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Ok boys, this book is some of the biggest trash I've ever read and there is so much wrong with it, but where did it start to go wrong? Was it the world building, the intention, the mary sue rapist protagonist? Where did it all go wrong.
It was written by a man that cant keep himself away from twitter drama
It was written by a midwit who thinks he is super smart. Typical /tg/ poster.
It was written by a man that cant keep himself away from twitter drama, and has his world-view based off a literal cult.
The rape, Sansa, it was beautiful. I think the reason you're sad about getting raped by Ramsey Snow is because you didn't get pregnant. The rape, Sansa
It's not the worst thing I've ever read, but all of the details of everything are ridiculous and laughable.

So the idea is that the story is about a protagonist who was an absolute piece of shit, but is genuinely repentant about it and when given an opportunity strives to do better, but Shad decided to go with the variety of piece of shit he is being Stalin+Hitler+Pedophile+Mass-rapist and for the opportunity he is given to be magically made younger and be given superpowers. It's a perfectly reasonable premise blown to smithereens by the most deranged specifics imaginable. Same applies to the general worldbuilding, it's fine for fantasy worlds to have unusual cosmology and geography, but the world of islands falling in a loop like they went off the map edge in a video game is completely divorced from both reality and mythology and doesn't feel authentic at all. Also everyone has an anime hair color because ???? Also this retard unironically wrote the word "sunicle" and thought that was an okay term to go to print with.

He clearly put in a lot of effort and did do things like come up with a clear idea for what the story would be about thematically, and did actual world building, but his abysmal taste and bad judgement just resulted in something so bad it's funny.
What IS the worst thing you've ever read? I think it'd be hard to intentionally write something worse
Simple. Shad is a retard who knows very little about anything.
His videos on realistic fantasy make me want to die.
His shit protagonist who's some mega repentant hyper Satan is so laughably bad I wanted to drop the whole thing.
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Moorcock nailed it way back when he said that as other fiction explores the universe around us, fantasy is an exploration of our inner worlds. Realism is the biggest meme and cancer on the genre. The best fantasy authors have always been those who avoid super autism in details (of any kind - world, "realism", or even plot) and embrace mood, theme and character foremost.

And yet despite us doing this since the fucking 20s, and codifying it in the 60s and 70s, we keep fucking up.
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Difficult question because things can be bad in different ways and I don't know if it's appropriate to count things that I didn't finish. Here's an example of something much worse though. If you didn't know the gamelit genre existed then I'm sorry for informing you.
Well he makes 2 hour long videos for a topic that could be covered in 5 minutes.
>cover has a black guy on it
i'm not even racist and i already know the things gonna be junk
Black people in Shad's book are confusing. They have absolutely no real culture and one of them is a nudist who pretty much just goes "where the white woman at".
I didn't read his dreck, but I watched a bunch of videos by some autist whose obsession is a massive hate-boner for Shad. He rips into this book and dissects how terrible it is. Here's some highlights:
>MC is an outrageous Mary Sue
>Huge tangents about how MC invented everything and how it all "works"
>The race of foreigners are Afro-Asian people with modern American haircuts. The women dress like anime girls. The men act like Jim Crow-era anti-miscegenation propaganda characters
>Rape is fine because the victims love their children
>Kids "get over" being victims of predators by the time they are adults, apparently.
>Randomly starts using the word "retarded" for a couple of chapters as both an insult and an adjective for the mentally ill then stops
Then there was how Shad conducted himself:
>Told people who didn't like it that they had no taste
>Told people who criticized it that they were reading it wrong and are too stupid to understand the themes in his book
>Told people who criticized him directly over this that he is actually a genius and a good author and they aren't even though some were published authors with good intentions
>Claimed that all three groups of people in the above points are slandering him
He's a fucking narcissist.
depending on how bad the mary-sue complex is, this sounds like a fun novel.
to think, i judged it by the cover
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He figured that by converting to Mormonism, he would automatically become the author of the next Dragonlance.

Also his rapist MC wasn't closely enough modeled on Joseph Smith and not a vampire, so heis writing couldn't pass for a Jesus Vampire fic either.

Finally, he offended a lot of people's sensibilities when he openly aknowledges that anything he can do, AI can do better.
Rejoice because the book was written just like you
>>Rape is fine because the victims love their children
>>Kids "get over" being victims of predators by the time they are adults, apparently.
I almost forget he's is a mormon
Truly the worst Shad on the internet
>Finally, he offended a lot of people's sensibilities when he openly aknowledges that anything he can do, AI can do better.
He tried desperately argue that he should be considered an artist too because he uses AI, and that it's a real skill just like drawing and painting. I'm not even sure if most slop fags ever went that far, they just hate artists and leave it at that
It's weirder when you find out his brother is an artist
I would argue that most AI shill just imagine that they have a chance of becoming "prompt engineers" with STEM wages now. I'm too lazy to look it up to verify, but I recall reading about one Chinese mobileshit game company that already canceled replacing digital artists for now because they could not find a prompter that would work for lower prices than the artist did.
Slopper here, I don't think any of us on /tg/ would say that we should be considered artists based on making a.i. art, and I think we're split on whether or not the end result counts as art (we obviously don't hate artists, and using the a.i. is obviously a "real skill", the definition of a skill is a lot simpler than the definition of an art).
>How did you fuck that up?
>HOW did you FUCK. THAT. UP!
>Truly the worst Shad on the internet
The other Shadman at least drew Donald Trump as a chubby girl in white tennis clothes that had become transparent due to her sweat.
lol I thought they were the same guy.
Who the fuck is this other Shad and why do we care about his book?
He did jewtube videos on medieval realism in fantasy. He was popular until he started doing more pop-culture content, sperged out against his fans and employees, and jumped whole-heatedly on the retarded AI bandwagon.
>we obviously don't hate artists
This is such a huge fucking lie, I don't even know why'd you bother typing it. OVERWHELMINGLY, the attitude I've seen from Sloppers is that they HATE artists and want them all to cease existence, because artists are left-leaning and by obliterating the concept of art itself, they can own the libs.
lol, I guess I should be glad that you haven't been to our thread.
This is a retarded fucking take. I do hate artists though so I'm happy they are fucking dying to a computer program.
Why not explain to to me why? You're right, I haven't, never needed to. Could you enlighten me, if only so I don't have to go there myself. I'm the sort of person were, the more I hate something, the more I want to learn about it, because how can you properly hate something if you don't understand it? But on the flip side, I hate AI and AI art so much, I know I would shit up the threat within 5 minutes of entering, so I avoid that entirely. An inside look would be lovely, even if I have to take it with a grain of salt.
Game-lit can get really bad or have surprising elements of decency (at least, for pulp). Starcraft was really bad about this, I read some of the novels as 'research' for a game I was in (wanted to help the GM and new players make the world feel more organic, since not everyone was that familiar with the setting). The only one even a little bit worth a damn in my opinion was Speed of Darkness.
>I didn't read his dreck, but I watched a bunch of videos by some autist whose obsession is a massive hate-boner for Shad
I know who you are talking about, the guy is a creepy pasta author and he's even worse writer than Shad.
The manchild in question stopped using replica weapons and armour in his videos in favour of larp gear because he was too fat and became fatigued from filming with them. He's also trying to crowdfund to build a Disney castle in a field from one of his shitty stories to "teach about history"
What's that? An icicle but made of sun?
It's a magic sword made by forging it with a blood sample
Atleast that's what the tvtropes page says since I refuse to touch this book
There is more than one autist with a massive hate-boner for Shad.
No Mormon has ever been good at anything besides molesting children, so I'd say it all started going wrong at his conception.
They seem decently good at producing fantasy&scifi literature at just the right level of slop for it to make a major splash.

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