester, not sure what I'll do this semester. Maybe WFRP. Or just more DCC, my players really liked it last time.
Do you have a club for it?
Yeah, that's how I found my players. Most of the members are 5e players looking for game masters, but it's still a nice club. A lot of people, so there's a lot of different systems being played.
That's fun. I graduated a while back. Wonder if I could go to the nearby uni to play... Pretend to be a student... Date a sorority girl... Do it right this time...
Not anymore. My RL friends used to play World of Darkness, first at our school's IT room after hours in 2009 (I had picked up a job there after I graduated to help pay for college, so we'd come around and use the massive work tables for RPGs and Wargames), then eventually at each others' apartments/houses once we got them. Our interests diverged at some point and we stopped getting together, going from a weekly thing to a monthly, then every other month, and then just a couple of times per year. Finally, we accepted we no longer had anything in common and just stopped meeting up at all.

Everyone else had moved off to various cities, but I stayed in our hometown which only had about 1000 people in it. I have an apartment in the city I work in an hour or so drive away, and while there are shops that have people that play, I work two jobs from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM and then another from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM four days a week, going back home on the weekends. The only time I have to play now is the occasional pickup one shot on Discord or previously IRC.
Why do you work two jobs with a college degree? That sounds like it blows anon, I'm sorry for you. I hereby grant you a formal pardon for your 'cord 'rannydom
Lol, I use Discord but I play with my friends. Running my first game ever and its going pretty well. We want to actually get together and play it but considering some of us are married, have kids, a few work second shift and weekends, its hard to organize. It'll happen though.
In my 30s, when my parents passed away and willed the old family land to me and my two sisters, they wanted to sell it immediately since they had long moved away and didn't have any attachment to it anymore. I offered to buy them out with what I had, eventually offering everything in my savings for it, but they demanded we put it on the open market so it would fetch a price what it was worth. The price shot up through the roof and I sold off almost all of my stuff to be able to buy it back, all of my Warhammer stuff, old video games, every firearm I owned, and my '68 Mustang I spent several years working on to restore. I still couldn't afford the price and wound up taking out a huge loan to pay for the rest.

I work IT for a bank on my day job and now for a plant at night, having done so for the last three years. Neither of the jobs are hard but I only have about four hours of sleep each day during the week. I've almost got everything paid off and back out of debt, but I still intend to keep working both the jobs until I build my savings back up, probably for another three or four years.

I don't really regret anything though, this is the place I grew up, the place my mother grew up, and the place her father grew up, so even though I'm still pissed at my sisters for not working with me on the price, at least I didn't lose it.
>this is the place I grew up, the place my mother grew up, and the place her father grew up
based af - hope you marry well and raise children on the land of your ancestors.

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