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File: 1639124803595.jpg (57 KB, 459x670)
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So many images in character art threads are females, since they're more appealing to look at and since the internet is used by exclusively men. I too am guilty of stockpiling 80% wammen in my art folders. Post male character art so our PCs actually have someone interesting to talk to
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This faggot was ready and waiting lol
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Stephanie needs to learn what beards look like, and eyes. Touch grass femcel
i've got pretty decent at making midjoureny slop
drawfags on suicide watch
this you?
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That's a woman who fucks a native isekai protagonist
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that's one is not mine
>king arthur
stained glass windows are fun to make
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No one appreciates men more than faggots, but I agree. That guy's being completely disingenuous, probably isn't even gay.
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husbando tier dudes
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the fuck is this art style?
what's the point of making everything nice and detailed and then fucking up the face completely?
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You're aware it's a janny spamming the faggot shit right?
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men with facial hair look ugly
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I replied to all the at least somewhat usable or even good art in the thread. This is it.
This one here wins the thread for me. Only one I actually used in a document.
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all of those look generic and boring as shit
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anyone who likes this kind of art is way gayer than someone who likes these
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Inclined to agree. Now post art faggot.
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i like cute boys
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Be careful who you make fun of in middle school
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