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Now that dust has settled, did Lego do Dungeons & Dragons the justice it deserves or did they fuck it up?
MegaBloks had the D&D license for years and nobody cared.
I don't really know what you mean by "do it justice." They sure do have a dragon, and there is the general idea of a dungeon crammed into that set. They made minifigures of a lot of general fantasy characters and D&D races as well, and some pretty neat looking brick-built monsters.
>I don't really know what you mean by "do it justice."
It means if the average D&D fan would overall be sufficiently satisfied with it or does it cause too much seething of the "why did they include X but not Z?" sort
The average D&D fan would be satisfied by a baby sensory video. The playsets look fine.
Seething is the only pleasure most people get from this hobby, the answer to both your questions is yes.
The average D&D fan is sufficiently satisfied by playing D&D, their bottom-of-the-barrel tastes aren't a good metric for anything.
it ticks all the major box except there's a severe lack of orcs
You aren't the average D&D fan, stop projecting.
I mean, I was saying for a long time that D&D was gonna just become some shitty lifestyle brand.
In less than ten years, 'Dungeons and Dragons' will be like Betty Boop cartoons- a relic of the past. But just like Betty Boop, you'll be able to go get D&D floor mats, bath towels, toothbrush holders, etc. from Wal-Mart.
Also the last time I looked at Lego, that hobby was almost as expensive as 40k but cost you slightly more in dignity.
>it ticks all the major box except there's a severe lack of orcs
Well that train left the station a LONG time ago...
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thankfully there's enough lotr and cmf shit to meet all your orc needs
It looks nice, I would have like a little slice of a town instead of a visual display. So you could recreate some interesting moment from a campaign, like a dragon attacking. I say this as someone who hasn't bought lego in well over 20 years.
bretty gud how they were able to do tavern, forest, bridge, mountain, tower, dungeon, coast in such a condensed space and still have it feel organic and not out of place
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technically not dnd but pic related is on the shelves right now so...
just saying, this set looks good but only if you suspend your disbelief on them as a whole. workshop doesn't have any substance personally and leaves me wondering the purpose of a building that lacks a lot of space or purpose besides adding a taller building to break them up.
Or how the right building goes out of its way to put a staircase and assumed ladder to get to the guard tower, yet the tavern and red house has floors that are just segmented away from each other, which wouldn't be a problem if in the same structure they made stairs and ladders integrated into the flow of the building (even the personally disliked workshop has an attic with a ladder for access), to then make the rest just dollhouse logic.
I think so. My only real complaint is the aarakocra (bird dude), unless they're more popular than I realize the space could have been used for a half-orc or something.

The only unreal complaint is the cost. I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on the big set. Maybe if they broke it up into a few separate sets I might have, but I couldn't justify the cost for it. Plus what to do with it when it's done.
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>Plus what to do with it when it's done.
I was think more along the lines of where to keep & display the completed set.
Top tier design, offensive price
Just wait for the inevitable Chinese copies
"now that the dust has settled" should be an auto-ban.
I like yellowfigs as much as everyone else but the dnd set is infinitely better than the medieval town
A whole line of small well priced sets is better than one giant dust collector
For modern Lego standards it's unironically great
Yea i dont know what more to ask from an odd concept like a D&D lego set. it comes with an adventure module, traps, monsters and figs and tons of little interactibles which are some of my favorite details from modern lego sets.

While yes the price is harsh, calculating the price-per-brick does reveal it to not be much more expensive than other stuff. The main thing is just how many bricks there are. Just tons and tons of very custom-made plastic.
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The dragon's head should have been a proper mold(like pic related) instead of fully brickbuilt
The aarakocra is more a lego fan thing desu, the bird head hasn't been produced in a long time so it was nice to see back
They should do a build a fig thing for custom characters like hero forge

Since correct me if I'm wrong but mini figs are already pretty much properly sized for the standard battle mat
>proper mold(like pic related) instead of fully brickbuilt
That attitude is why the Lego of today is cancer. Lego sets should have more versatile bricks. If you want a single use piece buy a model or a figurine. Lego sets used to be kit sets for creating things imaginatively, now it's baby's first snaplock model kit.
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>That attitude is why the Lego of today is cancer
No you dumb fucking cunt, having literally hundreds of shitty 1x1 plates, cheese slopes and other overspecialized curved pieces to smooth everything out inflating the part count of the sets to ridiculous extents is what's ruining Lego, making things overcomplicated and discouraging people from taking sets apart to build other stuff. You're not gonna create anything significant with the dragon head pieces because they are not good substantial all purpose bricks.
Animals and accessories have always been things that use proper molds because they are not things you wanna take apart anyway and since you're constantly handling them for play purposes you dont want them to be constantly falling apart. Construction is at its best when you make buildings and landscapes and vehicles and ships and for that you need fucking bricks, not a bunch of itty bitty 1x2 reverse slopes of 15 slightly different colors. The classic dragon is an absolute beauty and it has existed since before you were born. Drink bleach
Baby's first dungeon. I bought some for my son he loved it.
The beholder is kino. I'd buy it as a standalone
Seems okay, if way overpriced, but that's just lego. If it wasn't a gift-with-purchase I'd consider getting the Mimic to decorate my hobby space.

>to then make the rest just dollhouse logic
They're lego houses my guy, they're basically buildable dollhouses for boys.
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>overspecialized curved pieces
>You're not gonna create anything significant with the dragon head pieces because they are not good substantial all purpose bricks.
Wish I'd thought of that.

>it has existed since before you were born.
kay, guess you'd know how old I am especially with my new bad old good attitude.

>they are not things you wanna take apart anyway
You take apart everything. It's Lego. Taking bits apart for reassembly is the point of Lego.

>Animals and accessories have always been things that use proper molds
Pic related you dumb fucking cunt. If your post was meant to be satire it's the worst attempt I've seen on 4chan in a long time.
They'll hate you anon, but you speak the truth
>You're not gonna create anything significant with the dragon head pieces because they are not good substantial all purpose bricks.
Excuse me, I think you'll find my crocodile with a black top of it's head and a fire in it's mouth was very significant and culturally impactful.
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I remember taking my minifigs apart, but then I put them back together, because you can't really do anything else with them. You can work with the heads a bit, you put the heads on a wall or on the ends of chains and then you make robot heads for the minifigs, but eventually you get tired of that and you put them back together.
And, yes, there were always minifigs. The minifigs came before the locking bricks. Why should you have to build a horse out of bricks?
This. And it's the same with the minifigs, my favorite dudes had different-colored arms with samurai bodies and aquazone heads.
Weird how they have one traditional yellow head guy in there.
I'm a little dissatisfied how they put in dragon born and a bird man instead of a dwarf and halfling.
I suppose I'm pretty far from their target audience anyway.
>The minifigs came before the locking bricks.
No, the Bricks came first...
What are you talking about? I looked it up and there's MegaBloks "Dragon" sets but they aren't actually D&D themed, it's no more a D&D theme than Lego's Castle one.
There is a dwarf. The non named characters also come with male and female head options
>And, yes, there were always minifigs. The minifigs came before the locking bricks.
This is very wrong, look up a history of mini figures videos cause it's fairly interesting

They went through tons of iterations before arriving at the modern mini fig
They should have put some lava in the dungeon and snow in the towertop
Cool. Give me 3 of those and a couple of those huge flat green pieces, and my weekend plans are set.

To a certain extent you have to value aesthetics versus realism, and I think letting realism fade in the matter of lego is alright. If I were making my dream set it'd probably be a historical castle down to the smallest detail, with slide-away doors. But assembling it wouldn't exactly be fun, it'd be fucking laborious.
>Lady of Pain in the picture
Now tell me there is a Vecna and I'm sold.
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szass tam
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It just looks so surreal, like I can't tell WTF is going on. The dragon is one of the most important parts and the design is terrible, and anyone who says Lego doesn't have dozens of better designs is just lying.
They've had plenty of medieval sets in the past that were way better.
It looks exorbitantly expensive too.
>They've had plenty of medieval sets in the past that were way better.
name them
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>Weird how they have one traditional yellow head guy in there.
it's a githyanki, notice the face markings

the official name of the figure is gith warlock
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>What are you talking about? I looked it up and there's MegaBloks "Dragon" sets but they aren't actually D&D themed, it's no more a D&D theme than Lego's Castle one.
My mistake; it was Kre-O, not Mega Bloks.
Too goddamn expensive.
I feel like I'm the only fag on this boar who probably bought it

>the toy
it's not bad. I'm not a huge lego guy. There are tons of really cool details and secrets in build and the props and the stickers. It looks cool all put together. It separates easily(ish). The different monsters are neat. The party doesn't really excite me but it's fine. Honestly, all "The Greatest Hits" are here. Mimics and displacer beast and an owl bear and a gelatinous cube and a red dragon and shit.

My only real complaint with the toy itself is that it's cramped as shit. Many rooms and scenes can't fit all four players. This is very much an interactive diorama and not a battle map. The tower in particular turned into a conga line when my players ran through. I suppose that's what it's like being in, you know, a tower. But still. The tavern is also very cramped and for some reason has a backdoor to the middle of the dungeon that the adventure module doesn't mention.

>the module
I like it and I don't. It actually feels like some modern OSR stuff that I've run, where there's very little story, just a lot of stuff to see and do. So that's good. A lot of encounters feel hyper deadly if you fight, but painfully easy if you talk even a little bit. For whatever reason every monster and NPC loves hot sauce/chicken wings and will drop everything if you offer to feed them. Feels le randum. Don't have a problem with negotiating encounters socially, but the way they're all designed feels really odd.

The bad guy is kinda whatever. Captures an NPC and takes over their tavern to...take over their tavern? He's also got a stolen dragon egg in the tower. He could use some fleshing out/rewriting.

The weird thing is that the adventure feels like it's aimed at new players, but the 5th level characters and super lethal monsters feel more geared towards experienced players

It's fun. I'd give it a B.
Hit the character limit. I love that the set has secrets that demands players actually play with the set and notice things.

But because it's so small and there are so many tiny things to bump with your ham hands, it's easy to accidentally be a bull in a china shop

If the physical set was a little larger, and the adventure could make up its mind between newbies and vets, I'd bump it to an A. I wanna hate it more cause I hate WotC and I'm so tired of running D&D, but this is a fun piece that I can see myself running for at least two more groups.
It's packed which is a good thing. Even if a kid knows nothing of DnD and doesn't play it "the way it's supposed to" there's a crapton to do on such a condensed space
>kid who knows nothing of DnD
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>My mistake; it was Kre-O, not Mega Bloks.
Checks out, Kre-O is Hasbro's Brick brand, though I question if these build were even worth a damn...
Silly anon

it's $360
Nice to see some sensible positivity
>turns 360 degrees and walks away
Lego mini scale is not appropriate for D&D but their micro scale does work nicely with 10mm fantasy miniatures.

If they were selling kits to build entire iconic dungeons like Tomb of Horrors in this scale then maybe I would be tempted to buy - but not this.
The hideous colors of the inn roof ruin the aesthetic
What's really neat about the old dragon is that the head part is from the alligator.
the dragon came first, the head(and tail!) were reused for the croc)
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the fact that they go out of their way to only show the evil wizard from the back in the box and all promo materials its almost a spoiler in itself because it basically gives away that its someone they dont want us to see meaning its another character and giving that the set doesn't have many minifigures its not hard to put two and two together and immediately guess who it is
These sets would be way better if they were bigger woth simpler parts but we all know this is a desk toy for a particular demographic
I appreciate that all the hands arent flesh color of the characters so you don't have to adhere to the designated characters at all. (I know most people swap hands anyway but that's not really something you are supposed to do)
>(I know most people swap hands anyway but that's not really something you are supposed to do)
A lot easier than swapping arms...
yeah but they lose clutch power(so if you try to detach an held accessory you might end up detaching the hand from the arm instead), they are looser so if you're holding something heavy they tend to droop to the sides and not stay in place and lastly it makes the arms crack

you'll notice that even when minifigures don't come assembled out the box the hands are ALWAYS already attached to the torso
I swap hands and arms all the time. Just gotta do it right.
Out of curiosity I decided to check the price of this with a couple competitors to see if LEGO is using their perceived superiority in the eyes of consumers to increase prices.

LEGO set in picrel: $360, 3725 pieces

MEGA Construx (formerly megablocks) He-man Castle Grayskull set: ~$250, 3508 pieces

MEGA Construx Snake Mountain set: ~$200, 3802 pieces

Seems like LEGO probably is increasing prices because everyone thinks they're superior, and both companies increase the price of their sets according to the sets' prestige. Snake Mountain had more pieces than Castle Grayskull but was still cheaper, I assume because Castle Grayskull is more iconic.
Mega Castle Grayskull is regularly on deep, DEEP discount.
In fact due to shit distribution a lot of Mega products rot on the shelf.
The D&D set is more than the Castle Grayskull set, though perhaps not nearly as much as I thought it might, and much more than the Snake Mountain set. I suppose today's lesson is to not let yourself fall for the brand loyalty spook!

I also find it funny that the LEGO D&D set is specifically labelled 18+. Can't let 17 year olds get a hold of it, they're too young to handle it correctly. Gotta wait a year 'till they turn 18. Be careful if you're buying gifts next Christmas!
>I also find it funny that the LEGO D&D set is specifically labelled 18+
It's just a marketing strategy because obviously only manchildren will spend $360 on a plastic toy so the "18+" provides reassurance that they are buying something that is intended for mature audiences like themselves instead of embarrassingly buying a kids item
The displacer looks dumb

Oh wait that's not Lego's fault because displacers look inherently stupid
>because everyone thinks they're superior,

Nobody that actually cares about building blocks thinks that Lego is superior. That was the case up to around 5 years ago, but many of the Chinese bricks (as well as cobi from Poland) have surpassed Lego in quality of bricks in general, clutch, quality (and amount) of prints included (especially on minifigures). Price never was a question, as any competition was always a better deal.
Lego lost in all aspects so far.
Some of their sets are still quite good (see OP) but if you just want a big set with good quality and don't care about a v ery specific one, look elsewhere.
Castle Greyskull is actually a prime example.
Megablocks always used to be trash, maybe 8 out of 10 bricks lock together and the rest don't, some models just can't be built and others have to be forced together in a way that warps/stretches one of the bricks.
Have they improved significantly in the last 20 years? If not then this is a stupid comparison. Legos works and megablocks don't.
Partially, yea, but it also means that Lego doesn't need to take responsibility for any of the lore behind the D&D characters. The Lady of Pain isn't the kind of character that they usually write in their children's toys. The fact is that calling it 18+ only increases the appeal for 12-year-olds with rich parents.
Watch a YouTube review about mega or that castle and you see.
Due to high import prices, mega is not as attractive in Europe as cobi or the big Chinese brands like qman or moldking, but I've only heard good things about their new sets. Their hot wheels and halo stuff in particular should be good.
Sadly none of their licenses is very interesting to me personally, so the only set of mega I own is the game of thrones "iron throne", which went together flawlessly.
I would have preferred some kind of troll/ogre/giant instead of the displacer beast but I guess displacer beasts scream dnd more than generic fantasy which is better for the brand
*Swaps the dragon for this*

There, I just made your set way better and $80 cheaper
That's a lot of cheese
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$360 might be very very expensive but at least it's much better value than the $300 zelda set
There is a halfling in both the big set and the blind bags, one of the blind bag characters is a dwarf as well. Regardless, it is extremely easy to make your own lego dwarfs, you just need a short leg piece and a beard piece
NTA but the set usually regarded to be the GOAT castle/medieval set is the medieval market village from the late 2000s
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lol ok
>working mill-hammer
I built a shitty technicolour homebrew of this set and it was still a top ten
It’s almost like some pieces work better for some types of builds, like minifigs for people. Or wall panels for houses. Or curved tiles and ballcups for creatures.
>>93721132 this anon probably thinks Bionicle isn’t real Lego either.
SOVL soulless

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