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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Jolly gerbils
Carrot cake
Feed the cycle
Agate-blade assassin
Osteomancer adept
Banishing light
Intrepid rabbit
Moonrise cleric
2x Though-stalker warlock
Psychic whorl
Consumed by greed
Starlit soothsayer
Wax-wane witness
Early winter
Pileated provisioner
Glidedive duo
Starseer mentor
2x Starfall invocation
Mudflat village
Uncharted haven
7x swamps
8x plains
No losses, top kek
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I wouldn't flip the table against you, I would just be like: damn, that's a good poon son.

Here's mine, went 5-0-1 with it, got 1st place. The round I drew I got Ygra played on me twice. Fuck that cat, couldn't do shit to get rid of it for good.

*Pool, not poon lmao
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I have a discard lizard in play, I cast invocation gifting you a card and wiping the board, just kidding, discard it because my lizard is back and now you have no board.
They really did make Sealed great again.
>the birth of a new meme (colorized, circa 2024)
hey baus gimme somma that gerbussy

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