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I'm tired of tentacles being used for Cthulhu monsters. What other weird animals or body parts work for it?
File: file.png (275 KB, 303x429)
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275 KB PNG
long limbs, multiple limbs, fins, gills, long teeth, scales, esca, multiple eyes, no eyes, big mouths, visible bones, thin skin, large heads, reordered bodies, digitigrade legs, sesory organs on torso or limbs, tails, wings, picasso style faces or bodies, bibilically accurate angels, geometric body shapes
Cant you just make an enviroment an extension of a lovecraftian monster? They are supposed to defy logic itself, doesn't make sense for it to be a sole entity all the time.
Lovecraft's works have non octopian creatures, like Yith, Mi-go, Elder Things
horse pussy

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