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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:
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Requesting Shallow Graves from the STVault.
Thank you!
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Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Dark Empire
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris
Thank you in advance
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Kindly requesting Triangle Agency 1.02


Thanks in advance.
Posting again, just so it's seen. If OEFs of Dungeon Magzine #91 and #138 exist, I'd like to request those.
The MgT2 List

In late April 2024 Mongoose released an "Update Wave" that affected dozens of books (https://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/threads/the-great-apple-pdf-update.124644/).
Of these April Update versions, only the following have so far been liberated:
>Core Rulebook Update 2022, High Guard Update 2022, Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023, Companion Update 2024, Explorer's Edition
We're looking for any and all April Update versions not listed above.

In addition, updates to these specific books not affected by the "Update Wave" have been requested:

- The Fifth Frontier War, updated version
[updated 2024-04-11]

- Vehicle Handbook, updated version
[updated 2021-08-03 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

- Pirates of Drinax: Theev, updated version
[updated 2016-10-25 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

If you have donated files before, please check and see whether you can provide updated versions!
Thanks to everyone involved! If you notice any other issues with the currently shared files, please say so!
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Thanks for the stuff on Flying Circus from last thread! My only fuss is the folder isnt up to date, but hey if i like this enough (and i get enough moneys together) i might shell out for this.
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Requesting The Last Caravan!

I'm thinking it might be too niche to get a pdf for, but I'll try this one last time lol
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Requesting STA 2e + Game Tool Kit
requesting Ker Nethalas: Into the Midnight Throne

Savage Worlds - The After: Tales from the Trail Vol 1

Savage Worlds - Gladiators

Savage Worlds - Helbine

(from Kobold Press):

-Book of Hexcrawl: Part One
-Book of Hexcrawl: Part 2
-Book of Hexcrawl: Part 3: Mapping
-Book of Hexcrawl Part 4: Factions
Requesting Legend of the Five Rings THIRD EDITION Emerald Empire.

Has anyone seen a Deepnight Revelation pdf with all the images? All links I'vw found are missing tons of art.
Requesting Five Parsecs from Home: Compendium and Tactics.
Requesting Over War: The Night Comes Down - MONARCH EDITION
Requesting the new Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint pdfs, they came out on the 19th

ACKS II Revised Rulebook WIP15
ACKS II Judges Journal WIP4
ACKS II Monstrous Manual WIP 4
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Before I waste five bucks on this does anybody have World of Darkness Central Florida?
I'm moving to Orlando and interested in trying to throw together a vampire campaign to fuck around in where I'm living for the next year lmao.
Does anyone know where I can find a big ass pack of scenes or vignettes I can use for my vtt games?
Looking for any of the published Shadow of the Weird Wizard Prewritten Adventures. Examples include

One bad apple
friends in need
haunting of beggars creek
drink deep from the river of my hate
trip the light fantastic
eye of the serpent
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Requesting The Monkey's Paw for Mothership.
Hi, I'm looking for REAP's Soul Atlas v1.1. Thanks for any help!
requesting Nightpath Publishing's Entromancy rulebooks
had trouble navigating the repo and didn't see it in the scifi trove
Florida Vampire, the only thing worse than Florida Man....

Requesting The Secret World (SWADE), please.

Kindly, thank you.
Don't let anybody fool you anon, the Malkavians are responsible for Florida Man. They force derangements onto the denizens of Florida and have them act out in outrageous tomfoolery.
Anyone knows what happened to Osprey links?

Been quite some time since I browsed these threads.
I hear they make Malkavians look sane....
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I like to think of them as blessed idiots by the gods of chaos

Maybe use google? That pointed me right to the creator's itch.io page.
To clarify, too niche to hope any one HERE has a pdf for it.
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Kindly requesting Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium by Last Unicorn Games.
Florida man shit happens everywhere. Florida just has sunshine laws on the books that make all court records public and this is taken advantage of by those rat fucking vultures we call journalists. I can guarantee you that if they had gators in Wisconsin, someone there would have used one to rob a circle k.

Maybe try googling it first.
Kindly requesting Tales of Mystic tournaments for Pendragon. It's the last book I need.
I know, I live there. I just find the jokes funny.
Osprey links? Which ones are down for you, as I just checked the older ones are still up.
Looking for Legendary Mesmerists from Legendary Games for PF1E.
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Looking for Path of Glory by Free League, thank you
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Requesting Ronin Saga by Livres de l'Ours/Kobayashi
Would like to get my hands on

Solo Game Guide for Savage Worlds

GM's miscellaneously Wilderness Dressing or told where it is, I've been scouring through the archives with no luck
>Would like to get my hands on
Read the OP. The SW title is in that trove under Adventurers Guild, and the GMMWD is a worldbuilding item that is easily found in that trove using its search bar.
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Requesting Gwelf: The survival guide and Into the Hinterlands by Larry MacDougall
Requesting Demonic issue #2, official zine for Sacrifice.
I swear I looked through all the SW misc and various folders multiple times without any luck, but found the solo guide now. And found the Wildness too.
Thanks for bearing with me anon. I will try harder next time
File deleted.
Requesting Return of the Tripods by abbynormalmedia

Does anyone have the set of books for the D&D setting "Apocalisse"? (Where Angels and Demons are fighting at the end of the world)

Apocalisse - John's Guide to the Armageddon
Apocalisse - Monsters of the Armageddon
Apocalisse - The Book of Revelation
If anyone here has direct link to Nochet: Queen of Cities, Nochet: Adventurers Guide and/or Ships & Shores of Southern Genertela for Runequest: Glorantha I'd be infinitley thankful.
It'd be massive help for my coming Esrolia campaign.

osprey history books are missing in sharethread. There was wargames but also entire collection of history books. for example /OWOR, /OELI are down

>Book of Hexcrawl 1-3
SS /filegroup/TdMJu0IWDSbQTcUWmXpYkCJc26eEXm3j

I don't think part 4 has been shared yet.
SS /file/wjqrn1
Thank you i love you.

Is there any link with the older books? Both Archives I've seen just jave Secrets, Way of, the Cores for 1E and 3E, and alkl teh 4E and 5E books.
The one in the NV are not the version you are looking for right?
any 3D printing troves?
Looking for sci-fi minatures and terrain.(The ones I found on the Sharethread were fantasy focused)
and looking for Postapocalyptic too
Still looking for Heroes & Hatchets
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Requesting Stars Over Stormwreck for D&D 5e from the DMsGuild

Is there an Age of Sigmar trove somewhere? I can't find one in the archive.
Hey everyone.
Just a reminder that for Pathfinder 2e the Foundry files are moving away from the After Jan 23 trove to r3br@nd dot ly /PF2eFoundry
Feel free to check it and/or donate clean files there (We're missing lots of v12 stuff if any kind soul would like to contribute)
Keep rocking and stay safe.
Requesting a bunch of stuff from MonkeyDM. Tried ctrl+F in the repo but nothing came up
>Northern Lights Compendium
>secrets of gravity magic
>tome of vile corruption
>horrors of the blighted woods
>tome of twilight
>guide to the abyssal depths
>steinhardt's guide to the eldritch hunt
Most up to date version, not fully released yet but I know it's floating around somewhere
Kindly requesting Deathmatch Island
Requesting The Wigmaker's Fingers
Where do I drop request images?
Tried NV Drop but request was ignored. I even uploaded with a zip to fulfill a request and the zip is there but the request isn't. Req isn't in the forbidden list so I'm guessing either I'm uploading to the wrong place or the dude is being an ass.

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