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Post BattleTwinks
Is the Cyclops the peak shitmech of 3025?
Everyone knows the real purpose of a command console is that it gives you something to bend a twink over.
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charger, jagermech, assassin, hatchetman...
what are some good weapons combo? ppc+srm?
It's all just hole punchers and critseekers anon. Maybe a little sandblasting as a treat.
Reposting my second Battle Report, hope anons who haven't seen it before enjoy it.

What the hell, the LRM version has plenty of ammo and good armor, it's a great assault mech!
TSM + Leg
Thanks for the scenario book.
Is... Is the entire joke really the fact that it's got "Butte" in it's name? Is that it?
Yes, and you may not Hold my Butte without first issuing a batchall.
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It's pretty good ain't it?
No, it's that it has both Butte and Hold in the name, so we can talk about holding buttes and then laugh like this: ha ha.
Thinking about it, my autism hurts due to there only being 5 mission types, not 6, so you can't do a d6 roll without rerolling sixes, which got me thinking what, exactly, could a sixth column/row be, as the five categories are pretty extensive, and stuff like "Spy" is already covered by Recon...

So, this is just a very high-concept idea at the moment, but it could be "Spec Ops" or "Black Ops" or "Sabotage", but I have yet to come up with good scenarios fitting any of those themes. Anyone else have ideas, or should I just stop being autistic?
Have you become so mindlessly cynical and jaded that that is not enough?
I think there's a difference between "cynical and jaded" and "being in the 4th grade."

Doesn't the "Ambush" scenario basically let the Confront player win just by not playing the scenario, getting into cover or running circles until the time runs out?
This place can have that effect on people.
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You wouldn't get it.
the problem with adding a sixth category is that we're adding exponentially more scenarios. Going from 4x4 to 5x5 meant 9 new scenarios, going to 6x6 would mean 11 new scenarios, and it rapidly turns into a quality vs quantity question

If you really want random scenarios it'd be far less painful to roll a d6 and just reroll 1s
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What if we got a spider, made it faster, and kitted it out entirely to run around bashing heads? Essentially the IS equivalent to a solahma unit, go out and die gloriously.
Just roll a d5
>Doesn't the "Ambush" scenario basically let the Confront player win just by not playing the scenario, getting into cover or running circles until the time runs out?
Yep, this came up last thread. IIRC he's taking a second look at the scenario.
Where did he go wrong?
not killing his sister when he had the chance.
not fucking his sister when he had the chance.
he went for some japanese chick instead of his little sister
not enough testosterone to fuck every woman he caught the scent of
A relatively easy solution if you have the time to do research is to find five canon scenarios that roughly fit the bill of the existing five categories and then slot them in to a sixth column and row. Six by six can be the original Mackie fight.

Do you not know how a matrix works?
Yeah but don't get me started on the sequels or the reboot attempt.
That was kind of what I was thinking when I mentioned it could be "Spec Ops". Something weird or otherwise unique that would still fit Battletech. Heh. Maybe "OpFor" so it'd literally just let you play the mooks in a scenario tailored for the other player.
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And two more mechs for Omega galaxy. Took awhile to actually finish them, I keep getting distracted with other projects.
I haven't done the math on that BV, but I'm questioning it at a glance.
Ladies, please! There's no need to fight. You're both right.
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>Do you not know how a matrix works?
Whoa... deja vu!
So, unlike how it's depicted in games and stuffs, during the introtech era even the House lords and high ranking generals used stock mechs, without any lostechs, dhs or anything?
is there any 3rd party that prints only part of the mechs as bits? for accessory, basing material, trophy and etc use?
What's wrong with chopping up the resulting print? Scared of a lil resin dust?
Mostly yeah. They had some of it, but without the ability to maintain it properly, it all became precious and impractical. Any battle you use it in will probably be the last battle you use it in, which could leave you high and dry without enough time to perform downgrades before the next fight. So most of the high tech stuff got used up or mothballed permanently. Most of it wasn't forgotten, they just didn't have a good path towards restarting manufacturing.
im a newbie trying my wife to play battletech with me since i live in the middle of nowhere, what mechs from the alpha strike and agoac box sets would be balanced against a single masakari prime?
You're giving her the Masakari, right? Curbstomps aren't a good way to get people to play with you.
Some of these are a bit samey to existing missions, but the first ideas for "Spec Ops" missions for Instant Action could be something like

>Spec Ops versus
>Recon - Hide and Seek/Behind enemy lines
Spec Ops player has gone to ground and must be rooted out. Spec Ops Mechs start hiding. Reveal atleast one unit per turn. Must survive uncrippled until end of game with X units. Ideally, the fun would come from having to balance between hunting down the visible opponents and going around trying to look for the ones still in hiding.

>Salvage - Booby traps!
The Spec Ops player has mined a valuable cache of salvage. Place X salvage tokens, and mark Y of them to be trapped. The Salvage player must succesfully retrieve non-trapped salvage tokens while the Spec Ops player tries to stop them. (they can scan the tokens, visually inspect them for a turn, or just pick them up and try their luck to find the correct ones. Could be that they can still be salvaged even after the explosion.)

>Hold - Sneak past
Spec Ops player Take X counters, where X is the number of units the player has. Write down which counter represents which unit, and which one is a fake. Counters can move as if they were 4/6/4 'mechs, but must adhere to the movement limits of the unit they represent. If half of the Spec Ops units exit through the opposite map edge, they win. A counter is revealed if it is within visual range (say, 10 hexes on open, 3 hexes if in/behind forest or equivalent) or within active probe distance)

>Destroy - Shut it down
The Destroy player must destroy a building transmitting data (or holding a VIP), while the spec ops player must retrieve said data/person. If the data/person is retrieved by a 'mech or vehicle, the destroy player must destroy the 'mech/vehicle before it escapes.

>Confront - Diversionary raid
Start from opposite short ends. The Spec Ops player must enter the other mapsheet (halfway point of the map and retreat through his own mapsheet with atleast X of his units.
Love it, great report
You know you can edit .stl files with minimum effort for stuff like separating an arm from an entire model, right?
obviously, I don't think she's ready to manage multiple mechs
The Masakari prime sorta sucks, especially in a 4v1. If you want to move at all, you’re only firing two ppcs. You’ll never fire the fourth, unless you want to risk shutdown+ammo explosion. It’s so expensive, that opfor can afford armor slabs that can take hits long enough to get in shin kicking range, at which point the Warhawk is pretty much dead. All this at a massive initiative disadvantage.
Don't have a printer; I'm mostly interested in using the mechs' head and arms, so would rather avoid paying for the torso and legs that I don't want or need
None of them, the Masakari prime will kill any of the other 'mechs.

1v1 is pretty boring anyhow, I would advise doing a 2v2 or 3v3. Something like Thunderbolt and Griffin against Warhammer and Phoenix Hawk.
Give her the timber wolf and have her fight the Locust, wasp, and blackjack.
>I think NEA is confusing sunny for vic cause I know vic drove a dire wolf
NEA knows more than you do. He's talking about Sunny being a coward and driving a Dire Wolf. Look at what happened on Outreach when the various princes and Kai all did trials. Sun-tzu was driving a Dire Wolf, IIRC fired all his weapons once to force a melee, and then ejected, leaving Kai to face everyone else by himself. It's a very specific reference and not one that a secondary would recognize.
What if a Six was just "Player's Choice"?
I still find Kai to be a funny character. He spends most of the trilogy hating on himself while nearly everyone that knows him is increasingly frustrated with him since he can actually pull off action move protagonist bullshit when push comes to shove.
Source and page reference or your just making shit up. Sun Tzu is the leader of a successor state and he wouldn't just abandon a fight like you're describing. It's not in his character to voluntarily lose. Capellans don't just give up.
Can't tell if sarcasm or genuinely a secondary
He wasn't a leader during Blood Legacy as his crazy ass mom was still running things and yes it did happen.

Probably bait.
why the fuck are you being this mad over someone just contradicting NEA, there's no point to dick riding someone you've never met irl to the point of hostility over nonsense
Capellan fans are delusional. And often tertiaries.
Which Clan's trueborn would take being taken as bondmen by a spheroid the best? I'm guessing Smoke Jaguars and at least some Falcons would rather die, but what about the others?
Habeeb it!
I'm not mad about him contradicting NEA. I'm mad about people confidently making statements presented as fact when actually reading the fucking source material would clearly prove otherwise. This isn't about a matter of opinion or interpretation. Dumbfucks last thread said that Sunny didn't drive a Dire Wolf, and that it was Vic to drove one. That's blatantly untrue, no interpretation required. Read the fucking fluff or shut your facehole.
there were falcons in the elh after the clan invasion
Vic does drive a direwolf you malding faggot
>This isn't about a matter of opinion or interpretation.
true it's about you having a melt down over nothing
Retarded troll, or just actually genuinely retarded? I can't tell anymore.
>nobody said Victor didn't drive one. The point anon is making is that Sun-Tzu drove one as well and displayed incredible cowardice while doing so, making it relevant to the topic of what Mech a cowardly leader would drive. Other anons thought that Sun-Tzu never drove be a Daishi and thought that NEA had confused Sun-Tzu and Victor, when in fact NEA was correct the entire time.
What's the big deal? Why do you guys always have to fight over the smallest things? sun Tzu really did punch out after putting Victor in the suit, it's right there in the novel.
Looks sick anon. Always awesome to see the Scorpions represented.
>Why do you guys always have to fight over the smallest things?
Because fighting is fun, and if someone is mentally weak enough to be driven from the hobby over fighting online, then they don't deserve to be in the hobby in the first place. This is just culling the herd.
other than the atlas and the akuma, are there any other mech with 'face' and 'eyes?'
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There sure are
Kodiak, Executioner, Gallowglas, Grand Titan, Gargoyle sort of, Banshee, the Nighsky has its cool little grin.
NTA, that sounds like some middle school bully retarded attempt at gaslight.
which mech is this?
>Because fighting is fun
You're on an internet message board. There is no fighting here. Arguing, yes, but not fighting. Fighting is indeed fun, but you're not doing any of it here.
Really depends on what art you are looking at. The enforcer had an obvious sunglasses and mouth in the first couple TROs but that went away.

The guy in a helmet look it very common on humanoid mechs like the hatamoto, black knight and commando.
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There are unironic Capella fans?
Yes. Yes there are.
Ursus, a ghost bear mech from ‘59
I know one IRL. He's indian. That should really explain it all.
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Looks can be deceiving but that thing is 50 Tons.

Also here is the Ursus II.
Gargolye, Executioner(Gladiator), Banshee and a few others.
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Yes we exist, the Capellans are pretty cool honestly.
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Yes? I dunno, did you never like the goofy villain or the underdog? I can't speak for everyone but being a fan of a faction or a character doesn't always mean that you agree with them, just that they entertain you.
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I have been a St. Ives fan since I got into BT back in the 90s and they are like Capella light
>the underdog
Thought for last 20 years or even longer they have been the overdog
Yeah, but to clarify I'm a Cappy fan up to Sun Tzu and XIN SHENG which make them boring super China in space.
Longer. They stopped being the underdog once the setting progressed to 3026.
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Any of the great houses have penal mech units?
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Dracs have the absolute GOAT Chain Gangs.
He couldn't even be bothered to squish them around the right way in the packages so you could see the insignia
Mega cringe, like all things Combine.

Spoken like an Unproductive who has never believed in honor or duty.
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Other than range modifiers, are there any reasons your mechs shouldn't always focus fire one enemy mech until it's dead if possible? Obviously if the map has a lot of cover they might dive behind one but then you'd probably just pick another target to fire everything with the range at it.

Or is the intention to spread damage in 20-30 points portion to try and trigger as many knockdown PSRs as possible?
I have pretty much all the old chessex ones, so I just got the general Mechcommander Symbol and House Ricol.
Just jumped in with the goac box + proliferation cycle. A freind just finished painting his alpha strike box and I'm unsure where to start. I read the primer that came in the box and im gonna read the little short story tomarrow at lunch. Are any of the main factions known for using specific mechs? Or is it a best tool for the job kinda deal? I'm guessing I just have kind of a hodge podge of mechs. I'd like to paint them up to somthing in universe but dont want to find out later that x faction doesn't use y mech and look dumb. Pic rel, my friend painted his whole box in this scheme.
Focus down is always the name of the game. If the enemy is too mobile, then hit whatever has the easiest numbers or is most likely to be destroyed.
Read the TRO's for what mechs are most common in what faction. A lot of what survives the succession wars is ancient SLDF universal stuff.
What assault mech would they relegate to garrison duty?
All the factions have their iconic mechs but as mechs are always in short supply it's completely normal for them to salvage and use each others mechs.
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Almost every Inner Sphere faction has been at war for so long that there is a damn good chance that they got mechs from the other factions in their forces due to how needed mechs are in the field.
Of course there are exceptions to the norm, however that would depend on what era you're playing in (i.e. you won't see dark age tech in the second succession war and so on).
Other than that, just go hog wild dude.
I've been trying to track down two specific sets for years, those old ones are ridiculously hard to find
Probably a Zeus or some Charger refit.
Shit ones.
Oh, or an old Banshee.
dude there are unironic fans of the republic of the sphere
What kind of a paintjob would their mechs have, if any?
Spoken like a true cockchugger that chugs cock for free.
>this man constantly thinks about cugging cocks
is there any galaxy-wide/famous crime syndicate in the bt?
The 4th succession war happens from 3028-30, then the timeskip to 3050 happens 1989 IRL. By 3052/1990 the CC and Sun Tzu is starting to pile on the plot armor and by 3060/1997 they are in full XIN SHENG and easily taking St Ives with the bluntest, most obvious deception in the universe.
Thanks for describing your cockchugging thought process. We all needed to know that.
Unspecified but probably Wilson's Hussars tier rust and primer trash.
wolfs dragoons
When (if ever) is it worth boosting Gunnery? I'm new to the game and it seems like going from 4 to 3 is worth it, but any lower is too expensive. Or is even that drop taking too many point away from putting more/better 'Mechs on the table?
Triads and Tongs, Mafia, Yakuza and all sorts of stuff.

Not included are the small pirate nations that exists.
>are there any reasons your mechs shouldn't always focus fire one enemy mech until it's dead if possible
Being Clanners.
Almost no organizations that aren't comstar operate in every part of human space, but there are a bunch of very famous pirates that get famous and powerful enough to be talked about by people at the highest levels, even if the practicalities of travel mean they can only threaten one or two states at a time.
Mental disabilities don't count, it's not their fault.
Most penal units drive ordinance transport.
Whats a mech you like from an era you don't like?
Have a custom Thug I made for one of my campaign units. I played a band of pirates that managed to abscond with a some clan salvage at the end of the campaign, and this is what I decided they did with it afterwards.
Despite it's cringe name and being from an era I don't care for, the Alpha Wolf combines miniguns and missiles, my two favorite things.
Not at all.
You are wildly over valuing pulse lasers. On a lot of cannon designs you are stuck with them but that doesn't make them better than alternatives.
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The Omen.

I generally prefer Succession Wars or early Clan invasion era mechs, but this one looks pretty based.
Most objectively wrong post in the thread so far.
Small pulse lasers up their heat by one and tonnage by half a ton in exchange for a -2 to hit, that's a great trade up close. MPLs have shorter range but are light killers, keeping potentially crippling kicks. The only relatively bad pulse laser is the large one since the heat is so high and the range so much shorter than stock.
the ursus 2 is genuinely hideous compared to the 1, why would they ruin the big skull?
I generally prefer the base LL over the LPL
Unless you are shooting at infantry two small lasers is usually better than 1 small pulse, and 4 small lasers handily outperforms a medium pulse at the kind of ranges where the accuracy bonus is relevant.
Lancelot. I don’t usually like star league mechs, but I have a soft spot for the Lancelot.
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Instant Action v4 is here. If you downloaded it before, this one fixes a minor typo. Updating the website to have the same version
I like the Hammerhead even if it's a 32nd century machine, but I'm bigger on the Raptor II despite it being stuck in Jihad+.
Having contemplated it, I think 5 is a good number of scenarios. Spec Ops is also...it feels wrong as an Agenda, doesn't fit in with the other five thematically because it's something you Are rather than something you Do.

Well normally you don't roll in Instant Action, but in the campaign integration, yeah 6 is player's choice.
Now if only someone besides the YiffClan had access to it
affordable air spray kit recommendations?
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Somewhere in FedCom space, during the Civil War...
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A heavy battle lance from Cobalt Company has been assigned to hold the base against a Davion assault
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The Davions drop their heavier units from a low-flying Leopard, getting them straight into the fight
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And allowing the PPC turret to knock the Atlas on its ass as soon as it lands. The PPC turret needed 12s to hit and hit with both shots.
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As the Davion forces close in, they get an alert - ENGINE STARTUP DETECTED
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The SRM Carrier, which had barely not been walked into, managed to core the Warhammer with a total of 40 SRMs connecting in a single turn.
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While the Atlas pumped an AC20 shell into the Banshee as a hello, and then chopped the Commando's leg entirely off.
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The next turn, both sides agreed they wanted to have naptime. Of the 9 mechs on the board, 6 were on the ground.

I stopped taking pictures around here, but in a nutshell - the Davion forces were able to push through, destroying most of the base's turrets. Miraculously, the SRM carrier survived to fire not only one volley, but a second that destroyed the Atlas' engine after it had suffered punishing fire from the rifleman and the turret network, and then a third that didn't manage to do much, and even lived until the end of the game, scoring MVP for destroying four times its own BV.

The Davion forces stayed focused on their objective of controlling the base. In the final turn, the Davions had a Mercury, Lancelot, and Wraith inside the base's perimeter along with two squads of battle armor, while the Steiners had a Fafnir, Hatchetman, and half a Rifleman along with two turrets still online. As we hadn't exactly defined whether turrets and BA counted for control of the objective, this was either a Davion win or a draw. Cobalt Company claims a draw as we destroyed a Warhammer and Atlas along with crippling a Commando at the loss of only a crippled Rifleman.

I now understand why hidden unit SRM carriers are considered annoying and probably won't bring one again. Fun game, though.
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the Celestials
Kind of surprised that even with that much early beating the Davion could still manage to win or draw at worst.
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That's actually geometric (specifically, quadratic) growth, not exponential.
IIRC with the EI you only last 10 years or so. How about VNDI or what that WoB thing is called? Longer or shorter than the EI?
They had an advantage of 12,000 BV to Steiner's 9000 + turrets, so they had the mass to accept losses and keep coming, which was intentional since they had to cross the board to win whereas my stuff didn't.
Is the Wolverine 7K bad?
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Are any of the 'Operations' books worth getting? I guess ill eventually get them all, but which one's change the game most significantly?
every 55 ton mech is good
>.it feels wrong as an Agenda
Fine! I'll go make my OWN Instant Action, with blackjack, and hookers!

Why are some hilltop hexes white chocolate.
>Shadow Hawk
Because I think white chocolate and dark chocolate together are a delightful combination. Also because those are separate 3d printed hexes with "Light" on them to mark where the woods are, with insets for the trees if I get around to printing them.
It's time to go... Dougram.
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if only this was real
>Shadow Hawk
the 2K exists and has always existed
the 9D is a good mech
why don't we just use the griffin again?
Because the Griffin is a Lyran machine and does not bring glory to the Coordinator
Down with the Kuritas
Bring back the von Rohrs
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speaking of which, are there really no surviving cameron, amaris, von rohrs and such?
There's a shrapnel article where a schlocky History Channel esque program is trying to convince the viewers that some random computer programmer is the last heir of the Cameron line in 3152 and the Wolves have summoned him to Terra.
>the 2K exists and has always existed
Which is a specfic variation of a otherwise rather poor 'mech Also, the -2D is definitely one of the worst 'mechs in the game.
Being any of these people rapidly gets you killed and we can't even do the deposed monarch/claimant to the throne thing because after centuries of war there's already plenty of casus belli to go around.
Hey look at that. Rapidly hunted down and killed. Why don't we do this more often?
There's a ton of Cameron relatives, they're just Cameron-Jones, Cameron-Witherspoons, Windsor-Camerons, etc and have no claims to the throne.
If all your mechs can fire at one enemy mech it's either a trap or your opponent is retarded. Practically speaking you're usually looking at a primary target, a couple of secondaries, and concentrating fire within those constraints as much as is practical rather than single-mindedly nuking down the target with the best THNs like Princess does. You can also easily have a situation where it's much better to split fire from individual mechs onto multiple targets rather than concentrating it all on one. Whether that be because of strange weapon arcs, weirdly-stacked range bands, or just getting swarmed by a bunch of easy but weak targets.

No, it's pretty solid. Almost all of the Kurita mediums are until the Invasion, as long as you don't run into a river or heavy woods.

TacOps realistically only sees use for a handful of rules if you're not a GM. It's easier to print those out. The equipment spices things up once you're bored of all the old gear or want to run a very silly Solaris kind of game. StratOps is fucking pointless. Campaign Ops is useful for running a campaign if you want more depth than Chaos Campaign will give you. That's also what the IntOps-Eras book is for.

It's possible that one of the Clan bloodlines is in fact The Last Cameron, in a sort of Princess Anastasia way. The Kerensky boy's next-door neighbor/childhood friend, specifically, is also in hiding with them and someone important, but Daddy K refused to say who. Other people remark that she looks like a Cameron, her history is erased before the Exodus, and she winds up founding a Bloodhouse. See Liberation of Terra part 2 and Op Klondike. In-universe it's an incredibly obscure theory among ComStar and even the Clans are unaware of it.
You are thinking of the 6k. The 7k is a 3050 5/8/5 pulse and SRM boat with max armor and an XL engine.
No, it's terrible, you definitely don't want one and should sell it to me for 80% of sticker price so I can refit it to something good.
...Why am I in my cooling vest already? No reason.
>love the king crab's look
>a bit tired of AC20s super short range but don't want to go into the opposite extreme of the gauss rifle
Looking for a happy medium that has a slightly longer reach but similar damage, autocannon specifically.

Would a pair of ultra ac/10s be any good?
UACs are pretty underwhelming. Remember that LBXs get extra range, and I think there are also models with rotary 5s.
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wish this thing was canon
Working off of an introtech KGC-0000, we're looking at costs of 1810 BV and 9.5 million cbills for ten shots of AC/20 total.

If you swap the twenties out to UAC/10 and fill the free tons with ammo, and the numbers shift to 1898 at 9.6 million with 4 tons of ammo, 40 shots, or effectively 20 AC/20 blasts albeit with the risk of getting screwed by an unlucky jam.

Replace them with RAC/5s as >>93732874 sort of mentions, and suddenly you have ten tons of ammo or about 200 shots, or a little under seventeen rounds of firing the things on full blast - however, the machine is now 2132 BV but is a little cheaper at 9.44 million.

With LB/10X instead, you have 80 tons of ammo and a BV of 1956 at the price of 9.94 million.

The RAC-crab refit is what I'd do because it sounds funny, though it should probably go for some CASE with all that ammo.
>80 tons of ammo
emperor crab is that you
my brain malfunctioned, though that would likely would be the result of warship carcinization
Yeah, it's the IS pulses that give me doubts.
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>laughs in crotch-face
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750+ unique visitors to the website I uploaded Instant Action to. Since there's no real reason to visit the website except to download Instant Action, that's probably a decent indicator for how many people downloaded it, and that's not counting any of you who grabbed v4 from when I uploaded it to the thread. Should've set up a download counter. Still pretty cooll
It’s solid. Max armor, enough speed to get in pulse range, and a good amount of firepower.
IS pulses get more hate than they deserve, imo. Sure a medium pulse only goes to six, but how often are you actually landing your normal mediums at long range? For a 3 gunner, it’s a 7+ even before you factor in movement and terrain.
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Painting some Marik Militia for an upcoming game.
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I have to wonder, why did they give various armors a mathematical formula (standard is one ton for sixteen armor points, then ferro is 10% lighter, primitive is 0.92 of standard etc) instead of just making them give you different amouny of armor for ton, like one ton of standard for 16 armor points, ferro gives you 18, primitive gives you 14, etc.
because fuck you do maths.
Both are math, one just has more steps for seemingly no reason unless I'm missing something crucial.
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So I've decided to play introtech finally, and I can't think of any better way to do it than as a heel. And the best heel I can think of are the Capellans.

So what are some good capellan mechs in each weight class?
Introtech used by Cappies? I'd say a Vindicator, Clint, Catapult and Victor base variants. Once you get to standard you could try their variants and the Raven.
I don't know about "good," but:

Light: Raven
Medium: Vindicator
Heavy: Cataphract

Not sure what the iconic Capellan assault is.
That depends, freebirth. Do you consider honor to be a reason?
Sun-Tzu famously piloted a Daishi on Outreach.
I meant more like 'iconic' than good. Its introtech. I know what I'm getting into.
Don't say Introtech, say Succession Wars era. Plenty of non-introductionary games are played in that era.

That said, the Highlander is something the Cappies kept using even in that time.
Real TRVEBORN know that zellbrigen only applies to fellow TRVEBORN. You're free to slaughter freebirths and spheroids at will.
Yeah but last time I checked the game was called battetech not logisticstech
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hey guys i thought of started playing the game with my friend so im here with the question what should i buy?
from what i scouted so far i have acsess to these boxes and a bunch of books
i assume that i need just to grab a starter box and figure it out if i want to continue
but just in case i want to hear what you guys say
and yeah cause its russia i might not have full acsess to shit like that
A game of armored combat (#1) is more or less the actual starter set. It has everything you need to start running games.
Alpha strike (#2) is a spin-off game with much more simplified and abstracted rules. I've never played it but some people here seem to like it.
And Clan invasion (#3) is a starter set for the big factions who get introduced later in the timeline. All their equipment has different rules compared to regular mechs so it's not recommended to start with that
The A Game Of Armored Combat box has the actual rules that you need to play, but Alpha Strike has more minis in it. Get both if you can, but if you can only get one, get the first one.
I tend to think of Cyclops as the iconic 3025 Capellan assault. Yes, it's rare, but it's more common in CCAF than in other Houses, and all assault are rare for Capellans.
Plus their more common assaults are either the "general availability" stuff like Stalker and Longbow, or more heavily associated with another House (Victor).
Don't sleep on the Charger 1A5 or the Warhammer 6L.
Seriously recommend you don't bother with the Raven. It's a slow, no armor piece of shit. Just use firestarters or pixies for anything you'd want it to do.
It doesn't actually have a fire support/EW role in introtech anyway.

Koschei and Thunderbolt are also classic Tikonov designs.
The raven is slow for a light but packs a large laser and SRM6 which is nice.
Vindicator is THE capellan medium. The flavors include 1R which is fine. The 1SIC which trades the PPC and LRM5 for large laser and LRM10, it's my favorite. And the 1AA which goes 5/8/5 and dies if a single medium laser touches it
The cataphract is an actual frenkenmech built out of whatever heavy parts the capellans had left as the end of the succession wars, it's good. Warhammer 6L and Charger 1A5 are fun, Mad 3L is one of the better marauder variants.
And the capellans don not get assault mechs
If you're looking for strictly introtech with Cappellan flavor, they don't really have an iconic light since that excludes the Raven, but they do have a few varients like the Locust 3E and Urbanmech 60L. Medium has to be a Vindicator. For heavies I'd say Thunderbolt or Catapult. Assault is kind of a toss up to me. Common assaults because it's most of what they had access to like the Longbow or Stalker, or cool mechs like the Highlander or Victor are also an option. The 1A5 Charger is also pretty good.
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I played the original Space Quest recently. There's a Battletech reference in it. You can buy a droid that's a Jagermech or maybe it's a Rifleman. I'm inclined to think it's a Jagermech though because when I bought it it blew up and killed me.
Hi everyone, I got an SLA printer, where are we getting STLs these days?
Please be sure to share any links you find. My facebook group needs them
You can use google you dumb nigger.
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I grabbed one of these bad boys so I can use the 5R version for my RAF. I can't decide if I should paint it up as a Knight or if it should just be Joe McWarrior's best day ever.
Me and my friends all send carrier pigeons to eachother with SD cards of the STLs. If you have any pigeon enthusiasts near you we can probably add you to the route
My friend makes them himself with digital calipers and open source modeling software. If you have an address in the UK I can mail you a flashdrive with some stls on them.
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Is the Grendel a good medium Omni?
Ok got it
Btw quick question when did mad cat was renamed timberwolf?
It was Timber Wolf is the Clan name. Mad Cat is the IS name.
>but just in case i want to hear what you guys say
Take this. It's dangerous to go alone.
I don't know what era you're playing in so I'm going to say that using the Grendel is illegal since it's 3025.
Much like how soviet aircraft had nato reporting names, most clan mechs have inner sphere names
Su-25 Grach = Frogfoot
Timber wolf = Mad Cat because it looks like a fusion of marauder and catapult
Summoner = Thor because the autocannon and ppc are like thunder and lightning
Fire Moth = Dasher because fast
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I need idea for a fifth "race" in Battletech for players to pick from:
>1 point: baseline human
>2 points: ?????
>3 points: clan aero pilot
>4 points: clan mechwarrior
>5 points: elemental
I'm avoidinh something like a WoB android or human with an extra reroll at the moment.
New Type.
But seriously, you could do a clan warrior who washed out of being a mechwarrior.
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Canopian fetish-abomination
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is PC game good introduction to Battletech?
friend have lot of tabletop Battletech stuff, but i want to get more gasp of whole thing so wouldn't be too out of touch before playing
Read a book. Ask for your friends lore primers or Gray Death Legion novels to borrow.
Being needlessly pedantic and obtuse doesn’t make you clever, just an asshole. Clearly if someone is asking about an Omni mech, it’s post 3025.

It’s OK, but gets overshadowed by things like the ice ferret and Stormcrow
the game will give you a light primer on alot of things but thats about it
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KS appeared at a shop in Germany. About 50% of the US backers got their stuff, none of the europeans....
3025 is for whores and niggers. Apply now to see if you qualify.

Thank you. Is it fine if I take it in addition yo a Stormcrow?
Nah, if you're going to ask for mech recommendations then we require an era for context. Giving you Invasion recs when you only play Ilclan is a waste of time.

Garbage in, garbage out. Failure to submit a useful request is the fault of the requestor.
That's literally what I called it when I made that custom for a 4way FFA about a decade back.
>Garbage in, garbage out
Explains why you showed up
All the titles are in english despite being in germany?
Know your place, dog.
What the fuck are you going on about?
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He misses bottom-anon and wishes for the return of best femboy.
I'm glad that Nuln chased him off.
>Clearly if someone is asking about an Omni mech, it’s post 3025.
Plenty of Omnimechs, like the Mad Cat, are available before 3025, you know.
ok, im the dufus that asked about stls a little bit ago.

1) i wish i still had my original battledroid box.
2) i have the AS box set, and a few other lance sets.
3) i have printed a few sla mechs and tanks
4) i know we have a treasure island and i didnt know if a trove of stls existed.
wasnt trying to be a jerk, but thanks for the entertaining replies.
But not the Grendel.
>Clearly if someone is asking about an Omni mech, it’s post 3025.
American imports are the only way to get anything BT in Europe, It's a bad joke.
The Timber Wolf is only available to the faggot Dragoons before 3050, so it still doesn't count.
What happened?
>wish this thing was canon
But it is, Anon
Paint snobs got put in their place. This isn't a game where that kind of attitude is to be encouraged.
He was shitting on people for not painting models?
The game is very fun. I've put over 3,000 hours into it. It's also what got me to go deeper into Battletech as a whole, with reading the novels and playing the TTWG.
you've got some goddamn low standards if you think bottom is good in any category, let alone the best
that goblin didn't have the looks to pull off what he was trying to be
Home clans exist before 3050.
No one cares about the homeworld clans.
his attention whoring was annoying but I kind of liked watching him get better at painting. I don't remember him being as spiteful as some of the other posters here are on the reg
But nobody plays Homeclans. And the Grendel is still post 3025, so your pedantic argument is still invalid.
Make me, gringo!
Even with most non-trueborns it's mostly a skill issue. The Clan mechwarrior is already baseline human +1. I could make it a human with one more Edge point, that would make the Edge quality wonky.
How out of place would a CRB-20/27 mercenary lance be between 3025 and 3049? A guy I know who is getting into Btech really likes Crabs, and while both are very solid mechs compared to introtech designs, the minimal amount of lostech makes them seem like they wouldn't wildly outperform a similar BV lance.
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>But nobody plays Homeclans
i bid a badly-painted trinary in a trial of refusal.
A single crab, or even maybe two crabs? Doable. A full lance of crabs? Not unless he's specifically playing as Comstar. They're a unicorn mech in that time period so a full lance would be some sort of parade formation or publicity stunt, not a combat lance.
What if his dudes found a cache of crabs, and built the unit's identity around having all these crabs?
He was cultivating that attitude in this thread, yes.
Just make it a human noble or someone groomed for piloting mechs, like Greyson was. Someone raised from a young age to be in peak physical form and given training in his teens that most soldiers don't get until their 20s.
Yeah fuck that.
What are mechs very common in Canon that you hardly ever see on the tabletop?
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Stinger and Wasp.
Wasps and Stingers. The Locust is okay but those two are pretty awful. No one really wants to run Hermes II or Clints or Cicadas for similar reasons. And Vulcans even if the 5T is pretty good.
On the one hand, that's fine. The problem is that he's new, and that's not really what BT is about.

BT is a historical wargame masquerading as a scifi game, and the whole point of it is making do with whatever shitbox mechs are available to your chosen faction in their chosen time period, and figuring how to use them effectively without setting off all of their torso bombs every game. If he gets started in the game with the idea that he is tailoring everything his does into his perfected list, he's gonna have a bad time. I feel like keeping him restricted to one crab and just making that his star mech of the lance would be a better approach.
Why do you care what he's doing? The game is balanced by BV anyway.
If you’re playing with BV as a balancing metric, most of them are bad by virtue of jump 7 and long range weaponry incurring a pretty big BV multiplier. There are a few variants that load up on close range pulse weapons which make better use of the high speed, but unless you’ve got infinite room to kite AND already out range your opponents, I would avoid the ones mounting ER Large Lasers and ERPPCs, they just cost way too much for not enough guns and not enough armor.
Nuln was a shitter. I know which of those two I preferred to interact with.
Stalker 3F or 4P?
They do different jobs.
Shortbus Stalker Sucks. Dropping it down to 75 tons screws up the engine and internal structure tonnage, so you can't take some refit time to just return it back to it's Stalkery goodness. They should have just published it as being an 85 ton mech without all the tonnage allocated rather than actually changing the baseline tonnage, especially since it was originally supposed to just be a field mod where they ripped out a 10rack, not a full conversion.
3F is a slow assault, but the 4P is an EXTREMELY slow heavy.
The 4P is also an EXTREMELY heavily armed heavy.
Back when they published it, it was against the rules to be underweight. And since they never retcon record sheets, they won't be fixing it.
The Stalker is never going to be able to bring all its firepower to bear without cooking itself. You're better off with a more maneuverable heavy with lighter armament it can fire more consistently.

Compare it to something like a Black Knight which is also a heavily-armed oven of a mech, but at least it can go 4/6.

I am aware, I'm saying that they should have made an exception and updated the rules to fit.
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I hate how close the arms and legs are on some minis. I hate leaving parts unpainted, but it's nearly impossible to paint one part without getting paint on the other.
>compare a common, every day assault mech to an SLDF wunderwaffen
Compare your dick to a Pillager and then go home and rethink your life.

Minmaxing is not what Classic Battletech is about.
masking tape was literally invented for this purpose
lol, I like the Stalker, I just don't like the variant pretending to be a fat heavy mech, calm down
Nobility is a quality, a different category from "race". It would be pretty much the same going with the extra edge.
Nobility is genetics, same as your other "races"
Not on the genetic modification and eugenics level.
Will the Introtech Annihilators a fun-at-all-cost or waste-of-BV pick?
Yes, which is why it's only 2 points instead of anything more.
It's natural manipulation of genes via superior breeding rather than anything that requires a laboratory.
I just realized I can have Amazon auto format sourcebooks to make them readable on Kindle. I don't know if this is common knowledge but it makes my life a lot easier.
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Apart from the Shadow Hawk (and bugs) was there any mech associated with the Canopians pre-opening Detroit? Or barring that, any Periphery wide beloved mechs? Or even vehicles?

I heard the RATs for some of the books, including Periphery, are sort of fucked due to disallowing Unseen.
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>Will the Introtech Annihilators a fun-at-all-cost or waste-of-BV pick?
More the latter than the former. 12.5 tons of armor isn't enough for that size and speed; it should have always had two of it's AC/10s as PPCs instead so it could have more weight to play with after heat sinks.
It's 2/3 and its longest range weapon is the ac/10. Whether or not it's a complete paperweight has entirely to do with the board you start on. If you can manage to get it onto a hill with some woods tiles, that's also actually within weapons range, it's great. Otherwise, it's great fun but not great value.
Anything from 3025R is legal. I don't know why people ask this question so much.
how about the quad ppc one that comes out at 3028?
feels like either the as7-rs or the hgn-733 is an upgraded on1-k. is there any downgraded medium version of the on1-k then?
>Unicorn mech
It really is not that rare.
>and that's not really what BT is about.
Shut the fuck up. There are plenty of canon examples of "lol we found an SLDF cache" or "we're ex-SLDF and keep our machines working" in canon mercenary groups. There are also plenty of mercenary groups that are ONLY THIS MECH, ALL THE TIME. I forgot their names, but I know there's one for only Goliath's and one for only Marauders, atleast.

That said, give him a Crab, a King Crab and two other 'mechs instead of four crabs for variety's sake. Unless you're playing ilclan (ew, fuck, gross) era, and you can also give him a Hermit crab.
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>how about the quad ppc one that comes out at 3028?
I don't know the RS of the -1E, but 4 PPCs with 41 SHS is gonna be decent regardless. Just make sure she's protected, annie has some serious minimum range fears.
>Black Knight

Outside of PPCs, LRMs and ACs too light to tickle, once Annihilator gets shot at, the Annihilator is also in range.

People who come from 40k and think you have to choose a "canon" "faction" and specific 'mechs to them or not be allowed to play.
>is there any downgraded medium version of the on1-k then?
Checks all the boxes for armament, only problem is a lack of armor on the CN9-A. Consider the CN9-AL if you'd rather have armor and downgrade to an LL.
If his first lance is 4x of the same energy boat, his second lance is gonna be 4x cLPL customs. You know this to be true.
Bringing TRO 2750 mechs to a 3025 game is powergaming and you know it. We've been having this conversation for decades and you're not going to change anyone's mind.
And then nobody will play against him, he will see the error of his ways, and start playing the game the way Kerensky intended.
>I can shoot a PPC and 3 medium lasers and walk without overheating
>I have a ton of armor more than the Marauder
>I cost 80 BV more
So fucking overpowered, holy shit
Do you really trust people in 2024 to have that much self awareness?
>he can't manage his heat to maximize damage output
Ah, so you need to pick crutch mechs because you're bad at the game. I get it now.
Preach. Fuck the 4P
I do, actually. The people I meet *actually playing this game* instead of posting theoreticals or asking "Hey new from 40k here which faction they're allowed to play???" are pretty cool and understand what this game is about. Or play Alpha Strike, so I know to avoid them.

No..? I just think the Black Knight looks absolutely fucking awesome, and thus have it in my heavy battle lance alongside a Thunderbolt, Marauder and Warhammer.
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Looks like CGL screwed it up again. The old street release date for KS stuff was yesterday, but they forgot to warn the distributors that they changed the date...
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>People who come from 40k and think you have to choose a "canon" "faction" and specific 'mechs to them or not be allowed to play.

Wanting flavorful mechs per faction is a good thing. Drac players who load up on Dragons and Panthers are doing the Lord's work.
People who only paint canon unit camos and play canon forces make me sick.
>have it in my heavy battle lance alongside a crutch mech, crutch mech and crutch mech
This is a historical game retard. You going to be mad at people for bringing the French and British to Waterloo?
I cannot begin to tell you how much disdain I have for CGL now over their absolutely terrible mismanagement of a beloved intellectual property, and for dishonoring the fans that saved their asses from roasting in a fire not once but twice.

Fuck you, you stupid bastards. Don't you ever dare to make another kickstarter again.
Pray tell, what 'mechs would your non-crutch 3025-era Heavy Battle lance have?
No, because those games are for autists playing actual conflicts that happened or "what if" scenarios. Battletech is about mercenaries.
If your heavy lance isn't a rifleman, quickdraw, archer, and a crusader you must be powergaming.
NTA, he's probably gonna say like Cruds or Thuds.
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This is Jagermech erasure, and I won't stand for it!
But Anon, it's never been a better time to be a Battletech fan! Bryan Young told me that! He would never lie to me....
First off, that would be a based lance.

But those are in my other lances already.
Rifleman, Lancelot, Flashman, Blackjack
>Heavy Battle lance of the 2nd Battalion
Thunderbolt, Crusader, Quickdraw, Orion
>Indirect Fire lance
Archer, Stalker, Trebuchet, Valkyrie
>Minmaxing is not what Classic Battletech is about.
Battletech is a competitive game and min-maxing is what EVERY competitive game is about. Someones like you're just bad at competition and bitter that you'll never be a winner.
Stop with the obvious bait. Or if you want to go that route, I'll bring 2 Fleas, 8 bases of infantry and two lances of Long Tom Artillery.

Or if you want Total Warfare only, 27 Savannah Masters.
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Currently painting a Stalker to prove my love for this fatass.
what should i call a lance that every mech is jump-capable? mixed tonnage and roles for each mech, but all have jumpjets
Power gaming.
Rico's Roughnecks.
Battle Lance.

Alternatively, Cavalry lance or Recon-in-force lance.
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"It's not flashy. It's not the cutting edge. It just keeps coming."
So how much money have you spent on CGL products?
Those of you that put numbers on your mechs and vehicles, what numbering method do you use? Are they assigned by role, tonnage, assigned lance?
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Looks cool. I think the stalker is awesome.
I love you, Stalker.
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We all love the old reliable fatass...
Force org charts. Typically I use the Soviet tank numbering system for my Cappies. Three digits, and it's not exactly consistent, but the first digit or two identifies battalion or company, with the latter digits identifying the individual number of the tank.

I try to use something resembling the British Arm of Service numbering system for my Regulans, but that's a total crapshoot and it's mostly fudged.
Dragon, Jagermech, Catapult, Rifleman, Quickdraw, Cataphract, things like that.
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Catapult is good though, and has very good variants.
You're responding to a troll. Everything you listed is fine for 3025 because it appears in TRO 3025. The problem is bringing mechs from TRO 2750 or the revisionist TRO 3039.
Is this a bad iteration of the Executioner?

I originally wanted to paint numbers on my 'mechs or unit designations in general, but as I get more 'mechs, I shuffle them about as I reorganize my lances with new additions, and it would have ended up a right proper mess.
Will this be the Davion enough? The Emperor is an extict unicorn yes but I like the new model's hulking look
>ended up a right proper mess
This is my concern currently. I was thinking maybe 0X for commands, 1X for Assaults, 2X for Heavies, etc etc. It makes all lances look less cohesive but it's consistently incohesive at least
>why is it wrong to use mechs that are extinct in the era we're playing in?
If you want to play an anything-goes game then go nuts. But if you say "3025 game" that means a specific thing.
Most 2750 designs aren't extinct, just rare.
If you buy into TRO 3025R, sure. That's not a complement.
Why shoehorn yourself into 5? You're already stretching it with Clan Mechwarrior.
A complement of what?
Why didn't Comstar put the royals back into production instead of making up their own (kinda shitty) clanbusters?
Crying about retcons that happened during the Clinton administration outs you as either a terminal boomer or a hipster pretending to be a terminal boomer.
is there any use for wasps/stingers/valkyries outside of introtech?
If your mech has more than 10 heat sinks and a PPC, an AC/10 or larger, more than 192 points of armor, or any combination of those, you're powergaming. Simple as
One of the later wasps has TAG, There's actually some decent Valkyrie variants later. The stinger is still cheap I guess.
RFL-4D has two PPCs and at least 10 single heat sinks, is that powergaming?
They were really overconfident and didn't think they would ever have to engage in mass warfare, so they weren't keeping the factories running during the succession wars. Spinning them up in 3050 wouldn't have given them a useful number of mechs.
Revisionism is revisionism and is to be reviled in all forms.
They didn't actually have much info on the royals, and the vast majority of their star league mechs were not royal. Comstar doesn't actually have a much better grasp of the star league than anyone else, they just didn't have all their toys eroded by nuclear attrition. When the star league existed, the entity that would become Comstar was the communications department, they weren't privy to any of the classified stuff and weren't able or interested in cracking it. They only started spying on people's mail when there were no longer any higher authorities in their organization.
Using Mechs at all is generally power gaming. If you're a good player you can win with ballistic rifle infantry and upgunned conventional pickup truck
It's a question of production vs stockpiles. Look at the Champion 3N. Upgrading it to a royal means using up a limited supply of gauss rifles and ERPPC. Whereas the clanbuster refit is drawing on LLs discarded during the Wyvern refit. Nevermind that the royal also requires Endo.
The only part on the clanbuster refit that might be in limited supply is the XLE.

Also, crucially the royals were added to the setting well after the Tukayyid book, ya dip
TRO3025 itself says that it is ambiguous and the Successor Lords may be holding battlemechs in secret, you fuck.

That said, you're right, that TRO only has 55 battlemechs and none of the downgraded SL designs, which is a shame, because I really like the idea of them, and love fielding them.

Cheap fourth lance member filler.
In my games we play with infantry and wheeled/tracked vehicles only. No lasers, no production dates before 2000, final destination.
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Didn't quite finish the painting in time, but managed to take out Berg squad for a game weekend before last, and what a game it was.

Berg Squad:
Jinggau JN-G9CC "Sauce"
Spartan SPT-4N "Emps"
Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4N "Rook"
Yinghuochong YHC-3E "Auk" [Portrayed by a Valkyrie]
Saladin "Egg 1" [Portrayed by a Minion]
Saladin "Egg2" [Portrayed by a slightly sexier Minion]

Rook has two tons of Semi-Guided LRMs and each Saladin has a ton of Precision Ammo.

My opponent was the Nation of Hastur and he brought some fast boys:
Nova B
Viper Prime
Mist Lynx B
Mist Lynx C
Fire Moth D(?)

Mission was High Risk Extraction from Instant Action v4.
>before 2000
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"Find these watch agents and take 'em out before their boys get here. Shouldn't be too ha-"


So the first turn, we both moved up and played it coy, I figured I could easily pick up two agent kills at the start of the next turn and put the screws on later by using the Saladins to flank. I completely forgot Dashers have MASC, so he zipped right up to my Saladin's side and took out the stabilizer. I managed to land an X-pulse laser on the head of his Nova and peppered him with some missiles.
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"We have it under control, first two agents are down and we're securing the third. Egg 2, go reinforce Egg 1. Hey Sauce, nip that Dasher behind us, will you?"

"Righto boss."

"This is Egg 1, Koshi on my tail and I can't shake him."

Sauce and Auk held their positions and Emps moved up to kill an agent the turn after next. He tried flanking Sauce with the Viper and Fire Moth, but forgot the Jinggau's arms can flip. One Large VSP laser put the Fire Moth into the dirt. He scratched up Sauce a bit, but nothing too major. Egg 1 flubs an AC/20 shot and gets kicked in the ass for his troubles.
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"Uh hey guys, it's getting dicey over here, could use some help."

"Auk has two more agents near him and those Koshis are fast. Wheel to support him ASAP."

So with one agent secured aboard his Nova, he jets backwards and I send Sauce and Emps after him. Egg 1 goes balls out and stands still as a Koshi lands right in front of him. Auk goes to kill the final agent at the start of the next turn while Egg 2 and Rook reposition to assist. I don't manage to take the Nova down and despite tagging the Viper, Rook misses both Semi-guided shots. Egg1 rips the arm and torso off one Mist Lynx, throwing two engine crits and a host of broken jump jets over the terrain.
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Now, I want you to pay attention to Auk and the other Mist Lynx, because what I am about to describe is the truest essence of Battletech. Both pilots miss their shots and decide to kick each other. We both hit our kicks, failed our piloting rolls, and failed our consciousness checks. To make matters worse, Auk falls on his left torso, takes a TAC with three locations, and narrowly avoids blowing up his own engine. Way to go dingus.
What this anon says >>93737324
It's using what they had. A royal phoenix hawk special would be far more effective than the clanbuster, but how many snub PPCs did comstar have? Not enough for the largest pitched battle they had ever fought. So they strapped them with all the narcs taken from kintaros from rosebud. That's why so many of them mount XLs too, they had a huge stash of vlar 300s
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"What did I just see?"

"Ignore that and stop that Koshi now!"

The mostly exploded Koshi picks up the second agent and RUNS with Egg 1 in hot pursuit. We agree that standing counts as moving for the purposes of discovering an agent, so Auk has to survive this round. That doesn't happen since the Viper runs behind him and cores out his engine. Egg 1 misses a clutch 7 on the damaged Mist Lynx and gets annihilated by his target in return. I move as close as I can, but cannot take the Mist Lynx down or put away his Viper.
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The bit of lore about no one knowing what the royals loadouts were makes no sense. Most of them are sensible upgrades that can be described in a single sentence. The issue with most of them is that they involve XL engines and/or endosteel
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"Morons, hit him! HE'S RIGHT THERE HOLY SHIT!"

So, it comes down to the most important turn since his Mist Lynx is escaping off the board and one final agent remains. Egg 2, Emps, and Rook stare down the Viper, who's only defense modifier is that he's in some light trees. I have lost every initiative roll this game (even with a command console) and consistently haven't been able to roll above a 6, but surely even these bozos can do it, right? We'll Egg 2 misses, Emps only hits with his X-Pulses and Streaks, and Rook misses with everything but one LRM and one medium laser. Still, I do 20+ damage and got a gyro hit, so unless he gets a 9, it's over.

And son of a bitch he gets the 9 and jumps to freedom in the nick of time. A very narrow loss for the Big MAC but despite my poor rolls, it was an excellent game with plenty of drama. The scenario seems balanced and while we haven't been able to test it much, the change to infantry/protomechs/BA makes killing the agents a lot simpler. Had a blast and hopefully will have the mechs finished next month.
Knowing what they are doesn't necessarily translate to knowing how to make them, especially with few examples to reverse engineer. Using what you know and have to make new variants makes more sense than trying to recreate old variants from century old casual descriptions. Your engineers are going to be working it from scratch either way.
so the only time the mercury is better than the locust is when hands are needed?
>how often do you need hands? in campaign?
I'm in for no more than a couple thousand at this point.
There are a ton of locust variants. Which one are you comparing to the Mercury?
Also, remember that all but one Merc have MASC. MASC and hands is a powerful combo for objectives.
uh, I was thinking of -98 and 1E
Makes me think there could've been a cool plotline leaning into comstars strength to get royal mechs. Being master's of the HPG could've used their power to redirect endosteel shipments, get factories to do production runs of endo chassis, then assemble the mechs back on earth.
Realistically it would still probably take longer than clanbuster refits but this is battletech were talking about.
Then yes, the Locust is almost always better.
-98 is the SuccWars downgrade so yes, it's pretty shit. If you're running a Mercury you're probably ComStar/Wobbies, possibly Clans. Yes really, the Mercury 99 is all over the War of Reaving RATs.
The Mercury is also one of the staple mechs for the Wobbie militias. They're definitely running versions that aren't available in introtech.

The -98 really only exists because of Harmony Gold and FASA panicking to get a locust replacement into books.
>was there any mech associated with the Canopians
The Marauder, believe it or not. They assembled them at Majesty Metals. Prior to the Succession Wars, they even built dropships on Dunianshire!
I will swear by the clanbuster Shadow Hawk and Archer.
Did the Late Succ War Com* ROM used mechs for their jobs? Or just hired the mercs to do their dirty works?
Here: https://gofile.io/d/GtHQtI
Which is to say nothing of note or interest, so not whats needed. Skills and ability scores are bought separately.
damn, didn't realize that natasha kerensky is 50+ years old hag by 3025
We're all hag lovers here.
she was 84 when she died in the cockpit. Surprised people let a granny in there.
3004-3030s bug mechs, vindicator, Thunderbolt, catapult, Stalker. After 3029 you start seeing stuff like the early run Ravens and Cataphract.
There's also some pretty neat Liao variants. The Crusader L is still a crusader but it jumps, so that's fun. The WMR-6L aka hothammer is just a warhammer without machine gun ammo, so a small upgrade if you ask me.
Even succ wars medical tech allows grannies to move like they're barely in their 30s, and goons probably had better than that. If the clans gave a single solitary fuck, they'd be able to extend the prime of a warrior's life way past the age they normally expect them to die by.
Turns out when you can just grow more guys in tubes life is pretty cheap.
We've discussed why that argument is retarded many many times. Cause raising and training new warriors from scratch is hella expensive.
but aren't guys like nasty k and aidan pryde ultra rare even by the clans standard?
That's some revisionist DEI bullshit right there. The MOC isn't capable of mech production besides bugs and shadow hawks.
They are. A lot of Khans and their inner circle
Is it though? They're expendable all the way through their trial of position. If attrition outpaces generation from the schoolhouse they just start pulling bullshit with trials of position, like Martha Pryde did at Coventry.
>The Marauder, believe it or not. They assembled them at Majesty Metals
since when? (unironically since when, not being rude)
the only pre-jihad reference i recall is one MW RPG obscure mention of them somehow getting their hands on some marauders, not building them
The MOC having Marauder lore is probably is old enough to be going to highschool by now....
>Apart from the Shadow Hawk (and bugs) was there any mech associated with the Canopians pre-opening Detroit?
Not really, no. Even in the Reunification War era they got most of their mechs from the Taurians (who were something of a powerhouse economy back then relative even to the Houses, instead of just being the biggest state in the Periphery pre-Jihad).

>Or barring that, any Periphery wide beloved mechs?
Thunderbolts, Archers, Marauders, Warhammers and Griffins from trade with the Taurians, probably Merlins from trade with the Outworlds.

>Or even vehicles?
The Pike
Everyone has some. Not everyone builds them.
Handbook: MPS (set in 3067). Then the Objective: Periphery book. But i think there was an older reference to the Canopians having an inactive Marauder line.
So the year the Jihad starts and a book set in the Jihad. That's about what I recalled, they never had anything else earlier.
There was no inactive line, there was a rumor from the MechWarrior RPG that they had a source of Marauders because some had popped up. But no production until 3067. I wonder if it's just the introtech model they finally get, and whether the aid is from the Capellans or Taurians.
Iirc, there was some very old lore about the Canopians mysteriously having mechs that there's no good explanation for, and it was in-universe theorized by whoever was in-universe writing it that they had managed to hide some old factories way out in the deep periphery side of their state.
Yeah one rumor, and nothing ever came of it.
It was in the OG periphery sourcebook. So that lore is old enough to vote, drink, rent a car, and have kids in high school.
Well, clearly, they have new build Marauders, and they have Dictator Dropship production. If you count that as nothing...
After 40+ years and an alliance with the Capellans and Taurians it means I count that the rumor was nothing...
No, it wasn't. MW RPG.
Funny considering that the Marian's are on par with the major houses (Except for Cappys) for military power.
Romanes Eunt Domus, but at least they earned it
new thread: >>93738633
Far less than I've spent on 3D printing supplies.
The Canopian economy relied on tourism during the equivalent of back to back world wars. Not gonna do so hot. The Marian economy relied on mining the most valuable mineral in the galaxy and also piracy for fun and profit. The Canopians were starting to turn to piracy too, they just recovered before they tipped all the way into becoming a bandit kingdom.
Ok, fine. Still doesn't change that its immensely old lore and not something added in once trannies got a hold of the game.
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Not as far as I'm aware. I only ever posted constructive criticism towards painting stuff. Except Nuln, and even then, my criticism against that anon was directed towards the copious amounts of reposting that anon did.

Erm, that's why I work out 3~4 times a week! I'm also not great at taking pictures and I've gotten a little better since then (in both physical appearance & photography!).

Thanks! <3

Dunno if you saw it, but here's my latest work. Quick picture, because still WIP.
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This is also still WIP, been finding it hard to finish things.
what a fag
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Yeah, I'm bi.
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If you guys don't want bottom to post just stop pressing the button that summons him.

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